Adobe® Flex® 4 Language Reference
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Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript (as opposed to global functions or properties). The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

 AAAARecord AIR-only The AAAARecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) AAAA resource record containing an IPv6 address.
mx.messaging The AbstractConsumer is the base class for both the Consumer and MultiTopicConsumer classes.
com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects This class defines default, error throwing implementations of all of the functions declared in IModelType and IModelInstance.
 AbstractEvent The base class for events that RPC services dispatch.
mx.rpc An invoker is an object that actually executes a remote procedure call (RPC).
mx.messaging.messages Abstract base class for all messages.
mx.rpc.http An Operation used specifically by HTTPService or HTTPMultiService.
mx.rpc The AbstractOperation class represents an individual method on a service.
mx.messaging The AbstractProducer is the base class for the Producer and MultiTopicConsumer classes.
mx.rpc The AbstractService class is the base class for the HTTPMultiService, WebService, and RemoteObject classes.
 AbstractServiceWrapper The AbstractServiceWrapper class is the superclass of the hierarchy for generated service wrappers.As such it declares functions and variables common to all generated service wrappers.
mx.logging This class provides the basic functionality required by the logging framework for a target implementation.
mx.rpc.soap AbstractWebService is an abstract base class for implementations that provide RPC access to SOAP-based web services.
mx.accessibility The AccConst class defines constants defined in Microsoft's Active Accessibility (MSAA) specification.
flash.sensors The Accelerometer class dispatches events based on activity detected by the device's motion sensor.
 AccelerometerEvent The Accelerometer class dispatches AccelerometerEvent objects when acceleration updates are obtained from the Accelerometer sensor installed on the device.
flash.accessibility The Accessibility class manages communication with screen readers.
flash.accessibility The AccessibilityImplementation class is the base class in Flash Player that allows for the implementation of accessibility in components.
flash.accessibility The AccessibilityProperties class lets you control the presentation of Flash objects to accessibility aids, such as screen readers.
 AccessPrivileges Encapsulates the allowed privileges and provides access to simple descriptions of what operations are allowed.
mx.accessibility AccImpl is Flex's base accessibility implementation class for MX and Spark components.
mx.containers An MX Accordion navigator container has a collection of child MX containers or Spark NavigatorContent containers, but only one of them at a time is visible.
mx.automation.delegates.containers Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Accordion class.
mx.containers.accordionClasses The AccordionHeader class defines the appearance of the navigation buttons of an Accordion.
mx.accessibility AccordionHeaderAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the AccordionHeader class.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of an AccordionHeader in an Accordion.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the header of the MX Accordion container.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the header of the MX Accordion container.
mx.messaging.messages An AcknowledgeMessage acknowledges the receipt of a message that was sent previously.
mx.effects.effectClasses The ActionEffectInstance class is the superclass for all action effect instance classes.
flash.display The ActionScriptVersion class is an enumeration of constant values that indicate the language version of a loaded SWF file.
mx.skins.halo Defines the up, down, and over states for MenuBarItem objects.
 ActivityEvent A Camera or Microphone object dispatches an ActivityEvent object whenever a camera or microphone reports that it has become active or inactive.
spark.effects The AddAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the AddChild property of a view state definition.
spark.effects.supportClasses The AddActionInstance class implements the instance class for the AddAction effect.
mx.states The AddChild class adds a child display object, such as a component, to a container as part of a view state.
mx.effects The AddChildAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the AddChild property of a view state definition.
mx.effects.effectClasses The AddChildActionInstance class implements the instance class for the AddChildAction effect.
mx.effects The AddItemAction class defines an action effect that determines when the item renderer appears in the control for an item being added to a list-based control, such as List or TileList, or for an item that replaces an existing item in the control.
mx.effects.effectClasses The AddItemActionInstance class implements the instance class for the AddItemAction effect.
mx.states Documentation is not currently available.
mx.effects.effectClasses AddRemoveEffectTargetFilter is a subclass of EffectTargetFilter that handles the logic for filtering targets that have been added or removed as children to a container.
mx.messaging Extends the base ChannelSet to add advanced messaging functionality.
mx.controls The AdvancedDataGrid control expands on the functionality of the standard DataGrid control to add data visualization features to your Adobe Flex application.
mx.accessibility The AdvancedDataGridAccImpl class is the accessibility class for AdvancedDataGrid.
mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The AdvancedDataGridBase class is the base class for controls that display lists of items in multiple columns, such as the AdvancedDataGrid and OLAPDataGrid controls.
mx.controls The AdvancedDataGridBaseEx class is a base class of the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The AdvancedDataGridBaseSelectionData class defines a data structure used by the advanced data grid classes to track selected cells in the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The AdvancedDataGridColumn class describes a column in an AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses Use the AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup class to specify column groups for the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The AdvancedDataGridDragProxy class defines the default drag proxy used when dragging data from an AdvancedDataGrid control.
 AdvancedDataGridEvent The AdvancedDataGridEvent class represents event objects that are specific to the AdvancedDataGrid control, such as the event that is dispatched when an editable grid item gets the focus.
 AdvancedDataGridEventReason The AdvancedDataGridEventReason class defines constants for the values of the reason property of a AdvancedDataGridEvent object when the type property is itemEditEnd.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for the nodes of the navigation tree.
mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer class.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the separator between column headers in an AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo class contains information that describes the hierarchy of the columns of the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer class defines the default header renderer for a AdvancedDataGrid control.
 AdvancedDataGridHeaderShiftEvent The AdvancedDataGridHeaderShiftEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an AdvancedDataGrid control's header item is shifted.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer class.
 AdvancedDataGridItemSelectEvent The AdvancedDataGridItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in the header of an AdvancedDataGrid control is selected or deselected.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The AdvancedDataGridListData class defines the data type of the listData property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription class contains information that describes an item renderer for the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses An AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider instance defines the characteristics for a single item renderer used by the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer class defines the item renderer for the sort icon and text field in the column header of the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.controls.listClasses The AdvancedListBase class is the base class for controls, such as the AdvancedDataGrid and OLAPDataGrid controls, that represent lists of items that can have one or more selected items and can scroll through the items.
mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedListBase class.
mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AdvancedListBaseContentHolder class.
 AIREvent AIR-only The AIREvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for several AIR-specific events dispatched by the Window and WindowedApplication components.
mx.controls The Alert control is a pop-up dialog box that can contain a message, a title, buttons (any combination of OK, Cancel, Yes, and No) and an icon.
mx.accessibility AlertAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Alert class.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Alert control.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AlertForm class.
mx.messaging.channels The AMFChannel class provides the AMF support for messaging.
spark.effects This Animate effect animates an arbitrary set of properties between values.
spark.effects The AnimateColor effect animates a change in a color property over time, interpolating between given from/to color values on a per-channel basis.
spark.effects.supportClasses The AnimateColorInstance class is the instance class of the AnimateColor effect, which animates a change in color by interpolating the from/to values per color channel.
spark.effects The AnimateFilter effect applies an mx.filters.IBitmapFilter instance to the target and allows you to animate properties of the filter between values.
spark.effects.supportClasses The AnimateFilterInstance class implements the instance class for the AnimateFilter effect.
spark.effects.supportClasses The AnimateInstance class implements the instance class for the Animate effect.
mx.effects The AnimateProperty effect animates a property or style of a component.
mx.effects.effectClasses The AnimatePropertyInstance class implements the instance class for the AnimateProperty effect.
spark.effects The AnimateTransform effect controls all transform-related animations on target objects.
spark.effects The AnimateTransform3D effect extends the abilities of the AnimateTransform effect to 3D transform properties.
spark.effects.supportClasses The AnimateTransformInstance class implements the instance class for the AnimateTransform effect.
spark.effects The AnimateTransitionShader effect animates a transition between two bitmaps, one representing the start state (bitmapFrom), and the other representing the end state (bitmapTo).
spark.effects.supportClasses The AnimateTransitionShaderInstance class implements the instance class for the AnimateTransitionShader effect.
spark.effects.animation The Animation class defines an animation that happens between the start and end values of a property over a specified period of time.
flash.text The AntiAliasType class provides values for anti-aliasing in the flash.text.TextField class.
mx.core Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start adding content to your application without explicitly defining another container.
spark.components Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start adding content to your application without explicitly defining another container.
mx.automation.delegates.containers Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Application class.
mx.skins.halo The skin for application background gradient.
mx.containers The ApplicationControlBar container holds components that provide global navigation and application commands For the Halo Application container.
flash.system The ApplicationDomain class is a container for discrete groups of class definitions.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark Application component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark Application component.
 ApplicationTitleBarBackgroundSkin AIR-only
mx.skins.halo The skin for the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window.
 ApplicationUpdater AIR-only
air.update The ApplicationUpdater class defines the basic functionality of the update framework for Adobe® AIR® applications, without providing any default user interface.
 ApplicationUpdaterUI AIR-only
air.update The ApplicationUpdaterUI class defines the basic functionality of the update framework for Adobe® AIR® applications, and it provides a default user interface.
flashx.textLayout.operations The ChangeElementIDOperation class encapsulates an element ID change.
flashx.textLayout.operations The ApplyElementStyleNameOperation class encapsulates a style name change.
flashx.textLayout.operations The ApplyElementUserStyleOperation class encapsulates a change in a style value of an element.
flashx.textLayout.operations The ApplyFormatOperation class encapsulates a style change.
flashx.textLayout.operations The ApplyFormatToElementOperation class encapsulates a style change to an element.
flashx.textLayout.operations The ApplyLinkOperation class encapsulates a link creation or modification operation.
flashx.textLayout.operations The ApplyTCYOperation class encapsulates a TCY transformation.
mx.charts The AreaChart control represents data as an area bounded by a line connecting the values in the data.
mx.charts.renderers The default class used to render the area beneath the dataPoints of an AreaSeries object.
mx.charts.series Defines a data series for an AreaChart control.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AreaSeries class.
mx.charts.series.items Represents the information required to render an item as part of an AreaSeries.
mx.charts.series.renderData Represents all the information needed by the AreaSeries to render.
mx.charts.series A grouping set that can be used to stack AreaSeries objects in any chart.
 ARecord AIR-only The ARecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) A resource record containing an IPv4 address.
Top Level The ArgumentError class represents an error that occurs when the arguments supplied in a function do not match the arguments defined for that function.
Top Level An arguments object is used to store and access a function's arguments.
Top Level The Array class lets you access and manipulate arrays.
mx.collections The ArrayCollection class is a wrapper class that exposes an Array as a collection that can be accessed and manipulated using the methods and properties of the ICollectionView or IList interfaces.
mx.collections The ArrayList class is a simple implementation of IList that uses a backing Array as the source of the data.
mx.utils The ArrayUtil utility class is an all-static class with methods for working with arrays within Flex.
 AsyncErrorEvent An object dispatches an AsyncErrorEvent when an exception is thrown from native asynchronous code, which could be from, for example, LocalConnection, NetConnection, SharedObject, or NetStream.
mx.collections The AsyncListView class is an implementation of the IList interface that handles ItemPendingErrors errors thrown by the getItemAt(), removeItemAt(), and toArray() methods.
mx.messaging.messages AsyncMessage is the base class for all asynchronous messages.
mx.rpc The AsyncRequest class provides an abstraction of messaging for RPC call invocation.
mx.rpc This class provides an RPC specific implementation of mx.rpc.IResponder.
mx.rpc This class provides a place to set additional or token-level data for asynchronous RPC operations.
 Attribute Client representation of a MBean attribute.
 AuthenticationMethod The AuthenticationMethod class provides string constants enumerating the different types of authentication used by the authenticationMethod property of the DRMContentData class.
mx.automation The Automation class defines the entry point for the Flex Automation framework.
 AutomationAirEvent The AutomationAirEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager.
mx.automation Provides serializable class information for external automation tools.
 AutomationDragEvent The AutomationDragEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched as part of a drag-and-drop operation.
 AutomationDragEventWithPositionInfo The AutomationDragEventWithPositionInfo class represents event objects that are dispatched as part of a drag-and-drop operation.
mx.automation The AutomationError class defines the error constants used by the Flex Automation mechanism.
 AutomationEvent The AutomationEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager.
mx.automation Method descriptor class.
mx.automation Helper class used to call appropriate methods based on whether the current app is an AIR app or a Flex app.
mx.automation The Flex automation framework uses the AutomationID class to build object identification that Agents can use.
mx.automation The AutomationIDPart class represents a component instance to agents.
mx.automation Provides the interface for manipulating the automation hierarchy, and for recording and replaying events.
mx.automation Basic method descriptor class.
mx.automation Describes a property of a test object.
 AutomationRecordEvent The AutomationRecordEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager.
 AutomationReplayEvent The AutomationReplayEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager, and used by the functional testing classes and any other classes that must replay user interactions.
com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects An implementation of IPropertyIterator for iterating over the set of a value object's available properties at a given point in time.
mx.olap.aggregators The AverageAggregator class implements the average aggregator.
flash.display AVM1Movie is a simple class that represents AVM1 movie clips, which use ActionScript 1.0 or 2.0.
mx.charts.chartClasses The AxisBase class serves as a base class for the various axis types supported in Flex.
mx.charts An AxisLabel object represents a single label on the chart axis.
mx.charts.chartClasses An AxisLabelSet represents the label and tick data generated by an implementation of IAxis.
mx.charts You use the AxisRenderer class to describe the horizontal and vertical axes of a chart.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the AxisRenderer class.
mx.effects.easing The Back class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines a constant for specifying that the value of the backgroundColor property of the TextLayoutFormat class is "transparent".
mx.charts The BarChart control represents data as a series of horizontal bars whose length is determined by values in the data.
mx.charts.series Defines a data series for a BarChart control.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the BarSeries class.
mx.charts.series.items Represents the information required to render an item as part of a BarSeries.
mx.charts.series.renderData Represents all the information needed by the BarSeries to render.
mx.charts.series A grouping set that can be used to stack or cluster BarSeries objects in any chart.
mx.utils A utility class to decode a Base64 encoded String to a ByteArray.
mx.utils A utility class to encode a String or ByteArray as a Base64 encoded String.
mx.filters Base class for some Spark filters.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for the firstBaselineOffset property of the TextLayoutFormat and ContainerFormattedElement classes.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines constants for specifying subscript or superscript in the baselineShift property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
mx.controls.listClasses The BaseListData class defines the data type of the listData property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors.
spark.layouts The BasicLayout class arranges the layout elements according to their individual settings, independent of each-other.
flash.filters The BevelFilter class lets you add a bevel effect to display objects.
spark.filters The BevelFilter class lets you add a bevel effect to display objects.
mx.binding.utils The BindingUtils class defines utility methods for performing data binding from ActionScript.
flash.display The Bitmap class represents display objects that represent bitmap images.
mx.core BitmapAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.Bitmap class which represents bitmap images that you embed in a Flex application.
flash.display The BitmapData class lets you work with the data (pixels) of a Bitmap object bitmap image.
flash.display The BitmapDataChannel class is an enumeration of constant values that indicate which channel to use: red, blue, green, or alpha transparency.
 BitmapFill Defines a set of values used to fill an area on screen with a bitmap or other DisplayObject.
 BitmapFillMode An enum of the resize modes that determine how a BitmapImage fills in the dimensions specified by the layout system.
flash.filters The BitmapFilter class is the base class for all image filter effects.
flash.filters The BitmapFilterQuality class contains values to set the rendering quality of a BitmapFilter object.
flash.filters The BitmapFilterType class contains values to set the type of a BitmapFilter.
spark.primitives A BitmapImage element defines a rectangular region in its parent element's coordinate space, filled with bitmap data drawn from a source file.
spark.utils This class provides bitmap-related utility functions
flash.display A class that provides constant values for visual blend mode effects.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for the blockProgression property of the TextLayouFormat class.
mx.effects The Blur effect lets you apply a blur visual effect to a component.
flash.filters The BlurFilter class lets you apply a blur visual effect to display objects.
spark.filters The BlurFilter class lets you apply a blur visual effect to display objects.
mx.effects.effectClasses The BlurInstance class implements the instance class for the Blur effect.
Top Level A Boolean object is a data type that can have one of two values, either true or false, used for logical operations.
mx.skins The Border class is an abstract base class for various classes that draw borders, either rectangular or non-rectangular, around UIComponents.
spark.components The BorderContainer class defines a set of CSS styles that control the appearance of the border and background fill of the container.
spark.skins.spark The default skin class for a Spark BorderContainer component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the MX Border base class.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX Border base class.
mx.effects.easing The Bounce class defines three easing functions to implement bounce motion with Flex effect classes.
spark.effects.easing The Bounce class implements easing functionality simulating gravity pulling on and bouncing the target object.
mx.charts.chartClasses A bounded value is used to represent a datapoint that a chart element intends to render on screen.
mx.containers A Halo Box container lays out its children in a single vertical column or a single horizontal row.
mx.automation.delegates.containers Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Box class.
mx.containers The BoxDirection class specifies constant values for the direction property of the Box container.
mx.containers.dividedBoxClasses The BoxDivider class represents the divider between children of a DividedBox container.
mx.charts.renderers A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills a rectangular area.
flashx.textLayout.elements The BreakElement class defines a line break, which provides for creating a line break in the text without creating a new paragraph.
flash.text.engine The BreakOpportunity class is an enumeration of constant values that you can use to set the breakOpportunity property of the ElementFormat class.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the border of a SWFLoader or Image component when the content could not be loaded.
 BrowserChangeEvent The BrowserChangeEvent class represents event objects specific to the BrowserManager.
 BrowserInvokeEvent AIR-only The NativeApplication object of an AIR application dispatches a browserInvoke event when the application is invoked as the result of a SWF file in the browser using the browser invocation feature.
mx.managers The BrowserManager is a Singleton manager that acts as a proxy between the browser and the application.
mx.charts The BubbleChart control represents data with three values for each data point.
mx.charts.series Defines a data series for a BubbleChart control.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the BubbleSeries class.
mx.charts.series.items Represents the information required to render an item as part of a BubbleSeries.
mx.charts.series.renderData Represents all the information needed by the BubbleSeries to render.
mx.skins.halo Defines the appearance of the cursor that appears while an operation is taking place.
mx.controls The Button control is a commonly used rectangular button.
spark.components The Button component is a commonly used rectangular button.
mx.accessibility ButtonAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Button class.
mx.core ButtonAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.SimpleButton class which represents button symbols that you embed in a Flex application from a SWF file produced by Flash.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Button control.
mx.controls The ButtonBar control defines a horizontal or vertical group of logically related push buttons with a common look and navigation.
spark.components The ButtonBar control defines a horizontal group of logically related buttons with a common look and navigation.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ButtonBar control.
spark.components.supportClasses The ButtonBarBase class defines the common behavior for the ButtonBar, TabBar and similar subclasses.
spark.accessibility ButtonBarBaseAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBarBase.
spark.components The ButtonBarButton class defines the custom item renderer used by the ButtonBar control.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of the ButtonBarButtons in a ButtonBar.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the first button in the MX ButtonBar component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the first button in the MX ButtonBar component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the first button in a Spark ButtonBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ButtonBarFirstButton component.
spark.components.supportClasses The ButtonBarHorizontalLayout class is a layout specifically designed for the Spark ButtonBar skins.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the last button in the MX ButtonBar component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the last button in the MX ButtonBar component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the last button in a Spark ButtonBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ButtonBarLastButton component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the middle buttons in the MX ButtonBar component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the middle buttons in the MX ButtonBar component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the middle buttons in a Spark ButtonBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ButtonBarMiddleButton component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark ButtonBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ButtonBar component.
spark.components.supportClasses The ButtonBase class is the base class for the all Spark button components.
spark.accessibility ButtonBaseAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase.
mx.controls The ButtonLabelPlacement class defines the constants for the allowed values of the labelPlacement property of a Button, CheckBox, LinkButton, or RadioButton control.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of a Button.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the MX Button component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX Button component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark Button component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark Button component.
flash.utils The ByteArray class provides methods and properties to optimize reading, writing, and working with binary data.
mx.core ByteArrayAsset is a subclass of the flash.utils.ByteArray class which represents an arbitrary sequence of byte data that you embed in a Flex application.
 CacheDataDescriptor The CacheDataDescriptor class provides information about the attributes of cached data.
 CalendarLayoutChangeEvent The CalendarLayoutChangeEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the change event for the DateChooser and DateField controls.
spark.effects The CallAction effect calls the function specified by functionName property on the target object with optional arguments specified by the args property.
spark.effects.supportClasses The CallActionInstance class implements the instance class for the CallAction effect.
mx.rpc This component helps you manage the results for asynchronous calls made from RPC based services, typically from MXML components.
 Camera Use the Camera class to capture video from the client system's camera.
 CameraRoll AIR-only The CameraRoll class allows you to save image data to a system's "camera roll." This class is only supported in mobile profile AIR applications.
mx.charts The CandlestickChart control represents financial data as a series of candlesticks representing the high, low, opening, and closing values of a data series.
mx.charts.renderers The default itemRenderer for a CandlestickSeries object.
mx.charts.series Represents financial data as a series of candlesticks representing the high, low, opening, and closing values of a data series.
mx.containers A Halo Canvas layout container defines a rectangular region in which you place child containers and controls.
mx.automation.delegates.containers Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Canvas class.
flash.system The Capabilities class provides properties that describe the system and runtime that are hosting the application.
flash.display The CapsStyle class is an enumeration of constant values that specify the caps style to use in drawing lines.
mx.charts.chartClasses Defines the position of objects on a data canvas.
mx.charts.chartClasses The CartesianChart class is a base class for the common chart types.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the CartesianChart base class.
mx.charts.chartClasses This class lets you use add graphical elements such as lines, ellipses, and other shapes by using a graphics API.
mx.charts.chartClasses The CartesianTransform object represents a set of axes that maps data values to x/y Cartesian screen coordinates and vice versa.
mx.charts The CategoryAxis class lets charts represent data grouped by a set of discrete values along an axis.
 CertificateStatus AIR-only The CertificateStatus class defines constants used to report the results of certificate validation processing by a SecureSocket object.
flash.text.engine The CFFHinting class defines values for cff hinting in the FontDescription class.
mx.binding.utils The ChangeWatcher class defines utility methods that you can use with bindable Flex properties.
mx.messaging The Channel class is the base message channel class that all channels in the messaging system must extend.
mx.messaging.errors This is the base class for any channel related errors.
 ChannelEvent The ChannelEvent is used to propagate channel events within the messaging system.
 ChannelFaultEvent The ChannelFaultEvent class is used to propagate channel fault events within the messaging system.
mx.messaging The ChannelSet is a set of Channels that are used to send messages to a target destination.
flashx.textLayout.utils Utilities for managing and getting information about characters.
mx.charts.chartClasses The ChartBase class is the link between the Flex component architecture and the DualStyleObject architecture.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ChartBase base class.
mx.charts.chartClasses The ChartElement class is the base class for visual chart elements.
 ChartEvent The ChartEvent class represents events that are specific to the chart control, such as when a chart is clicked.
mx.charts A ChartItem represents a single item in a ChartSeries.
mx.charts.chartClasses The default drag proxy used when dragging items from a chart control.
 ChartItemEvent The ChartItemEvent class represents events that are specific to the chart components, such as when a chart item is clicked.
mx.charts.chartClasses Draws data labels on chart controls.
 ChartSelectionChangeEvent The ListItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in a list-based control such as a Menu, DataGrid, or Tree control is selected or deselected.
mx.charts.chartClasses Describes the current state of a chart.
mx.controls The CheckBox control consists of an optional label and a small box that can contain a check mark or not.
spark.components The CheckBox component consists of an optional label and a small box that can contain a check mark or not.
mx.accessibility CheckBoxAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the CheckBox class.
spark.accessibility CheckBoxAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.CheckBox.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the CheckBox control.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of the icon in a CheckBox.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the MX CheckBox component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX CheckBox component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark CheckBox component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark CheckBox component.
 ChildExistenceChangedEvent Represents events that are dispatched when a the child of a control is created or destroyed.
mx.collections.errors This error is thrown when retrieving a child item from a collection view requires an asynchronous call.
mx.charts.renderers A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills an elliptical area.
mx.effects.easing The Circular class defines three easing functions to implement circular motion with Flex effect classes.
Top Level A Class object is created for each class definition in a program.
mx.core A ClassFactory instance is a "factory object" which Flex uses to generate instances of another class, each with identical properties.
flashx.textLayout.operations The ClearFormatOnElementOperation class encapsulates a style change to an element.
flashx.textLayout.operations The ClearFormatOperation class encapsulates a way to undefine formats.
flash.desktop The Clipboard class provides a container for transferring data and objects through the clipboard.
flash.desktop The ClipboardFormats class defines constants for the names of the standard data formats used with the Clipboard class.
flash.desktop The ClipboardTransferMode class defines constants for the modes used as values of the transferMode parameter of the Clipboard.getData() method.
mx.skins.wireframe.windowChromeThe wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's close button.
spark.skins.spark.windowChromeThe default skin class for the close button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome.
 CloseEvent The CloseEvent class represents event objects specific to popup windows, such as the Alert control.
flash.globalization The Collator class provides locale-sensitive string comparison capabilities.
flash.globalization The CollatorMode class enumerates constant values that govern the behavior of string comparisons performed by a Collator object.
 CollectionEvent The class represents an event that is dispatched when the associated collection changes.
 CollectionEventKind The CollectionEventKind class contains constants for the valid values of the class kind property.
com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib The CollectionFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for Collections for the Adobe application modeling language.
mx.collections.errors The CollectionViewError class represents general errors within a collection that are not related to specific activities such as Cursor seeking.
 ColorBurnShader Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Color Burn' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools.
flash.display The ColorCorrection class provides values for the flash.display.Stage.colorCorrection property.
flash.display The ColorCorrectionSupport class provides values for the flash.display.Stage.colorCorrectionSupport property.
 ColorDodgeShader Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Color Dodge' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools.
flash.filters The ColorMatrixFilter class lets you apply a 4 x 5 matrix transformation on the RGBA color and alpha values of every pixel in the input image to produce a result with a new set of RGBA color and alpha values.
spark.filters The ColorMatrixFilter class lets you apply a 4 x 5 matrix transformation on the RGBA color and alpha values of every pixel in the input image to produce a result with a new set of RGBA color and alpha values.
mx.controls The ColorPicker control provides a way for a user to choose a color from a swatch list.
mx.accessibility ColorPickerAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the ColorPicker class.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ColorPicker control.
 ColorPickerEvent Represents events that are specific to the ColorPicker control, such as when the user rolls the mouse over or out of a swatch in the swatch panel.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of a ColorPicker.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the MX ColorPicker component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX ColorPicker component.
 ColorShader The ColorShader class creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Color' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools.
flash.geom The ColorTransform class lets you adjust the color values in a display object.
mx.utils The ColorUtil class is an all-static class with methods for working with RGB colors within Flex.
spark.layouts The ColumnAlign class defines the possible values for the columnAlign property of the TileLayout class.
mx.charts The ColumnChart control represents data as a series of vertical columns whose height is determined by values in the data.
mx.charts.series Defines a data series for a ColumnChart control.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ColumnSeries class.
mx.charts.series.items Represents the information required to render an item as part of a ColumnSeries.
mx.charts.series.renderData Represents all the information needed by the ColumnSeries to render.
mx.charts.series ColumnSet is a grouping set that can be used to stack or cluster column series in any arbitrary chart.
flashx.textLayout.container The ColumnState class calculates the sizes and locations of columns using the width of the container and the container attributes.
mx.controls The ComboBase class is the base class for controls that display text in a text field and have a button that causes a drop-down list to appear where the user can choose which text to display.
mx.accessibility ComboBaseAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the ComboBase class.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ComboBase class.
mx.controls The ComboBox control contains a drop-down list from which the user can select a single value.
spark.components The ComboBox control is a child class of the DropDownListBase control.
mx.accessibility ComboBoxAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the ComboBox class.
spark.accessibility ComboBoxAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.ComboBox.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of the button in a ComboBox.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ComboBox control.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the anchor button on a Spark ComboBox component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ComboBoxButton component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the MX ComboBox component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX ComboBox component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark ComboBox component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ComboBox component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the textInput of a Spark ComboBox component.
mx.messaging.messages The CommandMessage class provides a mechanism for sending commands to the server infrastructure, such as commands related to publish/subscribe messaging scenarios, ping operations, and cluster operations.
mx.core ComponentDescriptor is the base class for the UIComponentDescriptor class, which encapsulates the information that you specified in an MXML tag for an instance of a visual component.
mx.effects The CompositeEffect class is the parent class for the Parallel and Sequence classes, which define the <mx:Parallel> and <mx:Sequence> MXML tags.
mx.effects.effectClasses The CompositeEffectInstance class implements the instance class for the CompositeEffect class.
flashx.textLayout.operations The CompositeOperation class encapsulates a group of transformations managed as a unit.
flash.text.ime The CompositionAttributeRange class represents a range of composition attributes for use with IME (input method editor) events.
 CompositionCompleteEvent A TextFlow instance dispatches this event after a compose operation completes.
mx.geom A CompoundTransform represents a 2D or 3D matrix transform.
 CompressionAlgorithm AIR-only
flash.utils The CompressionAlgorithm class defines string constants for the names of compress and uncompress options.
mx.rpc.mxml Concurrency is set via MXML based access to RPC services to indicate how to handle multiple calls to the same service.
mx.messaging.config The ConfigMap class provides a mechanism to store the properties returned by the server with the ordering of the properties maintained.
flashx.textLayout.elements The Configuration class is a primary point of integration between the Text Layout Framework and an application.
 Conflict The Conflict class is used to represent error that has occurred due to an update operation.
 ConflictDetector A DataService instance uses a ConflictDetector instance to determine when a conflict occurs for an operation pushed from a remote destination.
 Conflicts The Conflicts class represents a list of conflicts.
mx.containers.utilityClasses The ConstraintColumn class partitions an absolutely positioned container in the vertical plane.
mx.containers.errors This error is thrown when a constraint expression is not configured properly; for example, if the GridColumn reference is invalid.
mx.containers.utilityClasses ConstraintRow class partitions an absolutely positioned container in the horizontal plane.
mx.messaging A Consumer subscribes to a destination to receive messages.
mx.core The Container class is an abstract base class for components that controls the layout characteristics of child components.
mx.automation.delegates.core Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Container class.
mx.skins.spark Defines the border and background for the MX Container class's Spark skin.
mx.skins.wireframe Defines the border and background for the MX Container class's wireframe skin.
flashx.textLayout.container The ContainerController class defines the relationship between a TextFlow object and a container.
mx.core The ContainerCreationPolicy class defines the constant values for the creationPolicy property of the Container class.
flashx.textLayout.elements ContainerFormattedElement is the root class for all container-level block elements, such as DivElement and TextFlow objects.
mx.core The ContainerLayout class defines the constant values for the layout property of container classes.
mx.flash Container components created in Adobe Flash Professional for use in Flex are subclasses of the mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip class.
mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ContainerMovieClip control.
flash.text.engine The ContentElement class serves as a base class for the element types that can appear in a GroupElement, namely a GraphicElement, another GroupElement, or a TextElement.
org.osmf.traits The ContentProtectableTrait class provides a base IContentProtectable implementation.
flash.ui The ContextMenu class provides control over the items displayed in context menus.
flash.ui The ContextMenuBuiltInItems class describes the items that are built in to a context menu.
flash.ui The ContextMenuClipboardItems class lets you enable or disable the commands in the clipboard context menu.
 ContextMenuEvent An InteractiveObject dispatches a ContextMenuEvent object when the user opens or interacts with the context menu.
flash.ui The ContextMenuItem class represents an item in the context menu.
mx.core A class factory that provides a system manager as a context of where the class should be created.
mx.containers The ControlBar container lets you place controls at the bottom of a Halo Panel or Halo TitleWindow container.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX Panel component's border.
com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib The ConversionFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for conversion in the Adobe application modeling language.
flashx.textLayout.conversion Values for the format of exported text.
flash.filters The ConvolutionFilter class applies a matrix convolution filter effect.
spark.filters The ConvolutionFilter class applies a matrix convolution filter effect.
flashx.textLayout.operations The CopyOperation class encapsulates a copy operation.
mx.olap.aggregators The CountAggregator class implements the count aggregator.
mx.validators The CreditCardValidator class validates that a credit card number is the correct length, has the correct prefix, and passes the Luhn mod10 algorithm for the specified card type.
mx.validators The CreditCardValidatorCardType class defines value constants for specifying the type of credit card to validate.
spark.effects The CrossFade effect performs a bitmap transition effect by running a crossfade between the first and second bitmaps.
mx.charts.renderers A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills a cross in its assigned area.
flash.text The CSMSettings class contains properties for use with the TextRenderer.setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable() method to provide continuous stroke modulation (CSM).
mx.styles Represents a condition for a CSSSelector which is used to match a subset of components based on a particular property.
mx.styles An enumeration of the kinds of CSSCondition.
mx.styles Represents a selector node in a potential chain of selectors used to match CSS style declarations to components.
mx.styles The CSSStyleDeclaration class represents a set of CSS style rules.
 CubeEvent Event class used by OLAPCube to indicate its status.
mx.effects.easing The Cubic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes.
 CuePointEvent The CuePointEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for cue point events dispatched by the VideoDisplay control.
mx.controls.videoClasses The CuePointManager class lets you use ActionScript code to manage the cue points associated with the VideoDisplay control.
flash.globalization The CurrencyFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting and parsing of currency values.
mx.formatters The CurrencyFormatter class formats a valid number as a currency value.
flash.globalization A data structure that represents a currency amount and currency symbol or string that were extracted by parsing a currency value.
mx.validators The CurrencyValidator class ensures that a String represents a valid currency expression.
mx.validators The CurrencyValidatorAlignSymbol class defines value constants for specifying currency symbol alignment.
mx.collections Encapsulates the positional aspects of a cursor in an ICollectionView.
mx.collections.errors This error is thrown by a collection Cursor.
mx.managers The CursorManager class controls a prioritized list of cursors, where the cursor with the highest priority is currently visible.
mx.managers The CursorManagerPriority class defines the constant values for the priority argument to the CursorManager.setCursor() method.
flashx.textLayout.operations The CutOperation class encapsulates a cut operation.
 DamageEvent A TextFlow instance dispatches this each time it is marked as damaged.
 DataConflictEvent The DataConflictEvent class represents an event that informs users of a DataService instance that a conflict has occurred.
mx.charts.chartClasses The DataDescription structure is used by ChartElements to describe the characteristics of the data they represent to Axis objects that auto-generate values from the data represented in the chart.
 DataErrorMessage Special cases of ErrorMessage will be sent when a data conflict occurs.
 DataEvent An object dispatches a DataEvent object when raw data has completed loading.
 DatagramSocket AIR-only The DatagramSocket class enables code to send and receive Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets.
 DatagramSocketDataEvent AIR-only A DatagramSocketDataEvent object is dispatched when Datagram socket has received data.
mx.controls The DataGrid control is like a List except that it can show more than one column of data making it suited for showing objects with multiple properties.
mx.accessibility DataGridAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the DataGrid class.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DataGrid control.
mx.controls.dataGridClasses The DataGridBase class is the base class for controls that display lists of items in multiple columns.
mx.controls.dataGridClasses The DataGridColumn class describes a column in a DataGrid control.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the column drop indicator in a DataGrid.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the column resizer in a DataGrid.
mx.controls.dataGridClasses The DataGridDragProxy class defines the default drag proxy used when dragging data from a DataGrid control.
 DataGridEvent The DataGridEvent class represents event objects that are specific to the DataGrid control, such as the event that is dispatched when an editable grid item gets the focus.
 DataGridEventReason The DataGridEventReason class defines constants for the values of the reason property of a DataGridEvent object when the type property is itemEditEnd.
mx.controls.dataGridClasses The DataGridHeader class defines the default header renderer for a DataGrid control.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the background of the column headers in a DataGrid control.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the header background of the MX DataGrid component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the header background of the MX DataGrid component.
mx.controls.dataGridClasses The DataGridHeaderBase class defines the base class for the DataGridHeader class, the class that defines the item renderer for the DataGrid control.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the separator between column headers in a DataGrid.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the separator of the MX DataGrid component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the separator of the MX DataGrid component.
mx.controls.dataGridClasses The DataGridItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a DataGrid control.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DataGridItemRenderer class.
mx.controls.dataGridClasses The DataGridListData class defines the data type of the listData property that is implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the DataGrid control.
mx.controls.dataGridClasses The DataGridLockedRowContentHolder class defines a container in a DataGrid control of all of the control's item renderers and item editors.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the sort arrow in a column header in a DataGrid.
mx.skins.spark The skin for the sort arrow in a column header in an MX DataGrid.
mx.skins.wireframe The wireframe skin for the sort arrow in a column header in the MX DataGrid component.
spark.components The DataGroup class is the base container class for data items.
 DataManager The DataManager class provides synchronization functionality with objects on the server for all instances of a specific data type.
 DataMessage This message is used to transport an operation that occurred on a managed object or collection.
spark.components The DataRenderer class is the base class for data components in Spark.
 DataService The DataService class provides the top-level functionality for distributed data.
 DataService The DataService class provides the top-level functionality for Data Management Service.
 DataServiceAdapter The DataServiceAdapter class is the abstract base class which you use to implement a new type of DataService implementation.
 DataServiceError The DataServiceError class represents an error thrown when a an unanticipated problem occurs in a DataService component.
 DataServiceFaultEvent The DataServiceFaultEvent class represents an event that is sent when a DataService or DataStore has generated a fault.
 DataServiceResultEvent The DataServiceResultEvent class represents an event that is sent when a DataService or DataStore has generated a result.
 DataServiceWrapper The DataServiceWrapper class is the superclass for generated service wrappers around DataService instances.
 DataStore A DataStore batches transactions for one or more DataService instances.
mx.charts.chartClasses The DataTip control provides information about a data point to chart users.
mx.charts.chartClasses The DataTransform object represents a portion of a chart that contains glyphs and can transform values to screen coordinates and vice versa.
Top Level The Date class represents date and time information.
mx.formatters The DateBase class contains the localized string information used by the mx.formatters.DateFormatter class and the parsing function that renders the pattern.
mx.controls The DateChooser control displays the name of a month, the year, and a grid of the days of the month, with columns labeled for the day of the week.
mx.accessibility DateChooserAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the DateChooser class.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DateChooser control.
 DateChooserEvent The DateChooserEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the scroll event for the DateChooser and DateField controls.
 DateChooserEventDetail Constants that define the values of the detail property of a DateChooserEvent object.
mx.skins.halo The skins of the DateChooser's indicators for displaying today, rollover and selected dates.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of the next-month and previous-month buttons in a DateChooser.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the next year arrow of an MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the next year arrow of the MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the previous month arrow of an MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the next month arrow of the MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the previous year arrow of an MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the previous year arrow of the MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the rollover indicator of an MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the rollover indicator of a MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the selection indicator of an MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the selection indicator of the MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the current day indicator in an MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the current day indicator in a MX DateChooser component.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of the next-year and previous-year buttons in a DateChooser.
mx.controls The DateField control is a text field that shows the date with a calendar icon on its right side.
mx.accessibility DateFieldAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the DateField class.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DateField control.
mx.formatters The DateFormatter class uses a format String to return a formatted date and time String from an input String or a Date object.
mx.charts.chartClasses A set of disabled date range utilities used by DateTimeAxis
mx.charts The DateTimeAxis class maps time values evenly between a minimum and maximum value along a chart axis.
flash.globalization The DateTimeFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting for Date objects and access to localized date field names.
com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib The DateTimeFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for Date and Time functions in the Adobe application modeling language.
flash.globalization The DateTimeNameContext class enumerates constant values representing the formatting context in which a month name or weekday name is used.
flash.globalization The DateTimeNameStyle class enumerates constants that control the length of the month names and weekday names that are used when formatting dates.
flash.globalization Enumerates constants that determine a locale-specific date and time formatting pattern.
mx.validators The DateValidator class validates that a String, Date, or Object contains a proper date and matches a specified format.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the MX default button.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX default button.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for a Spark DefaultButton component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark DefaultButton component.
spark.skins.sparkThe Spark DefaultComplexItemRenderer class is an item renderer class that displays a Flex component in a Group container.
mx.controls.treeClasses The DefaultDataDescriptor class provides a default implementation for accessing and manipulating data for use in controls such as Tree and Menu.
mx.skins.halo The default drag proxy image for a drag and drop operation.
spark.skins.spark The DefaultItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a List control.
mx.effectsThe DefaultListEffect class defines the default effect applied to the item renderers of a List control when the data in the data provider changes.
mx.collections The DefaultSummaryCalculator class provides summary calculation logic for SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG, and COUNT operations.
mx.effectsThe DefaultTileListEffect class defines the default effect applied to the item renderers of a TileList control when the data in the data provider changes.
mx.core A deferred instance factory that creates and returns an instance of a specified class.
mx.core A deferred instance factory that uses a generator function to create an instance of the required object.
Top Level The DefinitionError class represents an error that occurs when user code attempts to define an identifier that is already defined.
flash.sampler The DeleteObjectSample class represents objects that are created within a getSamples() stream; each DeleteObjectSample object corresponds to a NewObjectSample object.
flashx.textLayout.operations The DeleteTextOperation class encapsulates the deletion of a range of text.
mx.core The DesignLayer class represents a visibility group that can be associated with one or more IVisualElement instances at runtime.
mx.charts.renderers A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills a diamond in its assigned area.
flash.utils The Dictionary class lets you create a dynamic collection of properties, which uses strict equality (===) for key comparison.
flash.text.engine The DigitCase class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the digitCase property of the ElementFormat class.
flash.text.engine The DigitWidth class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the digitWidth property of the ElementFormat class.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for setting the direction property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
flash.filters The DisplacementMapFilter class uses the pixel values from the specified BitmapData object (called the displacement map image) to perform a displacement of an object.
spark.filters The DisplacementMapFilter class uses the pixel values from the specified BitmapData object (called the displacement map image) to perform a displacement of an object.
flash.filters The DisplacementMapFilterMode class provides values for the mode property of the DisplacementMapFilter class.
spark.components.supportClasses A DisplayLayer class maintains an ordered list of DisplayObjects sorted on depth.
flash.display The DisplayObject class is the base class for all objects that can be placed on the display list.
flash.display The DisplayObjectContainer class is the base class for all objects that can serve as display object containers on the display list.
spark.core The DisplayObjectSharingMode class defines the possible values for the displayObjectSharingMode property of the IGraphicElement class.
mx.utils The DisplayUtil utility class is an all-static class with utility methods related to DisplayObjects.
mx.effects Animate the component from transparent to opaque, or from opaque to transparent.
mx.effects.effectClasses The DissolveInstance class implements the instance class for the Dissolve effect.
flashx.textLayout.elements The DivElement class defines an element for grouping paragraphs (ParagraphElement objects).
mx.containers A DividedBox container measures and lays out its children horizontally or vertically in exactly the same way as a Box container, but it inserts draggable dividers in the gaps between the children.
mx.automation.delegates.containers Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DividedBox class.
 DividerEvent Represents events that are dispatched when a divider has been pressed, dragged or released.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the border of the MX DividedBox component.
 DNSResolver AIR-only The DNSResolver class lets you lookup Domain Name System (DNS) resource records.
 DNSResolverEvent AIR-only The DNSResolverEvent class represents the results of a Domain Name System (DNS) lookup operation.
 DockIcon AIR-only
flash.desktop The DockIcon class represents the Mac OS X®-style dock icon.
mx.rpc.livecycle The DocumentReference class provides the means of referring to documents on the server, from a Flex client.
 DownloadErrorEvent AIR-only A DownloadErrorEvent object is dispatched by an ApplicationUpdater or ApplicationUpdaterUI object when an error happens while downloading the update file.
mx.preloaders The DownloadProgressBar class displays download progress.
 DragEvent The DragEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched as part of a drag-and-drop operation.
mx.managers The DragManager class manages drag and drop operations, which let you move data from one place to another in a Flex application.
mx.automation.delegates Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the DragManager class.
mx.core The DragSource class contains the data being dragged.
 DRMAuthenticateEvent AIR-only A NetStream object dispatchs a DRMAuthenticateEvent object when attempting to play digital rights management (DRM) encrypted content that requires a user credential for authentication.
 DRMAuthenticationCompleteEvent The DRMManager dispatches a DRMAuthenticationCompleteEvent object when a call to the authenticate() method of the DRMManager object succeeds.
 DRMAuthenticationErrorEvent The DRMManager dispatches a DRMAuthenticationErrorEvent object when a call to the authenticate() method of the DRMManager object fails.
 DRMContentData The DRMContentData class provides the information required to obtain the voucher necessary to view DRM-protected content.
 DRMErrorEvent The DRMErrorEvent class provides information about errors that occur when playing digital rights management (DRM) encrypted files.
 DRMManager The DRMManager manages the retrieval and storage of the vouchers needed to view DRM-protected content.
 DRMManagerError AIR-only
flash.errors The DRMManager dispatches a DRMManagerError event to report errors.
 DRMPlaybackTimeWindow The DRMPlaybackTimeWindow class represents the period of time during which a DRM voucher is valid.
 DRMStatusEvent A NetStream object dispatches a DRMStatusEvent object when the content protected using digital rights management (DRM) begins playing successfully (when the voucher is verified, and when the user is authenticated and authorized to view the content).
 DRMVoucher The DRMVoucher class is a handle to the license token that allows a user to view DRM-protected content.
spark.components.supportClasses The DropDownController class handles the mouse, keyboard, and focus interactions for an anchor button and its associated drop down.
 DropdownEvent The DropdownEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the open and close events.
 DropDownEvent The DropDownEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the open and close events.
spark.components The DropDownList control contains a drop-down list from which the user can select a single value.
spark.components.supportClasses The DropDownListBase control contains a drop-down list from which the user can select a single value.
spark.accessibility DropDownListAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the anchor button on a Spark DropDownList component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark DropDownListButton component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark DropDownList component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark DropDownList component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the border of the MX components that use drop downs.
spark.layouts.supportClasses The DropLocation class contains information describing the drop location for the dragged data in a drag-and-drop operation.
flash.filters The DropShadowFilter class lets you add a drop shadow to display objects.
spark.filters The DropShadowFilter class lets you add a drop shadow to display objects.
mx.charts.chartClasses The DualStyleObject class serves as a base class for components that have a need to assign class selectors outside of the client developer's control.
 DynamicEvent This subclass of Event is dynamic, meaning that you can set arbitrary event properties on its instances at runtime.
spark.components.mediaClasses The DynamicStreamingVideoItem class represents a video stream on the server plus a bitrate for that stream.
spark.components.mediaClasses The DynamicStreamingVideoSource class represents a streaming video source and can be used for streaming pre-recorded video or live streaming video.
spark.effects.easing The EaseInOutBase class is the base class that provide easing capability.
spark.effects.easing The EasingFraction class defines constants for the easeInFraction property of the EaseInOutBase class.
flash.text.engine The EastAsianJustifier class has properties to control the justification options for text lines whose content is primarily East Asian text.
mx.core The EdgeMetrics class specifies the thickness, in pixels, of the four edge regions around a visual component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the editable MX ComboBox component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the editable MX ComboBox component.
flashx.textLayout.edit The EditingMode class defines constants used with EditManager class to represent the read, select, and edit permissions of a document.
flashx.textLayout.edit The EditManager class manages editing changes to a TextFlow.
mx.effects The Effect class is an abstract base class that defines the basic functionality of all Flex effects.
 EffectEvent Represents event objects that are specific to Flex effects.
mx.effects The EffectInstance class represents an instance of an effect playing on a target.
mx.effects The EffectManager class listens for events, such as the show and move events, dispatched by objects in a Flex application.
mx.effects The EffectTargetFilter class defines a custom filter that is executed by each transition effect on each target of the effect.
mx.effects.easing The Elastc class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes, where the motion is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave.
spark.effects.easing The Elastic class implements easing functionality where the target object movement is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave.
 ElementExistenceEvent The ElementExistenceEvent class represents events that are dispatched when an element of a Group is created or destroyed.
flash.text.engine The ElementFormat class represents formatting information which can be applied to a ContentElement.
flashx.textLayout.edit The ElementRange class represents the range of objects selected within a text flow.
spark.primitives The Ellipse class is a filled graphic element that draws an ellipse.
mx.validators The EmailValidator class validates that a String has a single @ sign, a period in the domain name and that the top-level domain suffix has two, three, four, or six characters.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the emphasized state of the MX Button component.
 EncryptedLocalStore AIR-only The EncryptedLocalStore class provides a persistent, encrypted data storage mechanism.
flash.utils The Endian class contains values that denote the byte order used to represent multibyte numbers.
flash.errors An EOFError exception is thrown when you attempt to read past the end of the available data.
Top Level The Error class contains information about an error that occurred in a script.
 ErrorEvent An object dispatches an ErrorEvent object when an error causes an asynchronous operation to fail.
mx.messaging.messages The ErrorMessage class is used to report errors within the messaging system.
spark.skins.spark The ErrorSkin class defines the error skin for Spark components.
Top Level The EvalError class represents an error that occurs when user code calls the eval() function or attempts to use the new operator with the Function object.
 Event The Event class is used as the base class for the creation of Event objects, which are passed as parameters to event listeners when an event occurs.
 EventDispatcher The EventDispatcher class is the base class for all runtime classes that dispatch events.
 EventListenerRequest Request sent from one SystemManager to a SystemManager in another application through their bridge to add or remove a listener to a specified event on your behalf.
 EventPhase The EventPhase class provides values for the eventPhase property of the Event class.
mx.core The EventPriority class defines constant values for the priority argument of the addEventListener() method of EventDispatcher.
 ExclusionShader Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Exclusion' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools.
mx.effects.easing The Exponential class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes, where the motion is defined by an exponentially decaying sine wave.
flash.external The ExternalInterface class is an application programming interface that enables straightforward communication between ActionScript and the SWF container– for example, an HTML page with JavaScript or a desktop application that uses Flash Player to display a SWF file.
mx.effects The Fade effect animates the alpha property of a component, either from transparent to opaque, or from opaque to transparent.
spark.effects The Fade effect animates the alpha property of a component.
mx.effects.effectClasses The FadeInstance class implements the instance class for the Fade effect.
spark.effects.supportClasses The FadeInstance class implements the instance class for the Fade effect.
mx.rpc.livecycle The Fault class stores the information contained in a server side fault object.
mx.rpc The Fault class represents a fault in a remote procedure call (RPC) service invocation.
 FaultEvent This event is dispatched when an RPC call has a fault.
mx.rpc.livecycle The FaultResponse class defines the ActionScript representation of a LiveCycle FaultResponse object.
com.adobe.fiber.util The FiberUtils class is a utility class used by code generated by Adobe application modeling technology.
 File AIR-only
flash.filesystem A File object represents a path to a file or directory.
 FileEvent AIR-only The FileEvent class represents event objects that are specific to the FileSystemList, FileSystemDataGrid, FileSystemTree and FileSystemComboBox controls.
 FileFilter The FileFilter class is used to indicate what files on the user's system are shown in the file-browsing dialog box that is displayed when the FileReference.browse() method, the FileReferenceList.browse() method is called or a browse method of a File, FileReference, or FileReferenceList object is called.
 FileListEvent AIR-only A File object dispatches a FileListEvent object when a call to the getDirectoryListingAsync() method of a File object successfully enumerates a set of files and directories or when a user selects files after a call to the browseForOpenMultiple() method.
 FileMode AIR-only
flash.filesystem The FileMode class defines string constants used in the fileMode parameter of the open() and openAsync() methods of the FileStream class.
 FileReference The FileReference class provides a means to upload and download files between a user's computer and a server.
 FileReferenceList The FileReferenceList class provides a means to let users select one or more files for uploading.
 FileStream AIR-only
flash.filesystem A FileStream object is used to read and write files.
 FileSystemComboBox AIR-only
mx.controls The FileSystemComboBox control defines a combo box control for navigating up the chain of ancestor directories from a specified directory in a file system.
 FileSystemDataGrid AIR-only
mx.controls The FileSystemDataGrid control lets you display the contents of a single file system directory in a data grid format.
 FileSystemEnumerationMode AIR-only
mx.controls The FileSystemEnumerationMode class defines the constant values for the enumerationMode property of the FileSystemList, FileSystemDataGrid, and FileSystemTree classes.
 FileSystemHistoryButton AIR-only
mx.controls The FileSystemHistoryButton control defines a single control with two buttons: a main button on the left and a secondary button on the right.
 FileSystemList AIR-only
mx.controls The FileSystemList control lets you display the contents of a single file system directory, in a list format.
 FileSystemSizeDisplayMode AIR-only
mx.controls The FileSystemSizeDisplayMode class defines the constant values for the sizeDisplayMode property of the FileSystemDataGrid class.
 FileSystemTree AIR-only
mx.controls The FileSystemTree control displays the contents of a file system directory as a tree.
spark.primitives.supportClasses The FilledElement class is the base class for graphics elements that contain a stroke and a fill.
mx.core FlexBitmap is a subclass of the Player's Bitmap class.
mx.messaging Singleton class that stores the global Id for this Player instance that is server assigned when the client makes its initial connection to the server.
mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the FlexContentHolder control.
 FlexEvent The FlexEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for many Flex events.
mx.core A class that contains variables that are global to all applications within the same ApplicationDomain.
 FlexHTMLLoader AIR-only
mx.core FlexHTMLLoader is a subclass of the Player's HTMLLoader class used by the Flex HTML control.
mx.core FlexLoader is a subclass of the Player's Loader class.
 FlexMouseEvent The FlexMouseEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for Flex-specific mouse activity.
mx.core FlexMovieClip is a subclass of the Player's MovieClip class.
 FlexNativeMenu AIR-only
mx.controls The FlexNativeMenu component provides a wrapper for AIR's NativeMenu class.
 FlexNativeMenuEvent AIR-only The FlexNativeMenuEvent class represents events that are associated with menu activities in FlexNativeMenu.
 FlexNativeWindowBoundsEvent AIR-only The FlexNativeWindowBoundsEvent is dispatched when the size or location changes for the NativeWindow that underlies a Window or WindowedApplication component.
mx.printing The FlexPrintJob class is a wrapper for the flash.printing.PrintJob class.
mx.printing Values for the scaleType property of the FlexPrintJob.addObject() method parameter.
mx.core FlexShape is a subclass of the Player's Shape class.
mx.core FlexSimpleButton is a subclass of the Player's SimpleButton class.
mx.core FlexSprite is a subclass of the Player's Sprite class and the superclass of UIComponent.
mx.core FlexTextField is a subclass of the Player's TextField class and the superclass of UITextField.
mx.core This class controls the backward-compatibility of the framework.
flashx.textLayout.compose The FlowComposerBase class is the base class for Text Layout Framework flow composer classes, which control the composition of text lines in ContainerController objects.
flashx.textLayout.compose The FlowDamageType class is an enumeration class that defines types of damage for damage methods and events.
flashx.textLayout.elements The text in a flow is stored in tree form with the elements of the tree representing logical divisions within the text.
 FlowElementMouseEvent A LinkElement dispatches this event when it detects mouse activity.
flashx.textLayout.operations The FlowElementOperation class is the base class for operations that transform a FlowElement.
flashx.textLayout.elements The FlowGroupElement class is the base class for FlowElement objects that can have an array of children.
flashx.textLayout.elements Base class for FlowElements that appear at the lowest level of the flow hierarchy.
flashx.textLayout.operations The FlowOperation class is the base class for all Text Layout Framework operations.
 FlowOperationEvent A TextFlow instance dispatches this event just before an operation commences and again just after an operation completes.
flashx.textLayout.operations The FlowTextOperation is the base class for operations that transform a range of text.
 FocusDirection AIR-only
flash.display The FocusDirection class enumerates values to be used for the direction parameter of the assignFocus() method of a Stage object and for the direction property of a FocusEvent object.
 FocusEvent An object dispatches a FocusEvent object when the user changes the focus from one object in the display list to another.
mx.managers The FocusManager class manages the focus on components in response to mouse activity or keyboard activity (Tab key).
 FocusRequestDirection The FocusDirection class defines the constant values for the direction focus may be moved in.
spark.skins.spark Defines the "glow" around Spark components when the component has focus.
flash.text The Font class is used to manage embedded fonts in SWF files.
mx.core FontAsset is a subclass of the flash.text.Font class which represents fonts that you embed in a Flex application.
flash.text.engine The FontDescription class represents the information necessary to describe a font.
flash.text.engine The FontLookup class is an enumeration of constant values used with FontDescription.fontLookup.
flash.text.engine The FontMetrics class contains measurement and offset information about a font.
flash.text.engine The FontPosture class is an enumeration of constant values used with FontDescription.fontPosture to set text to italic or normal.
flash.text The FontStyle class provides values for the TextRenderer class.
flash.text The FontType class contains the enumerated constants "embedded" and "device" for the fontType property of the Font class.
flash.text.engine The FontWeight class is an enumeration of constant values used with FontDescription.fontWeight.
mx.containers The Form container lets you control the layout of a form, mark form fields as required or optional, handle error messages, and bind your form data to the Flex data model to perform data checking and validation.
mx.formatters The Formatter class is the base class for all data formatters.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for specifying that a formatting property is to inherit its parent's value or have it's value generated automatically.
mx.automation.delegates.containers Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Form class.
mx.containers The FormHeading container is used to display a heading for a group of controls inside a Form container.
mx.containers The FormItem container defines a label and one or more children arranged horizontally or vertically.
mx.automation.delegates.containers Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the FormItem class.
mx.containers The FormItemDirection class defines the constant values for the direction property of the FormItem class.
mx.controls The FormItem container uses a FormItemLabel object to display the label portion of the FormItem container.
flash.display The FrameLabel object contains properties that specify a frame number and the corresponding label name.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for an AdvancedDataGrid control used with FTEText.
mx.controls.dataGridClasses The FTEDataGridItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a DataGrid control used with FTEText.
mx.core FTETextField is a Sprite which displays text by using the new Flash Text Engine to implement the old TextField API.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreenThe default skin class for the fullScreen button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normalThe default skin class for the fullScreen button of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state.
spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClasses.fullScreenThe wireframe skin class for the fullScreen button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin state.
spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClassesThe wireframe skin class for the fullScreen button of a Spark VideoPlayer component.
 FullScreenEvent The Stage object dispatches a FullScreenEvent object whenever the Stage enters or leaves full-screen display mode.
Top Level A function is the basic unit of code that can be invoked in ActionScript.
 Geolocation AIR-only
flash.sensors The Geolocation class dispatches events in response to the device's location sensor.
 GeolocationEvent AIR-only A Geolocation object dispatches GeolocationEvent objects when it receives updates from the location sensor installed on the device.
 GestureEvent The GestureEvent class lets you handle multi-touch events on devices that detect complex user contact with the device (such as pressing two fingers on a touch screen at the same time).
 GesturePhase The GesturePhase class is an enumeration class of constant values for use with the GestureEvent, PressAndTapGestureEvent, and TransformGestureEvent classes.
flashx.textLayout.elements Configuration that applies to all TextFlow objects.
mx.effects The Glow effect lets you apply a visual glow effect to a component.
flash.filters The GlowFilter class lets you apply a glow effect to display objects.
spark.filters The GlowFilter class lets you apply a glow effect to display objects.
mx.effects.effectClasses The GlowInstance class implements the instance class for the Glow effect.
 GradientBase The GradientBase class is the base class for LinearGradient, LinearGradientStroke, and RadialGradient.
flash.filters The GradientBevelFilter class lets you apply a gradient bevel effect to display objects.
spark.filters The GradientBevelFilter class lets you apply a gradient bevel effect to display objects.
 GradientEntry The GradientEntry class defines the objects that control a transition as part of a gradient fill.
spark.filters The base class for filters that provide gradient visual effects.
flash.filters The GradientGlowFilter class lets you apply a gradient glow effect to display objects.
spark.filters The GradientGlowFilter class lets you apply a gradient glow effect to display objects.
 GradientStroke The GradientStroke class lets you specify a gradient filled stroke.
flash.display The GradientType class provides values for the type parameter in the beginGradientFill() and lineGradientStyle() methods of the flash.display.Graphics class.
spark.primitives The Graphic control displays a set of graphic drawing commands.
flash.text.engine The GraphicElement class represents a graphic element in a TextBlock or GroupElement object.
spark.primitives.supportClasses A base class for defining individual graphic elements.
flash.display The Graphics class contains a set of methods that you can use to create a vector shape.
flash.display Defines a bitmap fill.
flash.display Indicates the end of a graphics fill.
flash.display Defines a gradient fill.
flash.display A collection of drawing commands and the coordinate parameters for those commands.
flash.display Defines the values to use for specifying path-drawing commands.
flash.display The GraphicsPathWinding class provides values for the flash.display.GraphicsPath.winding property and the flash.display.Graphics.drawPath() method to determine the direction to draw a path.
flash.display Defines a shader fill.
flash.display Defines a solid fill.
flash.display Defines a line style or stroke.
flash.display Defines an ordered set of triangles that can be rendered using either (u,v) fill coordinates or a normal fill.
mx.utils The Graphics class is an all-static class with utility methods related to the Graphics class.
mx.charts.chartClasses A set of internal graphics rendering utilities used by the various chart classes.
mx.containers A Grid container lets you arrange children as rows and columns of cells, similar to an HTML table.
flash.text The GridFitType class defines values for grid fitting in the TextField class.
mx.containers The GridItem container defines a grid cell in GridRow container.
mx.charts The GridLines class draws grid lines inside the data area of the chart.
mx.containers The GridRow container defines a row in a Grid container, and contains GridCell containers.
spark.skins.spark.windowChromeThe default skin class for the gripper button in the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome.
spark.components The Group class is the base container class for visual elements.
spark.components.supportClasses The GroupBase class defines the base class for components that display visual elements.
flash.text.engine A GroupElement object groups a collection of TextElement, GraphicElement, or other GroupElement objects that you can assign as a unit to the content property of a TextBlock object.
mx.collections The Grouping class defines the fields in the data provider of the AdvancedDataGrid control used to group data.
mx.collections The GroupingCollection class lets you create grouped data from flat data for display in the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.collections The GroupingCollection2 class lets you create grouped data from flat data for display in the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.collections The GroupingField class represents individual data fields that you use to group flat data for display by the AdvancedDataGrid control.
 GroupSpecifier The GroupSpecifier class is used to construct the opaque groupspec strings that can be passed to NetStream and NetGroup constructors.
mx.skins.halo Defines the appearance of the default border for the Halo theme.
mx.skins.halo Defines the colors used by components that support the Halo theme.
mx.charts.styles Initializes the core default styles for the charts classes.
mx.skins.halo Defines the skin for the focus indicator.
mx.containers The Halo HBox container lays out its children in a single horizontal row.
mx.containers The HDividedBox container lays out its children horizontally in the same way as HBox container, but it inserts a draggable divider in the gap between each child.
 HeaderEvent The event that indicates an RPC operation, such as a WebService SOAP request, returned a header in the response.
spark.components The HGroup container is an instance of the Group container that uses the HorizontalLayout class.
mx.effects.effectClasses HideShowEffectTargetFilter is a subclass of EffectTargetFilter that handles the logic for filtering targets that have been shown or hidden by modifying their visible property.
mx.collections The HierarchicalCollectionView class provides a hierarchical view of a standard collection.
mx.collections The HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor class defines a cursor for a hierarchical view of a standard collection.
mx.collections Hierarchical data is data already in a structure of parent and child data items.
spark.skins.spark Base class for skins that do a bitmap capture of a target components and apply a filter to the bitmap.
mx.managers History management lets users navigate through a Flex application using the web browser's Back and Forward navigation commands.
mx.charts The HitData class represents information about the data item at a specific location on the screen.
mx.charts The HLOCChart (High Low Open Close) control represents financial data as a series of elements representing the high, low, closing, and optionally opening values of a data series.
mx.charts.renderers The default item renderer for an HLOCSeries object.
mx.charts.series Represents financial data as a series of elements representing the high, low, closing, and, optionally, opening values of a data series.
mx.charts.chartClasses HLOCSeriesBase is the base class for the two financial series types, HLOCSeries and CandlestickSeries.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the CandlestickSeries and HLOCSeries classes.
mx.charts.series.items Represents the information required to render an item as part of a HLOCSeries.
mx.charts.series.renderData Represents all the information needed by the HLOCSeries and CandlestickSeries objects to render.
spark.layouts The HorizontalAlign class defines the possible values for the horizontalAlign property of the VerticalLayout class.
spark.layouts The HorizontalLayout class arranges the layout elements in a horizontal sequence, left to right, with optional gaps between the elements and optional padding around the elements.
mx.controls The HorizontalList control displays a horizontal list of items.
mx.controls The HRule control creates a single horizontal line.
mx.utils This class holds information for a color represented in HSB (Hue, Saturation, and Brightness) space.
spark.effects.interpolation The HSBInterpolator class provides Hue, Saturation, and Brightness (HSB) color interpolation between RGB uint start and end values.
mx.controls The HScrollBar (horizontal ScrollBar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit in a display area.
spark.components The HScrollBar (horizontal scrollbar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit horizontally in a display area.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark HScrollBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark HScrollBar component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the thumb of a Spark HScrollBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark HScrollBarThumb component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the track on a Spark HScrollBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark HScrollBarTrack component.
mx.controls The HSlider control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track.
spark.components The HSlider (horizontal slider) control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark HSlider component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark HSlider component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the thumb of a Spark HSlider component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark HSliderThumb component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the track of a Spark HSlider component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark HSliderTrack component.
 HTML AIR-only
mx.controls The HTML control lets you display HTML content in your application.
 HTMLHistoryItem AIR-only
flash.html An HTMLHistoryItem object describes a location in the navigation history of an HTMLLoader object.
 HTMLHost AIR-only
flash.html An HTMLHost object defines behaviors of an HTMLLoader object for user interface elements that can be controlled by setting various properties or by calling various methods of the window object of the HTML page.
 HTMLLoader AIR-only
flash.html The HTMLLoader class defines a type of display object that is a container for HTML content.
 HTMLPDFCapability AIR-only
flash.html The HTMLPDFCapability class contains possible values of the pdfCapability property of an HTMLLoader object.
 HTMLSWFCapability AIR-only
flash.html The HTMLSWFCapability class contains possible values of the swfCapability property of an HTMLLoader object.
 HTMLUncaughtScriptExceptionEvent AIR-only An HTMLLoader object dispatches an HTMLUncaughtScriptExceptionEvent object whenever a JavaScript exception is thrown and not handled with a catch statement.
 HTMLWindowCreateOptions AIR-only
flash.html This class defines the options that can be specified when JavaScript running in an HTMLLoader object tries to create a new HTML window by calling the method.
mx.messaging.channels The HTTPChannel class provides the HTTP support for messaging.
mx.rpc.http.mxml You use the <mx:HTTPMultiService> tag to represent an HTTPMultiService object in an MXML file.
mx.rpc.http You use the <mx:HTTPMultiService> tag to represent a collection of http operations.
mx.messaging.messages HTTP requests are sent to the HTTP endpoint using this message type.
mx.rpc.http.mxml You use the <mx:HTTPService> tag to represent an HTTPService object in an MXML file.
mx.rpc.http You use the HTTPService class to represent an HTTPService object in ActionScript.
 HTTPServiceWrapper This class is the superclass of all generated wrappers around instances of the HTTPMultiService class.
 HTTPStatusEvent The application dispatches HTTPStatusEvent objects when a network request returns an HTTP status code.
 HueShader Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Hue' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools.
mx.effects The IAbstractEffect interface is used to denote that a property or parameter must be of type Effect, but does not actually implement any of the APIs of the IEffect interface.
 IAccessPrivileges Objects that must restrict access must implement the IAccessPrivileges interface.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The IAdvancedDataGridRendererProvider interface defines the interface implemented by the AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider class, which defines the item renderer for the AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.styles This interface describes the advanced properties that a component must implement to fully participate in the advanced style subsystem.
spark.effects.animation The IAnimationTarget interface is implemented by classes that support the events for an Animation instance.
mx.core The IAssetLayoutFeatures interface defines the minimum properties and methods required for an Object to support advanced transforms in embedded assets.
mx.automation The IAutomationClass interface defines the interface for a component class descriptor.
mx.automation The IAutomationClass2 interface defines the interface for a component class descriptor.
mx.automation The IAutomationEnvironment interface provides information about the objects and properties of automatable components needed for communicating with agents.
mx.automation The IAutomationEventDescriptor interface defines the interface for an event descriptor.
mx.automation The IAutomationManager interface defines the interface expected from an AutomationManager object by the automation module.
mx.automation The IAutomationManager interface defines the interface expected from an AutomationManager object by the automation module.
mx.automation The IAutomationMethodDescriptor interface defines the interface for a method descriptor.
mx.automation The IAutomationMouseSimulator interface describes an object that simulates mouse movement so that components capturing the mouse use the simulated versions of the mouse cursor instead of the live Flash Player version.
mx.automation The IAutomationObject interface defines the interface for a delegate object that implements automation for a component.
mx.automation The IAutomationObjectHelper interface defines helper methods for IAutomationObjects.
mx.automation The IAutomationPropertyDescriptor interface describes a property of a test object.
mx.automation The IAutomationTabularData interface is implemented by components which can provide their content information in a tabular form.
mx.charts.chartClasses The IAxis class is an abstract interface for defining label, tick mark, and data positioning properties for a chart axis.
mx.charts.chartClasses The IAxis class is an abstract interface for defining label, tick mark, and data positioning properties for a chart axis.
mx.charts.chartClasses The IBar interface is implemented by any any series that can be clustered vertically, such as a BarSeries.
mx.binding This is used to mark documents, which have data bindings.
flash.display The IBitmapDrawable interface is implemented by objects that can be passed as the source parameter of the draw() method of the BitmapData class.
mx.filters Interface used by some Spark filters.
mx.core The IBorder interface defines the interface that all classes used for border skins should implement.
mx.managers The interface that the shared instance of the BrowserManager implements.
mx.core The IButton interface is a marker interface that indicates that a component acts as a button.
 IChangeObject The IChangeObject interface provides the methods and properties needed when detecting local conflicts.
mx.charts.chartClasses IChartElement defines the base set of properties and methods required by a UIComponent to be representable in the data space of a chart.
mx.charts.chartClasses IChartElement2 defines the base set of properties and methods required by a UIComponent to be representable in the data space of a chart.
mx.core The IChildList interface defines the properties and methods for accessing and manipulating child lists, which are subsets of a DisplayObjectContainer's children.
mx.collections An ICollectionView is a view onto a collection of data.
mx.charts.chartClasses ChartElements that can be clustered along the vertical axis should implement this interface.
 Icon AIR-only
flash.desktop The Icon class represents an operating system icon.
flashx.textLayout.elements Read-only interface to a configuration object.
mx.core The IConstraintClient interface defines the interface for components that support layout constraints.
mx.containers.utilityClasses IConstraintLayout is a marker interface that indicates that a container supports ConstraintColumn class and ConstraintRow class within its layout.
mx.core IContainer is a interface that indicates a component extends or mimics mx.core.Container
 ID3Info The ID3Info class contains properties that reflect ID3 metadata.
mx.charts.chartClasses This interface is for internal use only.
flash.utils The IDataInput interface provides a set of methods for reading binary data.
flash.utils The IDataOutput interface provides a set of methods for writing binary data.
mx.core The IDataRenderer interface defines the interface for components that have a data property.
mx.core The IDeferredContentOwner interface defines the properties and methods for deferred instantiation.
mx.core The IDeferredInstance interface defines the Flex deferred instance factory interface.
mx.core The IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent interface defines the interface for a component or object that defers instantiation.
mx.controls.listClasses The interface for "drop-in" item renderers.
 IDynamicPropertyOutput This interface controls the serialization of dynamic properties of dynamic objects.
 IDynamicPropertyWriter This interface is used with the IDynamicPropertyOutput interface to control the serialization of dynamic properties of dynamic objects.
spark.effects.easing The IEaser interface is implemented by classes that provide time-easing functionality for the Animation class.
flashx.textLayout.edit IEditManager defines the interface for handling edit operations of a text flow.
mx.effects The IEffect interface defines the base interface of all Flex effects.
mx.effects The IEffectInstance interface represents an instance of an effect playing on a target.
mx.effects The IEffectTargetHost interface defines the interface that lets you access the target list-based control of a data effect.
 IEventDispatcher The IEventDispatcher interface defines methods for adding or removing event listeners, checks whether specific types of event listeners are registered, and dispatches events.
flash.utils The IExternalizable interface provides control over serialization of a class as it is encoded into a data stream.
mx.core The IFactory interface defines the interface that factory classes such as ClassFactory must implement.
 IFiberManagingService A managing service instance provides generated value objects with a means to retrieve services that may be involved in calculation of properties of the value object.
 IFiberService This is a marker interface for all custom services generated from models created by using the Adobe application modeling technology.
 IFilePromise AIR-only
flash.desktop The IFilePromise interface defines the interface used by the AIR runtime to read data for a file promise.
 IFill Defines the interface that classes that perform a fill must implement.
mx.core IFlexAsset is a marker interface with the following meaning: if a class declares that it implements IFlexAsset, then that class represents an asset -- such as a bitmap, a font, or a sound -- that has been embedded in a Flex application.
mx.controls The IFlexContextMenu interface defines the interface for a Flex context menus.
mx.core The IFlexDisplayObject interface defines the interface for skin elements.
mx.core The IFlexModule interface is used as an optional contract with IFlexModuleFactory.
mx.core The IFlexModuleFactory interface represents the contract expected for bootstrapping Flex applications and dynamically loaded modules.
flashx.textLayout.compose IFlowComposer defines the interface for managing the layout and display of a text flow.
mx.managers The IFocusManager interface defines the interface that components must implement to manage the focus on components in response to mouse activity or keyboard activity (Tab key), and to support a default button.
mx.managers The IFocusManagerComplexComponent interface defines the interface that components that can have more than one internal focus target should implement in order to receive focus from the FocusManager.
mx.managers The IFocusManagerComponent interface defines the interface that focusable components must implement in order to receive focus from the FocusManager.
mx.managers The IFocusManagerContainer interface defines the interface that containers implement to host a FocusManager.
mx.managers The IFocusManagerGroup interface defines the interface that any component must implement if it is grouped in sets, where only one member of the set can be selected at any given time.
mx.core Allows a component to support a font context property.
flashx.textLayout.elements Interface to a format resolver.
spark.core The IGraphicElement is implemented by IVisualElements that take advantage of the parent Group's DisplayObject management.
flash.display This interface is used to define objects that can be used as parameters in the flash.display.Graphics methods, including fills, strokes, and paths.
flash.display This interface is used to define objects that can be used as fill parameters in the flash.display.Graphics methods and drawing classes.
flash.display This interface is used to define objects that can be used as path parameters in the flash.display.Graphics methods and drawing classes.
flash.display This interface is used to define objects that can be used as stroke parameters in the flash.display.Graphics methods and drawing classes.
mx.collections The IGroupingCollection interface defines the interface required to create grouped data from flat data.
mx.collections The IGroupingCollection2 interface defines the interface required to create grouped data from flat data.
mx.collections The IHierarchicalCollectionView interface defines an interface for hierarchical or grouped data.
mx.collections The IHierarchicalCollectionViewCursor interface defines the interface for enumerating a hierarchical collection view bidirectionally.
mx.collections The IHierarchicalData interface defines the interface used to represent hierarchical data as the data provider for a Flex component.
mx.managers Interface that must be implemented by objects registered with the History Manager.
 IImageEncoder The IImageEncoder interface defines the interface that image encoders implement to take BitmapData objects, or ByteArrays containing raw ARGB pixels, as input and convert them to popular image formats such as PNG or JPEG.
flash.text.ime Interface for IME (input method editor) clients.
mx.core The IIMESupport interface defines the interface for any component that supports IME (input method editor).
flashx.textLayout.edit The IInteractionEventHandler interface defines the event handler functions that are handled by a Text Layout Framework selection or edit manager.
spark.effects.interpolation The IInterpolator interface is implemented by classes that calculate values for the Animation class.
mx.core The IInvalidating interface defines the interface for components that use invalidation to do delayed -- rather than immediate -- property commitment, measurement, drawing, and layout.
spark.components The IItemRenderer interface defines the basic set of APIs that a class must implement to create an item renderer that can communicate with a host component.
spark.components The IItemRendererOwner interface defines the basic set of APIs that a class must implement to support items renderers.
mx.core The ILayoutDirectionElement interface defines the minimum properties and methods required for an Object to support the layoutDirection property.
mx.core The ILayoutElement interface is used primarily by the layout classes to query, size and position the elements of GroupBase containers.
mx.managers The LayoutManager is the engine behind Flex's measurement and layout strategy.
mx.managers The ILayoutManagerClient interface defines the interface that a component must implement to participate in the LayoutManager's commit/measurement/layout sequence.
mx.collections A collection of items organized in an ordinal fashion.
mx.controls.listClasses Item renderers and item editors for list components must implement the IListItemRenderer interface.
flash.errors The IllegalOperationError exception is thrown when a method is not implemented or the implementation doesn't cover the current usage.
com.adobe.fiber.styles The ILocalizeableAspect class represents a single message aspect of a style used by Adobe application modeling technology.
mx.logging All loggers within the logging framework must implement this interface.
mx.logging All logger target implementations within the logging framework must implement this interface.
mx.controls The Image control lets you import JPEG, PNG, GIF, and SWF files at runtime.
 ImageSnapshot A helper class used to capture a snapshot of any Flash component that implements flash.display.IBitmapDrawable, including Flex UIComponents.
 IManaged The IManaged interface provides the contract for a managed object.
flash.system The IME class lets you directly manipulate the operating system's input method editor (IME) in the Flash Player application that is running on a client computer.
flash.system This class contains constants for use with the IME.conversionMode property.
 IMEEvent An IMEEvent object is dispatched when the user enters text using an input method editor (IME).
mx.controls.menuClasses The IMenuBarItemRenderer interface defines the interface that an item renderer for the top-level menu bar of a MenuBar control must implement.
mx.controls.menuClasses The IMenuDataDescriptor interface defines the interface that a dataDescriptor for a Menu or MenuBar control must implement.
mx.controls.menuClasses The IMenuItemRenderer interface defines the interface that a menu item renderer for a Menu control must implement.
mx.messaging.messages This interface defines the contract for message objects.
com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects The IModelInstance interface declares functions that expose metadata information that depends on the instance state of value objects generated by Adobe application modeling technology.
com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects The IModelType interface declares functions that expose metadata information that does not depend on instance state of value objects generated by Adobe application modeling technology.
mx.modules An interface that marks a class as being a module.
mx.modules An interface that acts as a handle for a particular module.
mx.core The IMXMLObject interface defines the APIs that a non-visual component must implement in order to work properly with the MXML compiler.
mx.rpc.mxml Implementing this interface means that an RPC service can be used in an MXML document by using MXML tags.
mx.core The INavigatorContent interface defines the interface that a container must implement to be used as the child of a navigator container, such as the ViewStack, TabNavigator, and Accordion navigator containers.
 IndexChangedEvent The IndexChangedEvent class represents events that are dispatched when an index changes.
 IndexChangeEvent The IndexChangeEvent class represents events that are dispatched when an index changes in a Spark component.
flashx.textLayout.elements The InlineGraphicElement class handles graphic objects that display inline in the text.
flashx.textLayout.elements The InlineGraphicElementStatus class defines a set of constants for checking the value of InlineGraphicElement.status.
flashx.textLayout.operations The InsertInlineGraphicOperation class encapsulates the insertion of an inline graphic into a text flow.
flashx.textLayout.operations The InsertTextOperation class encapsulates a text insertion operation.
mx.charts.chartClasses InstanceCache is a utility that governs the task of creating and managing a set of n object instances, where n changes frequently.
Top Level The int class lets you work with the data type representing a 32-bit signed integer.
 InteractiveIcon AIR-only
flash.desktop The InteractiveIcon class is the base class for the operating system icons associated with applications.
flash.display The InteractiveObject class is the abstract base class for all display objects with which the user can interact, using the mouse, keyboard, or other user input device.
 InterDragManagerEvent An event sent between DragManagers that are in separate but trusted ApplicationDomains to handle the dispatching of DragEvents to the drag targets.
 InterfaceAddress AIR-only The InterfaceAddress class reports the properties of a network interface address.
 InterManagerRequest This is an event that is sent between ApplicationDomains to notify trusted listeners about activity in a particular manager.
flash.display The InterpolationMethod class provides values for the interpolationMethod parameter in the Graphics.beginGradientFill() and Graphics.lineGradientStyle() methods.
 InvalidateRequestData The InvalidateRequestData class defines constants for the values of the data property of a SWFBridgeRequest object when used with the SWFBridgeRequest.INVALIDATE_REQUEST request.
mx.logging.errors This error is thrown when a category specified for a logger contains invalid characters or is malformed.
mx.messaging.errors This error is thrown when a Channel can't be accessed or is not valid for the current destination.
mx.messaging.errors This error is thrown when a destination can't be accessed or is not valid.
mx.logging.errors This error is thrown when a filter specified for a target contains invalid characters or is malformed.
flash.errors The Flash runtimes throw this exception when they encounter a corrupted SWF file.
 InvokeEvent AIR-only The NativeApplication object of an AIR application dispatches an invoke event when the application is invoked.
 InvokeEvent The event that indicates an RPC operation has been invoked.
 InvokeEventReason AIR-only
flash.desktop The InvokeEventReason class enumerates values returned by the reason property of an InvokeEvent object.
flash.errors The IOError exception is thrown when some type of input or output failure occurs.
 IOErrorEvent An IOErrorEvent object is dispatched when an error causes input or output operations to fail.
mx.olap The IOLAPAttribute interface represents an attribute within a dimension of an OLAP schema.
mx.olap The IOLAPAxisPosition interface represents a position on an OLAP axis.
mx.olap The IOLAPCell interface represents a cell in an OLAPResult instance.
mx.olap The IOLAPCube interface represents an OLAP cube that holds an N-dimensional representation of a flat data set.
mx.olap The IOLAPCustomAggregator interface defines the interface implemented by custom aggregator classes.
mx.olap The IOLAPDimension interface represents a dimension in an IOLAPCube instance.
mx.olap The IOLAPElement interface defines a base interface that provides common properties for all OLAP elements.
mx.olap The IOLAPHierarchy interface represents a user-defined hierarchy in a dimension of an OLAP schema.
mx.olap The IOLAPLevel interface represents a level within the OLAP schema of an OLAP cube, where a hierarchy of a dimension contains one or more levels.
mx.olap The IOLAPMember interface represents a member of a level of an OLAP schema.
mx.olap The IOLAPQuery interface represents an OLAP query that is executed on an IOLAPCube.
mx.olap The IOLAPQueryAxis interface represents an axis of an OLAP query.
mx.olap The IOLAPResult interface represents the result of a query on an OLAP cube.
mx.olap The IOLAPResultAxis interface represents an axis of the result of an OLAP query.
mx.olap The IOLAPSchema interface represents the OLAP schema.
mx.olap The IOLAPSet interface represents a set, which is used to configure the axis of an OLAP query.
mx.olap The IOLAPTuple interface represents a tuple.
flashx.undo IOperation defines the interface for operations that can be undone and redone.
mx.states The IOverride interface is used for view state overrides.
 IPagedList The IPagedList is a marker interface now for list implementations which implement their own paging.
mx.preloaders Defines the interface that a class must implement to be used as a download progress bar.
mx.core The IProgrammaticSkin interface defines the interface that skin classes must implement if they use the name property skin interface.
mx.core The IPropertyChangeNotifier interface defines a marker interface.
com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects Interface defines methods for navigating through an iterator of property names of a particular entity.
 IPVersion AIR-only The IPVersion class defines constants representing the different families of IP addresses.
mx.core The IRawChildrenContainer interface defines the APIs for containers that can return an IChildList that represents all their children.
mx.core The IRectangularBorder interface defines the interface that all classes used for rectangular border skins should implement.
mx.core The IRepeater interface defines the public APIs of the Repeater object.
mx.core The IRepeaterClient interface defines the APIs for components that can have multiple instances created by a Repeater.
mx.resources The IResourceBundle and IResourceManager interfaces work together to provide localization support for Flex applications.
mx.resources The APIs of the IResourceManager interface provide localization support for Flex applications.
mx.rpc This interface provides the contract for any service that needs to respond to remote or asynchronous calls.
mx.effects The Iris effect animates the effect target by expanding or contracting a rectangular mask centered on the target.
mx.effects.effectClasses The IrisInstance class implements the instance class for the Iris effect.
flashx.textLayout.container Interface to support TLF content in a sub-application.
flash.accessibility The ISearchableText interface can be implemented by objects that contain text which should be searchable on the web.
mx.core The ISelectableList interface indicates that the implementor is an IList element that supports a selectedIndex property.
flashx.textLayout.edit The ISelectionManager interface defines the interface for handling text selection.
spark.core The ISharedDisplayObject interface defines the minimum requirements that a DisplayObject must implement to be shared between IGraphicElement objects.
mx.styles This interface describes the properties and methods that an object must implement so that it can participate in the style subsystem.
flash.accessibility The ISimpleTextSelection class can be used to add support for the MSAA ISimpleTextSelection interface to an AccessibilityImplementation.
mx.messaging.messages A marker interface that is used to indicate that an IMessage has an alternative smaller form for serialization.
mx.charts.chartClasses The IStackable interface is implemented by any series that can be stacked.
mx.charts.chartClasses The IStackable2 interface is implemented by any series that can be stacked.
mx.core The IStateClient interface defines the interface that components must implement to support view states.
mx.core The IStateClient2 interface defines the interface that components must implement to support Flex 4 view state semantics.
 IStroke Defines the interface that classes that define a line must implement.
com.adobe.fiber.styles The IStyle interface defines a representation of a style associated with the Adobe application modeling technology.
mx.styles This interface describes the properties and methods that an object must implement so that it can fully participate in the style subsystem.
mx.styles The IStyleManager class manages the following: Which CSS style properties the class inherits Which style properties are colors, and therefore get special handling A list of strings that are aliases for color values This interface was used by Flex 2.0.1.
mx.styles The IStyleManager2 class manages the following: Which CSS style properties the class inherits Which style properties are colors, and therefore get special handling A list of strings that are aliases for color values
mx.styles Simple interface to manipulate style modules.
mx.collections The ISummaryCalculator interface defines the interface implemented by custom summary calculator classes.
mx.core A sandbox bridge group is a group of bridges that represent applications that this application can communicate with.
mx.core An implementor of ISWFBridgeProvider provides a bridge to an application in a different security sandbox or to an application that was compiled with a different version of the Flex compiler and is running in a separate ApplicationDomain.
flashx.textLayout.compose The ISWFContext interface allows a SWF file to share its context with other SWF files that load it.
mx.core The ISWFLoader interface defines an API with special properties and method required when loading compatible applications and untrusted applications.
mx.managers An ISystemManager manages an "application window".
flashx.textLayout.formats This interface provides read access to tab stop-related properties.
 ItemClickEvent Represents events that are dispatched when a navigation item on a navigator bar, such as a ButtonBar, LinkBar, or TabBar control, has been clicked.
mx.collections.errors This error is thrown when retrieving an item from a collection view requires an asynchronous call.
 ItemReference An ItemReference instance is returned from the DataService.getItem() and DataService.createItem() methods to provide a way to manage a reference to the remote object.
spark.components.supportClasses The ItemRenderer class is the base class for Spark item renderers.
mx.collections The ItemResponder class provides a default implementation of the mx.rpc.IResponder interface.
flashx.textLayout.conversion Interface for exporting text content from a TextFlow instance to either String or XML format.
flashx.textLayout.conversion Interface for importing text content into a TextFlow from an external source.
mx.core Defines an interface for a single-line text field that is optionally editable.
flashx.textLayout.formats This interface provides read access to FlowElements-related properties.
flashx.textLayout.compose ITextLineCreator defines an interface for creating TextLine objects for an IFlowComposer instance.
mx.core The IToggleButton interface is a marker interface that indicates that a component acts as a toggleable button.
 ITokenResponder An extension of mx.rpc.IResponder with an additional result token, AsyncToken field.
mx.core The IToolTip interface defines the API that tooltip-like components must implement in order to work with the ToolTipManager.
mx.managers Components that implement IToolTipManagerClient can have tooltips and must have a toolTip getter/setter.
mx.core The ITransientDeferredInstance interface extends IDeferredInstance and adds the ability for the user to reset the deferred instance factory to its initial state (usually this implies releasing any known references to the component, such as the setting the owning document property that refers to the instance to null).
mx.controls.treeClasses Interface providing methods for parsing and adding nodes to a collection of data that is displayed by a Tree control.
mx.controls.treeClasses The ITreeDataDescriptor2 Interface defines methods for parsing and adding nodes to a collection of data that is displayed by a Tree control.
mx.core The IUIComponent interface defines the basic set of APIs that you must implement to create a child of a Flex container or list.
mx.core The IUID interface defines the interface for objects that must have Unique Identifiers (UIDs) to uniquely identify the object.
mx.core The IUITextField interface defines the basic set of APIs for UITextField instances.
flashx.undo IUndoManager defines the interface for managing the undo and redo stacks.
 IURIDereferencer AIR-only IURIDereferencer defines an interface for objects that resolve URIs in an XML signature.
mx.validators The interface that components implement to support the Flex data validation mechanism.
com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects Every value object generated from a model implements the IValueObject interface, and is guaranteed to expose a _model getter.
flashx.textLayout.compose The IVerticalJustificationLine interface defines the methods and properties required to allow the vertical justification of text lines.
mx.collections Defines the interface for enumerating a collection view bi-directionally.
spark.core The IViewport interface is implemented by components that support a viewport.
mx.core The IVisualElement interface defines the minimum properties and methods required for a visual element to be laid out and displayed in a Spark container.
mx.core The IVisualElementContainer interface defines the minimum properties and methods required for a container to manage Spark components for display.
 IWindow AIR-only
mx.core The IWindow interface defines the API for components that serve as top-level containers in Flex-based AIR applications (containers that represent operating system windows).
mx.rpc.xml Decodes an XML document to an ActionScript object graph based on XML Schema definitions.
mx.rpc.xml Encodes an ActionScript object graph to XML based on an XML schema.
mx.utils The IXMLNotifiable interface.
mx.rpc.xml An ActionScript type should implement this interface when it needs to instruct an XML Schema based encoder (such as the WebService SOAP client) which concrete type definition to use while encoding instances of the type.
mx.rpc.livecycle The JobID class defines a container for the id associated with an asynchronous LiveCycle invocation.
mx.rpc.livecycle The JobStatus class is the ActionScript representation of a LiveCycle JobStatus object.
flash.display The JointStyle class is an enumeration of constant values that specify the joint style to use in drawing lines.
 JPEGEncoder The JPEGEncoder class converts raw bitmap images into encoded images using Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) compression.
flash.system The JPEGLoaderContext class includes a property for enabling a deblocking filter when loading a JPEG image.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for setting the justificationRule property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
flash.text.engine The JustificationStyle class is an enumeration of constant values for setting the justificationStyle property of the EastAsianJustifier class.
flash.text.engine The Kerning class is an enumeration of constant values used with ElementFormat.kerning.
flash.ui The Keyboard class is used to build an interface that can be controlled by a user with a standard keyboard.
 KeyboardEvent A KeyboardEvent object id dispatched in response to user input through a keyboard.
flash.ui The KeyboardType class is an enumeration class that provides values for different categories of physical computer or device keyboards.
spark.effects.animation The Keyframe class defines the value of a property at a specific time during an effect.
flash.ui The KeyLocation class contains constants that indicate the location of a key pressed on the keyboard.
mx.controls The Label control displays a single line of noneditable text.
spark.components Label is a low-level UIComponent that can render one or more lines of uniformly-formatted text.
mx.accessibility LabelAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Label class.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Label control.
spark.utils The LabelUtil class is used by components to determine the correct text to display for their renderers or sub-parts.
flash.globalization The LastOperationStatus class enumerates constant values that represent the status of the most recent globalization service operation.
spark.layouts.supportClasses The LayoutBase class defines the base class for all Spark layouts.
mx.core Flex defines a default, or Application, container that lets you start adding content to your module or Application without explicitly defining another container.
mx.core The LayoutDirection class defines the constant values for the layoutDirection style of an IStyleClient and the layoutDirection property of an ILayoutDirectionElement.
mx.managers The LayoutManager is the engine behind Flex's measurement and layout strategy.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for setting the leadingModel property of the TextLayoutFormat class, composed of valid combinations of leading basis and leading direction.
mx.charts The Legend control adds a legend to your charts, where the legend displays the label for each data series in the chart and a key showing the chart element for the series.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Legend class.
mx.charts.chartClasses The LegendData structure is used by charts to describe the items that should be displayed in an auto-generated legend.
mx.charts Controls the individual legend elements in a chart legend.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the LegendItem class.
 LegendMouseEvent The LegendMouseEvent class represents event objects that are specific to the chart legend components.
flash.text.engine The LigatureLevel class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the ligatureLevel property of the ElementFormat class.
spark.primitives The Line class is a graphic element that draws a line between two points.
mx.effects.easing The Linear class defines easing functions to implement linear motion with Flex effect classes.
spark.effects.easing The Linear class defines an easing with three phases: acceleration, uniform motion, and deceleration.
mx.charts The LinearAxis class maps numeric values evenly between a minimum and maximum value along a chart axis.
 LinearGradient The LinearGradient class lets you specify the fill of a graphical element, where a gradient specifies a gradual color transition in the fill color.
 LinearGradientStroke The LinearGradientStroke class lets you specify a gradient filled stroke.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for setting the lineBreak property of TextLayoutFormat to specify how lines are broken within wrapping text.
mx.charts The LineChart control represents a data series as points connected by a continuous line.
mx.logging.targets All logger target implementations that have a formatted line style output should extend this class.
flash.text.engine The LineJustification class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the lineJustfication property of the TextJustifier subclasses.
mx.charts.renderers A simple implementation of a line segment renderer that is used by LineSeries objects.
flash.display The LineScaleMode class provides values for the scaleMode parameter in the Graphics.lineStyle() method.
mx.charts.series Defines a data series for a LineChart control.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the LineSeries class.
mx.charts.series.items Represents the information required to render an item as part of a LineSeries.
mx.charts.series.renderData Represents all the information needed by the LineSeries to render.
mx.charts.series.items Represents the information required to render a segment in a LineSeries.
mx.controls A LinkBar control defines a horizontal or vertical row of LinkButton controls that designate a series of link destinations.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the LinkBar control.
mx.controls The LinkButton control is a borderless Button control whose contents are highlighted when a user moves the mouse over it.
mx.accessibility LinkButtonAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the LinkButton class.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of a LinkButton.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the MX LinkButton component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX LinkButton component.
flashx.textLayout.elements The LinkElement class defines a link to a URI (Universal Resource Identifier), which is executed when the user clicks it.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the separator between the Links in a LinkBar.
flashx.textLayout.elements The LinkState class defines a set of constants for the linkState property of the LinkElement class.
mx.controls The List control displays a vertical list of items.
spark.components The List control displays a vertical list of items.
mx.accessibility ListAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the List class.
spark.accessibility ListAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.List.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the List control.
mx.controls.listClasses The ListBase class is the base class for controls that represent lists of items that can have one or more selected and can scroll through the items.
spark.components.supportClasses The ListBase class is the base class for all components that support selection.
mx.accessibility ListBaseAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the ListBase class.
spark.accessibility ListBaseAccImpl is a superclass of the Spark ListAccImpl, DropDownListAccImpl, ComboBoxAccImpl, ButtonBarBaseAccImpl, and TabBarAccImpl.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ListBase class.
mx.controls.listClasses The ListBaseContentHolder class defines a container in a list-based control of all of the control's item renderers and item editors.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ListBaseContentHolder class.
mx.controls.listClasses An object that stores data about a seek operation that was interrupted by an ItemPendingError error.
mx.controls.listClasses Records used by list classes to keep track of what is selected.
mx.collections The ListCollectionView class adds the properties and methods of the ICollectionView interface to an object that conforms to the IList interface.
mx.controls.listClasses The ListData class defines the data type of the listData property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the List control.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the drop indicator of a list-based control.
spark.skins.spark The default skin for the drop indicator of a List component in case List doesn't have a dropIndicator part defined in its skin.
 ListEvent The ListEvent class represents events associated with items in list-based controls such as List, Tree, Menu, and DataGrid.
 ListEventReason Constants for the values of the reason property of a ListEvent object where the value of the type property is ListEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END.
mx.controls.listClasses The default drag proxy used when dragging from an MX list-based control (except for the DataGrid class).
spark.components.supportClasses The ListItemDragProxy class defines the default drag proxy used when dragging from a Spark List based control.
mx.controls.listClasses The ListItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a List control.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ListItemRenderer class.
 ListItemSelectEvent The ListItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in a list-based control such as a Menu, DataGrid, or Tree control is selected or deselected.
mx.controls.listClasses Used by the list-based classes to store information about their IListItemRenderers.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for a Spark List component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark List component.
flash.display The Loader class is used to load SWF files or image (JPG, PNG, or GIF) files.
flash.system The LoaderContext class provides options for loading SWF files and other media by using the Loader class.
flash.display The LoaderInfo class provides information about a loaded SWF file or a loaded image file (JPEG, GIF, or PNG).
mx.utils The LoaderUtil class defines a utility method for use with Flex RSLs.
mx.rpc.soap This event is dispatched when a WSDL XML document has loaded successfully.
 LoadEvent A LoadEvent is dispatched when properties of an ILoadable trait have changed.
 LoadVoucherSetting The LoadVoucherSetting class provides string constants for use with the settings parameter of the DRMManager loadVoucher() method.
 LocalConnection The LocalConnection class lets you create a LocalConnection object that can invoke a method in another LocalConnection object.
mx.resources The Locale class can be used to parse a locale String such as "en_US_MAC" into its three parts: a language code, a country code, and a variant.
flash.globalization The LocaleID class provides methods for parsing and using locale ID names.
com.adobe.fiber.styles An implementation of ILocalizeableMessage.
mx.logging Provides pseudo-hierarchical logging capabilities with multiple format and output options.
mx.charts The LogAxis class maps numeric values logarithmically between a minimum and maximum value along a chart axis.
mx.logging Represents the log information for a single logging event.
mx.logging Static class containing constants for use in the level property.
mx.logging The logger that is used within the logging framework.
 LuminosityMaskShader Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the luminosity masking option (also known as soft masking) available in Adobe Creative Suite tools.
 LuminosityShader Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Luminosity' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools.
spark.skins.spark.windowChromeThe default skin class for the close button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome on an Apple Computer.
spark.skins.spark.windowChromeThe default skin class for the maximize button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome with an Apple computer.
spark.skins.spark.windowChromeThe default skin class for the minimize button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome with an Apple computer.
spark.skins.spark.windowChromeThe default skin class for the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component for an Apple Macintosh when you use Flex chrome.
 Managed The Managed class provides utility methods for DataService managed objects.
 ManagedAssociation This class is used to represent an association as part of the data management metadata.
 ManagedObjectProxy The ManagedObjectProxy class provides the ability to track changes to an item that is anonymous and managed by a DataService.
 ManagedOperation The ManagedOperation class is used to represent a managed service operation for an RPC service that uses client-side data management.
 ManagedQuery Use an instance of this class to define a query which is managed by the DataManagement system.
 ManualSyncConfiguration This class is used when you need more control for how clients share data with other clients than is provided by the autoSyncEnabled feature.
 MarshalledAutomationEvent The MarshalledAutomationEvents class represents event objects that are dispatched by the AutomationManager.This represents the marshalling related events.
mx.effects The MaskEffect class is an abstract base class for all effects that animate a mask, such as the wipe effects and the Iris effect.
mx.effects.effectClasses The MaskEffectInstance class is an abstract base class that implements the instance class for the MaskEffect class.
spark.core The MaskType class defines the possible values for the maskType property of the GraphicElement class.
Top Level The Math class contains methods and constants that represent common mathematical functions and values.
com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib The MathFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for Math functions in the Adobe application modeling language.
flash.geom The Matrix class represents a transformation matrix that determines how to map points from one coordinate space to another.
flash.geom The Matrix3D class represents a transformation matrix that determines the position and orientation of a three-dimensional (3D) display object.
mx.olap.aggregators The MaxAggregator class implements the maximum aggregator.
mx.skins.wireframe.windowChromeThe wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's maximize button.
spark.skins.spark.windowChromeThe default skin class for the maximize button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome.
 MBeanAttributeInfo Client representation of metadata for a MBean attribute.
 MBeanConstructorInfo Client representation of metadata for a MBean constructor.
 MBeanFeatureInfo Client representation of metadata for a MBean feature.
 MBeanInfo Client representation of metadata for a MBean.
 MBeanOperationInfo Client representation of metadata for a MBean operation.
 MBeanParameterInfo Client representation of metadata for a MBean operation parameter.
 MediaPlayerState The MediaPlayerState class enumerates public constants that describe the current state of the MediaPlayer.
 MediaPlayerStateChangeEvent A MediaPlayer dispatches this event when its state has changed.
flash.errors The MemoryError exception is thrown when a memory allocation request fails.
mx.controls The Menu control creates a pop-up menu of individually selectable choices, similar to the File or Edit menu found in most software applications.
mx.accessibility MenuAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Menu class.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the branchIcon of an MX Menu component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the branchIcon of a MX Menu component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the disabled branchIcon of an MX Menu component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the disabled branchIcon of a MX Menu component.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Menu control.
mx.controls A MenuBar control defines a horizontal, top-level menu bar that contains one or more menus.
mx.accessibility MenuBarAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the MenuBar class.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the MenuBar control.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the background of a MenuBar.
mx.controls.menuClasses The MenuBarItem class defines the default item renderer for the top-level menu bar of a MenuBar control.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the MenuBarItem class.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for menu items in the MX MenuBar component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX MenuBar component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the checkIcon of an MX Menu component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the check icon of the MX Menu component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the checkDisabledIcon of an MX Menu component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the disabled check icon of a MX Menu component.
 MenuEvent The MenuEvent class represents events that are associated with menu activities in controls such as Menu, MenuBar, and PopUpMenuButton.
mx.controls.menuClasses The MenuItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for menu items in any menu control.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the MenuItemRenderer class.
mx.skins.sparkThe wireframe skin class for menu items in the MX Menu component.
mx.controls.menuClasses The MenuListData class defines the data type of the listData property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the Menu and MenuBar control.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the radio icon of the MX Menu component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the radio icon of the MX Menu component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the disabled radio icon of the MX Menu component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the disabled radio icon of the MX Menu component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the menu item separators in the MX Menu component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the menu item separators in the MX menu component.
 MenuShowEvent The MenuShowEvent class represents events that are associated with menuBar.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the border of the MX Menu component.
 MessageAckEvent The MessageAckEvent class is used to propagate acknowledge messages within the messaging system.
mx.messaging The MessageAgent class provides the basic low-level functionality common to message handling for a destination.
 MessageBatch Represents a group of changes: creates, updates, deletes, and update collection messages.
 MessageCacheItem Represents an element of the MessageBatch's items property.
 MessageEvent The MessageEvent class is used to propagate messages within the messaging system.
 MessageFaultEvent The MessageFaultEvent class is used to propagate fault messages within the messaging system.
mx.messaging.messages The MessagePerformanceUtils utility class is used to retrieve various metrics about the sizing and timing of a message sent from a client to the server and its response message, as well as pushed messages from the server to the client.
mx.messaging The MessageResponder class handles a successful result or fault from a message destination.
mx.messaging.errors This error indicates a problem serializing a message within a channel.
 MessagingDataServiceAdapter DataServiceAdapter for an LCDS back-end.
mx.messaging.errors This is the base class for any messaging related error.
 MetadataEvent The MetadataEvent class defines the event type for metadata and cue point events.
 Microphone Use the Microphone class to capture audio from a microphone.
mx.olap.aggregators The MinAggregator class implements the minimum aggregator.
mx.skins.wireframe.windowChromeThe wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's minimize button.
spark.skins.spark.windowChromeThe default skin class for the minimize button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome.
flashx.textLayout.operations The InsertInlineGraphicOperation class encapsulates the modification of an existing inline graphic.
mx.modules The base class for MXML-based dynamically-loadable modules.
mx.modules The base class for ActionScript-based dynamically-loadable modules.
 ModuleEvent The ModuleEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for events related to dynamically-loaded modules.
mx.modules ModuleLoader is a component that behaves much like a SWFLoader except that it follows a contract with the loaded content.
mx.modules The ModuleManager class centrally manages dynamically loaded modules.
flash.display The MorphShape class represents MorphShape objects on the display list.
spark.effects.animation The MotionPath class defines the collection of Keyframes objects for an effect, and the name of the property on the target to animate.
flash.ui The methods of the Mouse class are used to hide and show the mouse pointer, or to set the pointer to a specific style.
flash.ui The MouseCursor class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the cursor property of the Mouse class.
 MouseEvent A MouseEvent object is dispatched into the event flow whenever mouse events occur.
mx.effects The Move effect changes the position of a component over a specified time interval.
spark.effects The Move effect move the target object in the x and y directions.
spark.effects The Move3D class moves a target object in the x, y, and z dimensions.
 MoveEvent Represents event objects that are dispatched when a Flex component moves.
mx.effects.effectClasses The MoveInstance class implements the instance class for the Move effect.
flash.display The MovieClip class inherits from the following classes: Sprite, DisplayObjectContainer, InteractiveObject, DisplayObject, and EventDispatcher.
mx.core MovieClipAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.MovieClip class which represents movieclip symbols that you embed in a Flex application from a SWF file produced by Flash.
mx.core MovieClipLoaderAsset is a subclass of the MovieClipAsset class which represents SWF files that you embed in a Flex application.
mx.messaging Like a Consumer, a MultiTopicConsumer subscribes to a destination with a single clientId and delivers messages to a single event handler.
mx.messaging A MultiTopicProducer sends messages to a destination with zero or more subtopics.
flash.ui The Multitouch class manages and provides information about the current environment's support for handling contact from user input devices, including contact that has two or more touch points (such as a user's fingers on a touch screen).
flash.ui The MultitouchInputMode class provides values for the inputMode property in the flash.ui.Multitouch class.
spark.effects.interpolation The MultiValueInterpolator class interpolates each element of Arrays or Vectors of start and end elements separately, using another interpolator to do the interpolation for each element.
spark.components.mediaClasses The MuteButton class defines the mute button used by the VideoPlayer control.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreenThe default skin class for the mute button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normalThe default skin class for the mute button of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state.
spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClassesThe wireframe skin class for the mute button of a Spark VideoPlayer component.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The MXAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer class defines the Spark item renderer class for use with the MX AdvancedDataGrid control.
mx.controls.dataGridClasses The MXDataGridItemRenderer class defines the Spark item renderer class for use with the MX DataGrid control.
mx.controls MXFTETextInput is a UIComponent which is used to support TLF text in MX controls and data grid renderers.
mx.controls.listClasses The MXItemRenderer class is the base class for Spark item renderers and item editors used in MX list-based controls.
mx.core The MXMLObjectAdapter class is a stub implementation of the IMXMLObject interface, so that you can implement the interface without defining all of the methods.
 MXRecord AIR-only The MXRecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) MX resource record containing a mail exchange server address.
mx.controls.treeClasses The MXTreeItemRenderer class defines the Spark item renderer class for use with the MX Tree control.
Top Level The Namespace class contains methods and properties for defining and working with namespaces.
mx.utils The NameUtil utility class defines static methods for creating names for Flex objects.
flash.globalization The NationalDigitsType class enumerates constants that indicate digit sets used by the NumberFormatter class.
 NativeApplication AIR-only
flash.desktop The NativeApplication class represents this AIR application.
 NativeDragActions AIR-only
flash.desktop The NativeDragActions class defines string constants for the names of the drag-and-drop actions.
 NativeDragEvent AIR-only Native drag events are dispatched by the interactive objects involved in a drag-and-drop operation.
 NativeDragManager AIR-only
flash.desktop The NativeDragManager class coordinates drag-and-drop operations.
 NativeDragOptions AIR-only
flash.desktop The NativeDragOptions class defines constants for the names of drag-and-drop actions allowed in a drag-and-drop operation.
 NativeMenu AIR-only
flash.display The NativeMenu class contains methods and properties for defining native menus.
 NativeMenuItem AIR-only
flash.display The NativeMenuItem class represents a single item in a menu.
 NativeProcess AIR-only
flash.desktop The NativeProcess class provides command line integration and general launching capabilities.
 NativeProcessExitEvent AIR-only This event is dispatched by the NativeProcess object when the process exits.
 NativeProcessStartupInfo AIR-only
flash.desktop This class provides the basic information used to start a process on the host operating system.
 NativeWindow AIR-only
flash.display The NativeWindow class provides an interface for creating and controlling native desktop windows.
 NativeWindowBoundsEvent AIR-only A NativeWindow object dispatches a NativeWindowBoundsEvent object when the size or location of the window changes.
 NativeWindowDisplayState AIR-only
flash.display The NativeWindowDisplayState class defines constants for the names of the window display states.
 NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent AIR-only A NativeWindow object dispatches events of the NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent class when the window display state changes.
 NativeWindowInitOptions AIR-only
flash.display The NativeWindowInitOptions class defines the initialization options used to construct a new NativeWindow instance.
 NativeWindowResize AIR-only
flash.display The NativeWindowResize class defines constants for the possible values of the edgeOrCorner parameter of the NativeWindow startResize() method.
 NativeWindowSystemChrome AIR-only
flash.display The NativeWindowSystemChrome class defines constants for the systemChrome property of the NativeWindowInitOptions object used to create a native window.
 NativeWindowType AIR-only
flash.display The NativeWindowType class defines constants for the type property of the NativeWindowInitOptions object used to create a native window.
mx.controls The NavBar control is the superclass for navigator controls, such as the LinkBar and TabBar controls, and cannot be instantiated directly.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the NavBar control.
spark.core The NavigationUnit class defines the possible values for the getVerticalScrollPositionDelta() and getHorizontalScrollPositionDelta() methods of the IViewport class.
flashx.textLayout.utils Utilities for manipulating a TextRange The methods of this class are static and must be called using the syntax NavigationUtil.method(parameter).
spark.components The NavigatorContent class defines a Spark container that can be used in an MX navigator container, such as the ViewStack, TabNavigator and Accordion containers.
 NetConnection The NetConnection class creates a two-way connection between a client and a server.
mx.messaging.channels This NetConnectionChannel provides the basic NetConnection support for messaging.
 NetGroup Instances of the NetGroup class represent membership in an RTMFP group.
 NetGroupInfo The NetGroupInfo class specifies various Quality of Service (QoS) statistics related to a NetGroup object's underlying RTMFP Peer-to-Peer data transport.
 NetGroupReceiveMode The NetGroupReceiveMode class is an enumeration of constant values used for the receiveMode property of the NetGroup class.
 NetGroupReplicationStrategy The NetGroupReplicationStrategy class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the replicationStrategy property of the NetGroup class.
 NetGroupSendMode The NetGroupSendMode class is an enumeration of constant values used for the sendMode parameter of the NetGroup.sendToNeighbor() method.
 NetGroupSendResult The NetGroupSendResult class is an enumeration of constant values used for the return value of the Directed Routing methods associated with a NetGroup instance.
 NetStatusEvent A NetConnection, NetStream, or SharedObject object dispatches NetStatusEvent objects when a it reports its status.
 NetStream The NetStream class opens a one-way streaming channel over a NetConnection.
 NetStreamAppendBytesAction The NetStreamAppendBytesAction class is an enumeration of the constants you can pass to the NetStream.appendBytesAction() method.
 NetStreamInfo The NetStreamInfo class specifies the various Quality of Service (QOS) statistics related to a NetStream object and the underlying streaming buffer for audio, video, and data.
 NetStreamMulticastInfo The NetStreamMulticastInfo class specifies various Quality of Service (QoS) statistics related to a NetStream object's underlying RTMFP Peer-to-Peer and IP Multicast stream transport.
 NetStreamPlayOptions The NetStreamPlayOptions class specifies the various options that can be passed to the NetStream.play2() method.
 NetStreamPlayTransitions The NetStreamPlayTransitions class specifies the valid strings that you can use with the NetStreamPlayOptions.transition property.
 NetworkInfo AIR-only The NetworkInfo class provides information about the network interfaces on a computer.
 NetworkInterface AIR-only The NetworkInterface class describes a network interface.
mx.netmon NetworkMonitor is a stub used by the framework and enterprise service classes to send information to the Flash Builder Network Monitor feature.
flash.sampler The NewObjectSample class represents objects that are created within a getSamples() stream.
mx.messaging.errors This error is thrown when no Channel is available to send messages.
 NoDataAvailableError The NoDataAvailableError class represents an error thrown when data requested is not local.
 NotificationType AIR-only
flash.desktop The NotificationType class defines constants for use in the priority parameter of the DockIcon bounce() method and the type parameter of the NativeWindow notifyUser() method.
Top Level A data type representing an IEEE-754 double-precision floating-point number.
mx.formatters The NumberBase class is a utility class that contains general number formatting capabilities, including rounding, precision, thousands formatting, and negative sign formatting.
mx.formatters The NumberBaseRoundType class defines the constant values for formatter properties that specify a type of rounding.
flash.globalization The NumberFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting and parsing of numeric values.
mx.formatters The NumberFormatter class formats a valid number by adjusting the decimal rounding and precision, the thousands separator, and the negative sign.
spark.effects.interpolation The NumberInterpolator class provides interpolation between start and end values represented as Number instances.
flash.globalization A data structure that holds information about a number that was extracted by parsing a string.
mx.validators The NumberValidator class ensures that a String represents a valid number.
mx.validators The NumberValidatorDomainType class defines the values for the domain property of the NumberValidator class.
mx.charts.chartClasses The NumericAxis class acts as a common base class for axis types representing a continuous range of values between a defined minimum and maximum.
mx.controls The NumericStepper control lets the user select a number from an ordered set.
spark.components The NumericStepper control lets you select a number from an ordered set.
spark.accessibility NumericStepperAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.NumericStepper.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the NumericStepper control.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the down button of a Spark NumericStepper component.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of the down button in a NumericStepper.
 NumericStepperEvent Represents events that are specific to the NumericStepper control.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the up button of a Spark NumericStepper component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for a Spark NumericStepper component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark NumericStepper component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the text input field of a Spark NumericStepper component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark NumericStepperTextInput component.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of the up button in a NumericStepper.
Top Level The Object class is at the root of the ActionScript runtime class hierarchy.
 ObjectEncoding The ObjectEncoding class is used in defining serialization settings in classes that serialize objects (such as FileStream, NetStream, NetConnection, SharedObject, and ByteArray) to work with prior versions of ActionScript.
 ObjectInstance Client representation of an object name instance for server-side management controls.
 ObjectName Client representation of the name for server-side management controls.
mx.utils This class provides the ability to track changes to an item managed by this proxy.
mx.utils The ObjectUtil class is an all-static class with methods for working with Objects within Flex.
mx.olap The OLAPAttribute class represents a single attribute of an OLAPDimension.
mx.olap The OLAPAxisPosition class represents a position along the axis of the result of an OLAP query result.
mx.olap The OLAPCell class represents a cell in an OLAPResult instance.
mx.olap The OLAPCube class represents an OLAP cube.
mx.controls The OLAPDataGrid control expands on the functionality of the AdvancedDataGrid control to add support for the display of the results of OLAP queries.
mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the OLAPDataGrid control.
mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses The OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a group renderer for the OLAPDataGrid control.
mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer class.
mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses The OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider class lets you specify a custom header renderer for the columns in the OLAPDataGrid control.
mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses An OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider instance lets you specify a formatter for the items in the OLAPDataGrid control.
mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses The OLAPDataGridRendererProvider class defines the base class for assigning item renderers used by the OLAPDataGrid control.
mx.olap The OLAPDimension class represents a dimension of an OLAP cube.
mx.olap The OLAPElement class defines a base interface that provides common properties for all OLAP elements.
mx.olap The OLAPHierarchy class represents a hierarchy of the schema of an OLAP cube.
mx.olap The OLAPLevel class represents a level in an OLAP cube.
mx.olap The OLAPMeasure class represents a member of the measure dimension of an OLAP cube.
mx.olap The OLAPMember class represents a member of an OLAP dimension.
mx.olap The OLAPQuery interface represents an OLAP query that is executed on an IOLAPCube.
mx.olap The OLAPQueryAxis interface represents an axis of an OLAP query.
mx.olap The OLAPResult class represents the result of a query on an OLAP cube.
mx.olap The OLAPResultAxis class represents an axis of the result of an OLAP query.
mx.olap The OLAPSchema class represents an OLAP cube or cubes.
mx.olap The OLAPSet class represents a set, which is used to configure the axis of an OLAP query.
mx.olap The OLAPTrace class controls the generation of trace information generated by the OLAP classes and written to the log file.
mx.olap The OLAPTuple class reprsents a tuple expression pointing to an OLAP cube cell.
mx.utils OnDemandEventDispatcher serves as a base class for classes that dispatch events but expect listeners to be infrequent.
mx.rpc.http An Operation used specifically by an HTTPMultiService.
mx.rpc.remoting.mxml The Operation used for RemoteObject when created in an MXML document.
mx.rpc.remoting An Operation used specifically by RemoteObjects.
mx.rpc.soap.mxml An Operation used specifically by WebServices.
mx.rpc.soap An Operation used specifically by WebServices.
mx.utils OrderedObject acts as a wrapper to Object to preserve the ordering of the properties as they are added.
flash.geom The Orientation3D class is an enumeration of constant values for representing the orientation style of a Matrix3D object.
 OutputProgressEvent AIR-only A FileStream object dispatches OutputProgressEvent objects as pending asynchronous file write operations are performed.
flashx.textLayout.elements The OverflowPolicy class defines a set of constants for the overflowPolicy property of the IConfiguration class.
spark.components.supportClasses The OverlayDepth class defines the default depth values for various overlay elements used by Flex.
mx.states The OverrideBase class is the base class for the override classes used by view states.
 PagedMessage This messsage provides information about a partial sequence result.
 PageInformation The PageInformation class provides detailed data about what pages of a collection have been loaded, how many there are, and what the current page size is.
mx.containers A Halo Panel container consists of a title bar, a caption, a border, and a content area for its children.
spark.components The Panel class defines a container that includes a title bar, a caption, a border, and a content area for its children.
mx.accessibility PanelAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Panel class.
spark.accessibility PanelAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.Panel.
mx.automation.delegates.containers Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Panel class.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the MX Panel component's border.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX Panel component's border.
mx.skins.halo The PanelSkin class defines the skin for the Panel, TitleWindow, and Alert components.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for a Spark Panel container.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark Panel component.
 PaperSize AIR-only
flash.printing This class provides the available values for the paperSize parameter of the PrintJob.selectPaperSize() method.
flashx.textLayout.elements The ParagraphElement class represents a paragraph in the text flow hierarchy.
flashx.textLayout.elements The ParagraphFormattedElement class is an abstract base class for FlowElement classes that have paragraph properties.
mx.effects The Parallel effect plays multiple child effects at the same time.
mx.effects.effectClasses The ParallelInstance class implements the instance class for the Parallel effect.
flashx.textLayout.operations The PasteOperation class encapsulates a paste operation.
spark.primitives The Path class is a filled graphic element that draws a series of path segments.
mx.effects The Pause effect is useful when sequencing effects.
mx.effects.effectClasses The PauseInstance class implements the instance class for the Pause effect.
flash.geom The PerspectiveProjection class provides an easy way to assign or modify the perspective transformations of a display object and all of its children.
mx.formatters The PhoneFormatter class formats a valid number into a phone number format, including international configurations.
mx.validators The PhoneNumberValidator class validates that a string is a valid phone number.
mx.charts The PieChart control represents a data series as a standard pie chart.
mx.charts.series The PieSeries class defines the data series for a PieChart control.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the LineSeries class.
mx.charts.series.items Represents the information required to render a single wedge as part of a PieSeries.
mx.charts.series.renderData Represents all the information needed by the PieSeries to render.
flash.display The PixelSnapping class is an enumeration of constant values for setting the pixel snapping options by using the pixelSnapping property of a Bitmap object.
flashx.textLayout.conversion Export filter for plain text format.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreenThe default skin class for the play/pause button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normalThe default skin class for the play/pause button of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state.
spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClassesThe wireframe skin class for the play/pause button of a Spark VideoPlayer component.
mx.charts The PlotChart control represents data with two values for each data point.
mx.charts.series Defines a data series for a PlotChart control.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the PlotSeries class.
mx.charts.series.items Represents the information required to render an item as part of a PlotSeries.
mx.charts.series.renderData Represents all the information needed by the PlotSeries to render.
 PNGEncoder The PNGEncoder class converts raw bitmap images into encoded images using Portable Network Graphics (PNG) lossless compression.
flash.geom The Point object represents a location in a two-dimensional coordinate system, where x represents the horizontal axis and y represents the vertical axis.
mx.charts.chartClasses The PolarChart control serves as base class for circular charts based in polar coordinates.
mx.charts.chartClasses PolarDataCanvas class enables user to use graphics API with respect to data coordinates instead of screen coordinates.
mx.charts.chartClasses The PolarTransform object represents a set of axes used to map data values to angle/distance polar coordinates and vice versa.
mx.messaging.channels The PollingChannel class provides the polling behavior that all polling channels in the messaging system require.
spark.components The PopUpAnchor component is used to position a control that pops up or drops down, such as a DropDownList component, in layout.
mx.controls The PopUpButton control adds a flexible pop-up control interface to a Button control.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the PopUpButton control.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of a PopUpButton.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the MX PopUpButton component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX PopUpButton component.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of the icon in a PopUpButton.
mx.managers The PopUpManager singleton class creates new top-level windows and places or removes those windows from the layer on top of all other visible windows.
mx.managers The PopUpManagerChildList class defines the constant values for the detail property of the PopUpManager addPopUp() and createPopUp() methods.
mx.controls The PopUpMenuButton control creates a PopUpButton control with a main sub-button and a secondary sub-button.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of the icon in a PopUpMenuButton.
spark.components Enumerated type for the PopUpAnchor.popUpPosition property.
mx.containers.utilityClasses The PostScaleAdapter class is used as a compatibility layer for Flex 3 classes that rely on width, height, min, max, explicit, measured, and other properties to be determined after scaling is applied.
spark.effects.easing The Power class defines the easing functionality using a polynomial expression.
mx.preloaders The Preloader class is used by the SystemManager to monitor the download and initialization status of a Flex application.
 PressAndTapGestureEvent The PressAndTapGestureEvent class lets you handle press-and-tap gesture on touch-enabled devices.
mx.printing The PrintAdvancedDataGrid control is an AdvancedDataGrid subclass that is styled to show a table with line borders and is optimized for printing.
mx.printing The PrintDataGrid control is a DataGrid subclass that is styled to show a table with line borders and is optimized for printing.
flash.printing The PrintJob class lets you create content and print it to one or more pages.
flash.printing The PrintJobOptions class contains properties to use with the options parameter of the PrintJob.addPage() method.
flash.printing This class provides values that are used by the PrintJob.orientation property for the image position of a printed page.
 PrintMethod AIR-only
flash.printing This class provides values for the PrintJobOptions.printMethod property to specify the method of printing a page.
mx.printing The PrintOLAPDataGrid control is an OLAPDataGrid subclass that is styled to show a table with line borders and is optimized for printing.
 PrintUIOptions AIR-only
flash.printing The PrintUIOptions class is used to specify options for print dialogs that are displayed to the user.
mx.messaging A Producer sends messages to a destination.
mx.skins This class is the base class for skin elements which draw themselves programmatically.
mx.controls The ProgressBar control provides a visual representation of the progress of a task over time.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ProgressBar control.
mx.controls The ProgressBarDirection class defines the values for the direction property of the ProgressBar class.
mx.controls The ProgressBarLabelPlacement class defines the values for the labelPlacement property of the ProgressBar class.
mx.controls The ProgressBarMode class defines the values for the mode property of the ProgressBar class.
mx.skins.halo The skin for a ProgressBar.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the MX ProgressBar component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the border of the MX ProgressBar component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the MX ProgressBar component's track.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the track of the MX ProgressBar component.
 ProgressEvent A ProgressEvent object is dispatched when a load operation has begun or a socket has received data.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the indeterminate state of a ProgressBar.
mx.skins.spark The Spark skin for the indeterminate state of the MX ProgressBar component.
mx.skins.wireframe The wireframe skin for the indeterminate state of the MX ProgressBar component.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the mask of the ProgressBar's determinate and indeterminate bars.
mx.skins.spark The Spark skin for the mask of the MX ProgressBar component's determinate and indeterminate bars.
mx.skins.wireframe The wireframe skin for the mask of the MX ProgressBar component's determinate and indeterminate bars.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the track in a ProgressBar.
 PropertyChangeEvent The PropertyChangeEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener when one of the properties of an object has changed, and provides information about the change.
 PropertyChangeEventKind The PropertyChangeEventKind class defines the constant values for the kind property of the PropertyChangeEvent class.
mx.effects.effectClasses The PropertyChanges class defines the start and end values for a set of properties of a target component of a transition.
flash.utils The Proxy class lets you override the default behavior of ActionScript operations (such as retrieving and modifying properties) on an object.
 PTRRecord AIR-only The PTRRecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) PTR resource record containing a canonical domain name.
Top Level QName objects represent qualified names of XML elements and attributes.
mx.effects.easing The Quadratic class defines three easing functions to implement quadratic motion with Flex effect classes.
mx.rpc.xml QualifiedResourceManager is a helper class that simply maintains the order that resources were added and maps a target namespace to one or more resources.
mx.effects.easing The Quartic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes.
mx.effects.easing The Quintic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes.
 RadialGradient The RadialGradient class lets you specify a gradual color transition in the fill color.
 RadialGradientStroke The RadialGradientStroke class lets you specify a gradient filled stroke.
mx.controls The RadioButton control lets the user make a single choice within a set of mutually exclusive choices.
spark.components The RadioButton component allows the user make a single choice within a set of mutually exclusive choices.
mx.accessibility RadioButtonAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the RadioButton class.
spark.accessibility RadioButtonAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.RadioButton.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the RadioButton control.
mx.controls The RadioButtonGroup control defines a group of RadioButton controls that act as a single mutually exclusive control; therefore, a user can select only one RadioButton control at a time.
spark.components The RadioButtonGroup component defines a group of RadioButton components that act as a single mutually exclusive component; therefore, a user can select only one RadioButton component at a time.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of the icon in a RadioButton.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the MX RadioButton component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX RadioButton component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for a Spark RadioButton component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark RadioButton component.
spark.components.supportClasses The Range class holds a value and an allowed range for that value, defined by minimum and maximum properties.
Top Level A RangeError exception is thrown when a numeric value is outside the acceptable range.
spark.primitives The Rect class is a filled graphic element that draws a rectangle.
flash.geom A Rectangle object is an area defined by its position, as indicated by its top-left corner point (x, y) and by its width and its height.
mx.skins The RectangularBorder class is an abstract base class for various classes that draw rectangular borders around UIComponents.
 RectangularDropShadow Drop shadows are typically created using the DropShadowFilter class.
spark.primitives This class optimizes drop shadows for the common case.
flashx.textLayout.operations The RedoOperation class encapsulates a redo operation.
Top Level A ReferenceError exception is thrown when a reference to an undefined property is attempted on a sealed (nondynamic) object.
 ReferencesValidationSetting AIR-only The ReferencesValidationSetting class defines constants used by the referencesValidationSetting property of an XMLSignatureValidator object.
Top Level The RegExp class lets you work with regular expressions, which are patterns that you can use to perform searches in strings and to replace text in strings.
mx.validators The RegExpValidator class dispatches the valid and invalid events.
mx.validators The RegExpValidator class lets you use a regular expression to validate a field.
mx.rpc.remoting.mxml Use the <mx:RemoteObject> tag to represent an HTTPService object in an MXML file.
mx.rpc.remoting The RemoteObject class gives you access to classes on a remote application server.
 RemoteObjectServiceWrapper This class is the superclass of all generated wrappers around instances of the RemoteObject class.
mx.messaging.messages RemotingMessages are used to send RPC requests to a remote endpoint.
spark.effects The RemoveAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the RemoveChild property of a view state definition.
spark.effects.supportClasses The RemoveActionInstance class implements the instance class for the RemoveAction effect.
mx.states The RemoveChild class removes a child display object, such as a component, from a container as part of a view state.
mx.effects The RemoveChildAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the RemoveChild property of a view state definition.
mx.effects.effectClasses The RemoveChildActionInstance class implements the instance class for the RemoveChildAction effect.
mx.effects The RemoveItemAction class defines an action effect that determines when the item renderer disappears from the control for the item renderer of an item being removed from a list-based control, such as List or TileList, or for an item that is replaced by a new item added to the control.
mx.effects.effectClasses The RemoveItemActionInstance class implements the instance class for the RemoveChildAction effect.
mx.charts.chartClasses RenderData structures are used by chart elements to store all of the relevant values and data needed to fully render the chart.
 RendererExistenceEvent The RendererExistenceEvent class represents events that are dispatched when a renderer of a Spark DataGroup is added or removed.
flash.text.engine The RenderingMode class provides values for rendering mode in the FontDescription class.
spark.effects.animation The RepeatBehavior class defines constants for use with repeatBehavior property of the Animate and Animation classes.
mx.core The Repeater class is the runtime object that corresponds to the <mx:Repeater> tag.
mx.automation.delegates.core Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Repeater class.
 Request This is an event that is expects its data property to be set by a responding listener.
mx.effects The Resize effect changes the width, height, or both dimensions of a component over a specified time interval.
spark.effects The Resize effect changes the width, height, or both dimensions of a component over a specified time interval.
 ResizeEvent Represents event objects that are dispatched when the size of a Flex component changes.
mx.effects.effectClasses The ResizeInstance class implements the instance class for the Resize effect.
spark.effects.supportClasses The ResizeInstance class implements the instance class for the Resize effect.
spark.components The ResizeMode class defines an enumeration of the modes a component uses to resize its children in the dimensions specified by the layout system.
mx.resources Provides an implementation of the IResourceBundle interface.
 ResourceEvent The ResourceEvent class represents an Event object that is dispatched when the ResourceManager loads the resource bundles in a resource module by calling the loadResourceModule() method.
mx.resources This class is used to get a single instance of the IResourceManager implementation.
 ResourceRecord AIR-only The ResourceRecord class is the base class for Domain Name System (DNS) resource record classes.
 Responder The Responder class provides an object that is used in to handle return values from the server related to the success or failure of specific operations.
mx.rpc This class provides a default implementation of the mx.rpc.IResponder interface.
mx.skins.wireframe.windowChromeThe wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's restore button.
spark.skins.spark.windowChromeThe default skin class for the restore button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome.
 ResultEvent The event that indicates an RPC operation has successfully returned a result.
 RevocationCheckSettings AIR-only The RevocationCheckSettings class defines constants used by the revocationCheckSetting property of an XMLSignatureValidator object.
spark.effects.interpolation The RGBInterpolator class provides interpolation between uint start and end values that represent RGB colors.
spark.components RichEditableText is a low-level UIComponent for displaying, scrolling, selecting, and editing richly-formatted text.
spark.accessibility RichEditableTextAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.RichEditableText.
spark.components RichText is a low-level UIComponent that can display one or more lines of richly-formatted text and embedded images.
mx.controlsThe RichTextEditor control lets users enter and format text.
mx.effects The Rotate effect rotates a component around a specified point.
spark.effects The Rotate effect rotates a target object in the x, y plane around the transform center.
spark.effects The Rotate3D class rotate a target object in three dimensions around the x, y, or z axes.
mx.effects.effectClasses The RotateInstance class implements the instance class for the Rotate effect.
mx.geom RoundedRectangle represents a Rectangle with curved corners
spark.layouts The RowAlign class defines the possible values for the rowAlign property of the TileLayout class.
 RPCDataManager The RPCDataManager is a component you can use to manage objects which are retrieved using a service such as RemoteObject, WebService, and HTTPMultiService.
 RPCDataServiceAdapter This is the abstract base class which you use to implement a new type of DataService implementation.
mx.utils The RPCObjectUtil class is a subset of ObjectUtil, removing methods that create dependency issues when RPC messages are in a bootstrap loader.
mx.utils The RPCStringUtil class is a subset of StringUtil, removing methods that create dependency issues when RPC messages are in a bootstrap loader.
mx.utils The RPCUIDUtil class is a copy of UIDUtil without some functions that cause dependency problems when RPC messages are put in a bootstrap loader.
 RSLEvent The RSLEvent class represents an event object used by the DownloadProgressBar class when an RSL is being downloaded by the Preloader class.
mx.messaging.channels The RTMPChannel class provides basic RTMP support for messaging.
flash.sampler The Sample class creates objects that hold memory analysis information over distinct durations.
 SampleDataEvent Dispatched when a Sound object requests new audio data or when a Microphone object has new audio data to provide.
 SandboxMouseEvent This is an event sent between applications in different security sandboxes to notify listeners about mouse activity in another security sandbox.
 SaturationShader Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Saturation' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools.
spark.effects The Scale effect scales a target object in the x and y directions around the transform center.
spark.effects The Scale3D class scales a target object in three dimensions around the transform center.
org.osmf.display ScaleMode controls the layout of out a single piece of content within a container.
flash.display The Scene class includes properties for identifying the name, labels, and number of frames in a scene.
mx.rpc.xml XMLDecoder uses this class to map an XML Schema type by QName to an ActionScript Class so that it can create strongly typed objects when decoding content.
 Screen AIR-only
flash.display The Screen class provides information about the display screens available to this application.
 ScreenMouseEvent AIR-only The SystemTrayIcon object dispatches events of type ScreenMouseEvent in response to mouse interaction.
flash.errors The ScriptTimeoutError exception is thrown when the script timeout interval is reached.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of the up or down button in a ScrollBar.
mx.controls.scrollClasses The ScrollBar class is the base class for the HScrollBar and VScrollBar controls.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ScrollBar class.
spark.components.supportClasses The ScrollBarBase class helps to position the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit in a display area.
mx.controls.scrollClasses The ScrollBarDirection class defines the values for the direction property of the ScrollBar control.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the down button of the MX ScrollBar component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the down button of the MX ScrollBar component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for down button of the Spark ScrollBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarDownButton component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for left button of the Spark ScrollBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarLeftButton component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for right button of the Spark ScrollBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarRightButton component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the thumb of the MX ScrollBar component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the thumb of the MX ScrollBar component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the track of the MX ScrollBar component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the track of the MX ScrollBar component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the up button of the MX ScrollBar component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the up button of the MX ScrollBar component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for up button of the Spark ScrollBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarUpButton component.
mx.core The ScrollControlBase class is the base class for controls with scroll bars.
mx.automation.delegates.core Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ScrollControlBase class.
spark.components The Scroller component displays a single scrollable component, called a viewport, and horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark Scroller component.
 ScrollEvent Represents events that are dispatched by the ScrollBar class.
 ScrollEventDetail Constants for the values of the detail property of a ScrollEvent.
 ScrollEventDirection Constants for the values of the direction property of a ScrollEvent.
flashx.textLayout.container The ScrollPolicy class is an enumeration class that defines values for setting the horizontalScrollPolicy and verticalScrollPolicy properties of the ContainerController class, which defines a text flow container.
mx.core Values for the horizontalScrollPolicy and verticalScrollPolicy properties of the Container and ScrollControlBase classes.
mx.controls.scrollClasses The ScrollThumb class defines the thumb of a ScrollBar control.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of the thumb in a ScrollBar.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the track in a ScrollBar.
spark.components.mediaClasses The VideoScrubBar class defines a video timeline that shows the current play head location in the video, the amount of the video previously played, and the loaded in part of the video.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreenThe default skin class for the scrub bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normalThe default skin class for the scrub bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state.
spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClassesThe wireframe skin class for the scrub bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreenThe default skin class for the scrub bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normalThe default skin class for the scrub bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state.
spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClassesThe wireframe skin class for the scrub bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreenThe default skin class for the scrub bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normalThe default skin class for the scrub bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state.
spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClassesThe wireframe skin class for the scrub bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component.
mx.messaging.channels The SecureAMFChannel class is identical to the AMFChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, HTTPS, to send messages to an AMF endpoint.
mx.messaging.channels The SecureHTTPChannel class is identical to the HTTPChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, HTTPS, to send messages to an HTTP endpoint.
mx.messaging.channels The SecureRTMPChannel class is identical to the RTMPChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, RTMPS, to send messages to an RTMPS endpoint.
 SecureSocket AIR-only The SecureSocket class enables code to make socket connections utilizing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols.
 SecureSocketMonitor AIR-only A SecureSocketMonitor object monitors availablity of a TCP endpoint over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols.
mx.messaging.channels The SecureStreamingAMFChannel class is identical to the StreamingAMFChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, HTTPS, to send messages to an AMF endpoint.
mx.messaging.channels The SecureStreamingHTTPChannel class is identical to the StreamingHTTPChannel class except that it uses a secure protocol, HTTPS, to send messages to an HTTP endpoint.
flash.system The Security class lets you specify how content in different domains can communicate with each other.
flash.system The SecurityDomain class represents the current security "sandbox," also known as a security domain.
Top Level The SecurityError exception is thrown when some type of security violation takes place.
 SecurityErrorEvent An object dispatches a SecurityErrorEvent object to report the occurrence of a security error.
flash.system The SecurityPanel class provides values for specifying which Security Settings panel you want to display.
mx.utils Utilities for working with security-related issues.
 SelectionEvent A TextFlow instance dispatches a SelectionEvent object when an EditManager or SelectionManager changes or selects a range of text.
flashx.textLayout.edit The SelectionFormat class defines the properties of a selection highlight.
flashx.textLayout.edit The SelectionManager class manages text selection in a text flow.
flashx.textLayout.edit The SelectionState class represents a selection in a text flow.
mx.effects The Sequence effect plays multiple child effects one after the other, in the order in which they are added.
 SequencedMessage Clients receive this message in response to DataService.fill() request.
mx.effects.effectClasses The SequenceInstance class implements the instance class for the Sequence effect.
mx.rpc.http This class is useful for framework developers wishing to plug in or modify the HTTP services to use a new serialization format.
mx.charts.chartClasses The Series class is the base class for the classes that let you specify a data series for a chart control.
mx.automation.delegates.charts Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Series base class.
mx.charts.effects The base class for chart effects.
mx.charts.effects.effectClasses The SeriesEffectInstance class implements the base instance class for the chart series effects.
mx.charts.effects The SeriesInterpolate effect moves the graphics that represent the existing data in a series to the new points.
mx.charts.effects.effectClasses The SeriesInterpolateInstance class implements the instance class for the SeriesInterpolate effect.
mx.charts.effects The SeriesSlide effect slides a data series into and out of the chart's boundaries.
mx.charts.effects.effectClasses The SeriesSlideInstance class implements the instance class for the SeriesSlide effect.
mx.charts.effects The SeriesZoom effect implodes and explodes chart data into and out of the focal point that you specify.
mx.charts.effects.effectClasses The SeriesZoomInstance class implements the instance class for the SeriesZoom effect.
mx.messaging.config This class provides access to the server messaging configuration information.
 ServerSocket AIR-only The ServerSocket class allows code to act as a server for Transport Control Protocol (TCP) connections.
 ServerSocketConnectEvent AIR-only A ServerSocket object dispatches a ServerSocketConnectEvent object when a client attempts to connect to the server socket.
 ServiceMonitor AIR-only The ServiceMonitor class implements the framework for monitoring the status and availability of network services.
spark.effects The SetAction class defines an action effect that sets the value of a named property or style.
spark.effects.supportClasses The SetActionInstance class implements the instance class for the SetAction effect.
mx.states The SetEventHandler class specifies an event handler that is active only during a particular view state.
mx.states The SetProperty class specifies a property value that is in effect only during the parent view state.
mx.effects The SetPropertyAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the SetProperty property of a view state definition.
mx.effects.effectClasses The SetPropertyActionInstance class implements the instance class for the SetPropertyAction effect.
mx.states The SetStyle class specifies a style that is in effect only during the parent view state.
mx.effects The SetStyleAction class defines an action effect that corresponds to the SetStyle property of a view state definition.
mx.effects.effectClasses The SetStyleActionInstance class implements the instance class for the SetStyleAction effect.
mx.utils Implementation of SHA-256 hash algorithm as described in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 180-2 at
flash.display A Shader instance represents a Pixel Bender shader kernel in ActionScript.
flash.display A ShaderData object contains properties representing any parameters and inputs for a shader kernel, as well as properties containing any metadata specified for the shader.
 ShaderEvent A ShaderEvent is dispatched when a shader operation launched from a ShaderJob finishes.
flash.filters The ShaderFilter class applies a filter by executing a shader on the object being filtered.
spark.filters The Flex ShaderFilter class abstracts away many of the details of using the Flash ShaderFilter, Shader, and ShaderData classes to apply a Pixel Bender shader as a filter.
flash.display A ShaderInput instance represents a single input image for a shader kernel.
flash.display A ShaderJob instance is used to execute a shader operation in stand-alone mode.
flash.display A ShaderParameter instance represents a single input parameter of a shader kernel.
flash.display This class defines the constants that represent the possible values for the ShaderParameter class's type property.
flash.display This class defines the constants that represent the possible values for the Shader class's precisionHint property.
mx.charts.renderers A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills a rectangular area and surrounds it with a drop shadow.
mx.charts.renderers An implementation of a line segment renderer that is used by LineSeries objects.
flash.display This class is used to create lightweight shapes using the ActionScript drawing application program interface (API).
 SharedObject The SharedObject class is used to read and store limited amounts of data on a user's computer or on a server.
 SharedObjectFlushStatus The SharedObjectFlushStatus class provides values for the code returned from a call to the SharedObject.flush() method.
 SignatureStatus AIR-only The SignatureStatus class defines constants used by the validityStatus property of an XMLSignatureValidator object.
 SignerTrustSettings AIR-only The SignerTrustSettings class defines constants used with the signerTrustSettings property of an XMLSignatureValidator object.
flash.display The SimpleButton class lets you control all instances of button symbols in a SWF file.
spark.effects.animation The SimpleMotionPath class specifies the name of a property, and the values that that property takes over time, for instances of the Animate effect.
mx.rpc.xml The SimpleXMLDecoder class deserialize XML into a graph of ActionScript objects.
mx.rpc.xml The SimpleXMLEncoder class takes ActionScript Objects and encodes them to XML using default serialization.
mx.effects.easing The Sine class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes, where the motion is defined by a sine wave.
spark.effects.easing The Sine class defines easing functionality using a Sine function.
spark.components.supportClasses The Skin class defines the base class for all skins used by skinnable components.
spark.components.supportClasses The SkinnableComponent class defines the base class for skinnable components.
spark.components The SkinnableContainer class is the base class for skinnable containers that have visual content.
spark.components.supportClasses Base class for skinnable container components.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for a Spark SkinnableContainer container.
spark.components The SkinnableDataContainer class is the base container class for data items.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark SkinnableDataContainer container.
spark.components.supportClasses The base class for skinnable components, such as the Spark TextInput and TextArea, that include an instance of RichEditableText in their skin to provide rich text display, scrolling, selection, and editing.
mx.controls.sliderClasses The Slider class is the base class for the Flex slider controls.
mx.accessibility SliderAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Slider class.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Slider class, which is the parent of the HSlider and VSlider classes.
spark.components.supportClasses The SliderBase class lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track.
spark.accessibility SliderBaseAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase.
mx.controls.sliderClasses The SliderDataTip class defines the tooltip used in the mx.controls.Slider control.
mx.controls.sliderClasses The SliderDirection class defines the constant values for the direction property of the Slider class.
 SliderEvent The SliderEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the change, thumbDrag, thumbPress, and thumbRelease events of the HSlider and VSlider classes.
 SliderEventClickTarget The SliderEventClickTarget class defines the constants for the values of the clickTarget property of the SliderEvent class.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the highlighted state of the track of a Slider.
mx.controls.sliderClasses The SliderLabel class defines the label used in the mx.controls.Slider component.
mx.controls.sliderClasses The SliderThumb class represents a thumb of a Slider control.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of a thumb in a Slider.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the thumb of the MX Slider component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the thumb of the MX Slider component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the track highlight of the MX Slider component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the track highlight of the MX Slider component.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the track in a Slider.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the track of the MX Slider component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the track of the MX Slider component.
mx.rpc.soap A subclass of mx.rpc.Fault that provides SOAP specific information from a SOAP envelope Fault element.
mx.rpc.soap You use a SOAPHeader to specify the headers that need to be added to a SOAP envelope of a WebService Operation request.
mx.messaging.messages SOAPMessages are similar to HTTPRequestMessages.
mx.rpc.soap A context for the result of a SOAP based Remote Procedure Call.
mx.validators The SocialSecurityValidator class validates that a String is a valid United States Social Security number.
 Socket The Socket class enables code to establish Transport Control Protocol (TCP) socket connections for sending and receiving binary data.
 SocketMonitor AIR-only A SocketMonitor object monitors availablity of a TCP endpoint.
 SoftLightShader Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Soft Light' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools.
 SolidColor Defines a representation for a color, including a color and an alpha value.
 SolidColorStroke The SolidColorStroke class defines the properties for a line.
mx.collections Provides the sorting information required to establish a sort on an existing view (ICollectionView interface or class that implements the interface).
mx.collections.errors This error is thrown when a Sort class is not configured properly; for example, if the find criteria are invalid.
mx.collections Provides the sorting information required to establish a sort on a field or property in an existing view.
mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses The SortInfo class defines information about the sorting of a column of the AdvancedDataGrid control.
 Sound The Sound class lets you work with sound in an application.
mx.core SoundAsset is a subclass of the class which represents sounds that you embed in a Flex application.
 SoundChannel The SoundChannel class controls a sound in an application.
 SoundCodec The SoundCodec class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the codec property of the Microphone class.
mx.effects The SoundEffect class plays an MP3 audio file.
mx.effects.effectClasses The SoundEffectInstance class implements the instance class for the SoundEffect effect.
 SoundLoaderContext The SoundLoaderContext class provides security checks for files that load sound.
 SoundMixer The SoundMixer class contains static properties and methods for global sound control in the application.
 SoundTransform The SoundTransform class contains properties for volume and panning.
flash.text.engine The SpaceJustifier class represents properties that control the justification options for text lines in a text block.
mx.controls The Spacer control helps you lay out children within a parent container.
flashx.textLayout.elements The SpanElement class represents a run of text that has a single set of formatting attributes applied.
spark.skins.sparkA skin class for the Spark WindowedApplication component.
mx.preloaders The SparkDownloadProgressBar class displays download progress.
spark.skins Base class for Spark skins.
mx.skins.spark The SparkSkinForHalo class is the base class for Spark skins for MX components.
flashx.textLayout.elements The SpecialCharacterElement class is an abstract base class for elements that represent special characters.
spark.components A Spinner component selects a value from an ordered set.
spark.accessibility SpinnerAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.Spinner.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the down button of a Spark Spinner component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark SpinnerDecrementButton component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the up button of a Spark Spinner component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark SpinnerIncrementButton component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark Spinner component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark Spinner component.
flashx.textLayout.operations The SplitParagraphOperation class encapsulates a change that splits a paragraph into two elements.
flash.display The SpreadMethod class provides values for the spreadMethod parameter in the beginGradientFill() and lineGradientStyle() methods of the Graphics class.
flash.display The Sprite class is a basic display list building block: a display list node that can display graphics and can also contain children.
mx.core SpriteAsset is a subclass of the flash.display.Sprite class which represents vector graphic images that you embed in an application.
spark.core The SpriteVisualElement class is a light-weight Sprite-based implemention of the IVisualElement interface.
 SQLCollationType AIR-only This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the defaultCollationType parameter of the SQLColumnSchema constructor, as well as the SQLColumnSchema.defaultCollationType property.
 SQLColumnNameStyle AIR-only This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the SQLConnection.columnNameStyle property.
 SQLColumnSchema AIR-only The SQLColumnSchema class provides information describing the characteristics of a specific column within a table in a database.
 SQLConnection AIR-only A SQLConnection instance is used to manage the creation of and connection to local SQL database files (local databases).
 SQLError AIR-only
flash.errors A SQLError instance provides detailed information about a failed operation.
 SQLErrorEvent AIR-only A SQLErrorEvent instance is dispatched by a SQLConnection instance or SQLStatement instance when an error occurs while performing a database operation in asynchronous execution mode.
 SQLErrorOperation AIR-only
flash.errors This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the SQLError.operation property.
 SQLEvent AIR-only Adobe AIR dispatches SQLEvent objects when one of the operations performed by a SQLConnection or SQLStatement instance completes successfully.
 SQLIndexSchema AIR-only A SQLIndexSchema instance provides information describing a specific index in a database.
 SQLMode AIR-only This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the openMode parameter of the and SQLConnection.openAsync() methods.
 SQLResult AIR-only The SQLResult class provides access to data returned in response to the execution of a SQL statement (a SQLStatement instance).
 SQLSchema AIR-only The SQLSchema class is the base class for schema information for database objects such as tables, views, and indices.
 SQLSchemaResult AIR-only A SQLSchemaResult instance contains the information resulting from a call to the SQLConnection.loadSchema() method.
 SQLStatement AIR-only A SQLStatement instance is used to execute a SQL statement against a local SQL database that is open through a SQLConnection instance.
 SQLTableSchema AIR-only A SQLTableSchema instance provides information describing a specific table in a database.
 SQLTransactionLockType AIR-only This class contains the constants that represent the possible values for the option parameter of the SQLConnection.begin() method.
 SQLTriggerSchema AIR-only A SQLTriggerSchema instance provides information describing a specific trigger in a database.
 SQLUpdateEvent AIR-only A SQLUpdateEvent object is dispatched by a SQLConnection object when a data change occurs on any table associated with the SQLConnection instance.
 SQLViewSchema AIR-only A SQLViewSchema instance provides information describing a specific view in a database.
 SRVRecord AIR-only The SRVRecord class represents a Domain Name System (DNS) SRV resource record containing a service host.
mx.charts.chartClasses Stacked Series serves as the common base class for all of the stacking set series (BarSet, ColumnSet, and AreaSet).
flash.sampler The StackFrame class provides access to the properties of a data block containing a function.
flash.errors ActionScript throws a StackOverflowError exception when the stack available to the script is exhausted.
flash.display The Stage class represents the main drawing area.
flash.display The StageAlign class provides constant values to use for the Stage.align property.
 StageAspectRatio AIR-only
flash.display The StageAspectRatio class provides values for the Stage.setAspectRatio() method.
flash.display The StageDisplayState class provides values for the Stage.displayState property.
 StageOrientation AIR-only
flash.display The StageOrientation class provides values for the orientation property of the Stage class.
 StageOrientationEvent AIR-only A Stage object dispatches a StageOrientationEvent object when the orientation of the screen containing the stage changes.
flash.display The StageQuality class provides values for the Stage.quality property.
flash.display The StageScaleMode class provides values for the Stage.scaleMode property.
flashx.textLayout.compose The StandardFlowComposer class provides a standard composer and container manager.
mx.states The State class defines a view state, a particular view of a component.
 StateChangeEvent The StateChangeEvent class represents an event that is dispatched when the currentState property of a component changes.
flash.text This class represents StaticText objects on the display list.
 StatusBar AIR-only
mx.core.windowClasses The default status bar for a WindowedApplication or a Window.
 StatusBarBackgroundSkin AIR-only
mx.skins.halo The skin for the StatusBar of a WindowedApplication or Window.
mx.skins.wireframe.windowChromeThe wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's StatusBar border.
 StatusChangeEvent A TextFlow instance dispatches this event when the status of a FlowElement changes.
 StatusEvent An object dispatches a StatusEvent object when a device, such as a camera or microphone, or an object such as a LocalConnection object reports its status.
 StatusFileUpdateErrorEvent AIR-only A StatusUpdateFileErrorEvent is dispatched when a call to the checkForUpdate() method of a ApplicationUpdater object encounters an error while downloading or parsing the update descriptor file.
 StatusFileUpdateEvent AIR-only Dispatched after the updater successfully validates the file in the call to the installFromAIRFile() method.
 StatusUpdateErrorEvent AIR-only A StatusUpdateErrorEvent is dispatched when a call to the checkForUpdate() method of an ApplicationUpdater object encounters an error while downloading or parsing the update descriptor file.
 StatusUpdateEvent AIR-only An updater object dispatches a StatusUpdateEvent object after the updater successfully downloads and interprets the update descriptor file.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the down button of the MX NumericStepper component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the down button of the MX NumericStepper component.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the up button of the MX NumericStepper component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the up button of the MX NumericStepper component.
 StorageVolume AIR-only
flash.filesystem A StorageVolume object includes properties defining a mass storage volume.
 StorageVolumeChangeEvent AIR-only The StorageVolumeInfo.storageVolumeInfo object dispatches a StorageVolumeChangeEvent event object when a storage volume is mounted or unmounted.
 StorageVolumeInfo AIR-only
flash.filesystem The StorageVolumeInfo object dispatches a StorageVolumeChangeEvent object when a storage volume is mounted or unmounted.
mx.messaging.channels The StreamingAMFChannel class provides support for messaging and offers a different push model than the base AMFChannel.
mx.messaging.channels A helper class that is used by the streaming channels to open an internal HTTP connection to the server that is held open to allow the server to stream data down to the client with no poll overhead.
mx.messaging.channels The StreamingHTTPChannel class provides support for messaging and offers a different push model than the base HTTPChannel.
 StreamType Enumeration of stream types.
Top Level The String class is a data type that represents a string of characters.
com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib The StringFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for String functions in the Adobe application modeling language.
flashx.textLayout.factory The StringTextLineFactory class provides a simple way to create TextLines from a string.
flash.globalization The StringTools class provides locale-sensitive case conversion methods.
mx.utils The StringUtil utility class is an all-static class with methods for working with String objects within Flex.
mx.validators The StringValidator class validates that the length of a String is within a specified range.
 Stroke The Stroke class defines the properties for a line.
spark.primitives.supportClasses The StrokedElement class is the base class for all graphic elements that have a stroke, including Line, Ellipse, Path, and Rect.
com.adobe.fiber.styles An implementation of IStyle.
 StyleEvent The StyleEvent class represents an event object used by the StyleManager class when a style SWF is being downloaded.
mx.styles The StyleManager class manages the following: Which CSS style properties the class inherits Which style properties are colors, and therefore get special handling A list of strings that are aliases for color values
mx.styles Wraps an object that implements the IAdvancedStyleClient interface.
flash.text The StyleSheet class lets you create a StyleSheet object that contains text formatting rules for font size, color, and other styles.
com.adobe.fiber.styles A wrapper around mx.validators.Validator that enables runtime customization of the function used for validation, doValidation.
flashx.textLayout.elements The SubParagraphGroupElement class groups FlowLeafElements together.
mx.messaging This is the class used for elements of the ArrayCollection subscriptions property in the MultiTopicConsumer property.
mx.olap.aggregators The SumAggregator class implements the sum aggregator.
mx.collections The SummaryField class represents a single property in a SummaryRow instance.
mx.collections The SummaryField2 class represents a single property in a SummaryRow instance.
mx.collections The SummaryObject class defines the object used to store information when performing custom data summaries on grouped data.
mx.collections The SummaryRow class represents a summary row of the AdvancedDataGrid.
mx.skins.halo The skin for the border of a SwatchPanel.
mx.skins.halo The skin used for all color swatches in a ColorPicker.
 SWFBridgeEvent This is an event that is sent between applications that are in different security sandboxes.
mx.core A SWFBridgeGroup represents all of the sandbox bridges that an application needs to communicate with its parent and children.
 SWFBridgeRequest An event that is sent between applications through the sharedEvents dispatcher that exists between two application SWFs.
mx.controls The SWFLoader control loads and displays a specified SWF file.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the SWFLoader control.
flash.display The SWFVersion class is an enumeration of constant values that indicate the file format version of a loaded SWF file.
mx.formatters The SwitchSymbolFormatter class is a utility class that you can use when creating custom formatters.
 SyncEvent An SharedObject object representing a remote shared object dispatches a SyncEvent object when the remote shared object has been updated by the server.
Top Level A SyntaxError exception is thrown when a parsing error occurs, for one of the following reasons:.
flash.system The System class contains properties related to local settings and operations.
 SystemIdleMode AIR-only
flash.desktop The SystemIdleMode class provides constant values for system idle behaviors.
mx.managers The SystemManager class manages an application window.
 SystemTrayIcon AIR-only
flash.desktop The SystemTrayIcon class represents the Windows taskbar® notification area (system tray)-style icon.
flash.system The SystemUpdater class allows you to update modules of the Flash Player, such as the DRM module for Flash Access, as well as the Flash Player itself.
flash.system The SystemUpdaterType class provides constants for a system update.
flash.text.engine The TabAlignment class is an enumeration of constant values that you can use to set the tabAlignment property of the TabStop class.
mx.controls The TabBar control lets you create a horizontal or vertical group of tab navigation items by defining the labels and data associated with each tab.
spark.components The TabBar class displays a set of identical tabs.
mx.accessibility TabBarAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the TabBar class.
spark.accessibility TabBarAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.TabBar.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for Spark TabBar buttons.
spark.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for TabBar component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark TabBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark TabBar component.
flashx.textLayout.elements The TabElement class represents a <tab/> in the text flow.
mx.containers The MX TabNavigator container extends the MX ViewStack container by including a TabBar container for navigating between its child containers.
mx.automation.delegates.containers Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TabNavigator class.
mx.skins.halo The skin for all the states of a Tab in a TabNavigator or TabBar.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the tabs of the MX TabNavigator container.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the tabs of the MX TabNavigator container.
flash.text.engine The TabStop class represents the properties of a tab stop in a text block.
flashx.textLayout.formats The TabStopFormat class represents the properties of a tab stop in a paragraph.
flashx.textLayout.elements The TCYElement (Tatechuuyoko - ta-tae-chu-yo-ko) class is a subclass of SubParagraphGroupElement that causes text to draw horizontally within a vertical line.
mx.controls The Text control displays multiline, noneditable text.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for setting the textAlign and textAlignLast properties of the TextLayoutFormat class.
mx.controls The TextArea control is a multiline text field with a border and optional scroll bars.
spark.components TextArea is a text-entry control that lets users enter and edit multiple lines of richly formatted text.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TextArea control.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the border of the MX TextArea component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for Spark TextArea component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark TextArea component.
spark.components.supportClasses The base class for Spark text controls such as Label and RichText which display text using CSS styles for the default format.
spark.accessibility TextBaseAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.TextBase.
flash.text.engine The TextBaseline class is an enumeration of constant values to use in setting the dominantBaseline and alignmentBaseline properties of the ElementFormat class.
flash.text.engine The TextBlock class is a factory for the creation of TextLine objects, which you can render by placing them on the display list.
flashx.textLayout.edit The TextClipboard class copies and pastes TextScrap objects to and from the system clipboard.
flash.text The TextColorType class provides color values for the flash.text.TextRenderer class.
flashx.textLayout.container Manages text in a container.
flashx.textLayout.conversion This is the gateway class for handling import and export.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for the textDecoration property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
flash.text The TextDisplayMode class contains values that control the subpixel anti-aliasing of the advanced anti-aliasing system.
flash.text.engine The TextElement class represents a string of formatted text.
 TextEvent An object dispatches a TextEvent object when a user enters text in a text field or clicks a hyperlink in an HTML-enabled text field.
flash.text The TextExtent class contains information about the extents of some text in a text field.
flash.text The TextField class is used to create display objects for text display and input.
mx.core TextFieldAsset is a subclass of the flash.text.TextField class which represents TextField symbols that you embed in a Flex application from a SWF file produced by Flash.
mx.automation.delegates Utility class that facilitates replay of text input and selection.
flash.text The TextFieldAutoSize class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the autoSize property of the TextField class.
flash.text The TextFieldType class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the type property of the TextField class.
flashx.textLayout.elements The TextFlow class is responsible for managing all the text content of a story.
flashx.textLayout.compose The TextFlowLine class represents a single line of text in a text flow.
flashx.textLayout.compose The TextFlowLineLocation class is an enumeration class that defines constants for specifying the location of a line within a paragraph.
flashx.textLayout.factory The TextFlowTextLineFactory class provides a simple way to create TextLines for displaying text from a text flow.
spark.utils TextFlowUtil is a utility class which provides methods for importing a TextFlow from, and exporting a TextFlow to, the markup language used by the Text Layout Framework.
flash.text The TextFormat class represents character formatting information.
flash.text The TextFormatAlign class provides values for text alignment in the TextFormat class.
mx.controls The TextInput control is a single-line text field that is optionally editable.
spark.components TextInput is a text-entry control that lets users enter and edit a single line of uniformly-formatted text.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TextInput control.
mx.skins.sparkThe Spark skin class for the border of the MX TextInput component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the border of the MX TextInput component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for Spark TextInput component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark TextInput component.
flash.text.engine The TextJustifier class is an abstract base class for the justifier types that you can apply to a TextBlock, specifically the EastAsianJustifier and SpaceJustifier classes.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for setting the textJustify property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
 TextLayoutEvent A TextLayoutEvent instance represents an event, such as the TextLayoutEvent.SCROLL event, that does not require custom properties.
flashx.textLayout.formats The TextLayoutFormat class holds all of the text layout properties.
flash.text.engine The TextLine class is used to display text on the display list.
flash.text.engine The TextLineCreationResult class is an enumeration of constant values used with TextBlock.textLineCreationResult.
flashx.textLayout.factory The TextLineFactoryBase class serves as the base class for the Text Layout Framework text line factories.
flash.text The TextLineMetrics class contains information about the text position and measurements of a line of text within a text field.
flash.text.engine The TextLineMirrorRegion class represents a portion of a text line wherein events are mirrored to another event dispatcher.
flashx.textLayout.compose The TextLineRecycler class provides support for recycling of TextLines.
flash.text.engine The TextLineValidity class is an enumeration of constant values for setting the validity property of the TextLine class.
 TextOperationEvent The TextOperationEvent class represents events that are dispatched when text content changes due to user operations such as inserting characters, backspacing, pasting, or changing text attributes.
flashx.textLayout.elements A read only class that describes a range of contiguous text.
mx.controls.textClasses The TextRange class provides properties that select and format a range of text in the Label, Text, TextArea, TextEditor, and RichTextEditor controls.
flash.text The TextRenderer class provides functionality for the advanced anti-aliasing capability of embedded fonts.
flash.text.engine The TextRotation class is an enumeration of constant values used with the following properties: ElementFormat.textRotation, ContentElement.textRotation, TextBlock.lineRotation, and TextLine.getAtomTextRotation().
flashx.textLayout.edit The TextScrap class represents a fragment of a text flow.
 TextSelectionEvent The TextSelectionEvent class lets you track selection within a text field.
spark.components This class specifies the allowed values for the selectionHighlighting property of the RichEditableText control, and controls that use RichEditableText as a subcomponent (Spark TextInput and Spark TextArea).
flash.text TextSnapshot objects let you work with static text in a movie clip.
mx.containers A Halo Tile container lays out its children in a grid of equal-sized cells.
mx.controls.listClasses The TileBase class is the base class for controls that display data items in a sequence of rows and columns.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TileBase class, which is the parent of the TileList component.
mx.controls.listClasses Values for the direction property of the TileList component.
mx.containers The TileDirection class defines the constant values for the direction property of the Tile container.
spark.components The TileGroup container is an instance of the Group container that uses the TileLayout class.
spark.layouts The TileLayout class arranges layout elements in columns and rows of equally-sized cells.
mx.controls The TileList control displays a number of items laid out in tiles.
mx.controls.listClasses The TileListItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for the HorizontalList and TileList controls.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TileListItemRenderer class.
spark.layouts The TileOrientation class defines the possible values for the orientation property of the TileLayout class.
 TimeEvent A TimeEvent is dispatched when properties of an ITemporal trait have changed.
flash.utils The Timer class is the interface to timers, which let you run code on a specified time sequence.
 TimerEvent A Timer object dispatches a TimerEvent objects whenever the Timer object reaches the interval specified by the Timer.delay property.
mx.skins.halo The skin for a title bar area of a Panel.
 TitleBar AIR-only
mx.core.windowClasses The default title bar for a WindowedApplication or a Window.
 TitleBar AIR-only
spark.components.windowClasses The TitleBar class defines the default title bar for a WindowedApplication or a Window container.
mx.skins.wireframe.windowChromeThe wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's TitleBar border.
spark.skins.spark.windowChromeThe default skin class for the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome.
mx.containers A TitleWindow layout container contains a title bar, a caption, a border, and a content area for its child.
spark.components The TitleWindow class extends Panel to include a close button and move area.
mx.accessibility TitleWindowAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the TitleWindow class.
spark.accessibility TitleWindowAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.TitleWindow.
 TitleWindowBoundsEvent The TitleWindowBoundsEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when bounds of a Spark TitleWindow changes, either by moving or resizing.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the close button's down state in the TitleWindow component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the close button's over state in the TitleWindow component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the close button of the Spark TitleWindow component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark TitleWindowCloseButton component.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the close button's up state in the TitleWindow component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for a Spark TitleWindow container.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark TitleWindow component.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for the typographicCase property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
spark.components The ToggleButton component defines a toggle button.
spark.accessibility ToggleButtonAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.ToggleButton.
mx.controls The ToggleButtonBar control defines a horizontal or vertical group of buttons that maintain their selected or deselected state.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ToggleButtonBar control.
spark.components.supportClasses The ToggleButtonBase component is the base class for the Spark button components that support the selected property.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for a Spark ToggleButton component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ToggleButton component.
mx.controls The ToolTip control lets you provide helpful information to your users.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ToolTip control.
mx.skins.halo The skin for a ToolTip.
 ToolTipEvent The ToolTipEvent class represents ToolTip events, which are generated by the ToolTipManager class.
mx.managers The ToolTipManager lets you set basic ToolTip and error tip functionality, such as display delay and the disabling of ToolTips.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the border of the MX ToolTip component.
 TouchEvent The TouchEvent class lets you handle events on devices that detect user contact with the device (such as a finger on a touch screen).
flash.system The TouchscreenType class is an enumeration class that provides values for the different types of touch screens.
mx.logging.targets Provides a logger target that uses the global trace() method to output log messages.
spark.components.supportClasses The TrackBase class is a base class for components with a track and one or more thumb buttons, such as Slider and ScrollBar.
 TrackBaseEvent Represents events that are dispatched from a TrackBase component.
flash.geom The Transform class provides access to color adjustment properties and two- or three-dimensional transformation objects that can be applied to a display object.
mx.geom The mx.geom.Transform class adds synchronization support on top of the flash.geom.Transform class.
 TransformGestureEvent The TransformGestureEvent class lets you handle complex movement input events (such as moving fingers across a touch screen) that the device or operating system interprets as a gesture.
mx.geom A CompoundTransform represents a 2D or 3D matrix transform.
mx.states The Transition class defines a set of effects that play in response to a change of view state.
mx.controls The Tree control lets a user view hierarchical data arranged as an expandable tree.
mx.accessibility TreeAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the Tree class.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Tree control.
 TreeEvent The TreeEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for events that are associated with activities in tree, such as when a tree branch opens or closes.
mx.controls.treeClasses The TreeItemRenderer class defines the default item renderer for a Tree control.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the TreeItemRenderer class.
mx.controls.treeClasses The TreeListData class defines the data type of the listData property implemented by drop-in item renderers or drop-in item editors for the Tree control.
flash.display Defines codes for culling algorithms that determine which triangles not to render when drawing triangle paths.
mx.charts.renderers A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills an upright triangle in its assigned area.
flashx.textLayout.factory The TruncationOptions class specifies options for limiting the number of lines of text created by a text line factory and for indicating when lines have been left out.
mx.effects The Tween class defines a tween, a property animation performed on a target object over a period of time.
mx.effects The TweenEffect class is the superclass for all effects that are based on the Tween object.
mx.effects.effectClasses The TweenEffectInstance class implements the instance class for the TweenEffect.
 TweenEvent Represents event objects that are specific to Flex tween effects.
Top Level A TypeError exception is thrown when the actual type of an operand is different from the expected type.
flash.text.engine The TypographicCase class is an enumeration of constant values for setting the typographicCase property of the ElementFormat class.
mx.core The UIComponent class is the base class for all visual components, both interactive and noninteractive.
mx.accessibility UIComponentAccProps is a subclass of AccessibilityProperties for use by various UIComponents.
mx.automation.delegates.core Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UIComponent class.
mx.core The ContainerCreationPolicy class defines the constant values for the cachePolicy property of the UIComponent class.
mx.core A UIComponentDescriptor instance encapsulates the information that you specified in an MXML tag for an instance of a visual component.
mx.utils The UIDUtil class is an all-static class with methods for working with UIDs (unique identifiers) within Flex.
mx.core The UIFTETextField class is an alternative to the UITextField class for displaying text in MX components.
mx.flash Components created in Adobe Flash Professional for use in Flex are subclasses of the mx.flash.UIMovieClip class.
mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UIMovieclip control.
Top Level The uint class provides methods for working with a data type representing a 32-bit unsigned integer.
mx.core The UITextField class defines the component used by many Flex components to display text.
mx.automation.delegates.core Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the UITextField class.
mx.core The UITextFormat class represents character formatting information for the UITextField class.
 UncaughtErrorEvent An UncaughtErrorEvent object is dispatched by an instance of the UncaughtErrorEvents class when an uncaught error occurs.
 UncaughtErrorEvents The UncaughtErrorEvents class provides a way to receive uncaught error events.
mx.effects The UnconstrainItemAction class defines an action effect that is used in a data-effect definition to temporarily stop item renderers from being positioned by the layout algorithm of the parent control.
mx.effects.effectClasses The UnconstrainItemActionInstance class implements the instance class for the UnconstrainItemAction effect.
flashx.undo The UndoManager class manages the history of editing operations on a text flow so that these operations can be undone and redone.
flashx.textLayout.operations The UndoOperation class encapsulates an undo operation.
 UnresolvedConflictsError The UnresolvedConflictsError class represents an error thrown when a commit request is made while there are still unresolved conflicts and no listener has been registered for UnresolvedConflictsEvent.FAULT.
 UnresolvedConflictsEvent The DataService throws this event when the commit() method is called while conflicts remain unresolved.
 UpdateCollectionMessage This message is used to establish consistency between the remote sequence and the corresponding local collection.
 UpdateCollectionRange The UpdateCollectionRange class provides specific information about a range of add and remove operations made to a collection.
 UpdateCompleteEvent A TextFlow instance dispatches this event after any of its containers completes an update.
 UpdateEvent AIR-only A UpdateEvent is dispatched by a ApplicationUpdater object during the update process.
 Updater AIR-only
flash.desktop The Updater class is used to update the currently running application with a different version.
Top Level A URIError exception is thrown when one of the global URI handling functions is used in a way that is incompatible with its definition.
 URLFilePromise AIR-only
air.desktop The URLFilePromise class allows resources accessible at a URL to be dragged out of an AIR application as a file promise.
 URLLoader The URLLoader class downloads data from a URL as text, binary data, or URL-encoded variables.
 URLLoaderDataFormat The URLLoaderDataFormat class provides values that specify how downloaded data is received.
 URLMonitor AIR-only The URLMonitor class monitors availablity of an HTTP- or HTTPS-based service.
 URLRequest The URLRequest class captures all of the information in a single HTTP request.
 URLRequestDefaults AIR-only The URLRequestDefaults class includes static properties that you can set to define default values for the properties of the URLRequest class.
 URLRequestHeader A URLRequestHeader object encapsulates a single HTTP request header and consists of a name/value pair.
 URLRequestMethod The URLRequestMethod class provides values that specify whether the URLRequest object should use the POST method or the GET method when sending data to a server.
 URLStream The URLStream class provides low-level access to downloading URLs.
mx.utils The URLUtil class is a static class with methods for working with full and relative URLs within Flex.
 URLVariables The URLVariables class allows you to transfer variables between an application and a server.
flash.geom The Utils3D class contains static methods that simplify the implementation of certain three-dimensional matrix operations.
mx.validators The ValidationResult class contains the results of a validation.
 ValidationResultEvent The ValidationResultEvent class represents the event object passed to the listener for the valid validator event or the invalid validator event.
mx.validators The Validator class is the base class for all Flex validators.
mx.containers The Halo VBox container lays out its children in a single vertical column.
mx.containers The VDividedBox container lays out its children vertically in the same way as the VBox container, but it inserts a draggable divider in the gap between each child.
Top Level The Vector class lets you access and manipulate a vector — an array whose elements all have the same data type.
flash.geom The Vector3D class represents a point or a location in the three-dimensional space using the Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z.
Top Level The VerifyError class represents an error that occurs when a malformed or corrupted SWF file is encountered.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for the verticalAlign property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
spark.layouts The VerticalAlign class defines the possible values for the verticalAlign property of the HorizontalLayout class.
spark.layouts The VerticalLayout class arranges the layout elements in a vertical sequence, top to bottom, with optional gaps between the elements and optional padding around the sequence of elements.
spark.components The VGroup container is an instance of the Group container that uses the VerticalLayout class.
 Video The Video class displays live or recorded video in an application without embedding the video in your SWF file.
mx.controls The VideoDisplay control lets you play an FLV file in a Flex application.
spark.components The VideoDisplay class is chromeless video player that supports progressive download, multi-bitrate, and streaming video.
mx.automation.delegates.controls Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the VideoDisplay control.
mx.controls.videoClasses The VideoError class represents the error codes for errors thrown by the VideoDisplay control.
 VideoEvent The VideoEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for events dispatched by the VideoDisplay control, and defines the values of the VideoDisplay.state property.
spark.components The VideoPlayer control is a skinnable video player that supports progressive download, multi-bitrate streaming, and streaming video.
spark.accessibility VideoPlayerAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.VideoPlayer.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark VideoPlayer component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark VideoPlayer component.
com.adobe.viewsource The ViewSource class adds support for the "View Source" context menu item.
mx.containers An MX ViewStack navigator container consists of a collection of child containers stacked on top of each other, where only one child at a time is visible.
mx.automation.delegates.containers Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ViewStack class.
spark.components.mediaClasses The VolumeBar class defines a drop-down slider to control the volume of the VideoDisplay control.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreenThe default skin class for the volume bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normalThe default skin class for the volume bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state.
spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClassesThe wireframe skin class for the volume bar of a Spark VideoPlayer component.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreenThe default skin class for the volume bar thumb part button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normalThe default skin class for the volume bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state.
spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClassesThe wireframe skin class for the volume bar thumb part of a Spark VideoPlayer component.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreenThe default skin class for the volume bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states.
spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normalThe default skin class for the volume bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component in the normal skin state.
spark.skins.wireframe.mediaClassesThe wireframe skin class for the volume bar track part of a Spark VideoPlayer component.
 VoucherAccessInfo A VoucherAccessInfo object presents the information that is required to successfully retrieve and consume a voucher, such as the type of authentication and the content domain of the media rights server.
mx.controls The VRule control creates a single vertical line.
mx.controls The VScrollBar (vertical ScrollBar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit in a display area.
spark.components The VScrollBar (vertical scrollbar) control lets you control the portion of data that is displayed when there is too much data to fit vertically in a display area.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark VScrollBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark VScrollBar component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the thumb of a Spark VScrollBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarThumb component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the track of a Spark VScrollBar component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark ScrollBarTrack component.
mx.controls The VSlider control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track.
spark.components The VSlider (vertical slider) control lets users select a value by moving a slider thumb between the end points of the slider track.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the Spark VSlider component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark VSlider component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the thumb of a Spark VSlider component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark VSliderThumb component.
spark.skins.sparkThe default skin class for the track of a Spark VSlider component.
spark.skins.wireframeThe default wireframe skin class for the Spark VSliderTrack component.
mx.rpc.soap.mxml The <mx:WebService> tag gives you access to the operations of SOAP-compliant web services.
mx.rpc.soap The WebService class provides access to SOAP-based web services on remote servers.
 WebServiceWrapper This class is the superclass of all generated wrappers around instances of the WebService class.
mx.charts.renderers The default itemRenderer for a PieSeries object.
flashx.textLayout.formats Defines values for setting the whiteSpaceCollapse property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
 Window AIR-only
mx.core The Window is a top-level container for additional windows in an AIR desktop application.
 Window AIR-only
spark.components The Window is a top-level container for additional windows in an AIR desktop application.
 WindowBackground AIR-only
mx.skins.halo The skin for a Window component's background gradient.
 WindowCloseButtonSkin AIR-only
mx.skins.halo The skin for the close button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window.
 WindowedApplication AIR-only
mx.core The WindowedApplication defines the application container that you use to create Flex applications for AIR applications.
 WindowedApplication AIR-only
spark.components The WindowedApplication defines the application container that you use to create Flex applications for AIR applications.
mx.skins.wireframeThe wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component.
spark.skins.sparkA skin class for the Spark WindowedApplication and Window containers.
 WindowedSystemManager AIR-only
mx.managers The WindowedSystemManager class manages any non-Application windows in a Flex-based AIR application.
 WindowMaximizeButtonSkin AIR-only
mx.skins.halo The skin for the maximize button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window.
 WindowMinimizeButtonSkin AIR-only
mx.skins.halo The skin for the minimize button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window.
 WindowRestoreButtonSkin AIR-only
mx.skins.halo The skin for the restore button in the TitleBar of a WindowedApplication or Window.
spark.effects The Wipe effect performs a bitmap transition effect by running a directional wipe between the first and second bitmaps.
spark.effects The WipeDirection class defines the values for the direction property of the Wipe class.
mx.effects The WipeDown class defines a wipe down effect.
mx.effects.effectClasses The WipeDownInstance class implements the instance class for the WipeDown effect.
mx.effects The WipeLeft class defines a wipe left effect.
mx.effects.effectClasses The WipeLeftInstance class implements the instance class for the WipeLeft effect.
mx.effects The WipeRight class defines a wipe right effect.
mx.effects.effectClasses The WipeRightInstance class implements the instance class for the WipeRight effect.
mx.effects The WipeUp class defines a wipe up effect.
mx.effects.effectClasses The WipeUpInstance class implements the instance class for the WipeUp effect.
mx.rpc.wsdl A binding defines the message format and protocol for messages sent to and from operations as defined by a particular portType.
 WSDLLoadEvent The WSDLLoadEvent class represents the event object for the event dispatched when a WSDL XML document has loaded successfully.
Top Level The XML class contains methods and properties for working with XML objects.
flash.xml The XMLDocument class represents the legacy XML object that was present in ActionScript 2.0.
Top Level The XMLList class contains methods for working with one or more XML elements.
mx.collections The XMLListCollection class provides collection functionality to an XMLList object and makes available some of the methods of the native XMLList class.
 XMLLoadEvent The XMLLoadEvent class is a base class for events that are dispatched when an RPC service successfully loaded an XML document.
flash.xml The XMLNode class represents the legacy XML object that was present in ActionScript 2.0 and that was renamed in ActionScript 3.0.
flash.xml The XMLNodeType class contains constants used with XMLNode.nodeType.
mx.utils Used for watching changes to XML and XMLList objects.
 XMLSignatureValidator AIR-only The XMLSignatureValidator class validates whether an XML signature file is well formed, unmodified, and, optionally, whether it is signed using a key linked to a trusted digital certificate.
 XMLSocket The XMLSocket class implements client sockets that let the Flash Player or AIR application communicate with a server computer identified by an IP address or domain name.
mx.utils The XMLUtil class is an all-static class with methods for working with XML within Flex.
mx.formatters The ZipCodeFormatter class formats a valid number into one of the following formats, based on a user-supplied formatString property.
mx.validators The ZipCodeValidator class validates that a String has the correct length and format for a five-digit ZIP code, a five-digit+four-digit United States ZIP code, or Canadian postal code.
mx.validators The ZipCodeValidatorDomainType class defines the values for the domain property of the ZipCodeValidator class, which you use to specify the type of ZIP code to validate.
mx.effects The Zoom effect zooms the object in or out on a center point.
mx.effects.effectClasses The ZoomInstance class implements the instance class for the Zoom effect.