Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | |
c — Property, class fl.motion.BezierSegment | |
The third point of the Bezier curve. | |
c — Property, class flash.geom.Matrix | |
The value that affects the positioning of pixels along the x axis when rotating or skewing an image. | |
C — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the C key (67). | |
cache — Property, class | |
An instance of Cache in which the value is looked for. | |
cache — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.RenderData | |
The list of ChartItems representing the items in the series's dataProvider. | |
cacheable — Property, class | |
Contains true if this is a cacheable event, and false if not. | |
cacheAsBitmap — Property, class fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
If set to true, Flash Player caches an internal bitmap representation of the display object. | |
cacheAsBitmap — Property, class flash.display.DisplayObject | |
If set to true, Flash runtimes cache an internal bitmap representation of the display object. | |
cacheAsBitmap — Property, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter | |
cacheAsBitmap — Property, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject | |
If set to true, Flash runtimes cache an internal bitmap representation of the display object. | |
cacheAsBitmapMatrix — Property, class flash.display.DisplayObject | |
If non-null, this Matrix object defines how a display object is rendered when cacheAsBitmap is set to true. | |
CacheDataDescriptor — class, package | |
The CacheDataDescriptor class provides information about the attributes of cached data. | |
CacheDataDescriptor( — Constructor, class | |
Initializes this descriptor with the specified cache item and associated id. | |
cachedData — Property, class spark.core.ContentCache | |
Map of source to CacheEntryNode. | |
cachedDataChangeEffect — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The effect that plays when changes occur in the data provider for the control. | |
cacheDefaultValues(measureName:String, cache:Array, fieldName:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Caches the values stored in the measureName property from the original dataProvider items in the chart item's fieldName property. | |
cachedHeaderHeight — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader | |
The cached header height, in pixels. | |
cachedItemsChangeEffect — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The effect that plays when changes occur in the data provider for the control, set through the itemsChangeEffect style. | |
cachedPaddingBottom — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader | |
The cached padding for the bottom of the renderer, in pixels. | |
cachedPaddingTop — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader | |
The cached padding for the top of the renderer, in pixels. | |
cacheEntries — Property, class spark.core.ContentCache | |
Ordered (MRU) list of CacheEntryNode instances. | |
cacheHeuristic — Property, interface mx.core.IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent | |
Used by Flex to suggest bitmap caching for the object. | |
cacheHeuristic — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Used by Flex to suggest bitmap caching for the object. | |
cacheHeuristic — Property, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Used by Flex to suggest bitmap caching for the object. | |
cacheID — Property, class | |
Provides access to the cache identifier for this service. | |
cacheID — Property, class | |
Provides access to the cache identifier for this service. | |
cacheIndexValues(measureName:String, cache:Array, fieldName:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Caches the values stored in the measureName property from the original dataProvider items in the chart item's fieldName property. | |
cacheNamedValues(measureName:String, cache:Array, fieldName:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Caches the values stored in the measureName property from the original dataProvider items in the chart item's fieldName property. | |
cachePolicy — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.ServerSession | |
Returns the value of cachePolicy (if one is set). | |
cachePolicy — Property, class | |
Returns the ICachePolicy (if set) | |
cachePolicy — Property, interface | |
The ICachePolicy for this session. | |
cachePolicy — Property, interface mx.core.IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent | |
Specifies the bitmap caching policy for this object. | |
cachePolicy — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Specifies the bitmap caching policy for this object. | |
cachePolicy — Property, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Specifies the bitmap caching policy for this object. | |
CachePolicy — class, package | |
CachePolicy provides some specific implementations of ICachePolicy. | |
CachePolicy(type:String, cacheURL:String) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
cacheResponse — Property, class flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Specifies whether successful response data should be cached for HTTP requests issued by this object. | |
cacheResponse — Property, class | |
Specifies whether successful response data should be cached for this request. | |
cacheResponse — Static Property, class | |
The default setting for the cacheResponse property of URLRequest objects. | |
cacheResponse — Property, class | |
When this property is true this event was dispatched in response to a method call executed against the local cache. | |
cacheResponse — Property, class | |
When this property is true this event was dispatched in response to a method call executed against the local cache. | |
cacheSize — Property, class | |
Provides access to the cache size for this connection, which represents the maximum number of database disk pages that are held in memory at one time. | |
CacheToken — class, package | |
This class extends async token and instead of making remote call to fetch the result, fetches the result from a local cache. | |
CacheToken(message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Constructor, class | |
The constructor for CacheToken class. | |
cacheURL — Property, class | |
Returns the value of cacheURL | |
cacheURL — Property, interface | |
Indicates the URL location of the cache, such as "app-storage:/cache". | |
calculateChildHeights(column:Array, height:Number) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartColumnLayout | |
Calculates the sizes of the children in a column. | |
calculateChildWidths(row:Array, width:Number) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartRowLayout | |
Calculates the sizes of the children in a row. | |
calculateColumnLayout(width:Number, height:Number, updateInPlace:Boolean, returnArray:Boolean) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.FlowLayout | |
Determines the size and position of the elements in a column-oriented flow. | |
calculateDates() — method, interface | |
Populates the calculatedStartDate and calculatedEndDate fields. | |
calculateDates() — method, interface | |
Populates the calculatedStartDate and calculatedEndDate fields. | |
calculateDates() — method, interface | |
Populates the calculatedStartDate and calculatedEndDate fields. | |
calculateDates() — method, class | |
Populates the calculatedStartDate and calculatedEndDate fields. | |
calculateDates() — method, class | |
Populates the calculatedStartDate and calculatedEndDate fields. | |
calculateDates() — method, class | |
Populates the calculatedStartDate and calculatedEndDate fields. | |
calculatedDuration — Property, interface | |
Duration calculated from calculatedStartDate and calculatedEndDate. | |
calculatedDuration — Property, class | |
Duration calculated from calculatedStartDate and calculatedEndDate. | |
calculatedEndDate — Property, interface | |
The endDate if the review has ended. | |
calculatedEndDate — Property, interface | |
The endDate if a review has ended. | |
calculatedEndDate — Property, interface | |
The endDate if the participant task has ended. | |
calculatedEndDate — Property, class | |
The endDate if the review has ended. | |
calculatedEndDate — Property, class | |
The endDate if a review has ended. | |
calculatedEndDate — Property, class | |
The endDate if the participant task has ended. | |
calculateDragScrollDelta(dropLocation:spark.layouts.supportClasses:DropLocation, elapsedTime:Number) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Calculates how much to scroll for the specified dropLocation during a drag and drop gesture. | |
calculateDropIndex(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.MosaicLayoutBase | |
Locates the item under the point using a simple look-up, accounting for horizontal and vertical gaps. | |
calculateDropIndex( — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Returns the index where the dropped items should be added to the drop target. | |
calculateDropIndex( — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Returns the index where the dropped items should be added to the drop target. | |
calculateDropIndex(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class spark.layouts.TileLayout | |
Returns the index where a new item should be inserted if the user releases the mouse at the specified coordinates while completing a drag and drop gesture. | |
calculateDropIndex(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Returns the index where a new item should be inserted if the user releases the mouse at the specified coordinates while completing a drag and drop gesture. | |
calculateDropIndicatorBounds(dropLocation:spark.layouts.supportClasses:DropLocation) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.FlowLayout | |
Creates the bounding rectangle for the drop indicator. | |
calculateDropIndicatorBounds(dropLocation:spark.layouts.supportClasses:DropLocation) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartColumnLayout | |
Creates the bounding rectangle for the drop indicator. | |
calculateDropIndicatorBounds(dropLocation:spark.layouts.supportClasses:DropLocation) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartGridLayout | |
Determines the size and position of the drop indicator, returning an Rectangle with the proper boundaries. | |
calculateDropIndicatorBounds(dropLocation:spark.layouts.supportClasses:DropLocation) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartRowLayout | |
Creates the bounding rectangle for the drop indicator. | |
calculateDropIndicatorBounds(dropLocation:spark.layouts.supportClasses:DropLocation) — method, class spark.layouts.TileLayout | |
Calculates the bounds for the drop indicator that provides visual feedback to the user of where the items will be inserted at the end of a drag and drop gesture. | |
calculateDropIndicatorBounds(dropLocation:spark.layouts.supportClasses:DropLocation) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Calculates the bounds for the drop indicator that provides visual feedback to the user of where the items will be inserted at the end of a drag and drop gesture. | |
calculateDropIndicatorY(rowCount:Number, rowNum:int) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Calculates the y position of the drop indicator when performing a drag-and-drop operation. | |
calculateDropIndicatorY(rowCount:Number, rowNum:int) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Calculates the y position of the drop indicator when performing a drag-and-drop operation. | |
calculateDropLocation( — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.MosaicLayoutBase | |
Returns the location of the drop based on the event given. | |
calculateDropLocation( — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartColumnLayout | |
Determines the location of the drop (should it happen) and returns that information in the form of a DropLocation. | |
calculateDropLocation( — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartGridLayout | |
Determines the location of the drop (should it happen) and returns that information in the form of a DropLocation. | |
calculateDropLocation( — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartRowLayout | |
Determines the location of the drop (should it happen) and returns that information in the form of a DropLocation. | |
calculateDropLocation( — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
Calculates the drop location in the data provider of the drop target for the specified dragEvent. | |
calculatedStartDate — Property, interface | |
The startDate if the review has started. | |
calculatedStartDate — Property, interface | |
The startDate if a review has started. | |
calculatedStartDate — Property, interface | |
The startDate if the participant task has started. | |
calculatedStartDate — Property, class | |
The startDate if the review has started. | |
calculatedStartDate — Property, class | |
The startDate if a review has started. | |
calculatedStartDate — Property, class | |
The startDate if the participant task has started. | |
CalculateFinalFlatArray() — method, class fl.motion.AdjustColor | |
Returns the flat array of values for all four properties. | |
calculateLayoutPositions(width:Number, height:Number, updateInPlace:Boolean, returnArray:Boolean) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.FlowLayout | |
Determines where the elements are positioned in the flow, based on the setting of orientation. | |
calculateLayoutPositions(width:Number, height:Number, updateInPlace:Boolean, returnArray:Boolean) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.MosaicLayoutBase | |
This is the key function of the layout. | |
calculateLayoutPositions(width:Number, height:Number, updateInPlace:Boolean, returnArray:Boolean) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartColumnLayout | |
Calculates the positions and sizes of all of the layout target's children. | |
calculateLayoutPositions(width:Number, height:Number, updateInPlace:Boolean, returnArray:Boolean) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartGridLayout | |
Sizes and positions the target's elements in the normal fashion for this layout. | |
calculateLayoutPositions(width:Number, height:Number, updateInPlace:Boolean, returnArray:Boolean) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartRowLayout | |
Calculates the positions and sizes of all of the layout target's children. | |
calculateMetrics() — method, class | |
Method invoked when the metrics should be recalculated. | |
calculatePopUpPosition() — method, class spark.components.PopUpAnchor | |
Called when the popUp control is positioned, when it is displayed, or when updatePopUpTransform() is called. | |
calculatePreferredSizeFromData(numItems:int) — method, class mx.controls.ComboBase | |
Determines default values of the height and width to use for the entries in the drop-down list. | |
calculatePreferredSizeFromData(count:int) — method, class mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Determines default values of the height and width to use for each entry in the drop-down list, based on the maximum size of the label text in the first numItems items in the data provider. | |
calculateRangeMode(startTime:Number, endTime:Number) — method, class | |
This function calculates the range mode based on the start date and the end date. | |
calculateRowHeight(data:Object, hh:Number, skipVisible:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Calculates the row height of columns in a row. | |
calculateRowHeight(data:Object, hh:Number, skipVisible:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
Calculates the row height of columns in a row. | |
calculateRowLayout(width:Number, height:Number, updateInPlace:Boolean, returnArray:Boolean) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.FlowLayout | |
Determines the size and position of the elements in a row-oriented flow. | |
calculateSelectedIndices(index:int, shiftKey:Boolean, ctrlKey:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.List | |
Helper method to calculate how the current selection changes when an item is clicked. | |
calculateSizes() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartColumnLayout | |
Calculates key size variables. | |
calculateSizes() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartGridLayout | |
Called to calculate key variables. | |
calculateSizes() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.SmartRowLayout | |
Calculates key size variables. | |
calculateStageDuration() — method, interface | |
Calculates duration for this stage based on start and end dates. | |
calculateStageDuration() — method, class | |
Calculates duration for this stage based on start and end dates. | |
calculateSummary(data:Object, field:mx.collections:SummaryField2, rowData:Object) — method, class mx.collections.DefaultSummaryCalculator | |
Flex calls this method when a new value needs to be added to the summary value. | |
calculateSummary(data:Object, field:mx.collections:SummaryField2, rowData:Object) — method, interface mx.collections.ISummaryCalculator | |
Flex calls this method when a new value needs to be added to the summary value. | |
calculateSummaryOfSummary(oldValue:Object, newValue:Object, field:mx.collections:SummaryField2) — method, class mx.collections.DefaultSummaryCalculator | |
Flex calls this method when a new summary value needs to be added to the already computed summary. | |
calculateSummaryOfSummary(value:Object, newValue:Object, field:mx.collections:SummaryField2) — method, interface mx.collections.ISummaryCalculator | |
Flex calls this method when a new summary value needs to be added to the already computed summary. | |
CalendarLayoutChangeEvent — class, package | |
The CalendarLayoutChangeEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for the change event for the DateChooser and DateField controls. | |
CalendarLayoutChangeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, newDate:Date, — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
calendarLayoutStyleFilters — Property, class mx.controls.DateChooser | |
The set of styles to pass from the DateChooser to the calendar layout. | |
call(thisArg:any, ... rest) — method, class Function | |
Invokes the function represented by a Function object. | |
call(functionName:String, ... rest) — method, class flash.external.ExtensionContext | |
Calls the native function specified by functionName. | |
call(functionName:String, ... rest) — Static Method , class flash.external.ExternalInterface | |
Calls a function exposed by the SWF container, passing zero or more arguments. | |
call(command:String,, ... rest) — method, class | |
Calls a command or method on Flash Media Server or on an application server running Flash Remoting. | |
callAcrobatExternalSubmit(submitFormat:String, callback:Function) — method, class lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.ResourceContainer | |
Calls Adobe Acrobat 9.1 submit functionality. | |
CallAction — class, package spark.effects | |
The CallAction effect calls the function specified by functionName property on the target object with optional arguments specified by the args property. | |
CallAction(target:Object) — Constructor, class spark.effects.CallAction | |
Constructor. | |
CallActionInstance — class, package spark.effects.supportClasses | |
The CallActionInstance class implements the instance class for the CallAction effect. | |
CallActionInstance(target:Object) — Constructor, class spark.effects.supportClasses.CallActionInstance | |
Constructor. | |
callContainer(... rest) — method, class lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.ResourceContainer | |
Passes messages to an augmented PDF to perform specific actions such as saving form data, submitting form data, or hiding specific fields in the form. | |
callee — Property, class arguments | |
A reference to the currently executing function. | |
callFaultHandlers(info:Object) — method, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.IToken | |
Calls all the fault handlers. | |
callFaultHandlers(info:Object) — method, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.Token | |
Calls all the fault handlers. | |
callFaultHandlers(error:Error) — method, class com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.Token | |
Call all the fault handlers with the provided error object. | |
callFaultHandlers(fault:Object) — method, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token.RCAToken | |
Calls all fault handlers that are associated with this token. | |
callFaultHandlers(info:Object) — method, class | |
Calls all the fault handlers. | |
callFaultHandlersViaErrorEvent( — method, class com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.Token | |
Call all the fault handlers with an Error created from the provided ErrorEvent object. | |
callHandlers(... rest) — method, class com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.HandlerHolder | |
Call all the handlers with the provided parameters. | |
CallHtml(exFunc:String, param1:String, param2:String, param3:String, param4:String) — method, class com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Calls the html to passthrough message to the PDF or to specified function in the HTML. | |
CallHtml(exFunc:String, param1:String, param2:String, param3:String, param4:String) — method, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Calls the html to passthrough message to the PDF or to specified function in the HTML. | |
CallHtml(exFunc:String, param1:String, param2:String, param3:String, param4:String) — method, class ga.controls.Wrapper | |
Calls the html to passthrough message to the PDF or to specified function in the HTML. | |
callInContext(fn:Function, thisArg:Object, argArray:Array, returns:Boolean) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.ISWFContext | |
A way to call a method in a client controlled context. | |
callInContext(fn:Function, thisArg:Object, argArray:Array, returns:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory | |
A way to call a method in this IFlexModuleFactory's context | |
callInContext(fn:Function, thisArg:Object, argArray:Array, returns:Boolean) — method, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
This method should not be called on WindowedSystemManager. | |
callLater(method:Function, args:Array) — method, interface mx.core.IButton | |
Queues a function to be called later. | |
callLater(method:Function, args:Array) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Queues a function to be called later. | |
callout — Property, class spark.components.CalloutButton | |
The Callout instance created after the DropDownEvent.OPEN is fired. | |
Callout — class, package spark.components | |
The Callout container is a SkinnablePopUpContainer that functions as a pop-up with additional owner-relative positioning options similar to PopUpAnchor. | |
Callout() — Constructor, class spark.components.Callout | |
Constructor. | |
CalloutActionBarSkin — class, package | |
Additional skin class for the Spark ActionBar component for use with a ViewNavigator inside a Callout component. | |
CalloutActionBarSkin() — Constructor, class | |
CalloutArrow — class, package | |
The arrow skin part for CalloutSkin. | |
CalloutArrow() — Constructor, class | |
CalloutButton — class, package spark.components | |
The CalloutButton control is a drop down component that defines a button to open and close a Callout container. | |
CalloutButton() — Constructor, class spark.components.CalloutButton | |
Constructor. | |
calloutContent — Property, class spark.components.CalloutButton | |
The set of components to include in the Callout's content. | |
calloutDestructionPolicy — Property, class spark.components.CalloutButton | |
Defines the destruction policy the callout button uses when the callout is closed. | |
calloutGap — Style, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
Specifies how much space, in pixels, to insert between the edge of the pie and the labels when rendering callouts. | |
calloutLayout — Property, class spark.components.CalloutButton | |
Defines the layout of the Callout container. | |
CalloutPosition — final class, package spark.components | |
The CalloutPosition calss defines the enumeration of horizontal and vertical positions of the Callout component relative to the owner. | |
CalloutSkin — class, package | |
The default skin class for the Spark Callout component in mobile applications. | |
CalloutSkin() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
calloutStroke — Style, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
Specifies the line style used to draw the lines to callouts. | |
CalloutViewNavigatorSkin — class, package | |
The ActionScript-based skin for view navigators inside a callout. | |
CalloutViewNavigatorSkin() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
callProperty(name:any, ... rest) — method, class flash.utils.Proxy | |
Overrides the behavior of an object property that can be called as a function. | |
callProperty(name:any, ... rest) — method, class | |
Overrides the behavior of an object property that can be called as a function. | |
callProperty(name:any, ... rest) — method, class mx.messaging.config.ConfigMap | |
Returns the value of the proxied object's method with the specified name. | |
callProperty(name:any, ... rest) — method, class mx.utils.ObjectProxy | |
Returns the value of the proxied object's method with the specified name. | |
callProperty(name:any, ... rest) — method, class mx.utils.OrderedObject | |
Returns the value of the proxied object's method with the specified name. | |
callRenderService(taskId:String, params:Object) — method, interface | |
Invokes the Render service for the provided Task identifier. | |
callRenderService(taskId:String, params:Object) — method, class | |
Invokes the Render service for the provided Task identifier. | |
CallResponder — class, package mx.rpc | |
This component helps you manage the results for asynchronous calls made from RPC based services, typically from MXML components. | |
callResultHandlers(data:Object) — method, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.IToken | |
Calls all the result handlers. | |
callResultHandlers(data:Object) — method, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.Token | |
Calls all the result handlers. | |
callResultHandlers(data:Object) — method, class | |
Calls all the result handlers. | |
callSuccessHandlers(... rest) — method, class com.adobe.gravity.utility.async.Token | |
Call all the success handlers with the provided parameters. | |
callSuccessHandlers(data:Object) — method, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token.RCAToken | |
Calls all success handlers that are associated with this token. | |
Camera — final class, package | |
Use the Camera class to capture video from the client system or device camera. | |
CAMERA — Constant Static Property, class flash.system.SecurityPanel | |
When passed to Security.showSettings(), displays the Camera panel in Flash Player Settings. | |
CameraPosition — final class, package | |
The CameraPosition class defines constants for the position property of the Camera class. | |
CameraRoll — class, package | |
The CameraRoll class allows you to access image data in the system media library or "camera roll." AIR profile support: This feature is supported on mobile devices, but it is not supported on desktop operating systems or AIR for TV devices. | |
CameraRoll() — Constructor, class | |
Creates a CameraRoll object. | |
CameraRollBrowseOptions — class, package | |
The CameraRollBrowseOptions class defines initialization options for a device's camera roll image browser. | |
CameraRollBrowseOptions() — Constructor, class | |
Creates a CameraRollBrowseOptions object. | |
CameraUI — class, package | |
The CameraUI class allows you to capture a still image or video using the default camera application on a device. | |
CameraUI() — Constructor, class | |
Creates a CameraUI object. | |
CAMPAIGN — Constant Static Property, class | |
This type denotes a campaign. | |
campaignLabel — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for the Campaign label. The skin part for the Campaign label. | |
CAMPAIGN_MANAGER — Constant Static Property, class | |
The role of a campaign manager. | |
campaignRole — Property, interface | |
The role of a team member in a campaign. | |
campaignRole — Property, class | |
The role of a team member in a campaign. | |
CAMPAIGN_TYPE — Constant Static Property, class | |
This constant indicates that the object for which an image is to be displayed, is either a campaign or a project. | |
CAN_ACTIVATE_POP_UP_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class | |
Tests if a given pop up can be activated. | |
CANADA_ONLY — Constant Static Property, class mx.validators.ZipCodeValidatorDomainType | |
Specifies to validate a Canadian ZIP code. | |
canAdd — Property, interface ga.model.IPanel | |
A boolean value indicating if another repeatable panel can be added. | |
canAdd — Property, class | |
Indicates whether add operations are permitted. | |
canAddAttachments — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskACL | |
A flag that indicates whether the proper permissions are available for adding attachments to a task. | |
canAddNotes — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskACL | |
A flag that indicates whether the proper permissions exist for adding notes for the task. | |
canAutoSwitchNow(newIndex:int) — method, class | |
Override this method to provide additional decisioning around allowing automatic switches to occur. | |
canBuffer — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the media can buffer. | |
canBufferChange — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the canBuffer property has changed. | |
CAN_BUFFER_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The MediaPlayerCapabilityChangeEvent.CAN_BUFFER_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a canBufferChange event. | |
cancel() — Static Method , class adobe.utils.XMLUI | |
Makes the current XMLUI dialog box close with a "cancel" state. | |
cancel — Event, class com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.EditDataElement | |
Dispatched when the user presses the Cancel ButtonBase control. | |
cancel — Event, class com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.NewDataElement | |
Dispatched when the user presses the Cancel ButtonBase control. | |
cancel — Event, class com.adobe.dct.view.ImportFMLView | |
Dispatched when the user presses the Cancel ButtonBase control. | |
cancel — Event, class com.adobe.dct.view.ImportXSDView | |
Dispatched when the user presses the Cancel ButtonBase control. | |
cancel — Event, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors.LabelEditor | |
Dispatched when the user presses the ESCAPE key or when the user clicks the mouse outside of the LabelEditor boundary. | |
cancel — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a cancel() method call's operation completes successfully. | |
cancel( — method, class | |
Aborts all SQL statements that are currently executing on databases connected to the SQLConnection instance. | |
cancel() — method, class | |
Cancels execution of this statement. | |
cancel() — method, class flash.display.ShaderJob | |
Cancels the currently running shader operation. | |
cancel — Event, class flash.filesystem.File | |
Dispatched when a pending asynchronous operation is canceled. | |
cancel() — method, class flash.filesystem.File | |
Cancels any pending asynchronous operation. | |
cancel — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a user cancels a browse-for-image operation without selecting an image. | |
cancel — Event, class | |
The cancel event is dispatched when the user closes the Camera UI without saving a picture or video. | |
cancel — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a file upload or download is canceled through the file-browsing dialog box by the user. | |
cancel() — method, class | |
Cancels any ongoing upload or download operation on this FileReference object. | |
cancel — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the user dismisses the file-browsing dialog box. | |
cancel — Event, class flash.system.SystemUpdater | |
Dispatched when an update of the player itself is cancelled by the user. | |
cancel() — method, class flash.system.SystemUpdater | |
Cancels an active update. | |
cancel(id:String) — method, class | |
Cancels the last service invocation or an invokation with the specified ID. | |
cancel(id:String) — method, class mx.rpc.AbstractInvoker | |
Cancels the last service invocation or an invokation with the specified ID. | |
cancel(id:String) — method, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Cancels the last service invocation or an invokation with the specified ID. | |
cancel(id:String) — method, class mx.rpc.remoting.Operation | |
Cancels the last service invocation or an invokation with the specified ID. | |
cancel(id:String) — method, class mx.rpc.soap.Operation | |
Cancels the last service invocation or an invokation with the specified ID. | |
cancel(id:String) — method, class mx.rpc.soap.mxml.Operation | |
Cancels the last service invocation or an invokation with the specified ID. | |
CANCEL — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors.LabelEditorEvent | |
A special value that specifies that the CANCEL event is dispatched when the user presses the ESCAPE key or when the user clicks the mouse outside of the LabelEditor boundary. | |
CANCEL — Constant Static Property, class | |
The Event.CANCEL constant defines the value of the type property of a cancel event object. | |
CANCEL — Constant Static Property, class | |
The SQLEvent.CANCEL constant defines the value of the type property of a cancel event object. | |
CANCEL — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.Alert | |
Value that enables a Cancel button on the Alert control when passed as the flags parameter of the show() method. | |
cancelable — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the behavior associated with the event can be prevented. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.NewDataElement | |
A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for cancelling data element changes. A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for cancelling data element changes. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel.EditDataElement | |
A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for cancelling data element changes. A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for cancelling data element changes. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary.DDEditor | |
A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for cancelling data dictionary changes. A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for cancelling data dictionary changes. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class com.adobe.dct.view.ImportXSDView | |
A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for cancelling the import. A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for cancelling the import. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class com.adobe.dct.view.ImportFMLView | |
A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for cancelling the import. A skin part that defines a ButtonBase for cancelling the import. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines cancel button A skin part that defines cancel button | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the cancel button A skin part that defines the cancel button | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the cancel button A skin part that defines the cancel button | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the cancel button A skin part that defines the cancel button | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the button to cancel creating or editing a category A skin part that defines the button to cancel creating or editing a category | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part which defines the Cancel button. A skin part which defines the Cancel button. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part which defines the Cancel button. A skin part which defines the Cancel button. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Cancel Button. A Skin part which defines UI component to display Cancel Button. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Cancel Button. A Skin part which defines UI component to display Cancel Button. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for the Cancel button. The skin part for the Cancel button. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for the Cancel button. The skin part for the Cancel button. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for the Cancel button. The skin part for the Cancel button. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for Cancel button. The skin part for Cancel button. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for the Cancel button. The skin part for the Cancel button. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for the Cancel button. The skin part for the Cancel button. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for the Cancel button. The skin part for the Cancel button. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to revert stage duration changes. A reference to the ButtonBase object that allows users to revert stage duration changes. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the DropDownListBase object that allows user to close the dialog to create a new stage. A reference to the DropDownListBase object that allows user to close the dialog to create a new stage. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object that allow users to close the dialog to select a process, without selecting a process. A reference to the ButtonBase object that allow users to close the dialog to select a process, without selecting a process. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object to cancel schedule creation. A reference to the ButtonBase object to cancel schedule creation. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the ButtonBase object that allow users to close the new template dialog. A reference to the ButtonBase object that allow users to close the new template dialog. | |
cancelButton — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the Button object that allow users to close SearchUserDialog. A reference to the Button object that allow users to close SearchUserDialog. | |
cancelButton_clickHandler( — method, class | |
This method is called upon clicking the Cancel button. | |
cancelButton_clickHandler( — method, class | |
This method closes the dialog. | |
cancelButtonClickHandler( — method, class | |
This method is called upon clicking the Cancel button. | |
cancelButtonClickHandler( — method, class | |
This method is called when the Cancel button is clicked. | |
cancelClick — Event, class | |
Event dispatched on click of Cancel button. | |
cancelCommand() — method, class lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
Cancels the command. | |
CANCEL_EXPRESSION — Constant Static Property, class | |
The ExpressionBuilderEvent.CANCEL_EXPRESSION constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when the agent clicks the Cancel button of a Expression Controlbar in Expression Builder UI. | |
cancelLabel — Static Property, class mx.controls.Alert | |
The label for the Cancel button. | |
CANCELLED — Constant Static Property, class | |
The user canceled editing and does not want to save the edited data. | |
CANCELLED — Constant Static Property, class | |
Specifies that the user cancelled editing and that they do not want to save the edited data. | |
CANCELLED — Constant Static Property, class | |
Specifies that the user cancelled editing and that they do not want to save the edited data. | |
CANCELLED — Constant Static Property, class | |
Specifies that the user cancelled editing and that they do not want to save the edited data. | |
cancelLoad() — method, class flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Cancels any load operation in progress. | |
cancelLoad() — method, class mx.controls.HTML | |
Cancels any load operation in progress. | |
cancelQuery(query:mx.olap:IOLAPQuery) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPCube | |
Aborts a query that has been submitted for execution. | |
cancelQuery(query:mx.olap:IOLAPQuery) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPCube | |
Aborts a query that has been submitted for execution. | |
cancelRefresh() — method, class mx.collections.GroupingCollection | |
If the refresh is performed asynchronously, cancels the refresh operation and stops the building of the groups. | |
cancelRefresh() — method, class mx.collections.GroupingCollection2 | |
If the refresh is performed asynchronously, cancels the refresh operation and stops the building of the groups. | |
cancelRefresh() — method, interface mx.collections.IGroupingCollection | |
If the refresh is performed asynchronously, cancels the refresh operation and stops the building of the groups. | |
cancelRefresh() — method, interface mx.collections.IGroupingCollection2 | |
If the refresh is performed asynchronously, cancels the refresh operation and stops the building of the groups. | |
cancelRefresh() — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPCube | |
Aborts the current cube refresh, if one is executing. | |
cancelRefresh() — method, class mx.olap.OLAPCube | |
Aborts the current cube refresh, if one is executing. | |
cancelRenameTab() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors.LabelEditor | |
Forces the text input control renamming the tab, effectively cancelling the rename. | |
cancelRenameTab() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
Forces the text input control renamming the tab, effectively cancelling the rename. | |
cancelUpdate() — method, class air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
Cancels the update process. | |
cancelUpdate() — method, class air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Cancels the update process. | |
cancel_upload — Skin Part, class com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.AttachmentList | |
The Button to cancel the upload of an attachment. The Button to cancel the upload of an attachment. | |
cancel_upload — Property, class | |
The button to cancel an attachment upload. | |
canClaim — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskACL | |
A flag that indicates whether the proper permissions are available for claiming the task. | |
canConsult — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskACL | |
A flag that indicates whether the proper permissions are available to consult the task. | |
CandlestickChart — class, package mx.charts | |
The CandlestickChart control represents financial data as a series of candlesticks representing the high, low, opening, and closing values of a data series. | |
CandlestickChart() — Constructor, class mx.charts.CandlestickChart | |
Constructor. | |
CandlestickItemRenderer — class, package mx.charts.renderers | |
The default itemRenderer for a CandlestickSeries object. | |
CandlestickItemRenderer() — Constructor, class mx.charts.renderers.CandlestickItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
CandlestickSeries — class, package mx.charts.series | |
Represents financial data as a series of candlesticks representing the high, low, opening, and closing values of a data series. | |
CandlestickSeries() — Constructor, class mx.charts.series.CandlestickSeries | |
Constructor. | |
canDropLabels — Style, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Specifies whether the AxisRenderer should drop labels as necessary to lay out correctly. | |
canForward — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskACL | |
A flag that indicates whether the proper permissions are available to forward the task. | |
canGoForward() — method, class ga.model.PanelManager | |
Returns true if the user is allowed to change the panel due to validation. | |
canHandleResource( — method, class org.osmf.traits.LoaderBase | |
Indicates whether this loader is capable of handling (loading) the given MediaResourceBase. | |
canHandleResourceFunction — Property, class | |
Function which is used to determine whether this MediaFactoryItem can handle a particular resource. | |
canHaveChildren(node:Object) — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalData | |
Returns true if the node can contain children. | |
canHaveChildren(node:Object) — method, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalData | |
Returns true if the node can contain children. | |
canInvokeFromStartTask — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
A flag that indicates whether the task can be used to re-initiate the same TaskManager startpoint that was used to create the task. | |
canLoad — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the media can be loaded. | |
canLoadChange — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the canLoad property has changed. | |
CAN_LOAD_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The MediaPlayerCapabilityChangeEvent.CAN_LOAD_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a canLoadChange event. | |
canLoadWSDL() — method, class mx.rpc.soap.WebService | |
Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the WebService is ready to load a WSDL (does it have a valid destination or wsdl specified). | |
canModify — Property, class | |
Indicates whether any modification operation can be performed. | |
canModifyDeadline — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskACL | |
A flag that indicates whether the proper permissions are available to modify the deadline for a task. | |
canModifyPermissions — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskACL | |
A flag that indicates whether the proper permissions are available to modify the access control list. | |
canNavigateBack — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
A flag which is true if there is at least one directory in the history list to which the user can navigate backward. | |
canNavigateBack — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemList | |
A flag which is true if there is at least one directory in the history list to which the user can navigate backward. | |
canNavigateDown — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
A flag which is true if the user can navigate down into a selected directory. | |
canNavigateDown — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemList | |
A flag which is true if the user can navigate down into a selected directory. | |
canNavigateForward — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
A flag which is true if there is at least one directory in the history list to which the user can navigate forward. | |
canNavigateForward — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemList | |
A flag which is true if there is at least one directory in the history list to which the user can navigate forward. | |
canNavigateUp — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
A flag which is true if the user can navigate up to a parent directory. | |
canNavigateUp — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemList | |
A flag which is true if the user can navigate up to a parent directory. | |
canonicalize() — method, class flash.filesystem.File | |
Canonicalizes the File path. | |
canonicalKeyPropertyListString — Property, class | |
A string representation of the list of key properties, with the key properties sorted in lexical order. | |
canonicalName — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.BaseUser | |
Specifies the canonical name of the user or group, as defined in Adobe User Management. | |
canonicalName — Property, class | |
CanonicalName of the member as defined in Document Server User Management. | |
canonicalName — Property, interface | |
Canonical name for a user or a group, as defined in Document Server User Management. | |
canonicalName — Property, interface | |
CanonicalName of the member as defined in Document Server User Management. | |
canonicalName — Property, class | |
CanonicalName of the member as defined in Document Server User Management. | |
canonicalName — Property, class | |
Canonical name for a user or a group, as defined in Document Server User Management. | |
canonicalName — Property, class | |
Canonical name of the user or group as defined in User Manager. | |
canonicalName — Property, class | |
Canonical name used to search for principals. | |
canonicalName — Property, class | |
The canonical name of this principal. | |
canonicalName — Property, class | |
The user's canonical name. | |
canonicalName — Property, class | |
The canonical form of the name; a string representation with the properties sorted in lexical order. | |
canonicalURI — Property, class com.adobe.gravity.utility.url.URIParser | |
The canonical representation of the URI. | |
canPause — Property, class | |
New canPause state of the PlayTrait. | |
canPause — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the media can be paused. | |
canPause — Property, class org.osmf.traits.PlayTrait | |
Indicates whether the media can be paused. | |
canPauseChange — Event, class org.osmf.traits.PlayTrait | |
Dispatched when the canPause property has changed. | |
canPauseChange — Event, class org.osmf.traits.TraitEventDispatcher | |
Dispatched when the canPause property has changed. | |
CAN_PAUSE_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The PlayEvent.CAN_PAUSE_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a canPauseChange event. | |
canPlay — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the media can be played. | |
canPlayChange — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the canPlay property has changed. | |
CAN_PLAY_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The MediaPlayerCapabilityChangeEvent.CAN_PLAY_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a canPlayChange event. | |
canRedo() — method, interface flashx.undo.IUndoManager | |
Indicates whether there is currently an operation that can be redone. | |
canRedo() — method, class flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
Indicates whether there is currently an operation that can be redone. | |
canRemove — Property, interface ga.model.IPanel | |
A boolean value indicating if another repeatable panel can be removed. | |
canRemove — Property, class | |
Indicates whether remove operations are permitted. | |
canSeek — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the media is seekable. | |
canSeekChange — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the canSeek property has changed. | |
CAN_SEEK_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The MediaPlayerCapabilityChangeEvent.CAN_SEEK_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a canSeekChange event. | |
canSeekTo(time:Number) — method, class | |
Indicates whether the media is capable of seeking to the specified time. | |
canSeekTo(time:Number) — method, class org.osmf.traits.SeekTrait | |
Indicates whether the media is capable of seeking to the specified time. | |
canShare — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.TaskACL | |
A flag that indicates whether the proper permissions are available to share a task. | |
canShareWithNext(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — method, interface spark.core.IGraphicElement | |
Returns true if this IGraphicElement is compatible and can share display objects with the next IGraphicElement in the sequence. | |
canShareWithNext(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns true if this IGraphicElement is compatible and can share display objects with the next IGraphicElement in the sequence. | |
canShareWithPrevious(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — method, interface spark.core.IGraphicElement | |
Returns true if this IGraphicElement is compatible and can share display objects with the previous IGraphicElement in the sequence. | |
canShareWithPrevious(element:spark.core:IGraphicElement) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Returns true if this IGraphicElement is compatible and can share display objects with the previous IGraphicElement in the sequence. | |
canSkipMeasurement() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Determines if the call to the measure() method can be skipped. | |
canSkipMeasurement() — method, class spark.primitives.Line | |
Determines if the call to the measure() method can be skipped. | |
canSkipMeasurement() — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Determines if the call to the measure() method can be skipped. | |
canStagger — Style, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Specifies whether to stagger labels on two label rows. | |
canTransitionControlBarContent() — method, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
Determine if Flex can perform a transition on action bar or tab bar content independently of the views. | |
canUndo() — method, class flashx.textLayout.operations.FlowOperation | |
Test if this operation be placed on the undo stack. | |
canUndo() — method, interface flashx.undo.IUndoManager | |
Indicates whether there is currently an operation that can be undone. | |
canUndo() — method, class flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
Indicates whether there is currently an operation that can be undone. | |
canUpdate — Property, class | |
Indicates whether updates are permitted. | |
Canvas — class, package mx.containers | |
A Halo Canvas layout container defines a rectangular region in which you place child containers and controls. | |
Canvas() — Constructor, class mx.containers.Canvas | |
Constructor. | |
CanvasAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.containers | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Canvas class. | |
CanvasAutomationImpl(obj:mx.containers:Canvas) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.containers.CanvasAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
canvasLayoutClass — Property, class mx.core.LayoutContainer | |
The mx.containers.utilityClasses.Layout subclass that is doing the layout | |
canWatch(host:Object, name:String, commitOnly:Boolean) — Static Method , class mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher | |
Lets you determine if the host exposes a data-binding event on the property. | |
Capabilities — final class, package flash.system | |
The Capabilities class provides properties that describe the system and runtime that are hosting the application. | |
caps — Property, class flash.display.GraphicsStroke | |
Specifies the type of caps at the end of lines. | |
caps — Property, class | |
Specifies the appearance of the ends of lines. | |
caps — Property, class | |
Specifies the type of caps at the end of lines. | |
CAPS — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.TypographicCase | |
Specifies that spacing is adjusted for uppercase characters on output. | |
CAPS_AND_SMALL_CAPS — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.TypographicCase | |
Specifies that all lowercase characters use small-caps glyphs on output. | |
capsLock — Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Specifies whether the Caps Lock key is activated (true) or not (false). | |
CAPS_LOCK — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the Caps Lock key (20). | |
CapsStyle — final class, package flash.display | |
The CapsStyle class is an enumeration of constant values that specify the caps style to use in drawing lines. | |
CAPS_TO_SMALL_CAPS — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TLFTypographicCase | |
Specifies that uppercase characters use small-caps glyphs on output. | |
caption — Property, interface com.adobe.fiber.styles.IStyle | |
Returns the caption aspect of a property's style. | |
caption — Property, class com.adobe.fiber.styles.Style | |
Returns the caption aspect of a property's style. | |
caption — Property, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.FieldInstance | |
The caption property of the underlying value object. | |
caption — Property, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IDataInstance | |
The caption property of the underlying value object. | |
caption — Property, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.VariableInstance | |
The caption property of the underlying value object. | |
caption — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FieldAssignmentModel | |
The caption property of the underlying value object. | |
caption — Property, interface com.adobe.icc.editors.model.IAssignmentModel | |
The caption property of the underlying value object. | |
caption — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ImageModel | |
The caption for this image. | |
caption — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.VariableAssignmentModel | |
The caption property of the underlying value object. | |
caption — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.FieldAssignment | |
Specifies the caption text for the assignment. | |
caption — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.ImageModule | |
used as the tooltip for the image when inserted into a letter (to create accessible letters) | |
caption — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.VariableAssignment | |
Specifies the caption text for the assignment. | |
caption — Property, class flash.ui.ContextMenuItem | |
Specifies the menu item caption (text) displayed in the context menu. | |
caption — Property, interface ga.model.IPanelItem | |
The caption or description of this item. | |
caption — Property, class ga.model.PanelItem | |
The caption for the field. | |
caption — Property, class ga.model.PanelRichText | |
The caption or description of this item. | |
caption — Property, class ga.model.PanelText | |
The caption or description of this item. | |
captionAfter — Property, class ga.model.PanelItem | |
The caption to appear following the field. | |
captionButton — Property, class | |
Defines the captionButton FLVPlayback custom UI component instance which provides toggle capabilities to turn captioning on and off. | |
captionChange — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a caption is added or removed from the caption target text field. | |
CAPTION_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a captionChange event object. | |
CaptionChangeEvent — class, package | |
The CaptionChangeEvent is dispatched any time a caption is added or removed from the caption target text field. | |
CaptionChangeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, added:Boolean, captionCuePointObject:Object) — Constructor, class | |
Creates an Event object that contains information about captionChange events. | |
captionCuePointObject — Property, class | |
The cue point object for the caption that was added or removed. | |
captionDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the caption for USER linkage A skin part that defines the caption for USER linkage | |
captionDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines dde's caption A skin part that defines dde's caption | |
captionPosition — Property, class ga.model.PanelItem | |
The position of the field caption relative to the form field. | |
captionTarget — Property, class | |
The caption target from the FLVPlaybackCaptioning instance property of the same name. | |
captionTarget — Property, class | |
Sets the DisplayObject instance in which to display captions. | |
captionTargetCreated — Event, class | |
Dispatched after the captionTarget property is created, but before any captions are added (the captionTarget property is empty). | |
CAPTION_TARGET_CREATED — Constant Static Property, class | |
The CaptionTargetEvent.CAPTION_TARGET_CREATED constant defines the value of the type property of a captionTargetCreated event object. | |
CaptionTargetEvent — class, package | |
Type for the captionTargetCreated event, dispatched after the captionTargetCreated event is created automatically and before any captions have been added to it. | |
CaptionTargetEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, captionTarget:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Constructor, class | |
Creates an Event object that contains information about caption target events. | |
captionTargetName — Property, class | |
The instance name of the TextField object or MovieClip enclosing a Textfield object that contains the captions. | |
captionWidth — Property, class ga.model.PanelItem | |
The width of the caption for the field. | |
captionWidth — Property, class ga.model.PanelRichText | |
The value for the width of the Guide Text caption. | |
captionWidth — Property, class ga.model.PanelText | |
The value for the width of the Guide Text caption. | |
captureBitmapData(source:flash.display:IBitmapDrawable, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, colorTransform:flash.geom:ColorTransform, blendMode:String, clipRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, smoothing:Boolean) — Static Method , class | |
A utility method to grab a raw snapshot of a UI component as BitmapData. | |
captureEndValues() — method, class mx.effects.Effect | |
Captures the current values of the relevant properties on the effect's targets and saves them as end values. | |
captureEndValues() — method, interface mx.effects.IEffect | |
Captures the current values of the relevant properties on the effect's targets and saves them as end values. | |
captureEndValues() — method, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
Called by the ViewNavigator during the preparation phase of a transition. | |
captureImage(source:flash.display:IBitmapDrawable, dpi:Number,, scaleLimited:Boolean) — Static Method , class | |
A utility method to grab a snapshot of a component, scaled to a specific resolution (in dpi) and encoded into a specific image format. | |
captureMoreStartValues(targets:Array) — method, class mx.effects.Effect | |
Captures the current values of the relevant properties of an additional set of targets Flex uses this function when a data change effect is run. | |
captureMoreStartValues(targets:Array) — method, interface mx.effects.IEffect | |
Captures the current values of the relevant properties of an additional set of targets Flex uses this function when a data change effect is run. | |
captureRollEvents — Property, class mx.effects.Zoom | |
If true, prevents Flex from dispatching the rollOut and rollOver events if the mouse has not moved. | |
captureRollEvents — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.ZoomInstance | |
Prevents the rollOut and rollOver events from being dispatched if the mouse has not moved. | |
captureStartValues() — method, class mx.effects.Effect | |
Captures the current values of the relevant properties on the effect's targets. | |
captureStartValues() — method, interface mx.effects.IEffect | |
Captures the current values of the relevant properties on the effect's targets. | |
captureStartValues() — method, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
Called by the ViewNavigator during the preparation phase of a transition. | |
CAPTURING_PHASE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The capturing phase, which is the first phase of the event flow. | |
cardNumberListener — Property, class mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
The component that listens for the validation result for the card number subfield. | |
cardNumberProperty — Property, class mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
Name of the card number property to validate. | |
cardNumberSource — Property, class mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
Object that contains the value of the card number field. | |
cardTypeListener — Property, class mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
The component that listens for the validation result for the card type subfield. | |
cardTypeProperty — Property, class mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
Name of the card type property to validate. | |
cardTypeSource — Property, class mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
Object that contains the value of the card type field. | |
caretBookmark — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
A bookmark to the item under the caret. | |
caretBookmark — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
A bookmark to the item under the caret. | |
caretChange — Event, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
Dispatched by the grid skin part when the caret position, size, or visibility has changed due to user interaction or being programmatically set. | |
caretChange — Event, class spark.components.Grid | |
Dispatched after the caret changes. | |
caretChange — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Dispatched after the focus has changed. | |
CARET_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The GridSelectionEvent.CARET_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a caretChange event, which indicates that the current caret position has just been changed. | |
CARET_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The IndexChangeEvent.CARET_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a caretChange event, which indicates that the current item in focus is about to change. | |
caretColor — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
Color of the caret indicator when navigating the Grid. | |
caretColumnIndex — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
The column name of the item under the caret. | |
caretColumnIndex — Property, class spark.components.Grid | |
If showCaretIndicator is true, the column index of the caretIndicator. | |
caretIndex — Property, class fl.text.TLFTextField | |
The index of the insertion point (caret) position. | |
caretIndex — Property, class flash.text.TextField | |
The index of the insertion point (caret) position. | |
caretIndex — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The offset of the item in the data provider that is at the selection caret point. | |
caretIndex — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The offset of the item in the data provider that is the selection caret point. | |
caretIndex — Property, class mx.core.FTETextField | |
This property has not been implemented in FTETextField because FTETextField does not support editing. | |
caretIndex — Property, interface mx.core.IUITextField | |
The index of the insertion point (caret) position. | |
caretIndex — Property, class spark.components.SpinnerList | |
Item that is currently in focus. | |
caretIndex — Property, class spark.components.ViewMenu | |
The menu item that is currently in the caret state. | |
caretIndex — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Item that is currently in focus. | |
caretIndicator — Skin Part, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
The IVisualElement class used to render the grid's caret indicator. The IVisualElement class used to render the grid's caret indicator. | |
caretIndicator — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The DisplayObject that contains the graphics that indicate which renderer is the caret. | |
caretIndicator — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The DisplayObject that contains the graphics that indicate which renderer is the caret. | |
caretIndicator — Property, class spark.components.Grid | |
If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_ROW or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_ROWS, a single visual element displayed for the caret row, If selectionMode is GridSelectionMode.SINGLE_CELL or GridSelectionMode.MULTIPLE_CELLS, the visual element displayted for the caret cell. | |
caretItemRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The renderer for the item under the caret. | |
caretItemRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The renderer for the item under the caret. | |
caretRowIndex — Property, class spark.components.Grid | |
If showCaretIndicator is true, the row index of the caretIndicator. | |
caretUID — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The UID of the item under the caret. | |
caretUID — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The UID of the item under the caret. | |
CartesianCanvasValue — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses | |
Defines the position of objects on a data canvas. | |
CartesianCanvasValue(value:any, offset:Number) — Constructor, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianCanvasValue | |
Constructor. | |
CartesianChart — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The CartesianChart class is a base class for the common chart types. | |
CartesianChart() — Constructor, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
Constructor. | |
CartesianChartAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.charts | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the CartesianChart base class. | |
CartesianChartAutomationImpl(obj:mx.charts.chartClasses:CartesianChart) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.charts.CartesianChartAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
CartesianDataCanvas — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses | |
This class lets you use add graphical elements such as lines, ellipses, and other shapes by using a graphics API. | |
CartesianDataCanvas() — Constructor, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Constructor. | |
CartesianTransform — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The CartesianTransform object represents a set of axes that maps data values to x/y Cartesian screen coordinates and vice versa. | |
CartesianTransform() — Constructor, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianTransform | |
Constructor. | |
case — Statement | |
Defines a jump target for the switch statement. | |
CASECONDITION — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.icc.enum.TBXType | |
Specifies the enumerator code for a Condition Module. | |
caseInsensitive — Property, class mx.collections.GroupingField | |
Set to true if the sort for this field should be case-insensitive. | |
caseInsensitive — Property, class mx.collections.SortField | |
Specifies whether the sort for this field should be case insensitive. | |
CASEINSENSITIVE — Constant Static Property, class Array | |
Specifies case-insensitive sorting for the Array class sorting methods. | |
catalog — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Service | |
The Service's composite application catalog component. | |
catalog — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Tile | |
Returns the Catalog mxml component associated to this Tile. | |
catalog — Property, class | |
Returns the catalog node that was loaded | |
catalog — Property, class | |
Returns the catalog node that was found. | |
Catalog — class, package com.adobe.mosaic.mxml | |
The Catalog mxml component is a representation of the Composite Application Framework SDK ICatalog. | |
Catalog() — Constructor, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Catalog | |
Constructor. | |
CatalogConstants — class, package | |
The CatalogConstants provides constants to indicate the current status of a Catalog in its client-server lifecycle. | |
catalogList — Property, class | |
An array of type ICatalogListItem representing the catalogs available to the current user. | |
CatalogListItem — class, package | |
The CatalogListItem provides information about a given ICatalog suitable for display to a user. | |
CatalogListItem() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
CatalogLoadEvent — class, package | |
The CatalogLoadEvent class defines a transient notification of catalog load results. | |
CatalogLoadEvent(type:String,, msg:String) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
catalogLoadEventFailure — Event, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
The catalogLoadEventFailure defines a failure notification of an attempt to load a Catalog | |
catalogLoadEventFailure — Event, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Catalog | |
The catalogLoadEventFailure defines a failure notification of an attempt to load an Catalog | |
catalogLoadEventSuccess — Event, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
The catalogLoadEventSuccess defines a successful notification of loading a Catalog | |
catalogLoadEventSuccess — Event, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Catalog | |
The catalogLoadEventSuccess defines a successful notification of loading a Catalog | |
catalogNode — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Catalog | |
The underlying Composite Application Framework SDK ICatalog. | |
catalogs — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
Returns all of the catalogs that this Application has been given reference to. | |
catalogSpecifier — Property, class | |
The initialized, but unresolved and non-loaded ICatalogSpecifier object. | |
CatalogSpecifier — class, package | |
The CatalogSpecifier provides information about a given ICatalog suitable for display to a user. | |
CatalogSpecifier(name:String, — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
categories — Property, interface | |
Retrieves the <Category> elements content from this XML node. | |
category — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
The Category of the underlying value object. | |
category — Property, interface mx.logging.ILogger | |
The category value for the logger. | |
category — Property, class mx.logging.LogLogger | |
The category this logger send messages for. | |
category — Property, class org.osmf.logging.Logger | |
The category value for the logger. | |
Category — class, package | |
Value object for a category or subcategory. The category or subcategory is determined by the type. | |
Category — class, package lc.procmgmt.domain | |
The Category class manages all category information. | |
Category() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
CATEGORY — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.icc.enum.ObjectType | |
Specifies the enumerator code for object type Category. | |
CategoryAxis — class, package mx.charts | |
The CategoryAxis class lets charts represent data grouped by a set of discrete values along an axis. | |
CategoryAxis() — Constructor, class mx.charts.CategoryAxis | |
Constructor. | |
CategoryEditor — class, package | |
Editor to edit Category or Subcategory | |
CategoryEditor() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
categoryExists(name:String, type:uint) — method, interface | |
Determines if a category with the specified name and type exists. | |
categoryField — Property, class mx.charts.CategoryAxis | |
Specifies the field of the data provider containing the text for the labels. | |
CategoryHandler — class, package com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | |
The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type Category. | |
CategoryHandler() — Constructor, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
Constructor. | |
categoryId — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.Startpoint | |
The identifier of the category that the TaskManager startpoint is part of. | |
categoryListDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the category list A skin part that defines the category list | |
CategoryManager — class, package com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | |
The CategoryManager class helps retrieve and maintain the list of categories and sub-categories existing in the system. | |
categoryModel — Property, class | |
The instance of CategoryModel currently being worked upon. | |
CategoryModel — class, package com.adobe.icc.editors.model | |
The CategoryModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type Category. | |
categoryNameDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the category name A skin part that defines the category name | |
categoryRadioButton — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the radio button to select category type A skin part that defines the radio button to select category type | |
categorySelection — Skin Part, class | |
CATEGORY_SERVICE_RO — Constant Static Property, class | |
Specifies the remote object name for the Category Service. | |
CategoryType — class, package com.adobe.icc.enum | |
Specifies the enumerator for the type of a Category. | |
categoryTypeRadioButtonGroup — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the radiobuttongroup to select category type A skin part that defines the radiobuttongroup to select category type | |
categoryValidator — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the validator for asset's category A skin part that defines the validator for asset's category | |
cause — Property, class | |
The DataMessage object that caused the conflict. | |
cause — Property, class | |
The client originated message which caused the conflict. | |
causedByLocalCommit — Property, class | |
Contains true if this conflict resulted from commiting a local change to the remote destination, and false if it resulted from a pushed change conflicting with a local change. | |
causes — Property, class com.adobe.gravity.utility.error.AugmentedError | |
An array of causes. | |
cbshad — Property, class spark.skins.spark.TitleWindowCloseButtonSkin | |
Define the inner shadow. | |
cc — Property, class coldfusion.service.PopHeader | |
Addresses to which to copy the message. | |
cc — Property, class coldfusion.service.PopRecord | |
Addresses to which to copy the message. | |
cc — Property, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Mail | |
Addresses to which to copy the message. | |
CCRDefaultActionHandler — class, package | |
The default action handler called for any custom action when no other action handler is provided. | |
CCRDefaultActionHandler() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
CCW — Constant Static Property, class fl.motion.RotateDirection | |
Ensures that the object rotates counterclockwise during a tween to match the rotation of the object in the following keyframe. | |
cdmaData — Property, class | |
The instance of CDMAssignment associated with each Condition item. | |
CDMAssignment — class, package com.adobe.icc.vo | |
Assignment Value Object for Condition Modules. | |
CDMAssignment() — Constructor, class com.adobe.icc.vo.CDMAssignment | |
Constructor. | |
ceil(val:Number) — Static Method , class Math | |
Returns the ceiling of the specified number or expression. | |
ceiling(n:Number) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.MathFunc | |
Determines the closest integer that is greater than or equal to a specified number. | |
cellData — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPResult | |
An Array of Arrays that contains the value of each cell of the result. | |
CellPosition — class, package spark.components.gridClasses | |
The CellPosition class defines a data structure used by the Spark data grid classes to represent selected cells in the control. | |
CellPosition(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int) — Constructor, class spark.components.gridClasses.CellPosition | |
Constructor. | |
CellRegion — class, package spark.components.gridClasses | |
The CellRegion class defines a data structure used by the Spark data grid classes to represent a rectangular region of cells in the control. | |
CellRegion(rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int, rowCount:int, columnCount:int) — Constructor, class spark.components.gridClasses.CellRegion | |
Constructor. | |
cellRenderer — Style, class fl.controls.SelectableList | |
The class that provides the cell renderer for each item in the component. | |
cellRenderer — Style, class fl.controls.ComboBox | |
The class that provides the cell renderer for each item in the component. | |
cellRenderer — Style, class fl.controls.TileList | |
The cell renderer to be used to render each item in the TileList component. | |
cellRenderer — Property, class fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
The class that is used to render the items in this column. | |
CellRenderer — class, package fl.controls.listClasses | |
The CellRenderer class defines methods and properties for list-based components to use to manipulate and display custom cell content in each of their rows. | |
CellRenderer() — Constructor, class fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer | |
Creates a new CellRenderer instance. | |
cellSelectionTweens — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
A hash table of selection tweens. | |
center(width:Number, height:Number) — method, class mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Centers the download progress bar based on the passed in dimensions. | |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class | |
Specifies that the video is aligned in the center. | |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize | |
Specifies that the text is to be treated as center-justified text. | |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.TextFormatAlign | |
Constant; centers the text in the text field. | |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.TabAlignment | |
Positions the center of the tabbed text at the tab stop. | |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextAlign | |
Specifies center alignment within the container. | |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class ga.controls.LabeledHRule | |
Specifies that the label is positioned to the center. | |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.ProgressBarLabelPlacement | |
Specifies to place at the center inside the progress bar. | |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class org.osmf.layout.HorizontalAlign | |
Defines the center horizontal align mode. | |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.PopUpPosition | |
Position in the center of the target | |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.ScrollSnappingMode | |
Elements are snapped to the center of the viewport. | |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalAlign | |
Align children in the center of the container. | |
centerAlignButton — Skin Part, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
centerPopUp(popUp:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject) — Static Method , class mx.managers.PopUpManager | |
Centers a popup window over whatever window was used in the call to the createPopUp() or addPopUp() method. | |
centerWindowOnScreen — Property, class coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
Display setting for initial view of the PDF document. | |
CertificateStatus — final class, package | |
The CertificateStatus class defines constants used to report the results of certificate validation processing by a SecureSocket object. | |
cfContextRoot — Property, class coldfusion.air.SyncManager | |
Context root of the ColdFusion server. | |
cfContextRoot — Property, class coldfusion.service.InternalConfig | |
Context root of the ColdFusion server. | |
cfContextRoot — Property, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Config | |
Context root of the ColdFusion server. | |
CFF — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.RenderingMode | |
Sets rendering mode to CFF (Compact Font Format). | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SliderBase | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.Scroller | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.RichText | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.Label | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Style, class spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Property, class flash.text.engine.FontDescription | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
cffHinting — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
The type of CFF hinting used for this text. | |
CFFHinting — final class, package flash.text.engine | |
The CFFHinting class defines values for cff hinting in the FontDescription class. | |
cfPort — Property, class coldfusion.air.SyncManager | |
Port where the ColdFusion server is running. | |
cfPort — Property, class coldfusion.service.InternalConfig | |
Port where the ColdFusion server is running. | |
cfPort — Property, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Config | |
Port where the ColdFusion server is running. | |
cfServer — Property, class coldfusion.air.SyncManager | |
Name or IP address of the ColdFusion server. | |
cfServer — Property, class coldfusion.service.InternalConfig | |
Name or IP address of the ColdFusion server. | |
cfServer — Property, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Config | |
Name or IP address of the ColdFusion server. | |
CHAM — Constant Static Property, class flash.globalization.NationalDigitsType | |
Represents the Unicode value for the zero digit of the Cham digit set. | |
change — Event, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
Dispatched when a tab is selected. | |
change — Event, class | |
The event dispatched on change of text in the text editor. | |
change — Event, class fl.controls.BaseButton | |
Dispatched when the value of the selected property of a toggle Button component changes. | |
change — Event, class fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Dispatched when the user clicks a color in the palette. | |
change — Event, class fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Dispatched when the user changes the selection in the ComboBox component or, if the ComboBox component is editable, each time the user enters a keystroke in the text field. | |
change — Event, class fl.controls.NumericStepper | |
Dispatched when the user changes the value of the NumericStepper component. | |
change — Event, class fl.controls.RadioButton | |
Dispatched when the radio button instance's selected property changes. | |
change — Event, class fl.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
Dispatched when the selected RadioButton instance in a group changes. | |
change — Event, class fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Dispatched when a different item is selected in the list. | |
change — Event, class fl.controls.Slider | |
Dispatched when the value of the Slider component changes as a result of mouse or keyboard interaction. | |
change — Event, class fl.controls.TextArea | |
Dispatched when the text in the TextArea component changes. | |
change — Event, class fl.controls.TextInput | |
Dispatched when user input changes text in the TextInput component. | |
change — Event, class fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Dispatched after a control value is modified, unlike the textInput event, which is dispatched before the value is modified. | |
change — Event, class flash.text.StageText | |
Dispatched after text content changes. | |
change — Event, class flash.text.TextField | |
Dispatched after a control value is modified, unlike the textInput event, which is dispatched before the value is modified. | |
change — Event, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Dispatched when the selection changes in the chart. | |
change — Event, class mx.containers.Accordion | |
Dispatched when the selected child container changes. | |
change — Event, class mx.containers.ViewStack | |
Dispatched when the selected child container changes. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.Button | |
Dispatched when the selected property changes for a toggle Button control. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Dispatched when the selected color changes as a result of user interaction. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Dispatched when the ComboBox contents changes as a result of user interaction, when the selectedIndex or selectedItem property changes, and, if the ComboBox control is editable, each time a keystroke is entered in the box. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Dispatched when a date is selected or changed. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.DateField | |
Dispatched when a date is selected or changed, and the DateChooser control closes. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.Menu | |
Dispatched when selection changes as a result of user interaction. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.MenuBar | |
Dispatched when selection changes as a result of user interaction. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Dispatched when the value of the NumericStepper control changes as a result of user interaction. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
Dispatched when the value of the selected RadioButton control in this group changes. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.RichTextEditor | |
Dispatched when the user changes the contents or format of the text in the TextArea control. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.TextArea | |
Dispatched when text in the TextArea control changes through user input. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.TextInput | |
Dispatched when text in the TextInput control changes through user input. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Dispatched when the selectedIndex or selectedItem property changes as a result of user interaction. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Dispatched when the selectedIndex or selectedItem property changes as a result of user interaction. | |
change — Event, class mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider | |
Dispatched when the slider changes value due to mouse or keyboard interaction. | |
change — Event, interface mx.core.ISelectableList | |
Dispatched when the selectedIndex property changes. | |
change — Event, interface mx.managers.IBrowserManager | |
Dispatched when the URL is changed either by the user interacting with the browser, invoking an application in AIR, or by setting the property programmatically. | |
change — Event, class spark.components.DateSpinner | |
Dispatched after the selected date has been changed by the user. | |
change — Event, class spark.components.RadioButtonGroup | |
Dispatched when the value of the selected RadioButton component in this group changes. | |
change — Event, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Dispatched after a user editing operation is complete. | |
change — Event, class spark.components.Spinner | |
Dispatched when the value of the Spinner control changes as a result of user interaction. | |
change — Event, class spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Dispatched when the current view navigator changes as a result of a change to the selectedIndex property or a change to the selected tab in the TabBar control. | |
change — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.InteractionStateDetector | |
Dispatched after the state has changed. | |
change — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Dispatched after the selection has changed. | |
change — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Dispatched after a user editing operation is complete. | |
change — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Dispatched after a user editing operation is complete. | |
change — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.ToggleButtonBase | |
Dispatched when the selected property changes for the ToggleButtonBase control. | |
change — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.TrackBase | |
Dispatched when the value of the control changes as a result of user interaction. | |
change — Event, class spark.globalization.supportClasses.GlobalizationBase | |
The change event is generated whenever the locale style is changed or another property is set that would cause the format of a number to change or cause updates to the other values available through this class. | |
change — Event, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
change event | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of the change event object. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
A change was made to the component data. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a change event object. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The Event.CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of a change event object. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.HEADER_RELEASE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a headerRelease event, which indicates that the user pressed and released the mouse on a column header. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Event type constant; indicates that the selection in the chart has changed. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The CalendarLayoutChangeEvent.CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a change event. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event that is dispatched when the user selects a color from the ColorPicker control. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The IndexChangedEvent.CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a change event, which indicates that an index has changed, such as when and Accordion control changes the displayed panel or a ViewStack changes views. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The ListEvent.CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the ListEvent object for a change event, which indicates that selection changed as a result of user interaction. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The MenuEvent.CHANGE event type constant indicates that selection changed as a result of user interaction. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The NumericStepperEvent.CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a change event. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The SliderEvent.CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a change event. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class mx.filters.BaseFilter | |
The string "change". | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The SparkValueChangeAutomationEvent.CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when a value changes. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The IndexChangeEvent.CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a change event, which indicates that an index has changed, such as when a List-based control changes its selection. | |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The TextOperationEvent.CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a change event. | |
CHANGE_AUTHOR — Constant Static Property, class | |
This operation changes the author of a creation stage. | |
changeDescription — Property, interface | |
This field is used to store the change desciption, if a review is revised. | |
changeDescription — Property, class | |
This field is used to store the change desciption, if a review is revised. | |
changeDescription — Property, class | |
This field is used if the review is revised. | |
ChangedItems — class, package | |
Describes data changed since a specified time. | |
changedPropertyNames — Property, interface | |
The list of property names which changed as part of an update. | |
CHANGE_DURATION — Constant Static Property, class | |
This operation changes the duration of a stage. | |
changeElementID(newID:String, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Changes the ID of an element. | |
changeElementID(newID:String, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Changes the ID of an element. | |
changeEnd — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.TrackBase | |
Dispatched at the end of a user interaction or when an animation ends. | |
CHANGE_END — Constant Static Property, class | |
The FlexEvent.CHANGE_END constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a changeEnd event. | |
changeList — Property, class | |
An array of objects; each object contains properties that describe the changed members of a remote shared object. | |
changeRouteButtonTooltip(existingButtonName:String, newTooltip:String) — method, class lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Changes the tooltip of the specified button. | |
changeRouteButtonTooltip — Event, class lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Dispatched by tan application built with Flex to change the tooltip on the Complete button. | |
CHANGE_ROUTE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP — Constant Static Property, class | |
A special value that indicates to change the tooltip of a specific route button in the Workspace user interface. | |
CHANGES_REQUIRED — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.ReviewerStatus | |
Specifies the reviewer status when the reviewer has sent the task back to the initiator for changes. | |
CHANGES_REQUIRED — Constant Static Property, class | |
The reviewer status when the document or a task has been marked back to initiator for changes. | |
ChangeStageDurationDialog — class, package | |
The host component for the dialog to change stage duration. | |
ChangeStageDurationDialog() — Constructor, class | |
The constructor for ChangeStageDurationDialog class. | |
changeStart — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.TrackBase | |
Dispatched at the start of a user interaction or when an animation starts. | |
CHANGE_START — Constant Static Property, class | |
The FlexEvent.CHANGE_START constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a changeStart event. | |
CHANGE_STATE — Constant Static Property, class | |
This type indicates that the skin state needs to be re-evaluated. | |
changeStyleName(newName:String, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Changes the styleName of an element or part of an element. | |
changeStyleName(newName:String, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Changes the styleName of an element or part of an element. | |
changeType — Property, class | |
Gets the type of the change that triggered the event. | |
changeTypeName(newName:String, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Changes the typeName of an element or part of an element. | |
changeTypeName(newName:String, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Changes the typeName of an element or part of an element. | |
changeValueByPage(increase:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.HScrollBar | |
Increment value by a page if increase is true, or decrement value by a page if increase is false. | |
changeValueByPage(increase:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.VScrollBar | |
Increment value by a page if increase is true, or decrement value by a page if increase is false. | |
changeValueByPage(increase:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.ScrollBarBase | |
Adds or subtracts pageSize from value. | |
changeValueByStep(increase:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.HScrollBar | |
If viewport is not null, changes the horizontal scroll position for a line up or line down operation by scrolling the viewport. | |
changeValueByStep(increase:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.VScrollBar | |
If viewport is not null, changes the vertical scroll position for a line up or line down operation by scrolling the viewport. | |
changeValueByStep(increase:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.Range | |
Increases or decreases value by stepSize. | |
ChangeWatcher — class, package mx.binding.utils | |
The ChangeWatcher class defines utility methods that you can use with bindable Flex properties. | |
ChangeWatcher(access:Object, handler:Function, commitOnly:Boolean, next:mx.binding.utils:ChangeWatcher) — Constructor, class mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher | |
Constructor. | |
changing — Event, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Dispatched before a user editing operation occurs. | |
changing — Event, class spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Dispatched before the selected view navigator is changed. | |
changing — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.ListBase | |
Dispatched when the selection is going to change. | |
changing — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Dispatched before a user editing operation occurs. | |
CHANGING — Constant Static Property, class | |
The FlexEvent.CHANGING constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a changing event. | |
CHANGING — Constant Static Property, class | |
The IndexChangeEvent.CHANGING constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a changing event, which indicates that the current selection is about to change. | |
CHANGING — Constant Static Property, class | |
The TextOperationEvent.CHANGING constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a changing event. | |
changingDocument — Property, class coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
Permissions assigned for editing the PDF content. | |
channel — Property, class mx.messaging.MessageResponder | |
Provides access to the Channel used to send the message. | |
channel — Property, class mx.messaging.channels.StreamingConnectionHandler | |
The Channel that uses this class. | |
channel — Property, class | |
The Channel that generated this event. | |
Channel — class, package mx.messaging | |
The Channel class is the base message channel class that all channels in the messaging system must extend. | |
Channel(id:String, uri:String) — Constructor, class mx.messaging.Channel | |
Constructs an instance of a generic Channel that connects to the specified endpoint URI. | |
channelConnect — Event, class mx.messaging.Channel | |
Dispatched after the channel has connected to its endpoint. | |
channelConnect — Event, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Dispatched after a Channel in the ChannelSet has connected to its endpoint. | |
channelConnect — Event, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Dispatched when the underlying Channel the MessageAgent is using connects. | |
channelConnectHandler( — method, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Handles a CONNECT ChannelEvent and redispatches the event. | |
channelConnectHandler( — method, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Handles a CONNECT ChannelEvent. | |
channelDisconnect — Event, class mx.messaging.Channel | |
Dispatched after the channel has disconnected from its endpoint. | |
channelDisconnect — Event, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Dispatched after a Channel in the ChannelSet has disconnected from its endpoint. | |
channelDisconnect — Event, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Dispatched when the underlying Channel the MessageAgent is using disconnects. | |
channelDisconnectHandler( — method, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Handles a DISCONNECT ChannelEvent and redispatches the event. | |
channelDisconnectHandler( — method, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Handles a DISCONNECT ChannelEvent. | |
CHANNEL_DOWN — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Channel down | |
ChannelError — class, package mx.messaging.errors | |
This is the base class for any channel related errors. | |
ChannelError(msg:String) — Constructor, class mx.messaging.errors.ChannelError | |
Constructs a new instance of a ChannelError with the specified message. | |
ChannelEvent — class, package | |
The ChannelEvent is used to propagate channel events within the messaging system. | |
ChannelEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, channel:mx.messaging:Channel, reconnecting:Boolean, rejected:Boolean, connected:Boolean) — Constructor, class | |
Constructs an instance of this event with the specified type and Channel instance. | |
channelFault — Event, class mx.messaging.Channel | |
Dispatched after the channel has faulted. | |
channelFault — Event, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Dispatched after a Channel in the ChannelSet has faulted. | |
channelFault — Event, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Dispatched when the underlying Channel the MessageAgent is using faults. | |
ChannelFaultEvent — class, package | |
The ChannelFaultEvent class is used to propagate channel fault events within the messaging system. | |
ChannelFaultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, channel:mx.messaging:Channel, reconnecting:Boolean, code:String, level:String, description:String, rejected:Boolean, connected:Boolean) — Constructor, class | |
Constructs an instance of this event with the specified type. | |
channelFaultHandler( — method, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Handles a ChannelFaultEvent and redispatches the event. | |
channelFaultHandler( — method, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Handles a ChannelFaultEvent. | |
channelIds — Property, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
The ids of the Channels used by the ChannelSet. | |
channels — Property, class flash.display.ShaderInput | |
The number of channels that a shader input expects. | |
channels — Property, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Provides access to the Channels in the ChannelSet. | |
channelSet — Property, class com.adobe.dct.model.ConfigModel | |
The authenticated ChannelSet. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
Channel set of the wrapped service. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
The channelSet property of the wrapped service. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
The channelset to use to communicate with the Experience Server. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
Channel set for remote operation calls. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
Channel set for remote operation calls. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
Channel set for remote operation calls. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
Channel set for remote operation calls. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
Channel set for remote operation calls. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
Channel set for remote operation calls. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
Channel set for remote operation calls. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
Channel set for remote operation calls. | |
channelSet — Property, interface | |
A ChannelSet object that is used with Remoting by DataService objects. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
A ChannelSet object that is used with Remoting by DataService objects. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
Provides access to the ChannelSet used by the service. | |
channelSet — Property, class | |
Provides access to the ChannelSet used by the this DataStore. | |
channelSet — Property, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Provides access to the ChannelSet used by the MessageAgent. | |
channelSet — Property, class mx.rpc.AbstractService | |
Provides access to the ChannelSet used by the service. | |
channelSet — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Provides access to the ChannelSet used by the service. | |
ChannelSet — class, package mx.messaging | |
The ChannelSet is a set of Channels that are used to send messages to a target destination. | |
ChannelSet(channelIds:Array, clusteredWithURLLoadBalancing:Boolean) — Constructor, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Constructs a ChannelSet. | |
channelSets — Property, class mx.messaging.Channel | |
Provides access to the ChannelSets connected to the Channel. | |
CHANNEL_UP — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Channel up | |
characterFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange | |
The format attributes of the characters in the range. | |
characterFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.InsertTextOperation | |
The character format applied to the inserted text. | |
CharacterUtil — final class, package flashx.textLayout.utils | |
Utilities for managing and getting information about characters. | |
charAt(index:Number) — method, class String | |
Returns the character in the position specified by the index parameter. | |
charAt(s:String, pos:int) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Returns the character at the indicated position. | |
charCode — Property, class | |
Contains the character code value of the key pressed or released. | |
charCodeAt(index:Number) — method, class String | |
Returns the numeric Unicode character code of the character at the specified index. | |
CharCodeStrings — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard | |
An array containing all the defined key name constants. | |
charCount — Property, class flash.text.TextSnapshot | |
The number of characters in a TextSnapshot object. | |
charset — Property, class coldfusion.service.MailPart | |
The character encoding in which the part text is encoded. | |
charset — Property, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Mail | |
Character encoding of the mail message, including the headers. | |
charsetName — Property, class mx.rpc.livecycle.DocumentReference | |
If the REF_TYPE_INLINE option is being used to create a DocumentReference and the text field of this object has been set, this field may be set to determine the character set used on the server to convert the passed-in text string into a byte array. | |
CHARSET_UTF_8 — Constant Static Property, class mx.utils.Base64Encoder | |
Constant definition for the string "UTF-8". | |
chart — Property, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
The base chart for this AxisRenderer. | |
chart — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
Refers to the chart component containing this element. | |
Chart — class, package coldfusion.service.mxml | |
The proxy class for chart services that are exposed by ColdFusion. | |
Chart() — Constructor, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Creates an instance of the Chart class. | |
CHART_AREA_INDEX — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.ChartLayoutHost | |
Area index for the chart items. | |
ChartBase — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The ChartBase class is the link between the Flex component architecture and the DualStyleObject architecture. | |
ChartBase() — Constructor, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Constructor. | |
ChartBaseAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.charts | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ChartBase base class. | |
ChartBaseAutomationImpl(obj:mx.charts.chartClasses:ChartBase) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.charts.ChartBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
chartClick — Event, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Dispatched when no data point is found under the mouse pointer when mouse is clicked on chart. | |
CHART_CLICK — Constant Static Property, class | |
Indicates that the user clicked the mouse button over a chart control but not on a chart item. | |
chartdata — Property, class coldfusion.service.ChartSeries | |
Array of coldfusion.service.chartdata | |
ChartData — class, package coldfusion.service | |
The class that is remotely mapped to | |
ChartData() — Constructor, class coldfusion.service.ChartData | |
Creates an instance of the ChartData class. | |
chartDataProvider — Property, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.ChartLayoutHost | |
The data provider used by the chart. | |
chartDataProvider — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.AxisBase | |
The data provider assigned to the enclosing chart. | |
chartDataProvider — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
The data provider assigned to the enclosing chart. | |
chartDataProvider — Property, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis | |
The data provider assigned to the enclosing chart. | |
chartDataProvider — Property, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement | |
The data provider assigned to the enclosing chart. | |
chartDoubleClick — Event, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Dispatched when no data point is found under the mouse pointer when mouse is double-clicked on chart. | |
CHART_DOUBLE_CLICK — Constant Static Property, class | |
Indicates that the user double-clicked the mouse button over a chart control but not on a chart item. | |
ChartElement — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The ChartElement class is the base class for visual chart elements. | |
ChartElement() — Constructor, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
Constructor. | |
ChartEvent — class, package | |
The ChartEvent class represents events that are specific to the chart control, such as when a chart is clicked. | |
ChartEvent(type:String,, target:mx.charts.chartClasses:ChartBase) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
chartHeight — Property, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Height of the chart. | |
chartItem — Property, class mx.charts.HitData | |
The chart item described by the hit data. | |
ChartItem — class, package mx.charts | |
A ChartItem represents a single item in a ChartSeries. | |
ChartItem(element:mx.charts.chartClasses:IChartElement, item:Object, index:uint) — Constructor, class mx.charts.ChartItem | |
Constructor. | |
ChartItemDragProxy — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses | |
The default drag proxy used when dragging items from a chart control. | |
ChartItemDragProxy() — Constructor, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartItemDragProxy | |
Constructor. | |
ChartItemEvent — class, package | |
The ChartItemEvent class represents events that are specific to the chart components, such as when a chart item is clicked. | |
ChartItemEvent(type:String, hitSet:Array,, target:mx.charts.chartClasses:ChartBase) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
chartItems — Skin Part, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.ChartLayoutHost | |
The chartItems skin part. The chartItems skin part. | |
chartItems — Property, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins.PieChartHorizontalSkin | |
The chartItems skin part will contain the items which will have their data plotted on the chart. | |
ChartLabel — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses | |
Draws data labels on chart controls. | |
ChartLabel() — Constructor, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartLabel | |
Constructor. | |
ChartLayoutHost — class, package com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components | |
This layout host component provides four skin parts: header, entry, chartItems, trailer. | |
ChartSelectionChangeEvent — class, package | |
The ListItemSelectEvent class represents event objects that are dispatched when an item in a list-based control such as a Menu, DataGrid, or Tree control is selected or deselected. | |
ChartSelectionChangeEvent(type:String, selectionInfo:Array, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean,, ctrlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
chartSeries — Property, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Defines the chart style in which the data displays: bar, line, pie, and so on. | |
ChartSeries — class, package coldfusion.service | |
A class that is remotely mapped to | |
ChartSeries() — Constructor, class coldfusion.service.ChartSeries | |
Creates an instance of the ChartSeries class. | |
chartSeriesStyles — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Contains a list of Strings, each corresponding to a CSS type selector to be used as the default CSS style for a series. | |
chartState — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
The current transition state of the chart. | |
ChartState — final class, package mx.charts.chartClasses | |
Describes the current state of a chart. | |
chartStateChanged(oldState:uint, newState:uint) — method, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Called by the chart to indicate when its current transition state has changed. | |
chartStateChanged(oldState:uint, v:uint) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
Called by the enclosing chart to indicate that the current state of the chart has changed. | |
chartStateChanged(oldState:uint, v:uint) — method, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxisRenderer | |
Called by the enclosing chart to indicate that the current state of the chart has changed. | |
chartStateChanged(oldState:uint, v:uint) — method, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement | |
Called by the enclosing chart to indicate that the current state of the chart has changed. | |
chartTitle — Property, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.ChartLayoutHost | |
The chart title | |
chartWidth — Property, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Chart | |
Width of the chart. | |
check — Property, class spark.skins.spark.CheckBoxSkin | |
The checkmark in the box for this skin. | |
check — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSkin | |
The check icon for this component | |
check — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSmallSkin | |
The check icon for this component | |
CHECK — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
A check mark. | |
CheckBox — class, package fl.controls | |
The CheckBox component displays a small box that can contain a check mark. | |
CheckBox — class, package mx.controls | |
The CheckBox control consists of an optional label and a small box that can contain a check mark or not. | |
CheckBox — class, package spark.components | |
The CheckBox component consists of an optional label and a small box that can contain a check mark or not. | |
CheckBox() — Constructor, class fl.controls.CheckBox | |
Creates a new CheckBox component instance. | |
CheckBox() — Constructor, class mx.controls.CheckBox | |
Constructor. | |
CheckBox() — Constructor, class spark.components.CheckBox | |
Constructor. | |
CheckBoxAccImpl — class, package fl.accessibility | |
The CheckBoxAccImpl class, also called the CheckBox Accessibility Implementation class, is used to make a CheckBox component accessible. | |
CheckBoxAccImpl — class, package mx.accessibility | |
CheckBoxAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the CheckBox class. | |
CheckBoxAccImpl — class, package spark.accessibility | |
CheckBoxAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.CheckBox. | |
CheckBoxAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class mx.accessibility.CheckBoxAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
CheckBoxAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class spark.accessibility.CheckBoxAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
CheckBoxAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the CheckBox control. | |
CheckBoxAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:CheckBox) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.controls.CheckBoxAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
CheckBoxIcon — class, package mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for all the states of the icon in a CheckBox. | |
CheckBoxIcon() — Constructor, class mx.skins.halo.CheckBoxIcon | |
Constructor. | |
CheckBoxSkin — class, package mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the MX CheckBox component. | |
CheckBoxSkin — class, package mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the MX CheckBox component. | |
CheckBoxSkin — class, package | |
ActionScript-based skin for CheckBox components in mobile applications. | |
CheckBoxSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the Spark CheckBox component. | |
CheckBoxSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark CheckBox component. | |
CheckBoxSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.spark.CheckBoxSkin | |
Constructor. | |
CheckBoxSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.wireframe.CheckBoxSkin | |
Constructor. | |
CheckBoxSkin() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
CheckBoxSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.CheckBoxSkin | |
Constructor. | |
CheckBoxSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.CheckBoxSkin | |
Constructor. | |
checkChannelConsistency(destinationA:String, destinationB:String) — Static Method , class mx.messaging.config.ServerConfig | |
This method ensures that the destinations specified contain identical channel definitions. | |
checkControlValueToModelValue() — method, class ga.model.PanelItem | |
Check if control's value can be assigned to the model. | |
checkCreate(, — method, class | |
Called by the DataService when a create operation is pushed/processed from the remote destination. | |
checkDelete(, — method, class | |
Called by the DataService when a delete operation is pushed/processed from the remote destination. | |
checkDisabledIcon — Style, class mx.controls.Menu | |
The icon for all dsiabled menu items whose type identifier is a check box. | |
checked — Property, class flash.display.NativeMenuItem | |
Controls whether this menu item displays a checkmark. | |
checkForConflict(, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken) — method, class | |
This method gets called after a fault which might determine a conflict. | |
checkForUpdate — Event, class air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
Dispatched before the update process begins, just before the updater tries to download the update descriptor file. | |
checkForUpdate() — method, class air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
Asynchronously downloads and interprets the update descriptor file. | |
checkForUpdate — Event, class air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Dispatched before the update process begins, just before the updater tries to download the update descriptor file. | |
CHECK_FOR_UPDATE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The UpdateEvent.CHECK_FOR_UPDATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a checkForUpdate event. | |
checkIcon — Style, class mx.controls.Menu | |
The icon for all enabled menu items whose type identifier is a check box. | |
checkImplementation() — method, class | |
Queues a fault if this data manager has not yet been initialized. | |
checkImplementation() — method, class | |
Queues a fault if this data manager has not yet been initialized. | |
checkNow() — method, class air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
Starts the update process. | |
checkNow() — method, class air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
Starts the update process. | |
checkPolicyFile — Property, class | |
Specifies whether the application should try to download a URL policy file from the loaded sound's server before beginning to load the sound. | |
checkPolicyFile — Property, class | |
Specifies whether the application tries to download a cross-domain policy file from the loaded video file's server before beginning to load the video file. | |
checkPolicyFile — Property, class flash.system.LoaderContext | |
Specifies whether the application should attempt to download a URL policy file from the loaded object's server before beginning to load the object itself. | |
checkRemoveFromFill(, fillParameters:Object) — method, class | |
Called by the DataService when a remove from fill operation is pushed/processed from the remote destination. | |
checkStatus() — method, class | |
Checks the status of the service. | |
checkStatus() — method, class | |
Calling the checkStatus() method of a SocketMonitor object causes the application to try connecting to the socket, to check for a connect event. | |
checkStatus() — method, class | |
Attempts to load content from a URL in the background, to check for a returned HTTP status code. | |
checksum — Property, class com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionary | |
The checksum of the data dictionary. | |
checksum — Property, class com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryReference | |
The checksum of the data dictionary. | |
checkUpdate(, — method, class | |
Called by the DataService when an update operation is pushed/processed from the remote destination. | |
checkXMLStatus() — Static Method , class fl.lang.Locale | |
Returns true if the XML file is loaded; false otherwise. | |
child(propertyName:Object) — method, class XML | |
Lists the children of an XML object. | |
child(propertyName:Object) — method, class XMLList | |
Calls the child() method of each XML object and returns an XMLList object that contains the results in order. | |
child(propertyName:Object) — method, class mx.collections.XMLListCollection | |
Calls the child() method of each XML object in the XMLList and returns an XMLList containing the children of with the specified property name, in order. | |
child — Property, class mx.modules.ModuleLoader | |
The DisplayObject created from the module factory. | |
child — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPLevel | |
The next child level in the hierarchy. | |
child — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPLevel | |
The next child level in the hierarchy. | |
child — Property, class spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
The IVisualElement created from the module factory. | |
childAdd — Event, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Dispatched after a child has been added to a legend. | |
childAdd — Event, class mx.core.Container | |
Dispatched after a child has been added to a container. | |
CHILD_ADD — Constant Static Property, class | |
The ChildExistenceChangedEvent.CHILD_ADD constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a childAdd event. | |
childAllowsParent — Property, class fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
Expresses the trust relationship from content (child) to the ProLoader (parent). | |
childAllowsParent — Property, class flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
Expresses the trust relationship from content (child) to the Loader (parent). | |
childAllowsParent — Property, class mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Tests if the child allows its parent to access its display objects or listen to messages that originate in the child. | |
childAllowsParent — Property, interface mx.core.ISWFBridgeProvider | |
Tests if the child allows its parent to access its display objects or listen to messages that originate in the child. | |
childAllowsParent — Property, class mx.managers.SystemManager | |
childAllowsParent — Property, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
childDescriptors — Property, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Collection of child property descriptor of this property if it is composite type property. | |
childDescriptors — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Specifies a collection of child property descriptors for this property, if it is a composite property. | |
childDescriptors — Property, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Array of UIComponentDescriptor objects produced by the MXML compiler. | |
childDescriptors — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
Array of UIComponentDescriptor objects produced by the MXML compiler. | |
childDescriptors — Property, class mx.core.Repeater | |
An Array of UIComponentDescriptor objects for this Repeater's children. | |
childElements — Property, class com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel | |
The list of Child DataElementModel. | |
childElements — Property, class com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElement | |
The list of DataDictionaryElements within a DataDictionaryElement - for CompositeType only. | |
ChildExistenceChangedEvent — class, package | |
Represents events that are dispatched when a the child of a control is created or destroyed. | |
ChildExistenceChangedEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, relatedObject:flash.display:DisplayObject) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
childIndex() — method, class XML | |
Identifies the zero-indexed position of this XML object within the context of its parent. | |
childIndexChange — Event, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Dispatched after the index (among the legend children) of a legend child changes. | |
childIndexChange — Event, class mx.core.Container | |
Dispatched after the index (among the container children) of a container child changes. | |
CHILD_INDEX_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The IndexChangedEvent.CHILD_INDEX_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a childIndexChange event, which indicates that a component's index among a container's children has changed. | |
ChildItemPendingError — class, package mx.collections.errors | |
This error is thrown when retrieving a child item from a collection view requires an asynchronous call. | |
ChildItemPendingError(message:String) — Constructor, class mx.collections.errors.ChildItemPendingError | |
Constructor. | |
childNodes — Property, class flash.xml.XMLNode | |
An array of the specified XMLNode object's children. | |
childRemove — Event, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Dispatched before a child of a legend is removed. | |
childRemove — Event, class mx.core.Container | |
Dispatched before a child of a container is removed. | |
CHILD_REMOVE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The ChildExistenceChangedEvent.CHILD_REMOVE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a childRemove event. | |
children() — method, class XML | |
Lists the children of the XML object in the sequence in which they appear. | |
children() — method, class XMLList | |
Calls the children() method of each XML object and returns an XMLList object that contains the results. | |
children — Property, interface com.adobe.guides.domain.IGuideNode | |
children is used to get an Array of the GuideNode's children. | |
children() — method, class mx.collections.XMLListCollection | |
Calls the children() method of each XML object in the XMLList and returns an XMLList containing the results. | |
children — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup | |
An Array of AdvancedDataGridColumn instances that define the columns of the column group. | |
children — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo | |
An Array of all of the child AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instances of this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance, if this column is part of a column group. | |
children — Property, class | |
An array of associations and operations managed by this data manager. | |
children — Property, class mx.effects.CompositeEffect | |
An Array containing the child effects of this CompositeEffect. | |
children — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPHierarchy | |
The children of the all member, as a list of IOLAPMember instances. | |
children — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPMember | |
The children of this member, as a list of IOLAPMember instances. | |
children — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPHierarchy | |
The children of the all member, as a list of IOLAPMember instances. | |
children — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPMember | |
The children of this member, as a list of IOLAPMember instances. | |
childrenCreated() — method, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins.BarChartHorizontalSkin | |
chart all PanelItems that have been insert into the chartItems container | |
childrenCreated() — method, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins.PieChartHorizontalSkin | |
chart all PanelItems that have been insert into the chartItems container | |
childrenCreated() — method, class ga.controls.RadioButtonList | |
childrenCreated initializes some styles and tabbing and focus options. | |
childrenCreated() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Performs any final processing after child objects are created. | |
childrenCreated() — method, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseDropDownListSkin | |
Performs any final processing after child objects are created. | |
childrenCreated() — method, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionSkin | |
Performs any final processing after child objects are created. | |
childrenDragEnabled — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup | |
Specifies whether the child columns can be dragged to reposition them in the group. | |
childrenField — Property, class mx.collections.HierarchicalData | |
Indicates the field name to be used to detect children objects in a data item. | |
childrenNodes — Property, interface | |
Returns an array of child nodes (IMosaicNode objects) of the node. | |
childSandboxBridge — Property, class fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
An object that can be set by the loaded content's code to expose properties and methods that can be accessed by code in the ProLoader object's sandbox. | |
childSandboxBridge — Property, class flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
A object that can be set by the loaded content's code to expose properties and methods that can be accessed by code in the Loader object's sandbox. | |
CHINESE — Constant Static Property, class flash.system.IMEConversionMode | |
The string "CHINESE", for use with the IME.conversionMode property. | |
CHOUKEI3GOU — Constant Static Property, class flash.printing.PaperSize | |
Japanese choukei 3 gou (envelope) | |
CHOUKEI4GOU — Constant Static Property, class flash.printing.PaperSize | |
Japanese choukei 4 gou (envelope) | |
chr(c:int) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Returns the character with the provided code. | |
chrome — Property, interface | |
The tile's chrome setting. | |
chrome — Property, class spark.skins.spark.SkinnablePopUpContainerSkin | |
Defines the background and content group used by this skin. | |
chromeColor — Style, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
The main color for a component. | |
chromeColor — Style, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
The main color for a component. | |
chromeColor — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
The main color for a component. | |
chromeColor — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The main color for a component. | |
chromeColor — Style, class spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
The main color for a component. | |
chromeColorEllipseHeight — Property, class | |
Height of the chromeColor ellipse | |
chromeColorEllipseWidth — Property, class | |
Width of the chromeColor ellipse | |
chromeColorEllipseX — Property, class | |
X position of the chromeColor ellipse | |
chromeColorEllipseY — Property, class | |
Y position of the chromeColor ellipse | |
chromeGroup — Property, class | |
chunkBuffer — Property, class mx.messaging.channels.StreamingConnectionHandler | |
Byte buffer used to store the current chunk from the remote endpoint. | |
CIRCLE — Constant Static Property, class fl.transitions.Iris | |
Used to specify a circle mask shape for the transition effect. | |
CIRCLE — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
A circle character marker that is not filled. | |
CircleItemRenderer — class, package mx.charts.renderers | |
A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills an elliptical area. | |
CircleItemRenderer() — Constructor, class mx.charts.renderers.CircleItemRenderer | |
Constructor. | |
Circular — class, package fl.motion.easing | |
The Circular class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animation. | |
Circular — class, package mx.effects.easing | |
The Circular class defines three easing functions to implement circular motion with Flex effect classes. | |
CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
Numbering for CJK. | |
CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListStyleType | |
Numbering for CJK. | |
claim(taskId:String, lockTask:Boolean) — method, interface lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Claims the task from another user or group. | |
claim(lock:Boolean) — method, class lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Claims the task from another user or group. | |
ClaimAndOpenCommand — class, package lc.procmgmt.commands | |
The ClaimAndOpenCommand class executes the claim operation for a task. | |
ClaimAndOpenCommand(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task) — Constructor, class lc.procmgmt.commands.ClaimAndOpenCommand | |
Constructor. | |
ClaimCommand — class, package lc.procmgmt.commands | |
The ClaimCommand class executes the claim operation for a task. | |
ClaimCommand(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task) — Constructor, class lc.procmgmt.commands.ClaimCommand | |
Constructor. | |
claimStyles(styles:Array, firstAvailable:uint) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
Called by the chart to allow associated elements to claim style selectors from its chartSeriesStyles Array. | |
claimStyles(styles:Array, firstAvailable:uint) — method, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement | |
Called by the chart to allow associated elements to claim style selectors from its chartSeriesStyles Array. | |
claimStyles(styles:Array, firstAvailable:uint) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Called by the chart to allow associated elements to claim style selectors from its chartSeriesStyles Array. | |
clamp — Property, class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter | |
Indicates whether the image should be clamped. | |
clamp — Property, class spark.filters.ConvolutionFilter | |
Indicates whether the image should be clamped. | |
CLAMP — Constant Static Property, class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilterMode | |
Clamps the displacement value to the edge of the source image. | |
class — Statement | |
Defines a class, which lets you instantiate objects that share methods and properties that you define. | |
Class — Dynamic Class, Top Level | |
A Class object is created for each class definition in a program. | |
CLASS — Constant Static Property, class mx.styles.CSSConditionKind | |
A selector condition to match a component by styleName. | |
ClassFactory — class, package mx.core | |
A ClassFactory instance is a "factory object" which Flex uses to generate instances of another class, each with identical properties. | |
ClassFactory(generator:Class) — Constructor, class mx.core.ClassFactory | |
Constructor. | |
className — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.ServiceDelegate | |
Retrieves the class name of the service. | |
className — Property, interface | |
The class name. | |
className — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
The name of this instance's class, such as "Button". | |
className — Property, class mx.core.UIFTETextField | |
The name of this instance's class, such as "DataGridItemRenderer". | |
className — Property, class mx.core.UITextField | |
The name of this instance's class, such as "DataGridItemRenderer". | |
className — Property, class mx.effects.Effect | |
The name of the effect class, such as "Fade". | |
className — Property, class mx.effects.EffectInstance | |
The name of the effect class, such as "FadeInstance". | |
className — Property, interface mx.effects.IEffect | |
The name of the effect class, such as "Fade". | |
className — Property, interface mx.effects.IEffectInstance | |
The name of the effect class, such as "FadeInstance". | |
className — Property, class | |
The class name for the MBean. | |
className — Property, class | |
The class name. | |
className — Property, class mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
The name of the component class. | |
className — Property, interface mx.styles.IStyleClient | |
The name of the component class. | |
className — Property, class mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
The name of the component class. | |
classProperties — Property, interface | |
The class properties. | |
clean — Event, class lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Dispatched when the form changes to a clean state from a dirty state. | |
clean — Property, class lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
A flag that indicates whether any changes have occurred to the form since it was last saved. | |
cleanup() — method, class com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Cleans up by releasing event listeners and zero out local variables. | |
cleanup() — method, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Cleans up by releasing event listeners and zero out local variables. | |
cleanUp() — method, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
Called after the transition completes. | |
clear() — method, class flash.desktop.Clipboard | |
Deletes all data representations from this Clipboard object. | |
clear() — method, class flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Invokes an internal delete command on the focused display object. | |
clear() — method, class flash.display.Graphics | |
Clears the graphics that were drawn to this Graphics object, and resets fill and line style settings. | |
clear — Event, class flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Dispatched when the user selects 'Clear' (or 'Delete') from the text context menu. | |
clear(red:Number, green:Number, blue:Number, alpha:Number, depth:Number, stencil:uint, mask:uint) — method, class flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Clears the color, depth, and stencil buffers associated with this Context3D object and fills them with the specified values. | |
clear() — method, class | |
Clears the image currently displayed in the Video object (not the video stream). | |
clear() — method, class | |
For local shared objects, purges all of the data and deletes the shared object from the disk. | |
clear() — method, class flash.text.StyleSheet | |
Removes all styles from the style sheet object. | |
clear — Property, class flash.ui.ContextMenuClipboardItems | |
Enables or disables the 'Delete' or 'Clear' item on the clipboard menu. | |
clear() — method, class flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Clears the contents of the byte array and resets the length and position properties to 0. | |
clear() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Clears the graphics that were drawn to this Graphics object, and resets fill and line style settings. | |
clear() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Clears the canvas. | |
clear() — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
Clears this control so that it displays no items. | |
clear() — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemList | |
Clears this control so that it displays no items. | |
clear() — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemTree | |
Clears the list. | |
clear() — method, class mx.olap.OLAPQueryAxis | |
Clears all the sets, tuples and members from this axis. | |
clear() — method, interface spark.managers.IPersistenceManager | |
Clears all the data that is being stored by the persistence manager. | |
clear() — method, class spark.managers.PersistenceManager | |
Clears all the data that is being stored by the persistence manager. | |
CLEAR — Constant Static Property, class | |
The Event.CLEAR constant defines the value of the type property of a clear event object. | |
clearAll() — method, interface flashx.undo.IUndoManager | |
Clears both the undo and the redo histories. | |
clearAll() — method, class flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
Clears both the undo and the redo histories. | |
clearButton — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the Button object that is used to clear an audit level assigned to a schedule template. A reference to the Button object that is used to clear an audit level assigned to a schedule template. | |
clearButton — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the Label object that allows users to remove the process associated with the component. A reference to the Label object that allows users to remove the process associated with the component. | |
clearButtonClickHandler( — method, class | |
This method is called when the Clear button is clicked. | |
clearCache() — method, interface | |
Clears the local database cache of all persisted Experience Services - Task Management service transactions. | |
clearCache(value:Object) — method, class | |
Clears any data stored to disk with a previous call to the saveCache() method or when the autoSaveCache method was set to true | |
clearCacheData( — method, class | |
Clears the data specified by the passed descriptor from the local store. | |
clearCaretIndicator(indicator:flash.display:Sprite, itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Clears the caret indicator into the given Sprite. | |
clearCellSelectionData() — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Clears information on cell selection. | |
clearComponentStyle(component:Object, name:String) — Static Method , class fl.managers.StyleManager | |
Removes a style from the specified component. | |
clearData(format:String) — method, class flash.desktop.Clipboard | |
Deletes the data representation for the specified format. | |
clearFields() — method, class lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderModel | |
Reinitializes the model's properties. | |
clearFloats — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading | |
Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Style, class spark.components.Scroller | |
Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Style, class spark.components.RichText | |
Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Style, class spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
clearFloats — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Controls how text wraps around a float. | |
ClearFloats — final class, package flashx.textLayout.formats | |
Defines values for setting the clear property of the TextLayoutFormat class. | |
clearFormat(leafFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, paragraphFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, containerFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Undefines formats of the specified (or current) selection. | |
clearFormat(leafFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, paragraphFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, containerFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Undefines formats of the specified (or current) selection. | |
clearFormatOnElement(targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Undefines styles to the specified element. | |
clearFormatOnElement(targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Undefines styles to the specified element. | |
ClearFormatOnElementOperation — class, package flashx.textLayout.operations | |
The ClearFormatOnElementOperation class encapsulates a style change to an element. | |
ClearFormatOnElementOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, targetElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.operations.ClearFormatOnElementOperation | |
Creates an ClearFormatOnElementOperation object. | |
ClearFormatOperation — class, package flashx.textLayout.operations | |
The ClearFormatOperation class encapsulates a way to undefine formats. | |
ClearFormatOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, leafFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, paragraphFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, containerFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.operations.ClearFormatOperation | |
Creates an ClearFormatOperation object. | |
clearHeaders() — method, class mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService | |
Clears the headers that applied to all operations. | |
clearHeaders() — method, class mx.rpc.soap.Operation | |
Clears the headers for this individual Operation. | |
clearHighlightIndicator(indicator:flash.display:Sprite, itemRenderer:mx.controls.listClasses:IListItemRenderer) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Clears the highlight indicator in the given Sprite. | |
clearIds() — method, interface | |
Clears ID for a reviewContext object for persisting it at another location in the repository. | |
clearIds() — method, class | |
Clears ID for a reviewContext object for persisting it at another location in the repository. | |
clearIndicators() — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Removes all selection and highlight and caret indicators. | |
clearIndicators() — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Removes all selection and highlight and caret indicators. | |
clearIndicators() — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Removes all selection and highlight and caret indicators. | |
clearIndicators() — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Removes all selection and highlight and caret indicators. | |
clearInterval(id:uint) — Package Function, flash.utils | |
Cancels a specified setInterval() call. | |
clearOnLoad — Property, class spark.components.Image | |
Denotes whether or not to clear previous image content prior to loading new content. | |
clearOnLoad — Property, class spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Denotes whether or not to clear previous image content prior to loading new content. | |
clearParameters() — method, class | |
Clears all current parameter settings. | |
clearRedo() — method, interface flashx.undo.IUndoManager | |
Clears the redo stack. | |
clearRedo() — method, class flashx.undo.UndoManager | |
Clears the redo stack. | |
clearRendererStyle(name:String, column:int) — method, class fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Clears a style that is set on the renderers in the list. | |
clearResult(fireBindingEvent:Boolean) — method, class mx.rpc.AbstractInvoker | |
Sets the result property of the invoker to null. | |
clearResult(fireBindingEvent:Boolean) — method, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Sets the result property of the invoker to null. | |
clearRow(contentHolder:mx.controls.listClasses:ListBaseContentHolder, rowNum:int) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
Removes renderers from a row that should be empty for the given rowNum. | |
clearSamples() — Package Function, flash.sampler | |
Clears the current set of Sample objects. | |
clearSelected(transition:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Clears the set of selected items and removes all graphics depicting the selected state of those items. | |
clearSelected(transition:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Clears the set of selected items and removes all graphics depicting the selected state of those items. | |
clearSelectedCells(transition:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Clears the selectedCells property. | |
clearSelection() — method, class fl.controls.SelectableList | |
Clears the currently selected item in the list and sets the selectedIndex property to -1. | |
clearSelection() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Deselects all selected chart items in the chart control. | |
clearSelection() — method, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
Removes all of the selected rows and cells, if selectionMode is not GridSelectionMode.NONE. | |
clearSelection() — method, class spark.components.Grid | |
Removes all of the selected rows and cells, if selectionMode is not GridSelectionMode.NONE. | |
CLEAR_SELECTION — Constant Static Property, class | |
Indicates that current selection should be cleared. | |
clearSeparators() — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Removes column header separators that you normally use to resize columns. | |
clearSeparators() — method, class mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Removes column header separators that the user normally uses to resize columns. | |
clearSeparators() — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader | |
Removes column header separators that the user normally uses to resize columns. | |
clearSkinParts() — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
Clear out references to skin parts. | |
clearSpringAngle() — method, class fl.ik.IKJoint | |
Clears the current spring angle. | |
clearSpringPoint() — method, class fl.ik.IKJoint | |
Clears the current spring point. | |
clearStyle(style:String) — method, class fl.core.UIComponent | |
Deletes a style property from this component instance. | |
clearStyle(name:String) — Static Method , class fl.managers.StyleManager | |
Removes a global style from all user interface components in a document. | |
clearStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Clears the style specified by styleProp from this FlowElement. | |
clearStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
Clears the style specified by the styleProp parameter from this FlowElement object. | |
clearStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Deletes a style property from this component instance. | |
clearStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.FTEAdvancedDataGridItemRenderer | |
Deletes a style property from this component instance. | |
clearStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer | |
Deletes a style property from this component instance. | |
clearStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.FTEDataGridItemRenderer | |
Deletes a style property from this component instance. | |
clearStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Deletes a style property from this component instance. | |
clearStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.styles.AdvancedStyleClient | |
Deletes a style property from this component instance. | |
clearStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration | |
Clears a style property on this CSSStyleDeclaration. | |
clearStyle(styleProp:String) — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleClient | |
Deletes a style property from this component instance. | |
clearStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.styles.StyleProxy | |
Deletes a style property from this component instance. | |
clearStyleDeclaration(selector:String, update:Boolean) — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleManager | |
Clears the CSSStyleDeclaration object that stores the rules for the specified CSS selector. | |
clearStyleDeclaration(selector:String, update:Boolean) — Static Method , class mx.styles.StyleManager | |
Clears the CSSStyleDeclaration object that stores the rules for the specified CSS selector. | |
clearTemplateButton — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for the Clear Template button. The skin part for the Clear Template button. | |
clearTemplateButton — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for removing the template assigned to a project. The skin part for removing the template assigned to a project. | |
clearTemplateClickHandler( — method, class | |
This method is called when the Clear Template button is clicked. | |
clearTemplateClickHandler( — method, class | |
This method is called upon clicking the Clear Template button. | |
clearTimeout(id:uint) — Package Function, flash.utils | |
Cancels a specified setTimeout() call. | |
clearVirtualLayoutCache() — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
When useVirtualLayout is true, this method can be used by the layout target to clear cached layout information when the target changes. | |
clearVisibleData() — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Empty the visibleData hash table. | |
click — Event, class fl.controls.LabelButton | |
Dispatched after the toggle button receives input from a mouse device or from the spacebar. | |
click — Event, class fl.controls.RadioButton | |
Dispatched when the user clicks the radio button with the mouse or spacebar. | |
click — Event, class fl.controls.RadioButtonGroup | |
Dispatched when a RadioButton instance is clicked. | |
click — Event, class flash.desktop.SystemTrayIcon | |
Dispatched by this SystemTrayIcon object on mouse click. | |
click — Event, class flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Dispatched when a user presses and releases the main button of the user's pointing device over the same InteractiveObject. | |
click — Event, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Dispatched when any link is clicked. | |
click — Event, class flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement | |
Dispatched when the link is clicked. | |
click — Event, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
Dispatched when any link is clicked. | |
CLICK — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a click event object. | |
CLICK — Constant Static Property, class | |
The ScreenMouseEvent.CLICK constant defines the value of the type property of a click event object. | |
CLICK — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a click event object. | |
clickCount — Property, class | |
Indicates whether or not the mouse down event is part of a multi-click sequence. | |
clickHandler( — method, class mx.controls.Button | |
The default handler for the MouseEvent.CLICK event. | |
clickHandler( — method, class mx.controls.NavBar | |
Handles the MouseEvent.CLICK event for the items in the NavBar control. | |
clickHandler( — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Override this method in subclasses to handle the click event rather than adding a separate handler. | |
CLICK_SOMEWHERE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Mouse was clicked somewhere outside your sandbox. | |
clickTarget — Property, class | |
Gets a string that indicates whether the slider thumb or a slider track was pressed. | |
clickTarget — Property, class | |
Specifies whether the slider track or a slider thumb was pressed. | |
client — Property, class | |
Indicates the object on which callback methods are invoked. | |
client — Property, class | |
Indicates the object on which callback methods are invoked. | |
client — Property, class | |
Specifies the object on which callback methods are invoked to handle streaming or F4V/FLV file data. | |
client — Property, class | |
Indicates the object on which callback methods are invoked. | |
client — Property, class org.osmf.elements.LightweightVideoElement | |
The NetClient used by this object's NetStream. | |
clientId — Property, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Provides access to the client id for the MessageAgent. | |
clientId — Property, class mx.messaging.messages.AbstractMessage | |
The clientId indicates which MessageAgent sent the message. | |
clientId — Property, interface mx.messaging.messages.IMessage | |
The clientId indicates which client sent the message. | |
clientobject — Property, class coldfusion.air.Conflict | |
The updated instance of the object on the client side, which caused the conflict. | |
clientObject — Property, class | |
The state of the client object (whose property was changed) at the time of the conflict. | |
clientParameters — Property, class mx.rpc.livecycle.FaultResponse | |
The client parameters. | |
CLIENT_PING_OPERATION — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
This operation is used to test connectivity over the current channel to the remote endpoint. | |
clientReceiveTime — Property, class mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils | |
Timestamp in milliseconds since epoch of when the client received response message from the server. | |
CLIENT_SIDE — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.SignatureOptions | |
Specifies that client-side signatures need to be applied to the approved document. | |
CLIENT_SIDE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The property specifies that client-side signatures need to be applied on the approved document. | |
clientSsoExpirationHint — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.User | |
This method returns the sso session expiration time as per client's clock. | |
CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
This operation is used by a remote destination to sync missed or cached messages back to a client as a result of a client issued poll command. | |
CLIENT_UPDATE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Indicates this update collection message was client generated. | |
clientUrl — Property, interface | |
The server address, as a URL, for the client collateral. | |
clientUrl — Property, class | |
The server address, as a URL, for the client collateral. | |
CLIP — Constant Static Property, class | |
The bitmap ends at the edge of the region. | |
CLIP — Constant Static Property, class spark.core.MaskType | |
The mask either displays the pixel or does not. | |
clipAndEnableScrolling — Property, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
If true, specifies to clip the children to the boundaries of the viewport. | |
clipAndEnableScrolling — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
If true, specifies to clip the children to the boundaries of the viewport. | |
clipAndEnableScrolling — Property, interface spark.core.IViewport | |
If true, specifies to clip the children to the boundaries of the viewport. | |
clipAndEnableScrolling — Property, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase | |
If true, specifies to clip the children to the boundaries of the viewport. | |
clipboard — Property, class | |
The Clipboard object containing the data in this drag operation. | |
Clipboard — class, package flash.desktop | |
The Clipboard class provides a container for transferring data and objects through the clipboard. | |
Clipboard() — Constructor, class flash.desktop.Clipboard | |
Creates an empty Clipboard object. | |
clipboardFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.conversion.FormatDescriptor | |
Descriptor used when matching this format to the formats posted on the external clipboard. | |
ClipboardFormats — class, package flash.desktop | |
The ClipboardFormats class defines constants for the names of the standard data formats used with the Clipboard class. | |
clipboardItems — Property, class flash.ui.ContextMenu | |
An instance of the ContextMenuClipboardItems class with the following properties: cut, copy, paste, delete, selectAll. | |
clipboardMenu — Property, class flash.ui.ContextMenu | |
Specifies whether or not the clipboard menu should be used. | |
ClipboardTransferMode — class, package flash.desktop | |
The ClipboardTransferMode class defines constants for the modes used as values of the transferMode parameter of the Clipboard.getData() method. | |
clipChildren — Property, class org.osmf.containers.MediaContainer | |
Defines if the children of the container that display outside of its bounds will be clipped or not. | |
clipContent — Property, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Whether to apply a clip mask if the positions and/or sizes of this container's children extend outside the borders of this container. | |
clipContent — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Determines whether Flex clips the chart to the area bounded by the axes. | |
clipContent — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
Whether to apply a clip mask if the positions and/or sizes of this container's children extend outside the borders of this container. | |
clipEndTime — Property, class | |
Optional end time of the streaming resource. | |
clippedGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.VideoPlayerSkin | |
Video and player controls are clipped if they exceed the size of the component, but the drop shadow above is not clipped and sizes to the component. | |
clippedGroup — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.VideoPlayerSkin | |
Video and player controls are clipped if they exceed the size of the component, but the drop shadow above is not clipped and sizes to the component. | |
clipStartTime — Property, class | |
Optional start time of the streaming resource. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event.CollectionResultEvent | |
Creates a copy of a CollectionResultEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event.ObjectResultEvent | |
Creates a copy of an ObjectResultEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event.PluginNotInstalledEvent | |
Creates a copy of a PluginNotInstalledEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event.TaskManagerEvent | |
Creates a copy of a TaskManagerEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event.TaskManagerFaultEvent | |
Creates a copy of a TaskManagerFaultEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | |
clone() — method, class com.adobe.gravity.framework.BundleEvent | |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | |
clone() — method, class com.adobe.gravity.framework.ServiceEvent | |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the ErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.LayoutHostBase | |
Clone this panel layout. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | |
clone() — method, class com.adobe.livecycle.content.FileEvent | |
Creates clone of a FileEvent instance. | |
clone(source:spark.layouts.supportClasses:DropLocation) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop.MosaicDropLocation | |
Creates a quick copy of items to this instance. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Clones this CatalogLoadEvent instance. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Clones this Message instance. | |
clone() — method, interface | |
Clones an IMosaicNode. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the current DataProvider object. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the ColorPickerEvent object and sets the value of each parameter to match the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the ComponentEvent object and sets the value of each parameter to match the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the DataEvent object and sets the value of each parameter to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the DataGridEvent object and sets the value of each property to match the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the ListEvent object and sets the value of each parameter to match the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the ScrollEvent object and sets the value of each parameter to match the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the SliderEvent object and sets the value of each parameter to match the original. | |
clone() — method, class flash.display.BitmapData | |
Returns a new BitmapData object that is a clone of the original instance with an exact copy of the contained bitmap. | |
clone() — method, class flash.display.NativeMenu | |
Creates a copy of the menu and all items. | |
clone() — method, class flash.display.NativeMenuItem | |
Creates a copy of the NativeMenuItem object. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of an AccelerometerEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of an ActivityEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the AsyncErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a new copy of this event. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the ContextMenuEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the DNSResolverEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the DRMAuthenticateEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the ErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
clone() — method, class | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the DRMErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the DRMStatusEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the DataEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the DatagramSocketDataEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the ErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the FocusEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of a FullScreenEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the GeolocationEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the GestureEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the HTMLUncaughtScriptExceptionEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the HTTPStatusEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the IMEEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the IOErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a new copy of this event. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the KeyboardEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of an MediaEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the MouseEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of this NativeDragEvent object. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the NativeProcessExitEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the NativeWindowBoundsEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of an NetDataEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of an NetMonitorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the NetStatusEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the OutputProgressEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the PressAndTapGestureEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the ProgressEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the SQLErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the SQLEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the SQLUpdateEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the SampleDataEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the ScreenMouseEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the SecurityErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the ServerSocketConnectEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the ShaderEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of a SoftKeyboardEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the StageOrientationEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the StatusEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the SyncEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the TextEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the TimerEvent object and sets each property's value to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the TouchEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the TransformGestureEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of the UncaughtErrorEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of a VisibilityEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class flash.filesystem.File | |
Returns a copy of this File object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.filters.BevelFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.filters.BitmapFilter | |
Returns a BitmapFilter object that is an exact copy of the original BitmapFilter object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.filters.BlurFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.filters.DropShadowFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.filters.GlowFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.geom.Matrix | |
Returns a new Matrix object that is a clone of this matrix, with an exact copy of the contained object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Returns a new Matrix3D object that is an exact copy of the current Matrix3D object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.geom.Point | |
Creates a copy of this Point object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Returns a new Rectangle object with the same values for the x, y, width, and height properties as the original Rectangle object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Returns a new Vector3D object that is an exact copy of the current Vector3D object. | |
clone() — method, class flash.text.engine.EastAsianJustifier | |
Constructs a cloned copy of the EastAsianJustifier. | |
clone() — method, class flash.text.engine.ElementFormat | |
Constructs an unlocked, cloned copy of the ElementFormat. | |
clone() — method, class flash.text.engine.FontDescription | |
Constructs an unlocked, cloned copy of the FontDescription. | |
clone() — method, class flash.text.engine.SpaceJustifier | |
Constructs a cloned copy of the SpaceJustifier. | |
clone() — method, class flash.text.engine.TextJustifier | |
Constructs a cloned copy of the TextJustifier. | |
clone() — method, class flash.ui.ContextMenu | |
Creates a copy of the menu and all items. | |
clone() — method, class flash.ui.ContextMenuItem | |
Creates a copy of the NativeMenuItem object. | |
clone() — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.TextScrap | |
Creates a duplicate copy of this TextScrap object. | |
clone() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration | |
Creates a clone of the Configuration object. | |
clone() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.elements.IConfiguration | |
Creates a writeable clone of the IConfiguration object. | |
clone() — method, interface ga.model.ILayoutHost | |
Clone this panel layout. | |
clone() — method, class ga.model.LayoutTemplate | |
Clone this panel layout. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of a CollectionResultEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of a LiveCycleEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of a LiveCycleFaultEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of an ObjectResultEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of a PropertyLoadEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of a QueueSharingActionCompleteEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Creates a copy of a TaskActionCompletedEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointEvent | |
Creates a copy of an StartpointEvent object and sets the value of each property to match that of the original. | |
clone() — method, class mx.charts.ChartItem | |
Returns a copy of this ChartItem. | |
clone() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.RenderData | |
Creates a copy of the render data. | |
clone() — method, class mx.charts.series.items.LineSeriesSegment | |
Returns a copy of this segment. | |
clone() — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
Clone this column and return a new Column with the same properties and styles as this one. | |
clone() — method, class mx.core.EdgeMetrics | |
Returns a copy of this EdgeMetrics object. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Duplicate the DataConflictEvent. | |
clone() — method, interface mx.filters.IBitmapFilter | |
Returns a copy of the filter. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Clones the ChannelEvent. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Clones the ChannelFaultEvent. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Clones the MessageAckEvent. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Clones the MessageEvent. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Clones the MessageFaultEvent. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Returns a copy of this WSDLLoadEvent object. | |
clone() — method, class | |
Returns a copy of this XMLLoadEvent object. | |
clone() — method, class mx.rpc.soap.LoadEvent | |
Returns a copy of this LoadEvent. | |
clone(value:Object) — Static Method , class mx.utils.ObjectUtil | |
Clones the specified Object and returns a reference to the clone. | |
clone() — method, class spark.effects.animation.Keyframe | |
Returns a copy of this Keyframe object. | |
clone() — method, class spark.effects.animation.MotionPath | |
Returns a copy of this MotionPath object, including copies of each keyframe. | |
clone() — method, class spark.filters.BevelFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class spark.filters.BlurFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class spark.filters.ColorMatrixFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class spark.filters.ConvolutionFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class spark.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class spark.filters.DropShadowFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class spark.filters.GlowFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class spark.filters.GradientBevelFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
clone() — method, class spark.filters.GradientGlowFilter | |
Returns a copy of this filter object. | |
cloneNode(deep:Boolean) — method, class flash.xml.XMLNode | |
Constructs and returns a new XML node of the same type, name, value, and attributes as the specified XML object. | |
CLONE_ONLY — Constant Static Property, class flash.desktop.ClipboardTransferMode | |
The Clipboard object should only return a copy. | |
CLONE_PREFERRED — Constant Static Property, class flash.desktop.ClipboardTransferMode | |
The Clipboard object should return a copy if available and a reference if not. | |
closable — Property, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTabBar | |
Reflects the closable mode of an AXM Object | |
CLOSABLE_MODE_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTabBar | |
close() — method, class air.desktop.URLFilePromise | |
Allows the AIR runtime to close the data source at the appropriate time during the drag-and-drop operation. | |
close() — method, class coldfusion.air.Session | |
Closes the session by clearing the internal cache and closing the SqlConnection. | |
close — Event, class com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary.DDEditor | |
Dispatched when the user clicks on the cancel or close button. | |
close() — method, class com.adobe.gravity.tracker.ServiceTracker | |
Stop tracking services. | |
close — Event, class | |
The event dispatched on closing an editor. | |
close — Event, class | |
Dispatched on close of Category Editor. | |
close — Event, class | |
Event dispatched on close of the Content Library | |
close — Event, class | |
The event dispatched when the Close button is clicked. | |
close — Event, class | |
The event dispatched when the Close button is clicked. | |
close() — method, class fl.containers.UILoader | |
Cancels a load() method operation that is currently in progress for the ProLoader instance. | |
close — Event, class fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Dispatched when the user closes the color palette. | |
close() — method, class fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Hides the color palette. | |
close — Event, class fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Dispatched when the drop-down list is dismissed for any reason. | |
close() — method, class fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Closes the drop-down list. | |
close() — method, class fl.display.ProLoader | |
Cancels a load() method operation that is currently in progress for the ProLoader instance. | |
close — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the event object closes the NetConnection, by timing out or through a call to the closeVideoPlayer() method or when you call the load() or play() methods or set the source property and cause the RTMP connection to close as a result. | |
close() — method, interface | |
Closes the NetConnection. | |
close() — method, class | |
Closes the NetConnection. | |
close — Event, class | |
Dispatched by the VideoPlayer instance when it closes the NetConnection by timing out or through a call to the close() method, or when you call the load() or play() methods or set the source property and cause the RTMP connection to close as a result. | |
close() — method, class | |
Forces the video stream and Flash Media Server connection to close. | |
close — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a close() method call's operation completes successfully. | |
close( — method, class | |
Closes the current database connection. | |
close() — method, interface flash.desktop.IFilePromise | |
Called by the AIR runtime when it has finished reading all data. | |
close() — method, class flash.display.Loader | |
Cancels a load() method operation that is currently in progress for the Loader instance. | |
close — Event, class flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Dispatched by this NativeWindow object after the window has been closed. | |
close() — method, class flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Closes this window. | |
close — Event, class flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Indicates that the stream has been closed by an explicit call to the close() method. | |
close() — method, class flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Closes the FileStream object. | |
close — Event, class | |
A MediaPromise object dispatches a close event when the underlying data stream has closed. | |
close() — method, class | |
Closes the data source. | |
close() — method, class | |
Closes the stream, causing any download of data to cease. | |
close — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the operating system closes this socket. | |
close() — method, class | |
Closes the socket. | |
close() — method, class | |
Closes (disconnects) a LocalConnection object. | |
close() — method, class | |
Closes the connection that was opened locally or to the server and dispatches a netStatus event with a code property of NetConnection.Connect.Closed. | |
close() — method, class | |
Disconnect from the group and close this NetGroup. | |
close() — method, class | |
Stops playing all data on the stream, sets the time property to 0, and makes the stream available for another use. | |
close — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the server closes the socket connection. | |
close — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the operating system closes this socket. | |
close() — method, class | |
Closes the socket and stops listening for connections. | |
close() — method, class | |
Closes the connection between a remote shared object and the server. | |
close — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the server closes the socket connection. | |
close() — method, class | |
Closes the socket. | |
close() — method, class | |
Closes the load operation in progress. | |
close() — method, class | |
Immediately closes the stream and cancels the download operation. | |
close — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the server closes the socket connection. | |
close() — method, class | |
Closes the connection specified by the XMLSocket object. | |
close() — method, class lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Closes the Flex application. | |
close — Event, class lc.procmgmt.ui.task.form.TaskForm | |
Dispatched by the Flex application to close itself. | |
close — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem | |
The close value of this item converted into screen coordinates. | |
close — Event, class mx.containers.TitleWindow | |
Dispatched when the user selects the close button. | |
close — Event, class mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Dispatched when the swatch panel closes. | |
close( — method, class mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Hides the drop-down SwatchPanel object. | |
close — Event, class mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Dispatched when the drop-down list is dismissed for any reason such when the user: selects an item in the drop-down list clicks outside of the drop-down list clicks the drop-down button while the drop-down list is displayed presses the ESC key while the drop-down list is displayed | |
close( — method, class mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Hides the drop-down list. | |
close — Event, class mx.controls.DateField | |
Dispatched when a date is selected or the user clicks outside the drop-down list. | |
close() — method, class mx.controls.DateField | |
Closes the DateChooser control. | |
close — Event, class mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Dispatched when the specified UIComponent closes. | |
close() — method, class mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Closes the UIComponent object opened by the PopUpButton control. | |
close — Event, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Dispatched when the NetConnection object is closed, whether by timing out or by calling the close() method. | |
close() — method, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Forces the close of an input stream and connection to Flash Media Server. | |
close() — method, interface mx.core.IWindow | |
Closes the window. | |
close — Event, class mx.core.Window | |
Dispatched after the window has been closed. | |
close() — method, class mx.core.Window | |
Closes the window. | |
close — Event, class mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched after this application window has been closed. | |
close() — method, class mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Closes the application's NativeWindow (the initial native window opened by the application). | |
close() — method, class | |
Closes the localStore associated with this adapter. | |
close — Event, class spark.components.CalloutButton | |
Dispatched when the callout closes for any reason, such when: The callout is programmatically closed. The user clicks outside of the callout. The user clicks the open button while the callout is displayed. | |
close — Event, class spark.components.SkinnablePopUpContainer | |
Dispatched by the container when it's closed. | |
close(commit:Boolean, data:any) — method, class spark.components.SkinnablePopUpContainer | |
Changes the current skin state to closed, waits until any state transitions finish playing, dispatches a PopUpEvent.CLOSE event, and then removes the container from the PopUpManager. | |
close — Event, class spark.components.TitleWindow | |
Dispatched when the user selects the close button. | |
close — Event, class spark.components.Window | |
Dispatched after the window has been closed. | |
close() — method, class spark.components.Window | |
Closes the window. | |
close — Event, class spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched after this application window has been closed. | |
close() — method, class spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Closes the application's NativeWindow (the initial native window opened by the application). | |
close — Event, class spark.components.mediaClasses.VolumeBar | |
Dispatched when the volume drop-down slider is dismissed for any reason, such as when the user: Selects an item in the drop-down slider Clicks outside of the drop-down slider | |
close — Event, class spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase | |
Dispatched when the drop-down list closes for any reason, such when the user: Selects an item in the drop-down list. Clicks outside of the drop-down list. Clicks the anchor button while the drop-down list is displayed. | |
close — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the drop-down list closes for any reason, such when the user: Selects an item in the drop-down list. Clicks outside of the drop-down list. Clicks the anchor button while the drop-down list is displayed. | |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a close event object. | |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class flash.errors.SQLErrorOperation | |
Indicates that the SQLConnection.close() method was called. | |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The Event.CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of a close event object. | |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The SQLEvent.CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of a close event object. | |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class | |
A special value that specifies to close the Flex application. | |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The CloseEvent.CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a close event. | |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The DropdownEvent.CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a close event. | |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The VideoEvent.CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a close event. | |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The DropDownEvent.CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a close event. | |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The PopUpEvent.CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of the PopUpEvent object for an close event. | |
closeAllSessions(onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — method, interface | |
Initiates the destruction of all open ISession instances. | |
closeBtn — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the close button A skin part that defines the close button | |
closeBtn — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines close button A skin part that defines close button | |
closeBtn — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines close button A skin part that defines close button | |
closeButton — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for the Close button to close an enlarged image. The skin part for the Close button to close an enlarged image. | |
closeButton — Skin Part, class spark.components.windowClasses.TitleBar | |
The skin part that defines the Button control that corresponds to the close button. The skin part that defines the Button control that corresponds to the close button. | |
closeButton — Skin Part, class spark.components.TitleWindow | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the close icon (a small x in the upper-right corner of the TitleWindow title bar). When clicked, the close icon dispatches a close event. Flex does not close the window automatically. To suport the close icon, you must create a handler for the close event and close the TitleWindow from that event handler. Focus is disabled for this skin part. The skin part that defines the appearance of the close icon (a small x in the upper-right corner of the TitleWindow title bar). | |
closeButton — Skin Part, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTabBarButton | |
closeButton — Property, class mx.core.windowClasses.TitleBar | |
The Button object that defines the close button. | |
closeButton — Property, class spark.skins.spark.TitleWindowSkin | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the close icon (a small x in the upper-right corner of the TitleWindow title bar). | |
closeButton — Property, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.MacTitleBarSkin | |
closeButton — Property, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.TitleBarSkin | |
closeButton — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.TitleWindowSkin | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the close icon (a small x in the upper-right corner of the TitleWindow title bar). | |
closeButton — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseClosableTabBarButtonSkin | |
The close button instance | |
closeButton_clickHandler( — method, class | |
Dispatches the "close" event when the closeButton is clicked. | |
closeButtonDisabledSkin — Style, class mx.containers.TitleWindow | |
The close button disabled skin. | |
closeButtonDownSkin — Style, class mx.containers.TitleWindow | |
The close button down skin. | |
closeButtonOverSkin — Style, class mx.containers.TitleWindow | |
The close button over skin. | |
closeButtonSkin — Style, class mx.containers.TitleWindow | |
The close button default skin. | |
closeButtonSkin — Style, class mx.core.Window | |
Skin for close button when using Flex chrome. | |
closeButtonSkin — Style, class mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Skin for close button when using Flex chrome. | |
CloseButtonSkin — class, package mx.skins.wireframe.windowChrome | |
The wireframe skin class for the MX WindowedApplication component's close button. | |
CloseButtonSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark.windowChrome | |
The default skin class for the close button in the title bar of the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome. | |
CloseButtonSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.wireframe.windowChrome.CloseButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
CloseButtonSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.CloseButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
closeButtonStyleFilters — Property, class mx.containers.Panel | |
The set of styles to pass from the Panel to the close button. | |
closeButtonUpSkin — Style, class mx.containers.TitleWindow | |
The close button up skin. | |
closeCallout( — method, class | |
The method closes the callout. | |
closeContentLibrary — Event, class | |
Event dispatched when Content Library is closed. | |
closed — Skin State, class spark.components.SkinnablePopUpContainer | |
The closed state. | |
closed — Skin State, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
closed — Property, class flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Indicates whether this window has been closed. | |
closed — Property, class mx.core.Window | |
A flag indicating whether the window has been closed. | |
closed — Property, class mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Returns true when the underlying window has been closed. | |
closed — Property, class spark.components.Window | |
A flag indicating whether the window has been closed. | |
closed — Property, class spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Returns true when the underlying window has been closed. | |
closedAndLandscape — Skin State, class spark.components.ViewMenu | |
Closed and landscape state. | |
closeDialog( — method, class | |
This method is called when the Cancel button is clicked. | |
closedIcon — Property, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
The icon displayed when the segment is closed. | |
closeDropDown() — method, class spark.components.CalloutButton | |
Changes the skin state to normal. | |
closeDropDown(commit:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.mediaClasses.VolumeBar | |
Closes the drop-down slider. | |
closeDropDown(commit:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownController | |
Close the drop down and dispatch a DropDownEvent.CLOSE event. | |
closeDropDown(commit:Boolean) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase | |
Close the drop-down list and dispatch a DropDownEvent.CLOSE event. | |
closeDropDown(commit:Boolean) — method, class | |
Close the drop-down list and dispatch a DropDownEvent.CLOSE event. | |
closeDropDown(commit:Boolean) — method, class | |
Close the drop down and dispatch a DropDownEvent.CLOSE event. | |
closeDropDown(commit:Boolean) — method, interface | |
Closes the dropdown. | |
closeDuration — Style, class mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Length of a close transition, in milliseconds. | |
closeDuration — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBox | |
The length of the transition when the drop-down list closes, in milliseconds. | |
closeDuration — Style, class mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Length of a close transition, in milliseconds. | |
closeEasingFunction — Style, class mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
Easing function to control component closing tween. | |
closeEasingFunction — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBox | |
An easing function to control the close transition. | |
closeEasingFunction — Style, class mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Easing function to control component tweening. | |
closeEffect — Effect, class mx.core.Window | |
Played when the window is closed. | |
closeEffect — Effect, class mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Played when the window is closed. | |
closeEffect — Effect, class spark.components.Window | |
Played when the window is closed. | |
closeEffect — Effect, class spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Played when the window is closed. | |
CloseEvent — class, package | |
The CloseEvent class represents event objects specific to popup windows, such as the Alert control. | |
CloseEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, detail:int) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
closeExpressionBuilder — Event, class com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement.DDEMetaEditor | |
Dispatched when the expressionBuilder is to be closed. | |
closeExpressionBuilder — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the expressionBuilder is to be closed | |
closeField — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Specifies the field of the data provider that determines the y-axis location of the closing value of the element. | |
closeFilter — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem | |
The close value of this item, filtered against the vertical axis of the containing chart. | |
closeFragmentLayoutLibrary — Event, class | |
Event dispatched on close of the fragment layout library. | |
closeInput() — method, class flash.desktop.NativeProcess | |
Closes the input stream on this process. | |
closeItem — Event, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton | |
Event dispatched when the Close item is selected from the menu. | |
CLOSE_ITEM — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuEvent | |
A special value that is dispatched when the Close item is selected from the menu. | |
closeLabel — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu.OptionMenuButton | |
The label for the "Close" menu item | |
closeLayoutLibrary — Event, class | |
Event dispatched on close of the Layout Library. | |
closeNetConnection( — method, class | |
Closes the given NetConnection. | |
closeNode(node:Object) — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
Closes a node to hide its children. | |
closeNode(node:Object) — method, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView | |
Closes a node to hide its children. | |
closeNumber — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem | |
The close value of this item, converted to a number by the vertical axis of the containing chart. | |
closeOnActivity — Property, class mx.controls.PopUpButton | |
If true, specifies that the pop-up control closes on a click or other user activity. | |
closeOnResize — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownController | |
When true, resizing the system manager closes the drop down. | |
closePopupButton — Skin Part, class | |
A Skin part which defines UI component to display Close Button. A Skin part which defines UI component to display Close Button. | |
closeQuery() — method, class | |
Closes a query. | |
closeResults() — method, class | |
An event listener that handles when the result page closes. | |
closeSession(, onSuccess:Function, onFailure:Function) — method, interface | |
Initiates the destruction of an ISession instance. | |
CloseSessionEvent — class, package | |
The CloseSessionEvent class defines a transient notification of closing an ISession. | |
CloseSessionEvent(type:String, nm:String, errMsg:String) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
closeStreamingConnection() — method, class mx.messaging.channels.StreamingConnectionHandler | |
Used by the streaming channels to shut down the streaming connection. | |
closeSubdirectory(nativePath:String) — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemTree | |
Closes a subdirectory specified by a native file system path. | |
closeTab — Event, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
Dispatched when the close action is picked from the option menu. | |
CLOSE_TAB — Constant Static Property, class | |
Tab at index is being hidden. | |
closeTaskDetails() — method, class | |
An event listener that handles when the task details page closes. | |
closeTickLength — Style, class mx.charts.series.HLOCSeries | |
Specifies the length, in pixels, for the close tick mark. | |
closeTickStroke — Style, class mx.charts.series.HLOCSeries | |
Specifies the stroke to use for the close tick mark if an opening value is specified. | |
closeValue — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.HLOCSeriesItem | |
The close value of this item. | |
closeVideo() — method, class ga.controls.HelpVideo | |
Disconnects from the video and reinitializes. | |
closeVideoPlayer(index:uint) — method, class | |
Closes NetStream and deletes the video player specified by the index parameter. | |
closing — Event, class flash.display.NativeWindow | |
Dispatched by this NativeWindow object immediately before the window is to be closed. | |
closing — Event, class mx.core.Window | |
Dispatched before the window closes. | |
closing — Event, class mx.core.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched before the WindowedApplication window closes. | |
closing — Event, class spark.components.Window | |
Dispatched before the window closes. | |
closing — Event, class spark.components.WindowedApplication | |
Dispatched before the WindowedApplication window closes. | |
CLOSING — Constant Static Property, class | |
The Event.CLOSING constant defines the value of the type property of a closing event object. | |
clustered — Property, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Indicates whether the ChannelSet targets a clustered destination. | |
CLUSTER_REQUEST_OPERATION — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
This operation is used to request a list of failover endpoint URIs for the remote destination based on cluster membership. | |
CMS_QUERY_TYPE — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers.SearchManager | |
Specifies the query type to use when IQueryService is called. | |
CMS_QUERY_TYPE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Specifies a constant for the content management system search. | |
CobaltBar — class, package ga.wrappers | |
Defines the default Cobalt Bar Guide layout available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
CobaltBar() — Constructor, class ga.wrappers.CobaltBar | |
Constructor. | |
CobaltStandard — class, package ga.wrappers | |
Defines the default Cobalt Standard Guide layout available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
CobaltStandard() — Constructor, class ga.wrappers.CobaltStandard | |
Constructor. | |
CobaltTree — class, package ga.wrappers | |
Defines the default Cobalt Tree Guide layout available in the Guide Design perspective of Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Document Services - Workbench 10.0. | |
CobaltTree() — Constructor, class ga.wrappers.CobaltTree | |
Constructor. | |
code — Property, class | |
The code that corresponds to the error. | |
code — Property, class | |
A description of the object's status. | |
code — Property, class mx.automation.AutomationError | |
The current error code. | |
code — Property, class mx.controls.videoClasses.VideoError | |
Contains the error code. | |
codec — Property, class | |
Video codec used for compression. | |
codec — Property, class | |
The codec to use for compressing audio. | |
codec — Property, class | |
Video codec used for compression. | |
codecInfo — Constant Property, class | |
codecInfo — Constant Property, class | |
CODE_CONNECT_CLOSED — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.channels.RTMPChannel | |
Status code for connection closed. | |
CODE_CONNECT_FAILED — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.channels.RTMPChannel | |
Status code for connection failed. | |
CODE_CONNECT_NETWORKCHANGE — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.channels.RTMPChannel | |
Status code for connection network change. | |
CODE_CONNECT_REJECTED — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.channels.RTMPChannel | |
Status code for connection rejected. | |
CODE_CONNECT_SUCCESS — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.channels.RTMPChannel | |
Status code for connection success. | |
CODE_SIGNING — Constant Static Property, class | |
The certificate is trusted for code signing. | |
coldfusion.air — package | |
The coldfusion.air package contains classes that are used for ColdFusion-AIR integration. These classes help build offline applications using AIR and ColdFusion. | |
coldfusion.air.errors — package | |
The coldfusion.air.errors package contains all the error classes used for offline AIR support. | | — package | |
The package contains all the event classes used for offline AIR support. | |
coldfusion.service — package | |
The coldfusion.service package contains all the value objects that are sent to ColdFusion or received from ColdFusion. | | — package | |
The package contains all the event classes for the ActionScript proxy tags. | |
ColdFusionServiceFaultEvent — class, package | |
The Fault Event that is dispatched if an error occurs when accessing ColdFusion services using ActionScript proxy classes. | |
ColdFusionServiceFaultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, fault:mx.rpc:Fault, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Constructor, class | |
Creates a ColdFusionServiceFaultEvent object that contains information about ColdFusion service errors. | |
coldfusion.service.mxml — package | |
The coldfusion.service.mxml package contains all the MXML proxy tags that interact with the ColdFusion server. | |
ColdFusionServiceResultEvent — class, package | |
The Result Event that is dispatched on recieving a response from the ColdFusion Service. | |
ColdFusionServiceResultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, result:Object, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Constructor, class | |
Creates a ColdFusionServiceResultEvent. | |
COLLAPSE — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.WhiteSpaceCollapse | |
Collapse whitespace when importing text (default). | |
collapseAll() — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid | |
Collapses all the nodes of the navigation tree. | |
collatedListData — Property, class lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.TrackingModel | |
A collection of CollatedProcesses objects and a SearchTemplateDescriptors object. | |
collatedProcesses — Property, class lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.ProcessInstanceDataGridModel | |
CollatedProcesses is a Collection of Process objects sharing the same processTitle, each one containing its list of ProcessInstance objects. | |
Collator — final class, package flash.globalization | |
The Collator class provides locale-sensitive string comparison capabilities. | |
Collator(requestedLocaleIDName:String, initialMode:String) — Constructor, class flash.globalization.Collator | |
Constructs a new Collator object to provide string comparisons according to the conventions of a specified locale. | |
CollatorBase — class, package spark.globalization.supportClasses | |
CollatorBase is a base class for the SortingCollator and MatchingCollator classes. | |
CollatorBase(initialMode:String) — Constructor, class spark.globalization.supportClasses.CollatorBase | |
Constructs a new CollatorBase object to provide string comparisons according to the conventions of a specified locale. | |
CollatorMode — final class, package flash.globalization | |
The CollatorMode class enumerates constant values that govern the behavior of string comparisons performed by a Collator object. | |
collection — Property, class mx.controls.ComboBase | |
The ICollectionView of items this component displays. | |
collection — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
An ICollectionView that represents the data provider. | |
collection — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
An ICollectionView that represents the data provider. | |
COLLECTION — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElementType | |
The DataDictionaryElementType.COLLECTION constant defines the value of the elementType property of the DataDictionaryElement of COLLECTION type. | |
collectionAvg(c:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.CollectionFunc | |
Returns the average of a collection of numeric values. | |
collectionChange(bAdded:Boolean, bRemoved:Boolean) — method, class com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
Called whenever a Repeater Panel adds/removes an instance. | |
collectionChange(bAdded:Boolean, bRemoved:Boolean) — method, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
Called whenever a Repeater Panel adds/removes an instance. | |
collectionChange — Event, class mx.collections.ArrayList | |
Dispatched when the IList has been updated in some way. | |
collectionChange — Event, class mx.collections.AsyncListView | |
Dispatched when the list's length has changed or when a list element is replaced. | |
collectionChange — Event, interface mx.collections.ICollectionView | |
Dispatched when the ICollectionView has been updated in some way. | |
collectionChange — Event, interface mx.collections.IList | |
Dispatched when the IList has been updated in some way. | |
collectionChange — Event, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Dispatched when the ICollectionView has been updated in some way. | |
collectionChange — Event, class spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Dispatched when the collection of view navigators managed by the TabbedViewNavigator changes. | |
COLLECTION_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The CollectionEvent.COLLECTION_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for an event that is dispatched when a collection has changed. | |
collectionChangeHandler( — method, class mx.controls.ComboBase | |
Responds to changes to the data provider. | |
collectionChangeHandler( — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Handles CollectionEvents dispatched from the data provider as the data changes. | |
collectionChangeHandler( — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Handles CollectionEvents dispatched from the data provider as the data changes. | |
collectionDepth — Property, class com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel | |
Returns the Collection depth of a DataElements | |
collectionElement — Property, class com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElement | |
The collectionElement within a DataDictionaryElement - for CollectionType only. | |
CollectionEvent — class, package | |
The class represents an event that is dispatched when the associated collection changes. | |
CollectionEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, kind:String, location:int, oldLocation:int, items:Array) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
CollectionEventKind — final class, package | |
The CollectionEventKind class contains constants for the valid values of the class kind property. | |
CollectionFunc — class, package com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib | |
The CollectionFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for Collections for the Adobe application modeling language. | |
collectionId — Property, class | |
The unique identifier for the collection that was updated. | |
collectionMax(c:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.CollectionFunc | |
Returns the maximum value in a collection of numbers. | |
collectionMin(c:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.CollectionFunc | |
Returns the minimum value in a collection of numbers. | |
COLLECTION_RESULT — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event.CollectionResultEvent | |
The COLLECTION_RESULT constant defines the event type. | |
COLLECTION_RESULT — Constant Static Property, class | |
A special value that specifies a generic collection was provided. | |
CollectionResultEvent — class, package com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event | |
The CollectionResultEvent event is dispatched when a collection has been retrieved. | |
CollectionResultEvent — class, package | |
The CollectionResultEvent event is dispatched when a collection has been retrieved. | |
CollectionResultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, collection:mx.collections:IList, token:com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util:IToken) — Constructor, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event.CollectionResultEvent | |
Constructor. | |
CollectionResultEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, collection:mx.collections:ListCollectionView, — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
collectionSum(c:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.CollectionFunc | |
Returns the total of all numbers in a collection. | |
CollectionToken — class, package com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util | |
The CollectionToken class represents a token for asynchronous calls that return a collection. | |
CollectionToken — class, package | |
The CollectionToken class represents a token for asynchronous calls that return a collection. | |
CollectionToken(collection:mx.collections:IList) — Constructor, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util.CollectionToken | |
Constructor. | |
CollectionToken(collection:mx.collections:ListCollectionView) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
CollectionViewError — class, package mx.collections.errors | |
The CollectionViewError class represents general errors within a collection that are not related to specific activities such as Cursor seeking. | |
CollectionViewError(message:String) — Constructor, class mx.collections.errors.CollectionViewError | |
Constructor. | |
collectTransitions(chartState:Number, transitions:Array) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
Called by the enclosing chart to collect any transitions a particular element might play when the chart changes state. | |
collectTransitions(chartState:Number, transitions:Array) — method, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement | |
Called by the enclosing chart to collect any transitions a particular element might play when the chart changes state. | |
colNumToIndex(colNum:int) — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Returns the index of a column as it is currently displayed. | |
color — Property, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Image | |
Border color; Hexadecimal value or supported named color. | |
color — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.charts.LegendItem | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.charts.PieChart | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.containers.FormHeading | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer | |
Text color of a component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer | |
Text color of a component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListItemRenderer | |
Text color of a component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.listClasses.TileListItemRenderer | |
Text color of a component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuItemRenderer | |
Text color of the menu item label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.menuClasses.MenuBarItem | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer | |
Text color of a component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer | |
Text color of a component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.Button | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.MenuBar | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.ToolTip | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.TextInput | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.DateField | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.Label | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.core.UITextField | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class mx.core.Container | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableStageText | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.FormHeading | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.ActionBar | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.Scroller | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.RichText | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.Label | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.DateSpinner | |
Color of text in the component, including the component label. | |
color — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Style, class spark.skins.wireframe.DefaultItemRenderer | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Property, class | |
Gets the color value that is associated with the event. | |
color — Property, class fl.motion.KeyframeBase | |
A color object that adjusts the color transform in the target object. | |
color — Property, class flash.display.GraphicsSolidFill | |
The color of the fill. | |
color — Property, class flash.display.Stage | |
The SWF background color. | |
color — Property, class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter | |
The hexadecimal color to substitute for pixels that are off the source image. | |
color — Property, class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
Specifies what color to use for out-of-bounds displacements. | |
color — Property, class flash.filters.DropShadowFilter | |
The color of the shadow. | |
color — Property, class flash.filters.GlowFilter | |
The color of the glow. | |
color — Property, class flash.geom.ColorTransform | |
The RGB color value for a ColorTransform object. | |
color — Property, class flash.text.StageText | |
Specifies text color. | |
color — Property, class flash.text.TextFormat | |
Indicates the color of the text. | |
color — Property, class flash.text.engine.ElementFormat | |
Indicates the color of the text. | |
color — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Color of the text. | |
color — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Color of the text. | |
color — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Color of the text. | |
color — Property, class mx.controls.textClasses.TextRange | |
Color of the text in the range. | |
color — Property, class mx.effects.DefaultListEffect | |
Hex value that represents the color used when fading the added and removed item. | |
color — Property, class mx.effects.DefaultTileListEffect | |
Hex value that represents the color used when fading the added and removed item. | |
color — Property, class mx.effects.Dissolve | |
Hex value that represents the color of the floating rectangle that the effect displays over the target object. | |
color — Property, class mx.effects.Glow | |
The color of the glow. | |
color — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.DissolveInstance | |
Hex value that represents the color of the floating rectangle that the effect displays over the target object. | |
color — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.GlowInstance | |
The color of the glow. | |
color — Property, class | |
The RGB color that was rolled over, rolled out of, selected, or entered. | |
color — Property, class | |
The color value for a gradient fill. | |
color — Property, class | |
The color of the shadow. | |
color — Property, class | |
A color value. | |
color — Property, class | |
The line color. | |
color — Property, class spark.filters.ConvolutionFilter | |
The color of the glow. | |
color — Property, class spark.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
Specifies what color to use for out-of-bounds displacements. | |
color — Property, class spark.filters.DropShadowFilter | |
The color of the glow. | |
color — Property, class spark.filters.GlowFilter | |
The color of the glow. | |
color — Property, class spark.primitives.RectangularDropShadow | |
The color of the glow. | |
Color — class, package fl.motion | |
The Color class extends the Flash Player ColorTransform class, adding the ability to control brightness and tint. | |
Color(redMultiplier:Number, greenMultiplier:Number, blueMultiplier:Number, alphaMultiplier:Number, redOffset:Number, greenOffset:Number, blueOffset:Number, alphaOffset:Number) — Constructor, class fl.motion.Color | |
Constructor for Color instances. | |
COLOR — Constant Static Property, class flash.display3D.Context3DClearMask | |
Clear only the color buffer. | |
COLOR — Constant Static Property, class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilterMode | |
If the displacement value is outside the image, substitutes the values in the color and alpha properties. | |
ColorBurnShader — class, package | |
Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Color Burn' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
ColorBurnShader() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
COLOR_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class xd.core.axm.view.components.TextEditingConstants | |
colorCorrection — Property, class flash.display.Stage | |
Controls Flash runtime color correction for displays. | |
colorCorrection — Property, class spark.components.Application | |
The value of the stage's colorCorrection property. | |
colorCorrection — Property, class spark.components.Window | |
The value of the stage's colorCorrection property. | |
ColorCorrection — final class, package flash.display | |
The ColorCorrection class provides values for the flash.display.Stage.colorCorrection property. | |
colorCorrectionSupport — Property, class flash.display.Stage | |
Specifies whether the Flash runtime is running on an operating system that supports color correction and whether the color profile of the main (primary) monitor can be read and understood by the Flash runtime. | |
ColorCorrectionSupport — final class, package flash.display | |
The ColorCorrectionSupport class provides values for the flash.display.Stage.colorCorrectionSupport property. | |
colorDepth — Property, class flash.display.Screen | |
The color depth of this screen (expressed in number of bits). | |
ColorDodgeShader — class, package | |
Creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Color Dodge' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
ColorDodgeShader() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
colorField — Property, class mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Name of the field in the objects of the dataProvider Array that specifies the hexadecimal values of the colors that the swatch panel displays. | |
colorFrom — Property, class spark.effects.AnimateColor | |
The starting color value. | |
colorFrom — Property, class spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateColorInstance | |
The starting color value. | |
colorFromFill(f:Object) — Static Method , class mx.charts.chartClasses.GraphicsUtilities | |
Converts a fill value into a solid color. | |
colorInput — Skin Part, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutFirstButtonSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutLastButtonSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutMiddleButtonSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutNewTabButtonSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutOptionMenuButtonSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class spark.skins.SparkSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseCheckboxSmallSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHScrollBarLargeSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperTextInputSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterprisePanelSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseQuietLargeDropDownListButtonSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionButtonSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionPopUpButtonSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorizeExclusions — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseTitleWindowSkin | |
Names of items that should not be colorized by the chromeColor style. | |
colorlist — Property, class coldfusion.service.ChartSeries | |
Sets colors for each data point. | |
ColorMatrix — class, package fl.motion | |
The ColorMatrix class calculates and stores color matrixes based on given values. | |
ColorMatrix() — Constructor, class fl.motion.ColorMatrix | |
Calculates and stores color matrixes based on given values. | |
ColorMatrixFilter — final class, package flash.filters | |
The ColorMatrixFilter class lets you apply a 4 x 5 matrix transformation on the RGBA color and alpha values of every pixel in the input image to produce a result with a new set of RGBA color and alpha values. | |
ColorMatrixFilter — class, package spark.filters | |
The ColorMatrixFilter class lets you apply a 4 x 5 matrix transformation on the RGBA color and alpha values of every pixel in the input image to produce a result with a new set of RGBA color and alpha values. | |
ColorMatrixFilter(matrix:Array) — Constructor, class flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter | |
Initializes a new ColorMatrixFilter instance with the specified parameters. | |
ColorMatrixFilter(matrix:Array) — Constructor, class spark.filters.ColorMatrixFilter | |
Constructor. | |
colorPicker — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the color picker A skin part that defines the color picker | |
ColorPicker — class, package fl.controls | |
The ColorPicker component displays a list of one or more swatches from which the user can select a color. | |
ColorPicker — class, package mx.controls | |
The ColorPicker control provides a way for a user to choose a color from a swatch list. | |
ColorPicker() — Constructor, class fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Creates an instance of the ColorPicker class. | |
ColorPicker() — Constructor, class mx.controls.ColorPicker | |
Constructor. | |
ColorPickerAccImpl — class, package mx.accessibility | |
ColorPickerAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the ColorPicker class. | |
ColorPickerAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class mx.accessibility.ColorPickerAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ColorPickerAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ColorPicker control. | |
ColorPickerAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:ColorPicker) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.controls.ColorPickerAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ColorPickerEvent — class, package | |
The ColorPickerEvent class defines events that are associated with the ColorPicker component. | |
ColorPickerEvent — class, package | |
Represents events that are specific to the ColorPicker control, such as when the user rolls the mouse over or out of a swatch in the swatch panel. | |
ColorPickerEvent(type:String, color:uint) — Constructor, class | |
Creates a new ColorPickerEvent object. | |
ColorPickerEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, index:int, color:uint) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
ColorPickerSkin — class, package mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for all the states of a ColorPicker. | |
ColorPickerSkin — class, package mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the MX ColorPicker component. | |
ColorPickerSkin — class, package mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the MX ColorPicker component. | |
ColorPickerSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.halo.ColorPickerSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ColorPickerSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.spark.ColorPickerSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ColorPickerSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.wireframe.ColorPickerSkin | |
Constructor. | |
colorPickerToolTip — Property, class mx.controls.RichTextEditor | |
The ToolTip that appears when the user hovers over the ColorPicker control. | |
colorPropertyName — Property, class spark.effects.AnimateColor | |
The name of the color property on the target object affected by this animation. | |
colorPropertyName — Property, class spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateColorInstance | |
The name of the color property on the target object affected by this animation. | |
colors — Property, class fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
Gets or sets the array of custom colors that the ColorPicker component provides. | |
colors — Property, class flash.display.GraphicsGradientFill | |
An array of RGB hexadecimal color values to use in the gradient. | |
colors — Property, class flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter | |
An array of RGB hexadecimal color values to use in the gradient. | |
colors — Property, class flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter | |
An array of colors that defines a gradient. | |
colors — Property, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
Collection of colors available ot the rich text editor | |
ColorShader — class, package | |
The ColorShader class creates a blend shader that is equivalent to the 'Color' blend mode for RGB premultiplied colors available in Adobe Creative Suite tools. | |
ColorShader() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
colorSpace — Property, class | |
The color space used by the video being displayed in the StageVideo object. | |
colorSpaces — Property, class | |
Returns the names of available color spaces for this video surface. | |
colorTo — Property, class spark.effects.AnimateColor | |
The ending color value. | |
colorTo — Property, class spark.effects.supportClasses.AnimateColorInstance | |
The ending color value. | |
colorTransform(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle, colorTransform:flash.geom:ColorTransform) — method, class flash.display.BitmapData | |
Adjusts the color values in a specified area of a bitmap image by using a ColorTransform object. | |
colorTransform — Property, class flash.geom.Transform | |
A ColorTransform object containing values that universally adjust the colors in the display object. | |
ColorTransform — class, package flash.geom | |
The ColorTransform class lets you adjust the color values in a display object. | |
ColorTransform(redMultiplier:Number, greenMultiplier:Number, blueMultiplier:Number, alphaMultiplier:Number, redOffset:Number, greenOffset:Number, blueOffset:Number, alphaOffset:Number) — Constructor, class flash.geom.ColorTransform | |
Creates a ColorTransform object for a display object with the specified color channel values and alpha values. | |
ColorUtil — class, package mx.utils | |
The ColorUtil class is an all-static class with methods for working with RGB colors within Flex. | |
colorWell — Style, class fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
The class that provides the skin for the color well when it is filled with a color. | |
colSpan — Property, class mx.containers.GridItem | |
Number of columns of the Grid container spanned by the cell. | |
column — Property, class fl.controls.dataGridClasses.HeaderRenderer | |
The index of the column that belongs to this HeaderRenderer instance. | |
column — Property, class fl.controls.listClasses.ListData | |
The column in which the data item is displayed. | |
column — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo | |
A reference to the AdvancedDataGridColumn instance corresponding to this AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo instance. | |
column — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider | |
The id of the column for which the renderer is used. | |
column — Property, class | |
The AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup instance for the column that caused the event. | |
column — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor | |
The column of the cell being edited. | |
column — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer | |
The GridColumn object representing the column associated with this item renderer. | |
column — Property, interface spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemEditor | |
The column of the cell being edited. | |
column — Property, interface spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemRenderer | |
The GridColumn object representing the column associated with this item renderer. | |
column — Property, class | |
The column where the event occurred, or null if the event did not occur over a column. | |
column — Property, class | |
The column of the cell that is being edited. | |
column — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
The GridColumn object representing the column associated with this item renderer. | |
column — Property, class spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer | |
The GridColumn object representing the column associated with this item renderer. | |
columnAlign — Property, class spark.components.TileGroup | |
Specifies how to justify the fully visible columns to the container width. | |
columnAlign — Property, class spark.layouts.TileLayout | |
Specifies how to justify the fully visible columns to the container width. | |
ColumnAlign — final class, package spark.layouts | |
The ColumnAlign class defines the possible values for the columnAlign property of the TileLayout class. | |
COLUMN_AXIS — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
A constant that corresponds to the column axis. | |
COLUMN_AXIS — Static Property, class mx.olap.OLAPQuery | |
Specifies a column axis. | |
COLUMN_AXIS — Static Property, class mx.olap.OLAPResult | |
Specifies a column axis. | |
columnAxisHeaderStyleName — Style, class mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid | |
The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling aspects of the appearance of the column axis headers. | |
columnCaretIndicator — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
The DisplayObject that contains the graphics that indicates which renderer is the caret for lockedColumns. | |
ColumnChart — class, package mx.charts | |
The ColumnChart control represents data as a series of vertical columns whose height is determined by values in the data. | |
ColumnChart() — Constructor, class mx.charts.ColumnChart | |
Constructor. | |
columnCount — Style, class fl.controls.ColorPicker | |
The number of columns to be drawn in the ColorPicker color palette. | |
columnCount — Style, class spark.components.RichText | |
Number of text columns. | |
columnCount — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Number of text columns. | |
columnCount(itemFactories:Array) — method, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.AlignmentArea | |
Determine the maximum column count based on the keepWithPrevious setting of the item factories | |
columnCount — Property, class fl.controls.TileList | |
Gets or sets the number of columns that are at least partially visible in the list. | |
columnCount — Property, class fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Number of text columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnCount — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ColumnState | |
The number of columns in the container. | |
columnCount — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Number of text columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnCount — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Number of text columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnCount — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Number of text columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnCount — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Number of text columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnCount — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The number of columns to be displayed in a TileList control or items in a HorizontalList control. | |
columnCount — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The number of columns to be displayed in a TileList control or items in a HorizontalList control. | |
columnCount — Property, class spark.components.HGroup | |
Returns the current number of elements in view. | |
columnCount — Property, class spark.components.TileGroup | |
Contain the actual column count. | |
columnCount — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.CellRegion | |
The number of columns in the cell region. | |
columnCount — Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout | |
Returns the current number of elements in view. | |
columnCount — Property, class spark.layouts.TileLayout | |
Contain the actual column count. | |
columnDividerSkin — Style, class fl.controls.DataGrid | |
The name of the class that provides the divider that appears between columns. | |
columnDropIndicatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid | |
The class to use as the skin that indicates that a column can be dropped in the current location. | |
columnDropIndicatorSkin — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
The class to use as the skin that indicates that a column can be dropped in the current location. | |
columnFooterDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the column's footer A skin part that defines the column's footer | |
columnGap — Style, class spark.components.RichText | |
Amount of gutter space, in pixels, to leave between the columns. | |
columnGap — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Amount of gutter space, in pixels, to leave between the columns. | |
columnGap — Property, class fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Specifies the amount of gutter space, in pixels, to leave between the columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnGap — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ColumnState | |
The amount of space, in pixels, left between columns in the container. | |
columnGap — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the amount of gutter space, in pixels, to leave between the columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnGap — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the amount of gutter space, in pixels, to leave between the columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnGap — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Specifies the amount of gutter space, in pixels, to leave between the columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnGap — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Specifies the amount of gutter space, in pixels, to leave between the columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnHeaderDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the column's header A skin part that defines the column's header | |
columnHeaderGroup — Skin Part, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
A reference to the GridColumnHeaderGroup object that displays the column headers. A reference to the GridColumnHeaderGroup object that displays the column headers. | |
columnHighlightIndicator — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
The DisplayObject that contains the graphics that indicates which renderer is highlighted for lockedColumns. | |
columnIndex — Property, interface com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.ILayoutChild | |
The column index of the component. | |
columnIndex — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop.MosaicDropLocation | |
The column index of the item. | |
columnIndex — Property, interface | |
The tile's column index. | |
columnIndex — Property, class | |
Gets the column index of the item that is associated with this event. | |
columnIndex — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
The number of the column in which the line has been placed, with the first column being 0. | |
columnIndex — Property, class | |
The data provider index of the item to be selected. | |
columnIndex — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBaseSelectionData | |
The column index in the data provider of the selected cell. | |
columnIndex — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider | |
The column index for which the renderer is used, where the first column is at an index of 0. | |
columnIndex — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData | |
The index of the column of the List-based control relative to the currently visible columns of the control, where the first column is at an index of 1. | |
columnIndex — Property, class | |
The zero-based index in the AdvancedDataGrid object's columns Array of the column associated with the event. | |
columnIndex — Property, class | |
The zero-based index in the DataGrid object's columns array of the column associated with the event. | |
columnIndex — Property, class | |
The zero-based index of the column that contains the item renderer where the event occurred. | |
columnIndex — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.CellPosition | |
The 0-based column index of the cell. | |
columnIndex — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.CellRegion | |
The 0-based column index of the origin of the cell region. | |
columnIndex — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridColumn | |
The position of this column in the grid's column list, or -1 if this column's grid is null. | |
columnIndex — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemEditor | |
The zero-based index of the column being edited. | |
columnIndex — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.GridItemRenderer | |
The column index for this item renderer's cell. | |
columnIndex — Property, interface spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemEditor | |
The zero-based index of the column being edited. | |
columnIndex — Property, interface spark.components.gridClasses.IGridItemRenderer | |
The column index for this item renderer's cell. | |
columnIndex — Property, class | |
The index of the column where the event occurred, or -1 if the event did not occur over a grid column. | |
columnIndex — Property, class | |
The zero-based index of the column that is being edited. | |
columnIndex — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultGridItemRenderer | |
The column index for this item renderer's cell. | |
columnIndex — Property, class spark.skins.spark.UITextFieldGridItemRenderer | |
The column index for this item renderer's cell. | |
columnIndices — Property, class | |
The vector of column indices of the sorted columns. | |
columnMap — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
A map of item renderers to columns. | |
columnMap — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
A map of item renderes to columns. | |
columnNames — Property, interface mx.automation.IAutomationTabularData | |
Names of all columns in the data. | |
columnNameStyle — Property, class | |
Indicates how column names are reported in the result of a SELECT statement. | |
columnOrder — Property, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
display column order of the property in SRV | |
columnOrder — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Specifies the display column order of the property in the Search Results Viewer. | |
columnResizeSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DataGrid | |
The class to use as the skin for a column that is being resized. | |
columnResizeSkin — Style, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
The class to use as the skin for a column that is being resized. | |
columns — Property, class fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Gets or sets an array of DataGridColumn objects, one for each column that can be displayed. | |
columns — Property, class | |
An array of SQLColumnSchema instances containing schema information for this table's columns. | |
columns — Property, class lc.procmgmt.ui.startpoint.StartpointGridSelectorModel | |
The collection of columns for the listview datagrid. | |
columns — Property, class lc.procmgmt.ui.tracking.ProcessInstanceDataGridModel | |
The array of columns definitions used by the datagrid. | |
columns — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
An array of AdvancedDataGridColumn objects, one for each column that can be displayed. | |
columns — Property, class mx.controls.DataGrid | |
An array of DataGridColumn objects, one for each column that can be displayed. | |
columns — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
The list of GridColumn objectss displayed by this grid. | |
columns — Property, class spark.components.Grid | |
The list of GridColumn objectss displayed by this grid. | |
COLUMNS — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.TileOrientation | |
Arranges elements column by column. | |
columnSeparator — Skin Part, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
The IVisualElement class used to render the vertical separator between columns. The IVisualElement class used to render the vertical separator between columns. | |
columnSeparator — Property, class spark.components.Grid | |
A visual element displayed between each column. | |
columnSeparator — Property, class spark.components.GridColumnHeaderGroup | |
A visual element that's displayed between each column. | |
ColumnSeries — class, package mx.charts.series | |
Defines a data series for a ColumnChart control. | |
ColumnSeries() — Constructor, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Constructor. | |
ColumnSeriesAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.charts | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ColumnSeries class. | |
ColumnSeriesAutomationImpl(obj:mx.charts.series:ColumnSeries) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.charts.ColumnSeriesAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ColumnSeriesItem — class, package mx.charts.series.items | |
Represents the information required to render an item as part of a ColumnSeries. | |
ColumnSeriesItem(element:mx.charts.series:ColumnSeries, data:Object, index:uint) — Constructor, class mx.charts.series.items.ColumnSeriesItem | |
Constructor. | |
ColumnSeriesRenderData — class, package mx.charts.series.renderData | |
Represents all the information needed by the ColumnSeries to render. | |
ColumnSeriesRenderData(cache:Array, filteredCache:Array, renderedBase:Number, renderedHalfWidth:Number, renderedXOffset:Number, labelScale:Number, labelData:Object) — Constructor, class mx.charts.series.renderData.ColumnSeriesRenderData | |
Constructor. | |
ColumnSet — class, package mx.charts.series | |
ColumnSet is a grouping set that can be used to stack or cluster column series in any arbitrary chart. | |
ColumnSet() — Constructor, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSet | |
Constructor. | |
columnsLength — Property, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
Returns the value of columns.length if the columns IList was specified, otherwise 0. | |
columnSpan — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo | |
Number of actual columns spanned by the column header when using column groups. | |
columnSpan — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererDescription | |
Specifies the number of columns that the item renderer spans. | |
columnSpan — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider | |
Specifies how many columns the renderer should span. | |
columnState — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Returns a ColumnState object, which describes the number and characteristics of columns in the container. | |
ColumnState — class, package flashx.textLayout.container | |
The ColumnState class calculates the sizes and locations of columns using the width of the container and the container attributes. | |
ColumnState(blockProgression:String, columnDirection:String, controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController, compositionWidth:Number, compositionHeight:Number) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.container.ColumnState | |
Constructor function - creates a ColumnState object. | |
columnStretch — Event, class fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Dispatched after a user expands a column horizontally. | |
columnStretch — Event, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Dispatched when a user changes the width of a column, indicating that the amount of data displayed in that column may have changed. | |
columnStretch — Event, class mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Dispatched when a user changes the width of a column, indicating that the amount of data displayed in that column may have changed. | |
COLUMN_STRETCH — Constant Static Property, class | |
The DataGridEvent.COLUMN_STRETCH constant defines the value of the type property of a columnStretch event object. | |
COLUMN_STRETCH — Constant Static Property, class | |
The AdvancedDataGridEvent.COLUMN_STRETCH constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a columnStretch event, which indicates that a user expanded a column horizontally. | |
COLUMN_STRETCH — Constant Static Property, class | |
The DataGridEvent.COLUMN_STRETCH constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a columnStretch event, which indicates that a user expanded a column horizontally. | |
columnStretchCursorSkin — Style, class fl.controls.DataGrid | |
The name of the class that provides the cursor that is used when the mouse is between two column headers and the resizableColumns property is set to true. | |
columnType — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.TableColumnDetails | |
Type of the table column | |
columnTypeListDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the column's type A skin part that defines the column's type | |
columnWidth — Style, class spark.components.RichText | |
Column width in pixels. | |
columnWidth — Style, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
Column width in pixels. | |
columnWidth — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.TableColumnDetails | |
Ratio of columns width with respect to the entire table | |
columnWidth — Property, class fl.controls.TileList | |
Gets or sets the width that is applied to a column in the list, in pixels. | |
columnWidth — Property, class fl.text.TLFTextField | |
Column width in pixels (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnWidth — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ColumnState | |
The width of columns, in pixels, in the container. | |
columnWidth — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
TextLayoutFormat: Column width in pixels (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnWidth — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
TextLayoutFormat: Column width in pixels (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnWidth — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.ITextLayoutFormat | |
Column width in pixels (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnWidth — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Column width in pixels (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). | |
columnWidth — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
The width of the control's columns. | |
columnWidth — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
The width of the control's columns. | |
columnWidth — Property, class spark.components.HGroup | |
If the variableColumnWidth property is false, then this property specifies the actual width of each layout element, in pixels. | |
columnWidth — Property, class spark.components.TileGroup | |
Contain the actual column width, in pixels. | |
columnWidth — Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout | |
If the variableColumnWidth property is false, then this property specifies the actual width of each layout element, in pixels. | |
columnWidth — Property, class spark.layouts.TileLayout | |
Contain the actual column width, in pixels. | |
columnWidthDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the column's width A skin part that defines the column's width | |
columnWidthRatio — Style, class mx.charts.ColumnChart | |
Specifies a ratio of wide to draw the columns relative to the category width, as a percentage in the range of 0 to 1. | |
columnWidthRatio — Style, class mx.charts.HLOCChart | |
Specifies a ratio of how wide to draw the HLOC lines relative to the horizontal axis's category widths, as a percentage in the range of 0 to 1. | |
columnWidthRatio — Style, class mx.charts.CandlestickChart | |
Specifies a ratio of how wide to draw the candlesticks relative to the horizontal axis's category widths, as a percentage in the range of 0 to 1. | |
columnWidthRatio — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Specifies the width of elements relative to the category width. | |
columnWidthRatio — Property, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IColumn | |
Specifies the width of items relative to the category size. | |
columnWidthRatio — Property, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Specifies the width of columns relative to the category width. | |
columnWidthRatio — Property, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSet | |
Specifies the width of columns relative to the category width. | | — package | |
The package contains classes to enable configuration management and handling of extensions related functionality for example Extensible Actionbar. | | — package | |
The package contains classes specific to Create Correspondence implementation of extensions related functionality for example Extensible Actionbar. | | — package | |
The package contains some of the Asset Composer Building Block value objects. | |
com.adobe.dct.component — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.component package contains host components, such as DDEditor, DEMetaEditor and DataElementsPanel. | |
com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionary package contains host components for the data dictionary editor and other related classes. | |
com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement package contains host components for the data dictionary element metaeditor. | |
com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.component.dataElementsPanel package contains host components for the data elements panel, its toolbar, and other related components. | |
com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.component.toolbars package contains host components for the data dictionary editor toolbar. | |
com.adobe.dct.event — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.event package contains events dispatched by various remote operations of Data Dictionary Building Block services and other related event classes. | |
com.adobe.dct.exp — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.exp package contains the VariableResolver component for resolving any variable references encountered in an expression by the Expression Manager Building Block. | |
com.adobe.dct.model — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.model package contains model classes used by the Data Dictionary Building Block. | |
com.adobe.dct.service — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.service package contains interfaces of various services in the Data Dictionary Building Block. | |
com.adobe.dct.service.provider — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.service.provider package provider classes for obtaining services provided by the Data Dictionary Building Block. | |
com.adobe.dct.transfer — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.transfer package contains the transfer objects/Value Objects used in the Data Dictionary Building Block service APIs. | |
com.adobe.dct.util — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.util package contains the utility classes used by the Data Dictionary Building Block and some common generic utility classes. | |
com.adobe.dct.view — package | |
The com.adobe.dct.view package contains host components for various user inteface components in the data dictionary editor. | |
com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain package contains the interface definitions for the TaskManager service and its support classes. | |
com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event package contains event classes for the TaskManager service. | |
com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter package contains the interface definitions and utillity classes to use the TaskManager service. | | — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.service package contains classes that implement standalone tasks (informally referred to as light-weight tasks) service client and class interface definitions for the Task Manager service. | |
com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.util package contains support classes for the TaskManager service. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.component — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.component package contains the classes to use the AttachmentList UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain package contains the domain objects for the AttachmentList UX component. | | — package | |
The package contains the event classes for the AttachmentList UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.renderers — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.attachmentlist.domain.renderers package contains the item renderers that support the AttachmentList UX component. | | — package | |
The package contains the classes to skin and change the appearance of the AttachmentList UX component. | | — package | |
The package contains the classes to render items for the AttachmentList UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event package contains classes for the events used for Core Services. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory package contains the domain factory interface and implementations for Core Services. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.handlers package contains asset handlers registry and interface for the Core Services. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.managers package contains interfaces and implementations of different managers exposed by Core Services. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset package contains domain layer classes for storing information about assets. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.preview — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.preview contains the interfaces for host components of preview renderers used by Core Services. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.relation — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.relation package contains domain layer classes for storing relation parameters used to search for related assets. | | — package | |
The package contains interfaces for host components for search controls used by Core Services. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.toolbar — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.toolbar package contains interfaces for host components of toolbar action renderers used by Core Services. | | — package | |
The package contains the search query exposed by Core Services. | | — package | |
The package contains the service locator for finding Remoting services. | | — package | |
The package contains service layer classes for loading assets. | | — package | |
The package contains service layer classes for loading the permissions of assets. | | — package | |
The package contains service layer classes for loading preview of assets. | | — package | |
The package contains service layer providers for Core Services. | | — package | |
The package defines service layer classes for querying assets. | | — package | |
The package contains service layer classes for getting related assets. | | — package | |
The package contains service layer classes for searching assets. | | — package | |
The contains service layer classes for retrieving the version information for assets. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view package contains the AssetManagerView UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.activate — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.activate package contains the ActivationBrowser UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid package contains the SearchResultsGrid UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover package contains default and base-level hover renderer components. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.component — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.component package contains image and text preview renderer components. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.renderers — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.renderers package contains default datagrid header and item renderer components. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.relationships — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.relationships package contains the class for the RelationShipBrowser UX component. | | — package | |
The contains the class for the AssetReviewPod UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.searchpod package contains classes for the search pod components. | | — package | |
The package contains search renderer components that can be with the AdvancedSearchPod UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar package contains classes for action bar and toolbar components. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers contains the control renderers used for Toolbar components. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.version — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.version contains the VersionBrowser UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.component — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.component package contains classes to use the DocumentSubmit UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.domain — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.documentsubmit.domain component package contains the domain classes to use the DocumentSubmit UX component. | | — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.component package contains classes to skin and change the appearance of the DocumentSubmit UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.component — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.component package contains the classes for the TaskAction UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.domain — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.taskaction.domain package contains the domain classes for the TaskAction UX component. | | — package | |
The package contains classes to handle events for the TaskAction UX component. | | — package | |
The package contains the classes to skin and change the appearance of the TaskAction UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.taskdetails.component — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.taskdetails.component package contains classes for the TaskDetails UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.taskdetails.domain — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.taskdetails.domain package contains the domain classes for the TaskDetails UX component. | | — package | |
The package contains the classes to skin and change the appearance of the TaskDetails UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.component — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.component package contains classes to use the TaskList UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.domain — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.domain package contains the domain classes for the TaskList UX component. | | — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.tasklist.component package contains classes to use the TaskList UX component. | |
com.adobe.ep.ux.webdocumentviewer.domain — package | |
The com.adobe.ep.ux.webdocumentviewer package contains domain classes for the WebDocumentViewer UX component. | |
com.adobe.exm.expression — package | |
The com.adobe.exm.expression package contains interfaces in Expression Manager Building Block 9.5 service. | |
com.adobe.exm.expression.error — package | |
The com.adobe.exm.expression.error package contains errors thrown by Expression Manager Building Block 9.5 service. | |
com.adobe.exm.expression.event — package | |
The com.adobe.exm.expression.event package contains events dispatched by various Expression Manager Building Block 9.5 components. | |
com.adobe.exm.expression.impl — package | |
The com.adobe.exm.expression.impl package contains implementation classes for Expression Manager Building Block 9.5 service components. | |
com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib — package | |
The com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib package contains the implementation classes for expression runtime functions. | | — package | |
The package contains the service interfaces. | | — package | |
The package contains the wrapper classes. | |
com.adobe.fiber.styles — package | |
The com.adobe.fiber.styles package contains the style classes. | |
com.adobe.fiber.util — package | |
The com.adobe.fiber.util package contains utility classes. | |
com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects — package | |
The com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects package contains value object classes. | |
com.adobe.gravity.binding — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.binding packages contains classes to use binding in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.context — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.context package contains classes to access the IBundleContext class in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.flex.bundleloader — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.flex.bundleloader package contains classes to load user interface bundles created with the Flex Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.flex.progress — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.flex.progress package contains classes that indicate the progress in applications developed with the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.flex.serviceloader — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.flex.serviceloader package contains classes to display and manage user interface services in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.framework — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.framework package contains core interfaces for the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.init — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.init package classes for bootstrapping Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework applications. | |
com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.service.bundleloader package contains interfaces for implementing custom bundle loaders in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.service.logging — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.service.logging package contains interfaces to implement log destination services in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.service.manifest package contains interfaces for implementing manifest parsing services in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.service.progress — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.service.progress package contains interfaces for reporting and tracking progress in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.tracker — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.tracker package contains classes for tracking services in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.ui — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.ui package contains user interfaces for user services in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.utility — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.utility package contains convenience classes for retrieving and releasing sets of services all together in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.utility.async — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.utility.async package contains utility classes for managing asynchronous operations in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.utility.error — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.utility.flex.async package contains classes to adapt to the standards provided by the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | | — package | |
The package contains event classes useful with other Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework utility classes. | |
com.adobe.gravity.utility.factory — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.utility.factory package contains factor classes and interfaces for the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.utility.flex.async — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.utility.flex.async package contains classes to adapt other asynchronous token classes to the standard provided by the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging package contains classes and interfaces for logging in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.utility.message — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.utility.message package contains utility classes for handling messages to be displayed to the user in applications developed with the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.utility.sequence — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.utility.sequence package contains utility classes for providing sequences in the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.gravity.utility.url — package | |
The com.adobe.gravity.utility.url package contains utility classes for manipulating URLs for the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework. | |
com.adobe.guides.control — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.control package provides a number of interfaces that define the Guide’s data, navigation, and errors. It also provides a number of other useful interface APIs to manipulate a Guide. | |
com.adobe.guides.domain — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.domain package provides interfaces which can be used to introspect the Guide structure. | |
com.adobe.guides.i18n — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.i18n package provides interfaces for supporting localization within a Guide. | |
com.adobe.guides.spark.components.skins — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.spark.components.skins package provides skins for the Guides runtime components. | | — package | |
The package provides skins for the Guides MX runtime components. | |
com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components package provides classes to support wrapper headers. | |
com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.skins — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.skins package provides skins to support the header component. | |
com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components package provides classes to layout the contents of a Guide. | |
com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.skins package provides a set of different skins change the appearnance of different layout components. | |
com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.components package provides components that help navigate through a Guide. | |
com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.renderers — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.renderers package provides renderers used by different components for a Guide layout. | |
com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.skins — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.spark.navigators.skins package provides skins used by different navigators and components. | |
com.adobe.guides.spark.util — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.spark.util package provides helper classes for the Guides runtime. | |
com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components package provides the basic classes required to create a Wrapper component for a Guide. | |
com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.skins — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.skins package provides the skins required for a number of different Guide Wrapper components. | |
com.adobe.guides.submit — package | |
The com.adobe.guides.submit package provides a set of interfaces that are during the submission process and handling the results of a submission. | |
com.adobe.icc.dc.domain — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.dc.domain package contains domain classes used by Create Correspondence user interface which represents runtime instance formation of the Letter. | |
com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory package contains domain factory classes used to create the instance of domain object defined in com.adobe.icc.dc.domain package. | | — package | |
The package contains events dispatched by various Asset Composer Building Block components. | |
com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers package contains Asset Composer Building Block handler implementations for various Asset Composer building block asset types. | |
com.adobe.icc.editors.managers — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.editors.managers package contains utility manager classes for some common actions. | |
com.adobe.icc.editors.model — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.editors.model package contains domain model classes for various asset types. For example, the LetterModel. | |
com.adobe.icc.editors.model.config — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.editors.model.config package contains classes to provide configuration information for the editor. | |
com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el package contains interfaces and classes related expression language models. | |
com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operands — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operands package contains implementation classes for various types of operands supported. | |
com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.editors.model.el.operators package contains implementation classes for various types of operators supported. | |
com.adobe.icc.enum — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.enum package ccontains classes containing enumerations and constants. | |
com.adobe.icc.external.dc — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.external.dc package contains InvokeParams class that represents invocation information about Create Correspondence user interface. | |
com.adobe.icc.obj — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.obj package contains client side utility data objects. | | — package | |
The package contains classes to access/instantiate various services in the Asset Composer Building Block. | | — package | |
The package contains services specific to Categories. | | — package | |
The package contains services specific to Configurations. | | — package | |
The package contains services specific to content Download. | | — package | |
The package contains services for exporting data that is related to assets. | | — package | |
The package contains services specific to accessing data external to the service itself (possibly outside the host application). | | — package | |
The package contains Form Bridge communication service to interact between Flex components and PDFs in the Create Correspondence user interface. | | — package | |
The package contains service interface for fragment layout service. | | — package | |
The package contains services specific to Layouts. | | — package | |
The contains services specific to Letter templates. | | — package | |
The package contains services specific to locating external services accessible from Asset Composer Building Block. | | — package | |
The package contains services specific to Modules. | | — package | |
The package contains services specific to rendering. | | — package | |
The package contains services specific to submitting a correspondence. | | — package | |
The package contains services specific to user management. | |
com.adobe.icc.token — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.token contains the Token interface definition that is returned by Asset Composer Building Block remote service operations. | |
com.adobe.icc.vo — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.vo package contains the Asset Composer Building Block value objects. | |
com.adobe.icc.vo.render — package | |
The com.adobe.icc.vo. package contains value objects specific to the render operations. | |
com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller — package | |
The com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller package contains the Asset Placement Building Block user interface controls. | |
com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.utils — package | |
The com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.utils package contains utility classes used by the Asset Placement Building Block user interface controls. | | — package | |
The package contains the classes for accessing data defined in the Asset Placement Building Block package definition. | |
com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model — package | |
The com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model package contains the classes that model the Asset Placement Building Block package definition. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client — package | |
(Deprecated) The com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client package contains various some common interfaces for Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 Flex library. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event — package | |
(Deprecated) The com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.event package contains events dispatched by various Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 components. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler — package | |
(Deprecated) The com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.handler package contains Asset Handler interface and the core AssetHandlerRegistry domain model. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers — package | |
(Deprecated) The com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.managers package contains manager classes used by various Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 components. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model — package | |
(Deprecated) The com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model package contains various common Asset Manager Building Block 9.5 model classes. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.cms — package | |
(Deprecated) The com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.cms package contains model classes specific to a content management system search. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service — package | |
(Deprecated) The com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.service package contains service classes that provide some of the specific services. | | — package | |
(Deprecated) The package contains common service classes and interfaces that provide search specific services. | | — package | |
(Deprecated) The package contains service interface and classes that are specific to content management system search. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils — package | |
(Deprecated) The com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.utils package contains some common utility classes. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.content — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.content package contains classes to work with files on the Experience Server. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model package defines the model classes for the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block 9.5. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant package defines the enumerations for the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block 9.5. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document package defines the objects that encapsulate Document Service classes. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant package defines Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block 9.5 participant classes, such as a reviewer and review moderator. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.reminder package defines Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block 9.5 classes used for reminders. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage package defines classs that encapsulate the review stages for the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block 9.5. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service package classes defines all the top level classes used for the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block 9.5. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core package defines core service interfaces for the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block 9.5. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.core.delegate package defines classes that implement core service interfaces for the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block 9.5. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.process — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.process package defines process interfaces for the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block 9.5. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.process.delegate — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.process.delegate package defines process invocation classes for the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block 9.5. These invocation classes implement process interfaces. | |
com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token — package | |
The com.adobe.livecycle.rca.token package classes define token classes that are used by the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block 9.5. | | — package | |
The package contains interface classes to handle security for the Experience Server. | | — package | |
The package contains the implementation for the Core Security service. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.layouts — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.layouts package contains a collection of spark-based layouts that can be used within Composite Application Definition Language (CADL) or within skins to create custom displays. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop package contains classes that support dragging and dropping of Tiles. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.interfaces — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.interfaces package contains interfaces that must be implemented in order for components to work well with the com.adobe.mosaic.layouts package. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.mxml — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.mxml package contains classes for representing Mosaic SDK elements, visual components, and services in a Flex application. | | — package | |
The package contains constants that are helpful to the Tile developer. | | — package | |
The package contains the definition of the events that get returned via a message listener or returned as a parameter to a success or failure handler for a variety of Composite Application Framework APIs such as, addTile, addView, addPanel, removeView, removeTile, removePanel, loadCatalog, and resolveReferences methods. | | — package | |
The package contains implementations of interfaces from the package for improved developer usability, such as ApplicationSpecifier and CatalogSpecifier classes. | | — package | |
The package contains interfaces for all aspects of Composite Application Framework development. These interfaces are public Composite Application Framework API methods used by a tile developer to interact with the application, catalog, session, other tiles, and various other Composite Application Framework objects. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.skinning — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.skinning package contains core classes used to develop skins for Mosaic Composite Application Framework visual components. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors package classes define the label editor for Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.optionMenu package classes define the option menu button and corresponding event for Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu package classes define an extension of the ScrollableMenu class customized for Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.skins — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.skins package classes define the default skins for the customized ScrollableMenu class for Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout package classes define the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework TabNavigator-like Spark component. | | — package | |
The package classes define the event class dispatched by the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework TabNavigator-like Spark components. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.layouts — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.layouts package classes define a modified horizontal layout for the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework TabNavigator-like Spark components. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins package classes define skins for the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Composite Application Framework TabNavigator-like Spark components. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.text — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.text package contains utility classes used by skins to add in the display of text. | |
com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.util — package | |
The com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.text package contains utility classes used by skins to perform additional layout calculations. | | — package | |
The package contains Host Components for Editors. | | — package | |
The package contains Host Components for Extensible Actionbar and related interfaces. | | — package | |
The package contains reusable Host Components used by Authoring user interface or Create Correspondence user interface. | | — package | |
The package contains Custom Events Used by Host Components. | | — package | |
The package contains Host Components used for Uploading and Configuring Fragment Layouts in the system through Authoring user interface. | | — package | |
The package contains Host Components used for creating Letter Template in the system through Authoring user interface. | | — package | |
The package contains Host Components used for editing Letter Template Data Elements in Letter Template Editor. | | — package | |
The package Contains Host Components used for mouse hover preview of the assets. | | — package | |
The package contains Host Components for Rich Text Editing support. | | — package | |
The package contains the host components for the Create Correspondence presentation view. | | — package | |
The package contains the host components for the content capture part of the Create Correspondence presentation view. | | — package | |
The package contains the definition of events dispatched by the Create Correspondence presentation view. | | — package | |
The package contains the host components for the hover preview part of the Create Correspondence presentation view. | | — package | |
The package contains the host components for the data capture part of the Create Correspondence presentation view. | | — package | |
The package contains the host component for the data capture item renderers of the Create Correspondence presentation view. | | — package | |
The package contains the host component for the PDF Preview container of the Create Correspondence presentation view. | | — package | |
The package contains the interfaces for the Expression Manager Building Block infrastructure services. | | — package | |
The package contains the global data provider classes for the Expression Manager Building Block. | | — package | |
The package contains control panels, such as the ExpressionPanel, FunctionsPanel, and VariablesPanel classes. | | — package | |
The package contains toolbar components related to control panel classes and Expression Builder classes. | | — package | |
The package contains the domain classes for the expression authoring UX component. | | — package | |
The package contains the authoring domain classes for expression-specific operations. For example, creating new expression objects and validating expressions. | | — package | |
The package contains the implementation classes for the Expression Manager Building Block authoring domain interfaces. | | — package | |
The package contains the authoring domain classes for function-specific operations. | | — package | |
The package contains the authoring domain classes for variable-specific operations. For example, listing the variables available for use in an expression. | | — package | |
The package provides operator and menu details for EBToolBar class. | | — package | |
The package contains custom event classes that are used control panels and toolbars components. | | — package | |
The package contain authoring-related classes, such as host component, Skin classes, and resource bundles. | | — package | |
The package contains custom item renderer classes for Expression Builder. | | — package | |
The package contains integrated user interface components and popup dialog components. | | — package | |
The contains the interfaces for expression-specific infrastructure services. | | — package | |
The package contains the implementation classes for the Expression Manager Building Block infrastructure services. | | — package | |
The package contains the implementation classes for the function-provider infrastructure service. | | — package | |
The package contains the interfaces for function-specific infrastructure services. | | — package | |
The package contains mock implementations of the Expression Manager Building Block infrastructure services. | | — package | |
The package contains utility classes for defining lists of functions in mock XML. | | — package | |
The package contains the interfaces, value-objects, errors and events for the Expression Manager Building Block client-side runtime. | | — package | |
The package contains the implementation classes for the Expression Manager Building Block client-side runtime. | | — package | |
The package contains the interfaces for variable-specific infrastructure services. | | — package | |
The package includes all the constants defined by the Project Management Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes all the domain interfaces defined by the Project Management Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes the factory classes that are used to obtain domain entity instances. | | — package | |
The package includes implementation of the domain interfaces defined by the Project Management Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes interfaces that define entities, which are normally required to have single instance across the application. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display asset related views. | | — package | |
The package includes utility classes that provide localization support to constants defined by the Project Management Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display supporting document related views. | | — package | |
The package includes events dispatched by the Project Management Building Block visual components. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display file entity. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display the project entity. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display team-related views. | | — package | |
The package includes utility classes that are used by the Project Management Building Block view components. | | — package | |
The package includes the service interfaces that are exposed in the Project Management Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes implementation of service interfaces that are exposed in the Project Management Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes the value objects defined by the Project Management Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes all the constants defined by the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes all the domain interfaces defined by the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes interfaces that are not specific to the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block functionality. | | — package | |
The package includes the factory classes that are used to obtain the domain entity instances. | | — package | |
The package includes an implementation of domain interfaces that are defined by the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes am implementation of the manager interfaces that are defined by the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes interfaces that define entities, which are normally required to have single instance across the application. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used by the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block visual components. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display comments. | | — package | |
The package includes the utility classes that provide the localization support to the constants that are defined by the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes events that are dispatched by the visual components of the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display the visual components related to the Gantt chart. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display ruler component for the Gantt chart. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display the review template related views. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display audit information associated with a review template. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display review template definition. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display information about the documents associated with review template. | | — package | |
The package includes skinnable components that are used to display the stages of a review template. | | — package | |
The package includes the utility classes that are used by the view components of the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes service interfaces that are exposed in the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes an implementation of the service interfaces that are exposed in the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes the value objects that are defined by the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block. | | — package | |
The package includes the user management specific value objects that are defined by the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block. | |
com.adobe.viewsource — package | |
The com.adobe.viewsource package contains the classes that manage the view source operation. | |
CombineMultipleDocuments — class, package com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.process.delegate | |
Remote service for combining multiple documents. | |
CombineMultipleDocuments(channelSet:mx.messaging:ChannelSet) — Constructor, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.process.delegate.CombineMultipleDocuments | |
Constructor. | |
COMBINE_MULTIPLE_DOCUMENTS_RO — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.service.ServiceLocator | |
Specifies the name of the process that combines multiple documents. | |
ComboBase — class, package mx.controls | |
The ComboBase class is the base class for controls that display text in a text field and have a button that causes a drop-down list to appear where the user can choose which text to display. | |
ComboBase() — Constructor, class mx.controls.ComboBase | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBaseAccImpl — class, package mx.accessibility | |
ComboBaseAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the ComboBase class. | |
ComboBaseAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class mx.accessibility.ComboBaseAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBaseAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ComboBase class. | |
ComboBaseAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:ComboBase) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.controls.ComboBaseAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
comboBox — Property, class spark.components.gridClasses.ComboBoxGridItemEditor | |
The item editor's ComboBox control. | |
ComboBox — class, package fl.controls | |
The ComboBox component contains a drop-down list from which the user can select one value. | |
ComboBox — class, package mx.controls | |
The ComboBox control contains a drop-down list from which the user can select a single value. | |
ComboBox — class, package spark.components | |
The ComboBox control is a child class of the DropDownListBase control. | |
ComboBox() — Constructor, class fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Creates a new ComboBox component instance. | |
ComboBox() — Constructor, class mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBox() — Constructor, class spark.components.ComboBox | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBoxAccImpl — class, package fl.accessibility | |
The ComboBoxAccImpl class, also called the ComboBox Accessibility Implementation class, is used to make a ComboBox component accessible. | |
ComboBoxAccImpl — class, package mx.accessibility | |
ComboBoxAccImpl is a subclass of AccessibilityImplementation which implements accessibility for the ComboBox class. | |
ComboBoxAccImpl — class, package spark.accessibility | |
ComboBoxAccImpl is the accessibility implementation class for spark.components.ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class mx.accessibility.ComboBoxAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBoxAccImpl(master:mx.core:UIComponent) — Constructor, class spark.accessibility.ComboBoxAccImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBoxArrowSkin — class, package mx.skins.halo | |
The skin for all the states of the button in a ComboBox. | |
ComboBoxArrowSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.halo.ComboBoxArrowSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBoxAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.controls | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ComboBox control. | |
ComboBoxAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:ComboBox) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.controls.ComboBoxAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBoxButtonSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the anchor button on a Spark ComboBox component. | |
ComboBoxButtonSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ComboBoxButton component. | |
ComboBoxButtonSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.ComboBoxButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBoxButtonSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.ComboBoxButtonSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBoxDataCaptureRenderer — class, package | |
Renderer for capturing enum Input from the user. | |
ComboBoxGridItemEditor — class, package spark.components.gridClasses | |
The ComboBoxGridItemEditor class defines an item renderer for use with the Spark grid controls, such as DataGrid and Grid. | |
ComboBoxGridItemEditor() — Constructor, class spark.components.gridClasses.ComboBoxGridItemEditor | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBoxSearchRenderer — class, package | |
Search Renderer for drop down list showing values reading from DD | |
ComboBoxSearchRenderer() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor | |
ComboBoxSkin — class, package mx.skins.spark | |
The Spark skin class for the MX ComboBox component. | |
ComboBoxSkin — class, package mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the MX ComboBox component. | |
ComboBoxSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the Spark ComboBox component. | |
ComboBoxSkin — class, package spark.skins.wireframe | |
The default wireframe skin class for the Spark ComboBox component. | |
ComboBoxSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.spark.ComboBoxSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBoxSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.wireframe.ComboBoxSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBoxSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.ComboBoxSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBoxSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.wireframe.ComboBoxSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ComboBoxTextInputSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark | |
The default skin class for the textInput of a Spark ComboBox component. | |
ComboBoxTextInputSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.ComboBoxTextInputSkin | |
Constructor. | |
comboData — Property, class | |
Returns the label for the drop down list | |
COMMA — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the , key (188). | |
command — Property, class lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
The command object that drives the behavior of the model. | |
COMMAND — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the Mac command key (15). | |
commandCancel — Event, class lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirective | |
The event is dispatched when the TaskDirective component's Cancel button has been clicked. | |
commandCancel — Event, class lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
Dispatched on the request to cancel the command. | |
commandComplete — Event, class lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirective | |
The event is dispatched after a user has been selected and the OK button has been clicked. | |
commandComplete — Event, class lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
Dispatched on successful execution of the command. | |
commandInstructions — Property, class lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskDirectiveModel | |
Retrieves the localized instructions that are associated with the command. | |
commandKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the command key is activated (Mac only). | |
commandKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the Command key is active (true) or inactive (false). | |
commandKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the command key is activated (Mac only.) The value of property commandKey will have the same value as property ctrlKey on the Mac. | |
commandKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the command key is activated (Mac only). | |
CommandMessage — class, package mx.messaging.messages | |
The CommandMessage class provides a mechanism for sending commands to the server infrastructure, such as commands related to publish/subscribe messaging scenarios, ping operations, and cluster operations. | |
CommandMessage() — Constructor, class mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
Constructs an instance of a CommandMessage with an empty body and header and a default operation of UNKNOWN_OPERATION. | |
commands — Property, class flash.display.GraphicsPath | |
The Vector of drawing commands as integers representing the path. | |
comment — Property, class | |
Specifies a comment associated with the last change or update to the form. | |
comment — Property, class | |
Specifies the comment associated with the last change or update to the letter template. | |
comment — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
The comment of the underlying value object. | |
comment — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
Comment associated with the container layout | |
comment — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
Specifies a comment associated with the last change or update to the data module. | |
comment — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.Document | |
Specifies the comment associated with the last change or update to the document. | |
comment — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio | |
Specifies the comment associated with the last change or update to the portfolio template. | |
comment — Property, interface | |
Text of a comment. | |
comment — Property, class | |
Text of a comment. | |
comment — Property, class | |
A comment about the recording; corresponds to the ID3 2.0 tag COMM. | |
Comment — class, package | |
This class defines a comment. | |
Comment() — Constructor, class | |
The constructor for Comment class. | |
commentDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the asset's comment A skin part that defines the asset's comment | |
commenting — Property, class coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
Permissions assigned for adding comments to the PDF document. | |
commentList — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the List object that displays the comment details. A reference to the List object that displays the comment details. | |
CommentManager — class, package | |
This class implements operations for comment management. | |
CommentManager() — Constructor, class | |
The constructor for CommentManager class. | |
CommentPod — class, package | |
The host component for displaying comments, published on a specific version of an asset. | |
CommentPod() — Constructor, class | |
The constructor for CommentPod class. | |
comments() — method, class XML | |
Lists the properties of the XML object that contain XML comments. | |
comments() — method, class XMLList | |
Calls the comments() method of each XML object and returns an XMLList of comments. | |
commentServerPath — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies the location of the server where Adobe Acrobat stores inline comments. | |
commentServerPath — Property, interface | |
Server location where Adobe ® Acrobat ® stores the inline comments. | |
commentServerPath — Property, class | |
Server location where Adobe ® Acrobat ® stores the inline comments. | |
commentServerPath — Property, class | |
Server location where Adobe Acrobat stores the inline comments. | |
commentVisibility — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies whether Adobe Acrobat inline comments that are added in one stage are visible in other stages. | |
commentVisibility — Property, interface | |
Adobe Acrobat's inline comment visibility across stages. | |
commentVisibility — Property, class | |
Adobe Acrobat's inline comment visibility across stages. | |
commentVisibility — Property, class | |
Visibility of inline comment, in Adobe Acrobat, across stages. | |
commit(ignoreLazyLoad:Boolean) — method, class coldfusion.air.Session | |
Commits the changes that have happened to the local database since the last fetch. | |
commit — Event, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors.LabelEditor | |
Dispatched when the user presses the ENTER key. | |
commit — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a commit() method call's operation completes successfully. | |
commit( — method, class | |
Commits an existing transaction, causing any actions performed by the transaction's statements to be permanently applied to the database. | |
commit(itemsOrCollections:Array, cascadeCommit:Boolean) — method, class | |
Commits pending changes for all collections currently managed by the DataStore instance associated with this DataManager instance. | |
commit(, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, faultsOnly:Boolean) — method, class | |
Commits any current changes to the local store. | |
commit(itemsOrCollections:Array, cascadeCommit:Boolean) — method, class | |
Commits pending changes for collections and items managed by this DataStore. | |
commit(itemsOrCollections:Array, cascadeCommit:Boolean) — method, class | |
Commits the changes in the batch. | |
commit — Property, class | |
Specifies whether the event listener should commit the data returned in the data property. | |
COMMIT — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.editors.LabelEditorEvent | |
A special value that specifies that the COMMIT event is dispatched when the user presses the ENTER key. | |
COMMIT — Constant Static Property, class flash.errors.SQLErrorOperation | |
Indicates that the SQLConnection.commit() method was called. | |
COMMIT — Constant Static Property, class | |
The SQLEvent.COMMIT constant defines the value of the type property of a commit event object. | |
commitCaretPosition(newCaretRowIndex:int, newCaretColumnIndex:int) — method, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
Updates the grid's caret position. | |
COMMIT_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The commitComplete event type. | |
commitCurrentState() — method, class | |
Called whenever the currentState changes. | |
commitDisabled() — method, class | |
Commit alpha values for the skin when in a disabled state. | |
commitEvent — Property, class ga.model.PanelItem | |
The name of the event that is fired when the value is to be committed to the model. | |
commitEventProperty — Property, class ga.model.PanelItem | |
The name of the property in the event object that is committed as the value to the model. | |
commitInteractiveSelection(selectionEventKind:String, rowIndex:int, columnIndex:int, rowCount:int, columnCount:int) — method, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
In response to user input (mouse or keyboard) which changes the selection, this method dispatches the selectionChanging event. | |
commitProperties() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Shell | |
An overridden commitProperties method attempts to load the application in the shell if the application's state is ApplicationConstants.STATE_LOADED. | |
commitProperties() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Tile | |
Overridden commitProperties method will attempt to load the tile if the catalog has been reloaded or if the tile name has been changed. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.charts.series.AreaSeries | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.charts.series.LineSeries | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.charts.series.PlotSeries | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Calculates the column width and row height and number of rows and columns based on whether properties like columnCount columnWidth, rowHeight and rowCount were explicitly set. | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Calculates the column width and row height and number of rows and columns based on whether properties like columnCount columnWidth, rowHeight and rowCount were explicitly set. | |
commitProperties() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class spark.components.SpinnerList | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Processes the properties set on the element. | |
commitProperties() — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Processes the properties set on the element. | |
commitProperties() — method, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperties() — method, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
Processes the properties set on the component. | |
commitProperty — Property, class ga.model.PanelItem | |
The name of the property of the UI object that is commited as the value to the model. | |
commitQueueMode — Property, class | |
Controls when a committed batch of changes is sent to the server when you call commit on a second batch while the client is still waiting for a reply from a previously committed batch. | |
commitRequired — Property, class | |
Indicates if there are changes that have not been committed and the commit() method should be called. | |
commitRequired — Property, class | |
Indicates if there are pending updates that must be committed. | |
commitRequired — Property, class | |
True if any changes are in this batch. | |
commitRequiredOn(object:Object) — method, class | |
Indicates if there are pending changes for this particular object. | |
commitRequiredOn(item:Object) — method, class | |
Indicates if there are pending updates on a particular object that are waiting to be committed. | |
commitRequiredOn(item:Object) — method, class | |
Indicates if there are pending changes for this particular object. | |
commitRequiredOn(item:Object) — method, class | |
Indicates if there are pending changes for this particular item. | |
commitResize(newWidth:Number, newHeight:Number) — method, interface com.adobe.mosaic.skinning.IMosaicComponent | |
Records the new size of the component in the DOM structure representing the component. | |
commitSelectedIndex(newIndex:int) — method, class mx.containers.ViewStack | |
Commits the selected index. | |
commitStyles() — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.StyleableTextField | |
Commit the styles into the TextField. | |
commitTarget — Property, class ga.model.PanelItem | |
The property name in the model that is updated when the value is committed. | |
commitTransaction() — method, class coldfusion.air.Session | |
Commits the changes in the transaction. | |
commitValue() — method, class ga.model.PanelItem | |
Applies the current value of the UI component to the data model. | |
common — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.ProcessVariable | |
A flag that indicates whether a variable is common to all process definitions. | |
COMMON — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.LigatureLevel | |
Used to specify common ligatures. | |
commonName — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.User | |
User common name | |
commonName — Property, interface | |
Common name of a user, as defined in Document Server User Management. | |
commonName — Property, class | |
Common name of a user, as defined in Document Server User Management. | |
commonName — Property, class | |
Common name used to search for principals. | |
commonName — Property, class | |
Common name of the principal. | |
commonName — Property, class | |
Returns the DN CommonName attribute. | |
commonName — Property, class | |
The user's common (display) name. | |
compact — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a compact() method call's operation completes successfully. | |
compact( — method, class | |
Reclaims all unused space in the database. | |
COMPACT — Constant Static Property, class flash.errors.SQLErrorOperation | |
Indicates that the SQLConnection.compact() method was called. | |
COMPACT — Constant Static Property, class | |
The SQLEvent.COMPACT constant defines the value of the type property of a compact event object. | |
compare(s1:String, s2:String) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Compares two strings lexicographically. | |
compare(otherBitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData) — method, class flash.display.BitmapData | |
Compares two BitmapData objects. | |
compare(string1:String, string2:String) — method, class flash.globalization.Collator | |
Compares two strings and returns an integer value indicating whether the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second string. | |
compare(a:Object, b:Object, depth:int) — Static Method , class mx.utils.ObjectUtil | |
Compares the Objects and returns an integer value indicating if the first item is less than greater than or equal to the second item. | |
compare(string1:String, string2:String) — method, class spark.globalization.supportClasses.CollatorBase | |
Compares two strings and returns an integer value indicating whether the first string is less than, equal to, or greater than the second string. | |
compareFunction(sDataField:String, a:Object, b:Object) — method, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.RepeaterLayoutHost | |
Compare the data objects used for sorting the columns. | |
compareFunction — Property, class mx.collections.Grouping | |
The method used to compare items when sorting. | |
compareFunction — Property, class mx.collections.GroupingField | |
The function that compares two items during a sort of items for the associated collection. | |
compareFunction — Property, interface mx.collections.ISort | |
The method used to compare items when sorting. | |
compareFunction — Property, interface mx.collections.ISortField | |
The function that compares two items during a sort of items for the associated collection. | |
compareFunction — Property, class mx.collections.Sort | |
The method used to compare items when sorting. | |
compareFunction — Property, class mx.collections.SortField | |
The function that compares two items during a sort of items for the associated collection. | |
compareFunction — Property, class spark.collections.Sort | |
The method used to compare items when sorting. | |
compareFunction — Property, class spark.collections.SortField | |
The function that compares two items during a sort of items for the associated collection. | |
compareMembers(m1:mx.olap:IOLAPMember, m2:mx.olap:IOLAPMember) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPSet | |
Returns information about the relative location of two members in the set. | |
compareNoCase(s1:String, s2:String) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.StringFunc | |
Compare two strings lexicographically, ignoring case. | |
ComparisonOperator — class, package com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter | |
Implementation class for filter comparison operators to be used in filter conditions. | |
compatibilityErrorFunction — Static Property, class mx.core.FlexVersion | |
A function that gets called when the compatibility version is set more than once, or set after it has been read. | |
compatibilityVersion — Static Property, class mx.core.FlexVersion | |
The current version that the framework maintains compatibility for. | |
compatibilityVersionString — Static Property, class mx.core.FlexVersion | |
The compatibility version, as a string of the form "X.X.X". | |
complete — Event, class air.desktop.URLFilePromise | |
Dispatched when the data for the file has been fully downloaded. | |
complete — Event, class com.adobe.gravity.flex.bundleloader.FlexBundleLoaderBase | |
Dispatched when the bundle is finished loading. | |
complete — Event, class com.adobe.gravity.flex.serviceloader.UIServiceBase | |
Dispatched when the bundle is finished loading. | |
complete — Event, class com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ContentSearchManager | |
Dispatched when a search invoked on the ContentSearchManager completes successfully. | |
complete — Event, class fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
Dispatched when content has finished loading. | |
complete — Event, class fl.containers.UILoader | |
Dispatched when content loading is complete. | |
complete — Event, class fl.controls.ProgressBar | |
Dispatched when the load operation completes. | |
complete — Property, class fl.rsl.RSLInfo | |
Returns a value of true if the download has completed successfully and false if the download is not yet complete or has failed. | |
complete — Event, class | |
Dispatched when playing completes because the player reached the end of the FLV file. | |
complete — Event, class | |
Dispatched after all of the Timed Text XML data is loaded. | |
complete — Event, class | |
Dispatched when playing completes because the player reached the end of the FLV file. | |
complete — Property, class | |
Indicates whether all the resulting data from a statement execution has been returned. | |
complete — Event, class flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
Dispatched when data has loaded successfully. | |
complete — Event, class flash.display.ShaderJob | |
Dispatched when a ShaderJob that executes asynchronously finishes processing the data using the shader. | |
complete — Event, class flash.filesystem.File | |
Dispatched when an asynchronous operation is complete. | |
complete — Event, class flash.filesystem.FileStream | |
Signals that the end of the stream has been reached. | |
complete — Event, class flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Signals that the last load operation requested by loadString or load method has completed. | |
complete — Event, class | |
Signals that an addBitmapData() operation completed successfully. | |
complete — Event, class | |
The complete event is dispatched when the user either captures a still picture or video in the Camera UI. | |
complete — Event, class | |
A MediaPromise object dispatches a complete event when all data has been read. | |
complete — Event, class | |
Dispatched when data has loaded successfully. | |
complete — Event, class | |
Signals that the last load operation requested by loadString() or loadURL() method has completed. | |
complete — Event, class | |
Dispatched when download is complete or when upload generates an HTTP status code of 200. | |
complete — Event, class | |
Dispatched after all the received data is decoded and placed in the data property of the URLLoader object. | |
complete — Event, class | |
Dispatched when data has loaded successfully. | |
complete — Event, class | |
Dispatched when verification is complete. | |
complete — Event, class flash.system.SystemUpdater | |
Dispatched when the update completes. | |
complete — Event, class flash.text.StageText | |
Dispatched after setting a non-null stage and non-empty viewPort. | |
complete(taskId:String, routeName:String) — method, interface lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Completes task item. | |
complete() — method, class lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Completes the task. | |
complete — Event, class mx.controls.HTML | |
Dispatched after the last loading operation caused by setting the location or htmlText property has completed. | |
complete — Event, class mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Dispatched when the load completes. | |
complete — Event, class mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Dispatched when content loading is complete. | |
complete — Event, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Dispatched when the playhead reaches the end of the FLV file. | |
complete — Event, class mx.core.MovieClipLoaderAsset | |
Dispatched after the SWF asset has been fully loaded. | |
complete — Event, class mx.effects.SoundEffect | |
Dispatched when the sound file finishes loading. | |
complete — Event, class mx.olap.OLAPCube | |
Dispatched when a cube has been created and is ready to be queried. | |
complete — Event, class org.osmf.traits.TimeTrait | |
Dispatched when the currentTime of the trait has changed to a value equal to its duration. | |
complete — Event, class org.osmf.traits.TraitEventDispatcher | |
Dispatched when the media has completed playback. | |
complete — Event, class spark.components.Image | |
Dispatched when content loading is complete. | |
complete — Event, class spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Dispatched when the playhead reaches the duration for playable media. | |
complete — Event, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Dispatched when the playhead reaches the duration for playable media. | |
complete — Event, class spark.core.ContentRequest | |
Dispatched when content loading is complete. | |
complete — Property, class spark.core.ContentRequest | |
Contains true if content is considered fully loaded and accessible. | |
complete — Event, class spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Dispatched when content loading is complete. | |
COMPLETE — Event, interface | |
The event is dispatched after the authentication process has completed successfully. | |
COMPLETE — Static Property, class | |
The event type that specifies when a composite application has completed Annotation Processing. | |
COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a complete event object. | |
COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The Event.COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a complete event object. | |
COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
A constant for the complete MediaEvent. | |
COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a complete event object. | |
COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.TextLineCreationResult | |
Indicates no line was created because all text in the block had already been broken. | |
COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Dispatched when the resource module SWF file has finished loading. | |
COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Dispatched when the style SWF has finished downloading. | |
COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The VideoEvent.COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a complete event. | |
COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The TimeEvent.COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a complete event. | |
CompleteCommand — class, package lc.procmgmt.commands | |
The CompleteCommand class executes complete operation for a task. | |
CompleteCommand(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task, routeName:String) — Constructor, class lc.procmgmt.commands.CompleteCommand | |
Constructor. | |
COMPLETED — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.ReviewStatus | |
Specifies that all stages of the review are complete. | |
COMPLETED — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.ReviewerStatus | |
Specifies the reviewer status when the reviewer has completed the task. | |
COMPLETED — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.StageStatus | |
Specifies that the stage is over. | |
COMPLETED — Constant Static Property, class | |
A project or workitem moves to IN_progress state when it starts, as scheduled or as activated manually. | |
COMPLETED — Constant Static Property, class | |
COMPLETED status implies that author has completed the creation task. | |
COMPLETED — Constant Static Property, class | |
COMPLETED status means the review has completed all the stages successfully. | |
COMPLETED — Constant Static Property, class | |
The reviewer status when the document or a task has been completed by the reviewer. | |
COMPLETED — Constant Static Property, class | |
COMPLETED status means the stage is over. | |
completedBy — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.AbstractParticipant | |
Specifies a reference to the user who completed the task. | |
completedBy — Property, interface | |
This property stores the reference to the user who completed the task assigned to a participant. | |
completedBy — Property, class | |
This property stores the reference to the user who completed the task assigned to a participant. | |
completedBy — Property, class | |
This property stores a reference to the user who completed the task. | |
completedFromIp — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.AbstractParticipant | |
Specifies the IP address from which the task was completed. | |
completedFromIP — Property, interface | |
This property holds the IP from which a task assigned to a participant is completed. | |
completedFromIP — Property, class | |
This property holds the IP from which a task assigned to a participant is completed. | |
completedFromIP — Property, class | |
This property holds the IP from which the task was completed. | |
completeEffect — Effect, class mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Effect called when Flex dispatches the complete event, which occurs when the load completes. | |
completeEffect — Effect, class mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
An effect that is started when the complete event is dispatched. | |
completeHandler( — method, class mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Event listener for the Event.COMPLETE event. | |
completeHandler( — method, class mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
Event listener for the Event.COMPLETE event. | |
completeTask(taskId:String) — method, interface | |
Completes the specifed task. | |
completeTaskWithInfo(taskId:String, completeTaskAction:String) — method, interface | |
Completes the task specified by the taskId parameter. | |
completeTaskWithInfo(taskId:String, completeTaskAction:String) — method, class | |
Completes the task specified by the taskId parameter. | |
completeTime — Property, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.ITask | |
The date and time that the was task completed. | |
completeTime — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
The date and time that the task completed. | |
COMPLETETIME — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.Property | |
The COMPLETETIME constant specifies the task property named completeTime. | |
COMPLETION_FAILED — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event.TaskCompletionFailedEvent | |
The COMPLETION_FAILED constant defines the event type. | |
ComplexCyclicDependencyError — class, package | |
Error indicating that a cyclic dependency has been found between two or more variables over multiple expressions. | |
ComplexCyclicDependencyError(expressions:mx.collections:IList, variables:mx.collections:IList, message:any, id:any) — Constructor, class | |
Creates a new ComplexCyclicDependencyError instance. | |
ComplexStatement — class, package | |
Complex Statement is collection of other complex or simple statements. | |
ComplexStatement(joinOperator:String, statements:mx.collections:IList) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
complianceCode — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies a value that represents the legislation that this review complies with. | |
complianceCode — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewTemplateReference | |
Specifies a value that represents the legislation that this review complies with. | |
complianceCode — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.TemplateSearchFilter | |
Specifies the value in the template that represents the legislation that this review complies with. | |
complianceCode — Property, interface | |
Compliance code of the schedule template. | |
complianceCode — Property, class | |
Compliance code of the schedule template. | |
complianceCode — Property, class | |
Compliance code of the schedule template. | |
complianceCode — Property, class | |
Compliance code of the review template. | |
component — Property, class com.adobe.gravity.flex.serviceloader.UIServiceBase | |
The user interface service object. | |
component — Property, interface com.adobe.gravity.ui.IUIService | |
The underlying component object. | |
ComponentDescriptor — class, package mx.core | |
ComponentDescriptor is the base class for the UIComponentDescriptor class, which encapsulates the information that you specified in an MXML tag for an instance of a visual component. | |
ComponentDescriptor(descriptorProperties:Object) — Constructor, class mx.core.ComponentDescriptor | |
Constructor. | |
ComponentEvent — class, package | |
The ComponentEvent class defines events that are associated with the UIComponent class. | |
ComponentEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class | |
Creates a new ComponentEvent object that contains information about a component event. | |
componentInitialized() — method, class mx.automation.delegates.containers.TabNavigatorAutomationImpl | |
Method which gets called after the component has been initialized. | |
componentInitialized() — method, class mx.automation.delegates.controls.AlertFormAutomationImpl | |
Method which gets called after the component has been initialized. | |
componentInitialized() — method, class mx.automation.delegates.controls.NumericStepperAutomationImpl | |
Method which gets called after the component has been initialized. | |
componentInitialized() — method, class mx.automation.delegates.controls.TextInputAutomationImpl | |
Method which gets called after the component has been initialized. | |
componentInitialized() — method, class mx.automation.delegates.core.UIComponentAutomationImpl | |
Method which gets called after the component has been initialized. | |
componentInitialized() — method, class spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkComboBoxAutomationImpl | |
componentInitialized() — method, class spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkDataGridAutomationImpl | |
componentInitialized() — method, class spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkNumericStepperAutomationImpl | |
Method which gets called after the component has been initialized. | |
componentInitialized() — method, class spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkRichEditableTextAutomationImpl | |
Method which gets called after the component has been initialized. | |
componentInitialized() — method, class spark.automation.delegates.components.supportClasses.SparkSkinnableTextBaseAutomationImpl | |
Method which gets called after the component has been initialized. | |
componentX — Property, class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
Describes which color channel to use in the map image to displace the x result. | |
componentX — Property, class spark.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
Describes which color channel to use in the map image to displace the x result. | |
componentY — Property, class flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
Describes which color channel to use in the map image to displace the y result. | |
componentY — Property, class spark.filters.DisplacementMapFilter | |
Describes which color channel to use in the map image to displace the y result. | |
compose() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
Calculates how many lines are necessary to display the content in the root element of the flow and the positions of these lines in the flow's display containers. | |
compose() — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
Calculates how many lines are necessary to display the content in the root element of the flow and the positions of these lines in the flow's display containers. | |
compose() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Composes the container text; calls either the factory or updateAllControllers(). | |
composeToController(index:int) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
Composes the content of the root element up to and including the container at the specified index. | |
composeToController(index:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
Composes the content of the root element up to and including the container at the specified index. | |
composeToPosition(absolutePosition:int) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
Composes the content of the root element up to the specified position. | |
composeToPosition(absolutePosition:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
Composes the content of the root element up to the specified position. | |
composeTrailingIdeographicSpaces — Property, class flash.text.engine.EastAsianJustifier | |
Specifies whether ideographic spaces at the ends of lines should be composed or dropped during justification. | |
composing — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer | |
True, if the flow composer is currently performing a composition operation. | |
composing — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer | |
True, if the flow composer is currently performing a composition operation. | |
COMPOSITE — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElementType | |
The DataDictionaryElementType.COMPOSITE constant defines the value of the elementType property of the DataDictionaryElement of COMPOSITE type. | |
compositeDuration — Property, class mx.effects.CompositeEffect | |
Returns the duration of this effect as defined by the duration of all child effects. | |
compositeDuration — Property, class mx.effects.Parallel | |
Returns the duration of this effect as defined by the duration of all child effects. | |
compositeDuration — Property, class mx.effects.Sequence | |
Returns the duration of this effect as defined by the duration of all child effects. | |
CompositeEffect — class, package mx.effects | |
The CompositeEffect class is the parent class for the Parallel and Sequence classes, which define the <mx:Parallel> and <mx:Sequence> MXML tags. | |
CompositeEffect(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.CompositeEffect | |
Constructor. | |
CompositeEffectInstance — class, package mx.effects.effectClasses | |
The CompositeEffectInstance class implements the instance class for the CompositeEffect class. | |
CompositeEffectInstance(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.effectClasses.CompositeEffectInstance | |
Constructor. | |
CompositeElement — class, package org.osmf.elements | |
CompositeElement is a media element which encapsulates a collection of other more granular media elements. | |
CompositeElement() — Constructor, class org.osmf.elements.CompositeElement | |
Constructor. | |
CompositeMessage — class, package | |
The CompositeMessage class encapsulates a composite message. | |
CompositeMessage(id:String, nestedId:String, nestedMessage:String, params:Array) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
CompositeOperation — class, package flashx.textLayout.operations | |
The CompositeOperation class encapsulates a group of transformations managed as a unit. | |
CompositeOperation(operations:Array) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.operations.CompositeOperation | |
Creates a CompositeOperation object. | |
compositeType — Property, class com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElement | |
The name of "composite type" for a COMPOSITE data dictionary element. | |
compositionAbandoned() — Static Method , class flash.system.IME | |
Causes the runtime to abandon any composition that is in progress. | |
CompositionAttributeRange — final class, package flash.text.ime | |
The CompositionAttributeRange class represents a range of composition attributes for use with IME (input method editor) events. | |
CompositionAttributeRange(relativeStart:int, relativeEnd:int, selected:Boolean, converted:Boolean) — Constructor, class flash.text.ime.CompositionAttributeRange | |
Creates a CompositionAttributeRange object. | |
compositionBounds — Property, class flashx.textLayout.factory.TextLineFactoryBase | |
The rectangle within which text lines are created. | |
compositionComplete — Event, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Dispatched after every recompose. | |
compositionComplete — Event, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
Dispatched after every recompose. | |
COMPOSITION_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a compositionComplete event object | |
CompositionCompleteEvent — class, package | |
A TextFlow instance dispatches this event after a compose operation completes. | |
CompositionCompleteEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, textFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, compositionStart:int, compositionLength:int) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor | |
compositionEndIndex — Property, interface flash.text.ime.IIMEClient | |
The zero-based character index value of the end of the current edit session text (such as all text in the inline session that is not confirmed to the document). | |
compositionHeight — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Returns the vertical extent allowed for text inside the container. | |
compositionHeight — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Returns the vertical extent allowed for text inside the container. | |
compositionLength — Property, class | |
The number of characters composed. | |
compositionSelectionChanged(start:int, end:int) — Static Method , class flash.system.IME | |
Call this method when the selection within the composition has been updated, either interactively or programmatically. | |
compositionStart — Property, class | |
The start location of the text range affected by the composition, expressed as an index into the text flow. | |
compositionStartIndex — Property, interface flash.text.ime.IIMEClient | |
The zero-based character index value of the start of the current edit session text (such as all text in the inline session that is not confirmed to the document). | |
compositionWidth — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Returns the horizontal extent allowed for text inside the container. | |
compositionWidth — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Returns the horizontal extent allowed for text inside the container. | |
compound — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListAssignmentModel | |
Only applicable if the 'target' is a List Module. | |
compound — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.LDMAssignment | |
Only applicable if the 'target' is a List Module. | |
compoundBtn — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the compound list checkbox A skin part that defines the compound list checkbox | |
compoundBtn — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part which defines the compound numbering input. A skin part which defines the compound numbering input. | |
compoundTransform — Property, class | |
Holds the matrix and the convenience transform properties (x, y, and rotation). | |
compoundTransform — Property, class | |
Holds the matrix and the convenience transform properties (x, y, and rotation). | |
CompoundTransform — class, package mx.geom | |
A CompoundTransform represents a 2D or 3D matrix transform. | |
CompoundTransform() — Constructor, class mx.geom.CompoundTransform | |
Constructor. | |
compress(algorithm:String) — method, class flash.utils.ByteArray | |
Compresses the byte array. | |
COMPRESSED — Constant Static Property, class flash.display3D.Context3DTextureFormat | |
A texture in the Adobe Texture Format. | |
CompressionAlgorithm — final class, package flash.utils | |
The CompressionAlgorithm class defines string constants for the names of compress and uncompress options. | |
computationErrorEvent — Event, interface | |
Dispatched whenever an error occurs during computation of the expression. | |
ComputationErrorEvent — class, package | |
Error dispatched by a ComputedExpression instance whenever an error occurs during evaluation of the expression embedded within it (e.g. | |
ComputationErrorEvent(type:String,, error:Error, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class | |
Creates a new ComputationErrorEvent instance. | |
computeBegin(dataField:String) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPCustomAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to start the computation of an aggregation value. | |
computeBegin(dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.AverageAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to start the computation of an aggregation value. | |
computeBegin(dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.CountAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to start the computation of an aggregation value. | |
computeBegin(dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.MaxAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to start the computation of an aggregation value. | |
computeBegin(dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.MinAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to start the computation of an aggregation value. | |
computeBegin(dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.SumAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to start the computation of an aggregation value. | |
computed — Property, class com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionaryElement | |
true if the data dictionary element is a computed element. | |
computedDDECheckBox — Skin Part, class com.adobe.dct.component.datadictionaryElement.DDEMetaEditor | |
A skin part that defines the appearance of computed property of data dictionary element. A skin part that defines the appearance of computed property of data dictionary element. | |
computedFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Returns an ITextLayoutFormat instance with the attributes applied to this container, including the attributes inherited from its root element. | |
computedFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
Returns the computed format attributes that are in effect for this element. | |
computedFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement | |
The computed text format attributes that are in effect for this element. | |
computedGutters — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart | |
The current computed size of the gutters of the CartesianChart. | |
computeDigest(byteArray:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Static Method , class mx.utils.SHA256 | |
Computes the digest of a message using the SHA-256 hash algorithm. | |
computedInterval — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
The computed interval represented by this axis. | |
computedMatrix — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
The computed matrix, calculated by combining the layout matrix and any offsets provided. | |
computedMatrix3D — Property, interface mx.core.IAssetLayoutFeatures | |
The computed 3D matrix, calculated by combining the 3D layout matrix and any offsets provided. | |
computedMaximum — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
The computed maximum value represented by this axis. | |
computedMinimum — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis | |
The computed minimum value represented by this axis. | |
computeEnd(data:Object, dataField:String) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPCustomAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to end the computation of the aggregation value. | |
computeEnd(data:Object, dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.AverageAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to end the computation of the aggregation value. | |
computeEnd(data:Object, dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.CountAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to end the computation of the aggregation value. | |
computeEnd(data:Object, dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.MaxAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to end the computation of the aggregation value. | |
computeEnd(data:Object, dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.MinAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to end the computation of the aggregation value. | |
computeEnd(data:Object, dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.SumAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to end the computation of the aggregation value. | |
computeLoop(data:Object, dataField:String, value:Object) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPCustomAggregator | |
Flex calls this method when a new value needs to be added to the aggregation. | |
computeLoop(data:Object, dataField:String, rowData:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.AverageAggregator | |
Flex calls this method when a new value needs to be added to the aggregation. | |
computeLoop(data:Object, dataField:String, value:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.CountAggregator | |
Flex calls this method when a new value needs to be added to the aggregation. | |
computeLoop(data:Object, dataField:String, rowData:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.MaxAggregator | |
Flex calls this method when a new value needs to be added to the aggregation. | |
computeLoop(data:Object, dataField:String, rowData:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.MinAggregator | |
Flex calls this method when a new value needs to be added to the aggregation. | |
computeLoop(data:Object, dataField:String, rowData:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.SumAggregator | |
Flex calls this method when a new value needs to be added to the aggregation. | |
computeObjectBegin(value:Object) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPCustomAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to start aggregation of aggregated values. | |
computeObjectBegin(value:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.AverageAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to start aggregation of aggregated values. | |
computeObjectBegin(value:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.CountAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to start aggregation of aggregated values. | |
computeObjectBegin(value:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.MaxAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to start aggregation of aggregated values. | |
computeObjectBegin(value:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.MinAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to start aggregation of aggregated values. | |
computeObjectBegin(value:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.SumAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to start aggregation of aggregated values. | |
computeObjectEnd(value:Object, dataField:String) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPCustomAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to end the computation. | |
computeObjectEnd(oldValue:Object, dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.AverageAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to end the computation. | |
computeObjectEnd(oldValue:Object, dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.CountAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to end the computation. | |
computeObjectEnd(oldValue:Object, dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.MaxAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to end the computation. | |
computeObjectEnd(oldValue:Object, dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.MinAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to end the computation. | |
computeObjectEnd(oldValue:Object, dataField:String) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.SumAggregator | |
Flex calls this method to end the computation. | |
computeObjectLoop(value:Object, newValue:Object) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPCustomAggregator | |
Flex calls this method when a new aggregated value needs to be added to the aggregation. | |
computeObjectLoop(oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.AverageAggregator | |
Flex calls this method when a new aggregated value needs to be added to the aggregation. | |
computeObjectLoop(oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.CountAggregator | |
Flex calls this method when a new aggregated value needs to be added to the aggregation. | |
computeObjectLoop(oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.MaxAggregator | |
Flex calls this method when a new aggregated value needs to be added to the aggregation. | |
computeObjectLoop(oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.MinAggregator | |
Flex calls this method when a new aggregated value needs to be added to the aggregation. | |
computeObjectLoop(oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — method, class mx.olap.aggregators.SumAggregator | |
Flex calls this method when a new aggregated value needs to be added to the aggregation. | |
COMPUTER — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemComboBox | |
A constant that can be used as a value for the directory property, representing a pseudo-top level directory named "Computer". | |
COMPUTER — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
A constant that can be used as a value for the directory property, representing a pseudo-top level directory named "Computer". | |
COMPUTER — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemList | |
A constant that can be used as a value for the directory property, representing a pseudo-top level directory named "Computer". | |
COMPUTER — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemTree | |
A constant that can be used as a value for the directory property, representing a pseudo-top level directory named "Computer". | |
computerIcon — Style, class mx.controls.FileSystemComboBox | |
Specifies the icon that indicates the root directories of the computer. | |
computeSpectrum(outputArray:flash.utils:ByteArray, FFTMode:Boolean, stretchFactor:int) — Static Method , class | |
Takes a snapshot of the current sound wave and places it into the specified ByteArray object. | |
concat(... rest) — method, class Array | |
Concatenates the elements specified in the parameters with the elements in an array and creates a new array. | |
concat(... rest) — method, class String | |
Appends the supplied arguments to the end of the String object, converting them to strings if necessary, and returns the resulting string. | |
concat(... rest) — method, class Vector | |
Concatenates the elements specified in the parameters with the elements in the Vector and creates a new Vector. | |
concat(items:Object) — method, class | |
Concatenates the specified items to the end of the current data provider. | |
concat(second:flash.geom:ColorTransform) — method, class flash.geom.ColorTransform | |
Concatenates the ColorTranform object specified by the second parameter with the current ColorTransform object and sets the current object as the result, which is an additive combination of the two color transformations. | |
concat(m:flash.geom:Matrix) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix | |
Concatenates a matrix with the current matrix, effectively combining the geometric effects of the two. | |
concat(incoming:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITabStopFormat) — method, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat | |
Concatenates the values of properties in the incoming ITabStopFormat instance with the values of this TabStopFormat object. | |
concat(incoming:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — method, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Concatenates the values of properties in the incoming ITextLayoutFormat instance with the values of this TextLayoutFormat object. | |
concat(other:mx.automation:AutomationID) — method, class mx.automation.AutomationID | |
Concatenates another id to this id. | |
concatenatedColorTransform — Property, class flash.geom.Transform | |
A ColorTransform object representing the combined color transformations applied to the display object and all of its parent objects, back to the root level. | |
concatenatedMatrix — Property, class flash.geom.Transform | |
A Matrix object representing the combined transformation matrixes of the display object and all of its parent objects, back to the root level. | |
concatInheritOnly(incoming:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITabStopFormat) — method, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat | |
Concatenates the values of properties in the incoming ITabStopFormat instance with the values of this TabStopFormat object. | |
concatInheritOnly(incoming:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — method, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Concatenates the values of properties in the incoming ITextLayoutFormat instance with the values of this TextLayoutFormat object. | |
concurrency — Property, class | |
Value that indicates how to handle multiple calls to the same service. | |
concurrency — Property, class | |
The concurrency for this Operation. | |
concurrency — Property, class mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation | |
Value that indicates how to handle multiple calls to the same service. | |
concurrency — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService | |
Value that indicates how to handle multiple calls to the same operation within the service. | |
concurrency — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Value that indicates how to handle multiple calls to the same service. | |
concurrency — Property, class mx.rpc.http.Operation | |
Value that indicates how to handle multiple calls to the same service operation. | |
concurrency — Property, interface mx.rpc.mxml.IMXMLSupport | |
The concurrency setting of the RPC operation or HTTPService. | |
concurrency — Property, class mx.rpc.remoting.Operation | |
The concurrency for this Operation. | |
concurrency — Property, class mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject | |
Value that indicates how to handle multiple calls to the same service. | |
concurrency — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.mxml.Operation | |
The concurrency for this Operation. | |
concurrency — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService | |
Value that indicates how to handle multiple calls to the same service. | |
Concurrency — final class, package mx.rpc.mxml | |
Concurrency is set via MXML based access to RPC services to indicate how to handle multiple calls to the same service. | |
concurrent — Skin State, class | |
The skin state when the component shows signature tab for a concurrent approval stage. | |
concurrentRadioButton — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the RadioButton object that displays whether a stage is concurrent or not. In a concurrent stage the participants complete their tasks in parallel. A reference to the RadioButton object that displays whether a stage is concurrent or not. | |
concurrentRadioButton — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the RadioButton object that displays whether a stage is concurrent or not. In a concurrent stage the participants of the stage do their tasks in parallel. A reference to the RadioButton object that displays whether a stage is concurrent or not. | |
condenseWhite — Property, class fl.controls.Label | |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether extra white space such as spaces and line breaks should be removed from a Label component that contains HTML text. | |
condenseWhite — Property, class fl.controls.TextArea | |
Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether extra white space is removed from a TextArea component that contains HTML text. | |
condenseWhite — Property, class fl.controls.TextInput | |
Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether extra white space is removed from a TextInput component that contains HTML text. | |
condenseWhite — Property, class fl.text.TLFTextField | |
A Boolean value that specifies whether extra white space (spaces, line breaks, and so on) in a text field with HTML text, or TLF markup, is removed. | |
condenseWhite — Property, class flash.text.TextField | |
A Boolean value that specifies whether extra white space (spaces, line breaks, and so on) in a text field with HTML text is removed. | |
condenseWhite — Property, class mx.controls.Label | |
Specifies whether extra white space (spaces, line breaks, and so on) should be removed in a Label control with HTML text. | |
condenseWhite — Property, class mx.controls.TextArea | |
Specifies whether extra white space (spaces, line breaks, and so on) should be removed in a TextArea control with HTML text. | |
condenseWhite — Property, class mx.controls.TextInput | |
Specifies whether extra white space (spaces, line breaks, and so on) should be removed in a TextInput control with HTML text. | |
condenseWhite — Property, class mx.core.FTETextField | |
A Boolean value that specifies whether extra white space (spaces, line breaks, and so on) in a text field with HTML text is removed. | |
condenseWhite — Property, interface mx.core.IUITextField | |
A Boolean value that specifies whether extra white space (spaces, line breaks, and so on) in a text field with HTML text is removed. | |
CONDITION — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.icc.enum.ObjectType | |
Specifies the enumerator code for object type Condition. | |
ConditionalDataModule — class, package com.adobe.icc.vo | |
Specifies a value object for a condition module. | |
ConditionalDataModule() — Constructor, class com.adobe.icc.vo.ConditionalDataModule | |
Constructor | |
ConditionalDocument — class, package com.adobe.icc.vo | |
Value object for a conditional document. | |
ConditionalDocument() — Constructor, class com.adobe.icc.vo.ConditionalDocument | |
Constructor | |
ConditionAssetPreviewRenderer — class, package | |
This class defines the preview pod shown for Condition. | |
ConditionAssetPreviewRenderer() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
conditionAssignmentModel — Property, class | |
The instance of ConditionAssignmentModel which represent the Condition item being currently worked upon. | |
ConditionAssignmentModel — class, package com.adobe.icc.editors.model | |
The ConditionAssignmentModel class represents the domain object for the assignments related to the condition data module. | |
ConditionAssignmentModel(vo:com.adobe.icc.vo:CDMAssignment) — Constructor, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionAssignmentModel | |
Constructor. | |
ConditionEditor — class, package | |
Editor to edit Conditions | |
ConditionEditor() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
conditionFilterBtn — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines condition filter button A skin part that defines condition filter button | |
ConditionHandler — class, package com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers | |
The Handler for the actions requested for asset of type Condition. | |
ConditionHandler() — Constructor, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Constructor. | |
conditionItemEditor — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the renderer applied to the assetCondition list A skin part that defines the renderer applied to the assetCondition list | |
conditionItemEditor — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines item editor for each assignment A skin part that defines item editor for each assignment | |
ConditionItemEditor — class, package | |
The component which renders the item in Condition added from the Expression Builder. | |
ConditionItemEditor() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
ConditionItemPreviewRenderer — class, package | |
This class defines the renderer used for rendering the Condition items in Condition preview pod | |
ConditionItemPreviewRenderer() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
conditionItemsDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the list to display condition expressions A skin part that defines the list to display condition expressions | |
conditionModel — Property, class | |
The instance of ConditionModel currently being worked upon. | |
ConditionModel — class, package com.adobe.icc.editors.model | |
The ConditionModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type Condition. | |
ConditionModuleInstance — class, package com.adobe.icc.dc.domain | |
This class is the runtime representation of the condition module present in the letter. | |
ConditionModuleInstance(, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, — Constructor, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ConditionModuleInstance | |
Constructor. | |
conditionPreviewRenderer — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the factory used for displaying Condition's preview on hover. A skin part that defines the factory used for displaying Condition's preview on hover. | |
conditions — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.SearchFilter | |
The collection of conditions of the search filter. | |
conditions — Property, class mx.styles.CSSSelector | |
This selector may match a subset of components by specifying further conditions (for example, a matching component must have a particular id, styleName (equivalent to a 'class' condition in CSS) or state (equivalent to a 'pseudo' condition in CSS)). | |
config(message:String, params:Object, actor:Object, error:Error) — method, class com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging.Logger | |
Log a CONFIG message. | |
Config — class, package coldfusion.service.mxml | |
The class where all the configuration information, such as, serviceUserName, servicePassword, cfServer, and cfPort are specified. | |
CONFIG — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.gravity.utility.logging.LogLevel | |
Log level for configuration information. | |
CONFIG — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.icc.enum.ObjectType | |
Specifies the enumerator code for object type Configuration. | |
configFetched — Event, class com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.EditorConfigurationManager | |
Dispatched when the Text Editor's configuration is successfully loaded from the server. | |
ConfigMap — Dynamic Class, package mx.messaging.config | |
The ConfigMap class provides a mechanism to store the properties returned by the server with the ordering of the properties maintained. | |
ConfigMap(item:Object) — Constructor, class mx.messaging.config.ConfigMap | |
Constructor. | |
ConfigModel — class, package com.adobe.dct.model | |
The domain model for configuration. | |
ConfigModel() — Constructor, class com.adobe.dct.model.ConfigModel | |
Constructor. | |
configProvider — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.EditorConfigurationManager | |
The TBX config provider. | |
configuration — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
The Configuration object for this TextContainerManager. | |
configuration — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.conversion.ITextImporter | |
The configuration property contains the IConfiguration instance that the importer needs when creating new TextFlow instances. | |
configuration — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow | |
The Configuration object for this TextFlow object. | |
configuration — Property, class flashx.textLayout.factory.StringTextLineFactory | |
The configuration used by the internal TextFlow object. | |
Configuration — class, package flashx.textLayout.elements | |
The Configuration class is a primary point of integration between the Text Layout Framework and an application. | |
Configuration(initializeWithDefaults:Boolean) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration | |
Constructor - creates a default configuration. | |
configurationFile — Property, class air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
The location of the configuration file that sets the values for delay and updateURL properties. | |
configurationFile — Property, class air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
The location of the configuration file that sets the values for delay and updateURL properties. | |
configure( — method, interface | |
Configures the ISecurityManager instance with the provided configuration information. | |
configure( — method, class | |
Configures the ISecurityManager instance with the provided configuration information. | |
configureBackBuffer(width:int, height:int, antiAlias:int, enableDepthAndStencil:Boolean) — method, class flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Sets the viewport dimensions and other attributes of the rendering buffer. | |
configuredBodyRowCount — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
The body row count after customization | |
configuredColumnCount — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
The column count after customization | |
configuredFilexdp — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.FragmentLayout | |
Byte stream of the xdp after customization | |
configureScrollBars() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.ScrollableMenu | |
Overridden to reinstate proper scrolling functionality. | |
configureScrollBars() — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Configures the ScrollBars based on the number of rows and columns and viewable rows and columns. | |
configureScrollBars() — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Configures the ScrollBars based on the number of rows and columns and viewable rows and columns. | |
ConfigUtil — class, package | |
The ConfigUtil class is a utility class to create the initial configuration. | |
confirmationMessage — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.UserActionProperty | |
Returns the confirmation message. | |
confirmComposition(text:String, preserveSelection:Boolean) — method, interface flash.text.ime.IIMEClient | |
Use this callback to end the inline editing session and confirm the text. | |
confirmDelete — Property, interface | |
The tile's confirmDelete setting. | |
conflict — Event, class | |
The DataConflictEvent.CONFLICT event is dispatched when a conflict is detected between either pending local changes and changes submitted by another client, or when changes submitted by this client are conflicting with those in the remote destination. | |
conflict — Event, class | |
The DataConflictEvent.CONFLICT event is dispatched when a conflict is detected between pending local changes and changes submitted by another client, or when changes submitted by this client conflict with those in the remote destination. | |
conflict — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a conflict is detected between either pending changes on this client and changes submitted by another client, or when changes submitted by this client result detect a conflict error at the remote destination. | |
conflict(description:String, properties:Array) — method, interface | |
Declares that a conflict occurred while processing this change. | |
conflict — Event, class | |
The DataConflictEvent.CONFLICT event is dispatched when a conflict is detected between pending local changes and changes submitted by another client, or when changes submitted by this client conflict with those in the remote destination. | |
conflict — Event, class | |
The DataConflictEvent.CONFLICT event is dispatched when a conflict is detected between either pending local changes and changes submitted by another client, or when changes submitted by this client are conflicting with those in the remote destination. | |
conflict — Property, class | |
The Conflict object that represents the error. | |
Conflict — class, package coldfusion.air | |
Conflict that contains reference to the operation, clientObject, serverObject, and originalObject on the client. | |
Conflict — class, package | |
Represents an error that has occurred due to an update operation. | |
Conflict() — Constructor, class coldfusion.air.Conflict | |
Creates an instance of the Conflict class. | |
CONFLICT — Constant Static Property, class | |
The type of the event. | |
CONFLICT — Constant Static Property, class | |
The CONFLICT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a conflict event. | |
conflictDetector — Property, class | |
Provides access to the current implementation being used to detect conflicts for remote operations pushed to this DataManager instance. | |
ConflictDetector — class, package | |
A DataService instance uses a ConflictDetector instance to determine when a conflict occurs for an operation pushed from a remote destination. | |
ConflictDetector( — Constructor, class | |
Constructs an instance of the default conflict detection mechanism. | |
ConflictEvent — class, package | |
The Conflict Event that is dispatched when a conflict is detected on the ColdFusion server. | |
ConflictEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, result:Object) — Constructor, class | |
Creates a conflict event. | |
conflicts — Property, class | |
Contains a Conflicts object, which is an ArrayList of Conflict instances. | |
conflicts — Property, class | |
The list of conflicts for all managed items. | |
Conflicts — class, package | |
The Conflicts class represents a list of conflicts. | |
Conflicts( — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
connect() — method, interface | |
Connects to the server and commits all outstanding transactions to the Experience Server. | |
connect() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.ServerSession | |
This will begin an Experiene Server connection sequence, once the framework and runtime are ready, by first acquiring the ISessionManager, and subsequently connecting an ISession. | |
connect(remoteAddress:String, remotePort:int) — method, class | |
Connects the socket to a specified remote address and port. | |
connect(connectionName:String) — method, class | |
Prepares a LocalConnection object to receive commands that are sent from a send() command (from the sending LocalConnection object). | |
connect(command:String, ... rest) — method, class | |
Creates a two-way connection to an application on Flash Media Server or to Flash Remoting, or creates a two-way network endpoint for RTMFP peer-to-peer group communication. | |
connect — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a network connection has been established. | |
connect(host:String, port:int) — method, class | |
Connects the socket to the specified host and port using SSL or TLS. | |
connect — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a remote socket seeks to connect to this server socket. | |
connect(, params:String) — method, class | |
Connects to a remote shared object on a server through a specified NetConnection object. | |
connect — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a network connection is established. | |
connect(host:String, port:int) — method, class | |
Connects the socket to the specified host and port. | |
connect — Event, class | |
Dispatched after a successful call to the XMLSocket.connect() method. | |
connect(host:String, port:int) — method, class | |
Establishes a connection to the specified Internet host using the specified TCP port. | |
connect() — method, class | |
Forces a connection attempt by this service to the remote destination. | |
connect(cacheID:String) — method, class | |
Connect to the specified cache. | |
connect() — method, class | |
Forces a connection attempt by this service to the remote destination. | |
connect() — method, class mx.messaging.AbstractProducer | |
Connects the Producer to its target destination. | |
connect(channelSet:mx.messaging:ChannelSet) — method, class mx.messaging.Channel | |
Connects the ChannelSet to the Channel. | |
connect(agent:mx.messaging:MessageAgent) — method, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Connects a MessageAgent to the ChannelSet. | |
CONNECT — Constant Static Property, class | |
The Event.CONNECT constant defines the value of the type property of a connect event object. | |
CONNECT — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a ServerSocketConnectEvent event object. | |
CONNECT — Constant Static Property, class | |
The CONNECT event type; indicates that the Channel connected to its endpoint. | |
connectAgain() — method, interface | |
Called by the VideoPlayer object if the connection is successfully made but the stream is not found. | |
connectAgain() — method, class | |
Called by the VideoPlayer object if the connection is successfully made but the stream is not found. | |
connected() — method, interface | |
A flag that specifies whether a connection to the Experience Server has been established. | |
connected — Property, interface | |
Bindable/Read-only. | |
connected — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the SQLConnection instance has an open connection to a database file. | |
connected — Property, class | |
Indicates whether this socket object is currently connected to a remote address and port. | |
connected — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the application is connected to a server through a persistent RTMP connection (true) or not (false). | |
connected — Property, class | |
Indicates whether this Socket object is currently connected. | |
connected — Property, class | |
Indicates whether this URLStream object is currently connected. | |
connected — Property, class | |
Indicates whether this XMLSocket object is currently connected. | |
connected — Property, class | |
Indicates if the DataService is connected to the remote destination. | |
connected — Property, class | |
Returns true when this service adapter is connected to its source. | |
connected — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the DataStore is connected. | |
connected — Property, class | |
Indicates whether this MessageAgent is currently connected to its destination via its ChannelSet. | |
connected — Property, class mx.messaging.Channel | |
Indicates whether this channel has established a connection to the remote destination. | |
connected — Property, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Indicates whether the ChannelSet is connected. | |
connected — Property, class mx.messaging.MessageAgent | |
Indicates whether this MessageAgent is currently connected to its destination via its ChannelSet. | |
connected — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the Channel that generated this event is already connected. | |
connectedProxyType — Property, class | |
The proxy type used to make a successful connection to Flash Media Server. | |
connectFailed( — method, class mx.messaging.Channel | |
Processes a failed internal connect and dispatches the FAULT event for the channel. | |
connectionArguments — Property, class | |
Optional set of arguments that will be supplied when making a connection to the source of the stream. | |
connectionAttemptInterval — Property, class | |
connectionClosed() — method, class com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
The connection was closed. | |
connectionClosed() — method, class ga.controls.Wrapper | |
The connection was closed. | |
connectionClosed() — method, interface ga.util.IConnectionService | |
The connection was closed. | |
CONNECTION_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class | |
The video player is in the connection error state. | |
CONNECTION_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class | |
The value of the VideoDisplay.state property when the VideoDisplay control was unable to load the video stream. | |
CONNECTION_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.ErrorManagerImpl | |
The constant specifying the connection exception message. | |
CONNECTION_LOST — Constant Static Property, class | |
A special value that specifies that the session was disconnected. | |
connectionLostPage — Property, class lc.procmgmt.AuthenticatingApplication | |
The reconnection page when the connection to the Document Server is interrupted. | |
CONNECTION_NOT_RECOVERED — Constant Static Property, class | |
A special value that specifies that disconnected session could not be recovered. | |
connectionOpened(success:Boolean) — method, class com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
The connection was made, if success=false, the connection attempt failed | |
connectionOpened(success:Boolean) — method, class ga.controls.Wrapper | |
The connection was made, if success=false, the connection attempt failed | |
connectionOpened(success:Boolean) — method, interface ga.util.IConnectionService | |
The connection was made, if success=false, the connection attempt failed | |
CONNECTION_RECOVERED — Constant Static Property, class | |
A special value that specifies that a previously disconnected session was recovered. | |
connectSuccess() — method, class mx.messaging.Channel | |
Processes a successful internal connect and dispatches the CONNECT event for the Channel. | |
connectTimeout — Property, class mx.messaging.Channel | |
Provides access to the connect timeout in seconds for the channel. | |
connectTimeoutHandler( — method, class mx.messaging.Channel | |
Handles a connect timeout by dispatching a ChannelFaultEvent. | |
CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.Channel | |
CONNECT_TO_FMS — Constant Static Property, class | |
A static object used as a parameter to the constructor for a NetStream instance. | |
connectToURL(url:String) — method, interface | |
Called by the VideoPlayer object to ask for a connection to the URL. | |
connectToURL(url:String) — method, class | |
Called by the VideoPlayer object to ask for a connection to the URL. | |
const — Statement | |
Specifies a constant, which is a variable that can be assigned a value only once. | |
ConstraintColumn — class, package mx.containers.utilityClasses | |
The ConstraintColumn class partitions an absolutely positioned container in the vertical plane. | |
ConstraintColumn() — Constructor, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintColumn | |
Constructor. | |
constraintColumns — Property, class mx.containers.Canvas | |
An Array of ConstraintColumn instances that partition this container. | |
constraintColumns — Property, class mx.containers.Panel | |
An Array of ConstraintColumn instances that partition this container. | |
constraintColumns — Property, interface mx.containers.utilityClasses.IConstraintLayout | |
An Array of ConstraintColumn instances that partition this container. | |
constraintColumns — Property, class mx.core.LayoutContainer | |
An Array of ConstraintColumn instances that partition this container. | |
constraintColumns — Property, class spark.layouts.ConstraintLayout | |
A Vector of ConstraintColumn instances that partition the target container. | |
ConstraintError — class, package mx.containers.errors | |
This error is thrown when a constraint expression is not configured properly; for example, if the GridColumn reference is invalid. | |
ConstraintError(message:String) — Constructor, class mx.containers.errors.ConstraintError | |
Constructor. | |
ConstraintLayout — class, package spark.layouts | |
The ConstraintLayout class arranges the layout elements based on their individual settings and a set of constraint regions defined by constraint columns and constraint rows. | |
ConstraintLayout() — Constructor, class spark.layouts.ConstraintLayout | |
Constructor. | |
ConstraintRow — class, package mx.containers.utilityClasses | |
ConstraintRow class partitions an absolutely positioned container in the horizontal plane. | |
ConstraintRow() — Constructor, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.ConstraintRow | |
Constructor. | |
constraintRows — Property, class mx.containers.Canvas | |
An Array of ConstraintRow instances that partition this container. | |
constraintRows — Property, class mx.containers.Panel | |
An Array of ConstraintRow instances that partition this container. | |
constraintRows — Property, interface mx.containers.utilityClasses.IConstraintLayout | |
An Array of ConstraintRow instances that partition this container. | |
constraintRows — Property, class mx.core.LayoutContainer | |
An Array of ConstraintRow instances that partition this container. | |
constraintRows — Property, class spark.layouts.ConstraintLayout | |
A Vector of ConstraintRow instances that partition the target container. | |
constructor — Property, class Object | |
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance. | |
constructor — Property, class flash.display.Stage | |
constructorArgs — Property, interface | |
The constructor arguments. | |
constructors — Property, class | |
The constructors exposed by the MBean. | |
constructRequestForUpload(serverURL:String, authToken:String) — Static Method , class mx.rpc.livecycle.DocumentReference | |
Constructs a request to be used when uploading a document for the purposes of Remoting. | |
consult(taskId:String, userOid:String) — method, interface lc.procmgmt.ITaskManager | |
Consults with another user about the specified task. | |
consult(userOid:String) — method, class lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
Consults with another user regarding assigned the task. | |
ConsultCommand — class, package lc.procmgmt.commands | |
The ConsultCommand class executes the consult operation for a task. | |
ConsultCommand(task:lc.procmgmt.domain:Task) — Constructor, class lc.procmgmt.commands.ConsultCommand | |
Constructor. | |
consultGroupId — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
The group identifier that may be used when the consult operation is performed. | |
Consumer — class, package mx.messaging | |
A Consumer subscribes to a destination to receive messages. | |
Consumer(messageType:String) — Constructor, class mx.messaging.Consumer | |
Constructor. | |
consumerAddSubscription(subtopic:String, selector:String, maxFrequency:uint) — method, class | |
This is a convenience method to add a subscription to this client. | |
consumerRemoveSubscription(subtopic:String, selector:String) — method, class | |
This is a convenience method to remove a subscription from this client. | |
consumerSubscribe(clientId:String) — method, class | |
This method is used to subscribe this client to changes from the server. | |
consumerSubscriptions — Property, class | |
This property specifies the current set of subscriptions for this manualSync configuration. | |
consumerUnsubscribe() — method, class | |
This method is used to unsubscribe this client from all subscriptions. | |
CONTACT — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.SoftKeyboardType | |
Contact keyboard A keypad designed for entering a person's name or phone number. | |
containedAssetRelations — Property, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.relationships.RelationshipVO | |
Contained asset relations obtained. | |
containedAssetViewFqnName — Property, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
The fully qualified name of the Asset whose attributes are to be shown in Contained Assets View. | |
containedCutPoints — Property, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
The CutPoints to be specified for Contained Search. | |
containedRelationsList — Property, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetTypeDescriptor | |
The Pipe Separated Relation List for getting Contained Assets of an Asset. | |
container — Property, class fl.ik.IKArmature | |
Returns DisplayObjectContainer passed into call to registerElements. | |
container — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Returns the container display object that holds the text lines for this ContainerController instance. | |
container — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Returns the container (DisplayObjectContainer) that holds the text that this TextContainerManager manages. | |
container — Property, interface mx.core.IRepeater | |
The container that contains this Repeater, and in which it will create its children. | |
container — Property, class mx.core.Repeater | |
The container that contains this Repeater. | |
container — Property, class org.osmf.layout.LayoutRendererBase | |
Defines the container against which the renderer will calculate the size and position values of its targets. | |
container — Property, class | |
The media container that this element uses. | |
Container — class, package mx.core | |
The Container class is an abstract base class for components that controls the layout characteristics of child components. | |
Container() — Constructor, class mx.core.Container | |
Constructor. | |
ContainerAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.core | |
Defines the methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the Container class. | |
ContainerAutomationImpl(obj:mx.core:Container) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.core.ContainerAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
ContainerBorderSkin — class, package mx.skins.spark | |
Defines the border and background for the MX Container class's Spark skin. | |
ContainerBorderSkin — class, package mx.skins.wireframe | |
Defines the border and background for the MX Container class's wireframe skin. | |
ContainerBorderSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.spark.ContainerBorderSkin | |
Constructor. | |
ContainerBorderSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.wireframe.ContainerBorderSkin | |
containerCallbackObject — Property, class lc.procmgmt.ui.layout.ResourceContainer | |
The containerCallbackObject property provides a mechanism for the HTML container created for a specific ResourceContainer object to communicate back to its creator. | |
containerChange — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the element's container property changed. | |
CONTAINER_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The ContainerChangeEvent.CONTAINER_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a containerChange event. | |
ContainerChangeEvent — class, package | |
A ContainerChangeEvent is dispatched when a reference to an IMediaContainer changes. | |
ContainerChangeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, oldContainer:org.osmf.containers:IMediaContainer, newContainer:org.osmf.containers:IMediaContainer) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
ContainerController — class, package flashx.textLayout.container | |
The ContainerController class defines the relationship between a TextFlow object and a container. | |
ContainerController(container:flash.display:Sprite, compositionWidth:Number, compositionHeight:Number) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Constructor - creates a ContainerController instance. | |
containerControllerInitialFormat — Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
ContainerCreationPolicy — final class, package mx.core | |
The ContainerCreationPolicy class defines the constant values for the creationPolicy property of the Container class. | |
ContainerDestructionPolicy — final class, package spark.core | |
The ContainerCreationPolicy class defines the constant values for the destructionPolicy property of spark view classes. | |
containerFieldPosition — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
containerFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange | |
The format attributes of the container displaying the range. | |
containerFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.ApplyFormatOperation | |
The format properties to apply to the containers in the range. | |
containerFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.operations.ClearFormatOperation | |
The format properties to undefine on the containers in the range. | |
ContainerFormattedElement — class, package flashx.textLayout.elements | |
ContainerFormattedElement is the root class for all container-level block elements, such as DivElement and TextFlow objects. | |
containerLayout — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel | |
The domain object of the fragmentLayout associated with this containerLayoutAssignment. | |
ContainerLayout — class, package com.adobe.icc.vo | |
Class representing the generic Container Layout (CL) object. | |
ContainerLayout — final class, package mx.core | |
The ContainerLayout class defines the constant values for the layout property of container classes. | |
ContainerLayout() — Constructor, class com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
Constructor | |
containerLayoutAssignment — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FieldAssignmentModel | |
containerLayoutAssignment — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FieldModel | |
container layout assignment containing field object. | |
containerLayoutAssignment — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TargetAreaAssignmentModel | |
Container layout assignments within this target area assignment. | |
containerLayoutAssignment — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.TargetAreaAssignment | |
Assignment of a ContainerLayout to a TargetArea within a Letter, along with assignment-specific properties | |
containerLayoutAssignmentChange — Event, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TargetAreaAssignmentModel | |
The event dispatched on the container layout assignment change. | |
ContainerLayoutAssignmentEditor — class, package | |
The component which allows to edit the content of the container layout of a target area of layout or fragment. | |
ContainerLayoutAssignmentEditor() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
containerLayoutAssignmentModel — Property, class | |
The instance of ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel currently being worked upon. | |
ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel — class, package com.adobe.icc.editors.model | |
The ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel class represents the domain object for the assets of type ContainerLayoutAssignment. | |
ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel(vo:com.adobe.icc.vo:ContainerLayoutAssignment) — Constructor, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel | |
Constructor. | |
containerLayoutAssisgnmentDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the ContainerLayoutAssignmentEditor component A skin part that defines the ContainerLayoutAssignmentEditor component | |
containerLayoutDeleteBtn — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the fragment delete button A skin part that defines the fragment delete button | |
containerLayoutSelectBtn — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the fragment add button A skin part that defines the fragment add button | |
ContainerMovieClip — Dynamic Class, package mx.flash | |
Container components created in Adobe Flash Professional for use in Flex are subclasses of the mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip class. | |
ContainerMovieClip() — Constructor, class mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip | |
Constructor | |
ContainerMovieClipAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit | |
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the ContainerMovieClip control. | |
ContainerMovieClipAutomationImpl(obj:mx.flash:ContainerMovieClip) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.ContainerMovieClipAutomationImpl | |
Constructor. | |
containerTargetAreaPosition — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
containPlaceHolders — Property, class | |
If true, then expression contains place holder. | |
contains(value:XML) — method, class XML | |
Compares the XML object against the given value parameter. | |
contains(value:XML) — method, class XMLList | |
Checks whether the XMLList object contains an XML object that is equal to the given value parameter. | |
contains(c:mx.collections:ArrayCollection, item:Object) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.CollectionFunc | |
Checks if a collection contains a given item. | |
contains(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer | |
Determines whether the specified display object is a child of the DisplayObjectContainer instance or the instance itself. | |
contains(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Determines whether the specified point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle object. | |
contains(item:Object) — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
Checks the collection for the data item using standard equality test. | |
contains(item:Object) — method, interface mx.collections.ICollectionView | |
Returns whether the view contains the specified object. | |
contains(item:Object) — method, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Returns whether the view contains the specified object. | |
contains(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.core.IChildList | |
Determines if a DisplayObject is in this child list, or is a descendant of an child in this child list. | |
contains(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.core.IContainer | |
Determines whether the specified display object is a child of the DisplayObjectContainer instance or the instance itself. | |
contains(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.managers.IFocusManagerContainer | |
Determines whether the specified display object is a child of the container instance or the instance itself. | |
CONTAINS — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.ComparisonOperator | |
The CONTAINS constant that represents the Contains operator. | |
containsBridge( — method, interface mx.core.ISWFBridgeGroup | |
Tests if the given bridge is one of the sandbox bridges in this group. | |
containsBridge( — method, class mx.core.SWFBridgeGroup | |
Tests if the given bridge is one of the sandbox bridges in this group. | |
containsElement(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
Determines whether the specified IVisualElement is a child of the container instance or the instance itself. | |
containsItem(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem) — method, class flash.display.NativeMenu | |
Reports whether this menu contains the specified menu item. | |
containsItem(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem) — method, class flash.ui.ContextMenu | |
Reports whether this menu contains the specified menu item. | |
containsMediaElement( — method, interface org.osmf.containers.IMediaContainer | |
Verifies if an element is a child of the container. | |
containsMediaElement( — method, class org.osmf.containers.MediaContainer | |
Verifies if an element is a child of the container. | |
containsPoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Determines whether the specified point is contained within the rectangular region defined by this Rectangle object. | |
containsRect(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Determines whether the Rectangle object specified by the rect parameter is contained within this Rectangle object. | |
content — Property, class coldfusion.service.DocumentItem | |
Contents of the document. | |
content — Property, class coldfusion.service.DocumentSection | |
Contents of the document. | |
content — Property, class coldfusion.service.MailPart | |
Mail part content. | |
content — Property, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Document | |
content — Property, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Mail | |
content — Property, class | |
The content(EditorResult instance) being edited. | |
content — Property, class fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
Gets a reference to the content loaded into the scroll pane. | |
content — Property, class fl.containers.UILoader | |
Contains the root display object of the SWF file or image file (a JPEG, PNG, or GIF format file) that was loaded by using the load() method or setting the source property. | |
content — Property, class fl.display.ProLoader | |
Contains the root display object of the SWF file or image (JPG, PNG, or GIF) file that was loaded by using the load() or loadBytes() methods. | |
content — Property, class fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
The loaded object associated with this ProLoaderInfo object. | |
content — Property, class fl.transitions.TransitionManager | |
The movie clip instance to which TransitionManager is to apply a transition. | |
content — Property, class flash.display.Loader | |
Contains the root display object of the SWF file or image (JPG, PNG, or GIF) file that was loaded by using the load() or loadBytes() methods. | |
content — Property, class flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
The loaded object associated with this LoaderInfo object. | |
content — Property, class flash.text.engine.TextBlock | |
Holds the contents of the text block. | |
content — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.IListMarkerFormat | |
Controls the content of the marker. | |
content — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListMarkerFormat | |
Controls the content of the marker. | |
content — Property, class mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
This property contains the object that represents the content that was loaded in the SWFLoader control. | |
content — Property, class mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip | |
The Flex content to display inside this container. | |
content — Property, interface mx.resources.IResourceBundle | |
An object containing key-value pairs for the resources in this resource bundle. | |
content — Property, class mx.resources.ResourceBundle | |
An object containing key-value pairs for the resources in this resource bundle. | |
content — Property, class mx.rpc.Fault | |
The raw content of the fault (if available), such as an HTTP response body. | |
content — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.SOAPHeader | |
The content to send for the header value. | |
content — Property, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
This property is intended for use in MXML at compile time; to get or set rich text content at runtime, please use the textFlow property instead. | |
content — Property, class spark.components.RichText | |
This property is intended for use in MXML at compile time; to get or set rich text content at runtime, please use the textFlow property instead. | |
content — Property, class spark.components.TextArea | |
This property is intended for use in MXML at compile time; to get or set rich text content at runtime, use the textFlow property instead. | |
content — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
The content property lets you pass an arbitrary object to be used in a custom skin of the button. | |
content — Property, class spark.core.ContentRequest | |
A reference to contained content. | |
content — Property, class | |
The content for which to invalidate the content request. | |
contentAppearance — Property, class fl.transitions.TransitionManager | |
An object that contains the saved visual properties of the content (target movie clip) to which the transitions will be applied. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class mx.charts.Legend | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class mx.controls.TextInput | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBase | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class mx.core.Container | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class spark.components.ActionBar | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class spark.components.Scroller | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class spark.components.List | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAlpha — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper | |
The alpha of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundAppearance — Style, class spark.components.Callout | |
Appearance of the contentGroup. | |
ContentBackgroundAppearance — final class, package spark.components | |
The ContentBackgroundAppearance class defines the constants for the allowed values of the contentBackgroundAppearance style of Callout. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Color of the content area of the component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class mx.controls.TextInput | |
Color of the content area of the component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Color of the content area of the component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Color of the content area of the component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Color of the content area of the component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBase | |
Color of the content area of the component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Color of the content area of the component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class mx.core.Container | |
Color of the content area of the component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableTextBase | |
The color of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The color of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class spark.components.ActionBar | |
The color of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class spark.components.Scroller | |
The color of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
The color of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class spark.components.DataGrid | |
The color of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class spark.components.List | |
The color of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundColor — Style, class spark.components.NumericStepper | |
The color of the content background for this component. | |
contentBackgroundInsetClass — Property, class | |
A class reference to an FXG class that is layered underneath the contentGroup. | |
contentBytes — Property, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ImageModuleInstance | |
The byte array representation of the underlying Image module instance associated with the letter. | |
ContentCache — class, package spark.core | |
Provides a caching and queuing image content loader suitable for using a shared image cache for the BitmapImage and spark Image components. | |
ContentCache() — Constructor, class spark.core.ContentCache | |
Constructor. | |
ContentCapturePod — class, package | |
Create Correspondence UI Content Capture Panel. | |
ContentCapturePod() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
contentChildren — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.TabLayout | |
The contentChildren is the default property and used in MXML to create tab children in-line, much like the mx:TabNavigator. | |
contentCol — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormHeadingSkin | |
The column containing the form item's content. | |
contentCol — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin | |
The column containing the FormItem's content. | |
contentCol — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormHeadingSkin | |
The column containing the FormItem's label and content. | |
contentCol — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormItemSkin | |
The column containing the FormItem's label and content. | |
contentColor — Property, class | |
The highlighting color to be applied on the selected Content (in Doc Composer). | |
contentCornerRadius — Property, class | |
Corner radius used for the contentBackgroundColor fill. | |
contentCreationComplete — Event, interface mx.core.IDeferredContentOwner | |
Dispatched after the content for this component has been created. | |
contentCreationComplete — Event, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Dispatched after the content for this component has been created. | |
CONTENT_CREATION_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The FlexEvent.CONTENT_CREATION_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a contentCreationComplete event. | |
contentData — Property, class | |
The DRMContentData for the media file. | |
contentData — Property, class | |
A DRMContentData object containing the information necessary to obtain a voucher for viewing the DRM-protected content. | |
ContentDomainFactory — class, package com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory | |
DomainFactory to get hold of Domain Objects | |
ContentElement — class, package flash.text.engine | |
The ContentElement class serves as a base class for the element types that can appear in a GroupElement, namely a GraphicElement, another GroupElement, or a TextElement. | |
ContentElement(elementFormat:flash.text.engine:ElementFormat,, textRotation:String) — Constructor, class flash.text.engine.ContentElement | |
Calling the new ContentElement() constructor throws an ArgumentError exception. | |
contentExtraction — Property, class coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
Permissions assigned for extracting content from the PDF document. | |
contentFile — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.managers.FileUploadManager | |
The FileReference object associated with the upload. | |
contentFilterFunction — Property, class | |
Specifies the filter function to filter the search in Content Library. | |
contentGroup — Property, class | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutSkin | |
The ViewStack is put into a Group so that is can be backed by a Rect for a fill and border. | |
contentGroup — Skin Part, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children are pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ApplicationSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.BorderContainerSkin | |
The required skin part for SkinnableContainer | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.DefaultComplexItemRenderer | |
The container used to wrap each Flex component defined in the host component. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormItemSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.FormSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.PanelSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.SkinnableContainerSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.SkinnablePopUpContainerSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormItemSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.StackedFormSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.TitleWindowSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.WindowedApplicationSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.ApplicationSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.PanelSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.TitleWindowSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseFooterSkin | |
Content group for adding footer content | |
contentGroup — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseHeaderBarSkin | |
Content group for header | |
contentGroup — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterprisePanelSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseTitleWindowSkin | |
An optional skin part that defines the Group where the content children get pushed into and laid out. | |
contentGroup — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToolBarBottomSkin | |
the target for content in this control | |
contentGroup — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseToolBarTopSkin | |
the group that holds the button content | |
contentGroupLayout — Property, class | |
contentGroupMask — Property, class | |
Mask for the content group. | |
contentHeight — Property, class flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
The height, in pixels, of the HTML content. | |
contentHeight — Property, class mx.containers.Accordion | |
The height of the area, in pixels, in which content is displayed. | |
contentHeight — Property, class mx.containers.ViewStack | |
The height of the area, in pixels, in which content is displayed. | |
contentHeight — Property, class mx.controls.HTML | |
The height, in pixels, of the HTML content. | |
contentHeight — Property, class mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Height of the scaled content loaded by the control, in pixels. | |
contentHeight — Property, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The height of the text. | |
contentHeight — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The height of the viewport's content. | |
contentHeight — Property, interface spark.core.IViewport | |
The height of the viewport's content. | |
contentHighlightType — Property, class | |
The highlighting type to be done on the selected Content (in Doc Composer). | |
ContentHoverPreviewRenderer — class, package | |
This class for enabling preview of the hovered component on mouse hover. | |
ContentHoverPreviewRenderer() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor | |
contentId — Property, class coldfusion.service.MailParam | |
The Identifier for the attached file. | |
contentInsert — Event, class | |
The event dispatched on inserting selected assets from Content Library | |
CONTENT_INSERT — Constant Static Property, class | |
The constant defining the content insert event. | |
contentInsertBtn — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines content insert button A skin part that defines content insert button | |
contentItemRenderer — Property, class lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator | |
The item renderer associated with the content or content area of the EmbossedNavigator. | |
contentItemRendererComponent — Property, class lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator | |
A UIComponent object that represents the right side of Workspace used for rendering an item for display. | |
contentItems — Property, class spark.skins.SparkSkin | |
Names of items that should have their color property defined by the contentBackgroundColor style. | |
contentItems — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseDropDownListSkin | |
Names of items that should have their color property defined by the contentBackgroundColor style. | |
contentItems — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseSplitActionSkin | |
Names of items that should have their color property defined by the contentBackgroundColor style. | |
CONTENT_JUSTIFY — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalAlign | |
Content justify the children with respect to the container. | |
CONTENT_JUSTIFY — Constant Static Property, class spark.layouts.VerticalAlign | |
Content justify the children with respect to the container. | |
contentLibrary — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the content library A skin part that defines the content library | |
contentLibrary — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the ContentLibrary. Items are added from the Content Library to the List by any of the following actions: 1. Select an item in the Content Library and click the Insert button. 2. Double click an item in the Content Library. 3. Drag an item from the Content Library and drop it in the list. Visual feedback (TBD) provides indication where an item will be dropped in the condition. A skin part that defines the ContentLibrary. | |
contentLibrary — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the ContentLibrary. Items are added from the Content Library to the Condition by any of the following actions: 1. Select an item in the Content Library and click the Insert button. 2. Double click an item in the Content Library. 3. Drag an item from the Content Library and drop it in the list. Visual feedback (TBD) provides indication where an item will be dropped in the condition. A skin part that defines the ContentLibrary. | |
contentLibrary — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part which defines the Content Library. A skin part which defines the Content Library. | |
ContentLibrary — class, package | |
The component that facilitates the listing and searching of the contents. | |
ContentLibrary() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
ContentLibraryContainer — class, package | |
Create Correspondence ContentLibrary container. | |
ContentLibraryContainer() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
ContentLinkageAssignmentEditor — class, package | |
The linkage editor to link the data element of Letter Editor to the content of the Content Library. | |
ContentLinkageAssignmentEditor() — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
contentLinkageEditor — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines ContentLinkageAssignmentEditor component A skin part that defines ContentLinkageAssignmentEditor component | |
contentList — Property, interface com.adobe.mosaic.skinning.IMosaicContainer | |
The list of components managed by this container as a SelectableList. | |
contentLoader — Property, class spark.components.Image | |
Optional custom image loader (e.g. | |
contentLoader — Property, class spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Optional custom image loader (e.g. | |
contentLoaderGrouping — Property, class spark.components.Image | |
Optional content grouping identifier to pass to the an associated IContentLoader instance's load() method. | |
contentLoaderGrouping — Property, class spark.primitives.BitmapImage | |
Optional content grouping identifier to pass to the an associated IContentLoader instance's load() method. | |
contentLoaderInfo — Property, class fl.display.ProLoader | |
Returns a ProLoaderInfo object corresponding to the object being loaded. | |
contentLoaderInfo — Property, class flash.display.Loader | |
Returns a LoaderInfo object corresponding to the object being loaded. | |
contentMimeType — Property, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.preview.IAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Mime type of the asset content | |
contentMimeType — Property, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.grid.hover.BaseAssetPreviewRenderer | |
Mime type of the content of asset | |
contentMimeType — Property, class | |
Mime type of the asset content | |
contentMimeType — Property, class | |
Mime type of the asset content | |
contentMimeType — Property, class | |
Mime type of the asset content | |
contentMimeType — Property, class | |
Mime type of the asset content | |
contentMimeType — Property, class | |
Mime type of the asset content | |
contentMimeType — Property, class | |
Mime type of the asset content | |
contentMimeType — Property, class | |
Mime type of the asset content | |
contentMouseX — Property, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Returns the x position of the mouse, in the content coordinate system. | |
contentMouseX — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
Returns the x position of the mouse, in the content coordinate system. | |
contentMouseX — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the x position of the mouse, in the content coordinate system. | |
contentMouseY — Property, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Returns the y position of the mouse, in the content coordinate system. | |
contentMouseY — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
Returns the y position of the mouse, in the content coordinate system. | |
contentMouseY — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns the y position of the mouse, in the content coordinate system. | |
contentNameDisplay — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines content name A skin part that defines content name | |
contentPadding — Style, class fl.containers.BaseScrollPane | |
Padding between the content (the component and scroll bar), and the outside edge of the background, in pixels. | |
contentPadding — Style, class fl.containers.ScrollPane | |
The amount of padding to put around the content in the scroll pane, in pixels. | |
contentPadding — Style, class fl.controls.SelectableList | |
The padding that separates the border of the list from its contents, in pixels. | |
contentPadding — Style, class fl.controls.ComboBox | |
Padding between the content (the component and scroll bar), and the outside edge of the background, in pixels. | |
contentPanel — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the content panel of letter A skin part that defines the content panel of letter | |
ContentRequest — class, package spark.core | |
Represents an IContentLoader content request instance returned from IContentLoader's load() method. | |
ContentRequest(contentLoader:spark.core:IContentLoader, content:any, shared:Boolean, complete:Boolean) — Constructor, class spark.core.ContentRequest | |
Constructor. | |
contents — Property, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ConditionModuleInstance | |
List of the contents associated with this Container instance. | |
contents — Property, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IContainerInstance | |
List of the contents associated with this Container instance. | |
contents — Property, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ListModuleInstance | |
List of the contents associated with this Container instance. | |
contents — Property, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.TargetInstance | |
List of the contents associated with this Container instance. | |
contents — Property, class spark.skins.spark.PanelSkin | |
Contains the vertical stack of titlebar content and controlbar. | |
contents — Property, class spark.skins.spark.TitleWindowSkin | |
Contains the vertical stack of title bar content and control bar. | |
contents — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterprisePanelSkin | |
Contains the vertical stack of titlebar content and controlbar. | |
ContentSearchManager — class, package com.adobe.icc.editors.managers | |
The ContentSearchManager lets you search for content in the system by name. | |
ContentServiceProvider — class, package | |
Service Provider to get all Services in LCC | |
contentStreamPath — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.content.File | |
TempPath when content is temporarily uploaded. | |
contentToGlobal(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Converts a Point object from content coordinates to global coordinates. | |
contentToGlobal(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.core.Container | |
Converts a Point object from content coordinates to global coordinates. | |
contentToGlobal(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Converts a Point object from content coordinates to global coordinates. | |
contentToLocal(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Converts a Point object from content to local coordinates. | |
contentToLocal(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.core.Container | |
Converts a Point object from content to local coordinates. | |
contentToLocal(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Converts a Point object from content to local coordinates. | |
CONTENT_TRIGGERED — Constant Static Property, class | |
Indicates that ActionScript invoked the event. | |
contentType — Property, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.event.PluginNotInstalledEvent | |
Returns the contentType. | |
contentType — Property, class com.adobe.ep.ux.webdocumentviewer.domain.WebDocumentViewer | |
The MIME type of the document. | |
contentType — Property, class com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.Attachment | |
The MIME type of this attachment. | |
contentType — Property, class com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.Resource | |
Identifies the content type of the the current resource. | |
contentType — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.document.SupportingDocument | |
Specifies the content type of the supporting document. | |
contentType — Property, interface | |
The content type. | |
contentType — Property, interface | |
Gets the service library content type | |
contentType — Property, interface | |
The document content type. | |
contentType — Property, class | |
The document content type. | |
contentType — Property, class | |
Gets the document content type. | |
contentType — Property, class fl.display.ProLoaderInfo | |
The MIME type of the loaded file. | |
contentType — Property, class flash.display.LoaderInfo | |
The MIME type of the loaded file. | |
contentType — Property, class | |
The MIME content type of the content in the the data property. | |
contentType — Property, class | |
The MIME content type for the image encoding format that was used to capture this snapshot. | |
contentType — Property, interface | |
The MIME type for the image format that this encoder produces. | |
contentType — Property, class | |
The MIME type for the JPEG encoded image. | |
contentType — Property, class | |
The MIME type for the PNG encoded image. | |
contentType — Property, class mx.messaging.messages.HTTPRequestMessage | |
Indicates the content type of this message. | |
contentType — Property, class mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation | |
Type of content for service requests. | |
contentType — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService | |
Type of content for service requests. | |
contentType — Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Type of content for service requests. | |
contentType — Property, class mx.rpc.http.Operation | |
Type of content for service requests. | |
contentType — Property, class mx.rpc.livecycle.DocumentReference | |
String code for content type of document. | |
CONTENT_TYPE_FORM — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.HTTPRequestMessage | |
Indicates that the content of this message is a form. | |
CONTENT_TYPE_FORM — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Indicates that the data being sent by the HTTP service is encoded as application/x-www-form-urlencoded. | |
CONTENT_TYPE_SOAP_XML — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.HTTPRequestMessage | |
Indicates that the content of this message is XML meant for a SOAP request. | |
CONTENT_TYPE_XML — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.HTTPRequestMessage | |
Indicates that the content of this message is XML. | |
CONTENT_TYPE_XML — Constant Static Property, class mx.rpc.http.HTTPService | |
Indicates that the data being sent by the HTTP service is encoded as application/xml. | |
contentUri — Property, interface | |
The content URL. | |
contentUri — Property, interface | |
Gets the service library content uri | |
contentVariables — Property, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.BaseModuleInstance | |
The set of active variables for the module. | |
contentVariables — Property, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.IModuleInstance | |
The set of active variables for the module. | |
contentVariables — Property, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ImageModuleInstance | |
Bindable/Read-only. | |
contentVariables — Property, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.TargetInstance | |
Bindable/Read-only. | |
contentWidth — Property, class flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
The width, in pixels, of the HTML content. | |
contentWidth — Property, class mx.containers.Accordion | |
The width of the area, in pixels, in which content is displayed. | |
contentWidth — Property, class mx.containers.ViewStack | |
The width of the area, in pixels, in which content is displayed. | |
contentWidth — Property, class mx.controls.HTML | |
The width, in pixels, of the HTML content. | |
contentWidth — Property, class mx.controls.SWFLoader | |
Width of the scaled content loaded by the control, in pixels. | |
contentWidth — Property, class spark.components.RichEditableText | |
The width of the text. | |
contentWidth — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
The width of the viewport's contents. | |
contentWidth — Property, interface spark.core.IViewport | |
The width of the viewport's contents. | |
contentX — Property, class mx.containers.ViewStack | |
The x coordinate of the area of the ViewStack container in which content is displayed, in pixels. | |
contentY — Property, class mx.containers.ViewStack | |
The y coordinate of the area of the ViewStack container in which content is displayed, in pixels. | |
context — Property, class com.adobe.gravity.tracker.ServiceTracker | |
The bundle context for this tracker. | |
context — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Application | |
Returns the underlying IApplication's IContext. | |
context — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.mxml.Tile | |
The underlying ITile's IContext. | |
context — Property, interface | |
Returns the context interface for the application. | |
context — Property, interface | |
This property returns a reference to the workflow template that will be used by the work item. | |
context — Property, class | |
This property returns a reference to the workflow template that will be used by the work item. | |
context — Property, class spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
The string that describes the context in which the current view was created. | |
context — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ViewReturnObject | |
The context identifier passed to the popped view when it was pushed onto the navigation stack. | |
context3D — Property, class flash.display.Stage3D | |
The Context3D object associated with this Stage3D instance. | |
Context3D — final class, package flash.display3D | |
The Context3D class provides a context for rendering geometrically defined graphics. | |
Context3DBlendFactor — final class, package flash.display3D | |
Defines the values to use for specifying the source and destination blend factors. | |
Context3DClearMask — final class, package flash.display3D | |
The Context3DClearMask class defines the values for specifying which components of the Context3D buffer to clear. | |
Context3DCompareMode — final class, package flash.display3D | |
The Context3DCompareMode class defines the values for specifying 3D buffer comparisons in the setDepthTest() and setStencilAction() methods of a Context3D instance. | |
context3DCreate — Event, class flash.display.Stage3D | |
Dispatched when a rendering context is created. | |
CONTEXT3D_CREATE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The Event.CONTEXT3D_CREATE constant defines the value of the type property of a context3Dcreate event object. | |
Context3DProgramType — final class, package flash.display3D | |
The Context3DProgramType class defines the values for specifying whether a shader program is a fragment or a vertex program. | |
Context3DRenderMode — final class, package flash.display3D | |
The Context3DRenderMode class defines the values to use for specifying the Context3D render mode. | |
Context3DStencilAction — final class, package flash.display3D | |
Defines the values to use for specifying stencil actions. | |
Context3DTextureFormat — final class, package flash.display3D | |
The Context3DTextureFormat class defines the values to use for specifying a texture format. | |
Context3DTriangleFace — final class, package flash.display3D | |
The Context3DTriangleFace class defines constants for specifying the orientation of a triangle relative to the view point. | |
Context3DVertexBufferFormat — final class, package flash.display3D | |
The Context3DVertexBufferFormat class defines the values to use for specifying the data type of a vertex attribute. | |
contextColor — Property, class mx.charts.HitData | |
An RGB value that can be used to associate an on-screen representation of the associated chartItem. | |
ContextData — class, package com.adobe.icc.vo.render | |
A value object that encapsulates runtime and instance data for correspondence. | |
ContextData() — Constructor, class com.adobe.icc.vo.render.ContextData | |
Constructor | |
contextMenu — Event, class flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Dispatched when a user gesture triggers the context menu associated with this interactive object in an AIR application. | |
contextMenu — Property, class flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Specifies the context menu associated with this object. | |
ContextMenu — final class, package flash.ui | |
The ContextMenu class provides control over the items displayed in context menus. | |
ContextMenu() — Constructor, class flash.ui.ContextMenu | |
Creates a ContextMenu object. | |
CONTEXT_MENU — Constant Static Property, class | |
The MouseEvent.CONTEXT_MENU constant defines the value of the type property of a contextMenu event object. | |
ContextMenuBuiltInItems — final class, package flash.ui | |
The ContextMenuBuiltInItems class describes the items that are built in to a context menu. | |
ContextMenuBuiltInItems() — Constructor, class flash.ui.ContextMenuBuiltInItems | |
Creates a new ContextMenuBuiltInItems object so that you can set the properties for Flash Player to display or hide each menu item. | |
ContextMenuClipboardItems — final class, package flash.ui | |
The ContextMenuClipboardItems class lets you enable or disable the commands in the clipboard context menu. | |
ContextMenuClipboardItems() — Constructor, class flash.ui.ContextMenuClipboardItems | |
Creates a new ContextMenuClipboardItems object. | |
ContextMenuEvent — class, package | |
An InteractiveObject dispatches a ContextMenuEvent object when the user opens or interacts with the context menu. | |
ContextMenuEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, mouseTarget:flash.display:InteractiveObject, contextMenuOwner:flash.display:InteractiveObject) — Constructor, class | |
Creates an Event object that contains specific information about menu events. | |
ContextMenuItem — final class, package flash.ui | |
The ContextMenuItem class represents an item in the context menu. | |
ContextMenuItem(caption:String, separatorBefore:Boolean, enabled:Boolean, visible:Boolean) — Constructor, class flash.ui.ContextMenuItem | |
Creates a new ContextMenuItem object that can be added to the ContextMenu.customItems array. | |
contextMenuOwner — Property, class | |
The display list object to which the menu is attached. | |
ContextualClassFactory — class, package mx.core | |
A class factory that provides a system manager as a context of where the class should be created. | |
ContextualClassFactory(generator:Class, moduleFactory:mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory) — Constructor, class mx.core.ContextualClassFactory | |
Constructor. | |
contextUrl — Property, class | |
Fetches the in-context URL: combination of {baseurl}/{pscmContext} that will never end with a slash. | |
continue — Statement | |
Jumps past all remaining statements in the innermost loop and starts the next iteration of the loop as if control had passed through to the end of the loop normally. | |
continueTo(finish:Number, duration:Number) — method, class fl.transitions.Tween | |
Instructs the tweened animation to continue tweening from its current animation point to a new finish and duration point. | |
contrast — Property, class fl.motion.AdjustColor | |
Sets the contrast of the AdjustColor filter. | |
CONTROL — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard | |
Constant associated with the key code value for the Control key (17). | |
controlBar — Skin Part, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
The IAXMRichTextEditorControlBar to be used as the control bar area in this component The IAXMRichTextEditorControlBar to be used as the control bar area in this component | |
controlBar — Property, class mx.containers.Panel | |
A reference to this Panel container's control bar, if any. | |
controlBar — Property, class mx.core.Application | |
The ApplicationControlBar for this Application. | |
controlBar — Property, class mx.core.Window | |
The ApplicationControlBar for this Window. | |
ControlBar — class, package mx.containers | |
The ControlBar container lets you place controls at the bottom of a Halo Panel or Halo TitleWindow container. | |
ControlBar() — Constructor, class mx.containers.ControlBar | |
Constructor. | |
controlBarContent — Property, class spark.components.Application | |
The set of components to include in the control bar area of the Application container. | |
controlBarContent — Property, class spark.components.Panel | |
The set of components to include in the control bar area of the Panel container. | |
controlBarGroup — Skin Part, class spark.components.Application | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the control bar area of the container. By default, the ApplicationSkin class defines the control bar area to appear at the top of the content area of the Application container with a grey background. The skin part that defines the appearance of the control bar area of the container. | |
controlBarGroup — Skin Part, class spark.components.Panel | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the control bar area of the container. By default, the PanelSkin class defines the control bar area to appear at the bottom of the content area of the Panel container with a grey background. The skin part that defines the appearance of the control bar area of the container. | |
controlBarGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.ApplicationSkin | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the control bar area of the container. | |
controlBarGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.PanelSkin | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the control bar area of the container. | |
controlBarGroup — Property, class spark.skins.spark.TitleWindowSkin | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the control bar area of the container. | |
controlBarGroup — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.ApplicationSkin | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the control bar area of the container. | |
controlBarGroup — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.PanelSkin | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the control bar area of the container. | |
controlBarGroup — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.TitleWindowSkin | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the control bar area of the container. | |
controlBarGroup — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterprisePanelSkin | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the control bar area of the container. | |
controlBarGroup — Property, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseTitleWindowSkin | |
The skin part that defines the appearance of the control bar area of the container. | |
controlBarLayout — Property, class spark.components.Application | |
Defines the layout of the control bar area of the container. | |
controlBarLayout — Property, class spark.components.Panel | |
Defines the layout of the control bar area of the container. | |
controlBarPart — Skin Part, class | |
ControlBarSkin — class, package mx.skins.wireframe | |
The wireframe skin class for the MX Panel component's border. | |
ControlBarSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.wireframe.ControlBarSkin | |
Constructor. | |
controlBarStyleName — Style, class mx.containers.Panel | |
Name of the CSS style declaration that specifies styles to apply to any control bar child subcontrol. | |
controlBarVisible — Property, class spark.components.Application | |
If true, the control bar is visible. | |
controlBarVisible — Property, class spark.components.Panel | |
If true, the control bar is visible. | |
ControlButtonAssetActionRenderer — class, package com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers | |
Renderer for the control to be shown in the toolbar | |
ControlButtonAssetActionRenderer() — Constructor, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers.ControlButtonAssetActionRenderer | |
Constructor | |
ControlImageAssetActionRenderer — class, package com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers | |
Image renderer for the action in the toolbar | |
ControlImageAssetActionRenderer() — Constructor, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.toolbar.controlRenderers.ControlImageAssetActionRenderer | |
Constructor | |
controlKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the Control key is activated on Mac and whether the Ctrl key is activated on Windows or Linux. | |
controlKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the Control key is active (true) or inactive (false). | |
controlKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the Control key is activated on Mac and whether the Ctrl key is activated on Windows or Linux. | |
controlKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the Control key is activated on Mac and whether the Ctrl key is activated on Windows or Linux. | |
controller — Property, class com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.Attachment | |
Contains a reference to a controller element using an XML id. | |
controller — Property, class com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.Resource | |
Contains a reference to a controller element using an XML id. | |
controller — Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine | |
The controller (ContainerController object) for the container in which the line has been placed. | |
controller — Property, class | |
The controller of the container being updated | |
Controller — class, package com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model | |
This class represents a generic "controller" which is a child of the <controllers> element in the package definition. | |
Controller() — Constructor, class com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.Controller | |
Constructor. | |
controllers — Property, class com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model.PackageDefinition | |
A list that contains all of <controllers> entries in the package definition, wrapped in Controller objects. | |
controlVariables — Property, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.ConditionModuleInstance | |
Bindable/Read-only. | |
contVars — Property, class | |
The list of data elements in the letter content. | |
contVars — Property, class | |
The list of data elements in the TargetArea content. | |
conversion — Property, class mx.controls.ProgressBar | |
Number used to convert incoming current bytes loaded value and the total bytes loaded values. | |
ConversionFunc — class, package com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib | |
The ConversionFunc class defines the implementations of the expression runtime functions for conversion in the Adobe application modeling language. | |
conversionMode — Static Property, class flash.system.IME | |
The conversion mode of the current IME. | |
ConversionType — final class, package flashx.textLayout.conversion | |
Values for the format of exported text. | |
converted — Property, class flash.text.ime.CompositionAttributeRange | |
A property defining the current clause has been processed by the IME and the clause is waiting to be accepted or confirmed by the user. | |
ConverterBase — class, package flashx.textLayout.conversion | |
This is a base class for importers as well as exporters. | |
convertHSBtoRGB(hue:Number, saturation:Number, brightness:Number) — Static Method , class mx.utils.HSBColor | |
Converts an HSB color specified by the parameters to a uint RGB color. | |
convertMatrixToMatrix3D(mat2D:flash.geom:Matrix) — Static Method , class fl.motion.Animator3D | |
convertParametersHandler — Property, class | |
An optional function, primarily intended for framework developers who need to install a function to get called with the parameters passed to each remote object invocation. | |
convertParametersHandler — Property, class mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject | |
An optional function, primarily intended for framework developers who need to install a function to get called with the parameters passed to each remote object invocation. | |
convertParametersHandler — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService | |
An optional function, primarily intended for framework developers who need to install a function to get called with the parameters passed to each webservice operation invocation. | |
convertPeerIDToGroupAddress(peerID:String) — method, class | |
Converts a peerID to a group address suitable for use with the sendToNearest() method. | |
convertResultHandler — Property, class | |
An optional function, primarily intended for framework developers who need to install a hook to process the results of an operation before notifying the result handlers. | |
convertResultHandler — Property, class mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject | |
An optional function, primarily intended for framework developers who need to install a hook to process the results of an operation before notifying the result handlers. | |
convertResultHandler — Property, class mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService | |
An optional function, primarily intended for framework developers who need to install a hook to process the results of an operation before notifying the result handlers. | |
convertResultInEvent( — method, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Image | |
This is the overriden function of the default implementation is BasicService. | |
convertResultInEvent( — method, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Ldap | |
This is the overriden function of the default implementation is BasicService. | |
convertResultInEvent( — method, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
This is the overriden function of the default implementation is BasicService. | |
convertResultInEvent( — method, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Pop | |
This is the overriden function of the default implementation is BasicService. | |
convertResults — Property, class | |
Turns on/off conversion of result element types. | |
convertRGBtoHSB(rgb:uint) — Static Method , class mx.utils.HSBColor | |
Converts a color from RGB format into an HSBColor. | |
ConvolutionFilter — class, package flash.filters | |
The ConvolutionFilter class applies a matrix convolution filter effect. | |
ConvolutionFilter — class, package spark.filters | |
The ConvolutionFilter class applies a matrix convolution filter effect. | |
ConvolutionFilter(matrixX:Number, matrixY:Number, matrix:Array, divisor:Number, bias:Number, preserveAlpha:Boolean, clamp:Boolean, color:uint, alpha:Number) — Constructor, class flash.filters.ConvolutionFilter | |
Initializes a ConvolutionFilter instance with the specified parameters. | |
ConvolutionFilter(matrixX:Number, matrixY:Number, matrix:Array, divisor:Number, bias:Number, preserveAlpha:Boolean, clamp:Boolean, color:uint, alpha:Number) — Constructor, class spark.filters.ConvolutionFilter | |
Constructor. | |
copies — Property, class flash.printing.PrintJob | |
The number of copies that the print system prints of any pages subsequently added to the print job. | |
copy() — method, class XML | |
Returns a copy of the given XML object. | |
copy() — method, class XMLList | |
Returns a copy of the given XMLList object. | |
copy() — method, class com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel | |
Returns a copy of the data elemnt model object. | |
copy() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionAssignmentModel | |
Creates a copy of ConditionAssignmentModel currently being used | |
copy() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
Creates a copy of the domain object. | |
copy() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FragmentLayoutModel | |
Creates a copy of the domain object. | |
copy() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ImageModel | |
Creates a copy of the domain object. | |
copy() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LayoutModel | |
Creates a copy of the domain object. | |
copy() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
Creates a copy of the domain object. | |
copy() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
Creates a copy of the domain object. | |
copy() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TextModel | |
Creates a copy of the domain object. | |
copy() — method, class flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Invokes an internal copy command on the focused display object. | |
copy — Event, class flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Dispatched when the user activates the platform-specific accelerator key combination for a copy operation or selects 'Copy' from the text context menu. | |
copy — Property, class flash.ui.ContextMenuClipboardItems | |
Enables or disables the 'Copy' item on the clipboard menu. | |
copy(values:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITabStopFormat) — method, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TabStopFormat | |
Copies TabStopFormat settings from the values ITabStopFormat instance into this TabStopFormat object. | |
copy(incoming:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — method, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Copies TextLayoutFormat settings from the values ITextLayoutFormat instance into this TextLayoutFormat object. | |
copy() — method, class mx.collections.XMLListCollection | |
Returns a deep copy of the XMLList object. | |
copy(value:Object) — Static Method , class mx.utils.ObjectUtil | |
Copies the specified Object and returns a reference to the copy. | |
Copy — Skin State, class | |
Copy state of the AssetPropertiesEditor | |
Copy — Skin State, class | |
Copy state of the CategoryEditor | |
COPY — Constant Static Property, class flash.desktop.NativeDragActions | |
Defines the string to use for the copy action. | |
COPY — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a copy event object. | |
COPY — Constant Static Property, class mx.managers.DragManager | |
Constant that specifies that the type of drag action is "copy". | |
copyChannel(sourceBitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData, sourceRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, destPoint:flash.geom:Point, sourceChannel:uint, destChannel:uint) — method, class flash.display.BitmapData | |
Transfers data from one channel of another BitmapData object or the current BitmapData object into a channel of the current BitmapData object. | |
copyColumnFrom(column:uint, vector3D:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix | |
Copies a Vector3D object into specific column of the calling Matrix3D object. | |
copyColumnFrom(column:uint, vector3D:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Copies a Vector3D object into specific column of the calling Matrix3D object. | |
copyColumnTo(column:uint, vector3D:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix | |
Copies specific column of the calling Matrix object into the Vector3D object. | |
copyColumnTo(column:uint, vector3D:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Copies specific column of the calling Matrix3D object into the Vector3D object. | |
copyCondition() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Copy. | |
copyContent — Property, class coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
Permissions assigned for copying content from the PDF document. | |
copyCursor — Style, class mx.managers.DragManager | |
Cursor displayed during a copy operation. | |
copyDataModule(srcModuleId:String, newModule:com.adobe.icc.vo:DataModule) — method, interface | |
DESCRIPTION NEEDS REFINING! Duplicate a DataModule. | |
copyEnabled — Property, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.RepeaterLayoutHost | |
Whether or not the copy button is enabled. | |
copyForm(oldFormID:String, — method, interface | |
Creates a copy of an existing form. | |
copyFragmentLayout() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Copy. | |
copyFragmentLayout(oldFragmentLayoutID:String, newFragmentLayout:com.adobe.icc.vo:FragmentLayout) — method, interface | |
Creates a copy of an existing fragmentLayout. | |
copyFrom — Property, class coldfusion.service.mxml.Pdf | |
Pathname of the PDF document from which to use the first page as a watermark. | |
copyFrom(sourceGraphics:flash.display:Graphics) — method, class flash.display.Graphics | |
Copies all of drawing commands from the source Graphics object into the calling Graphics object. | |
copyFrom(sourceMatrix:flash.geom:Matrix) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix | |
Copies all of the matrix data from the source Point object into the calling Matrix object. | |
copyFrom(sourceMatrix3D:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Copies all of the matrix data from the source Matrix3D object into the calling Matrix3D object. | |
copyFrom(sourcePoint:flash.geom:Point) — method, class flash.geom.Point | |
Copies all of the point data from the source Point object into the calling Point object. | |
copyFrom(sourceRect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class flash.geom.Rectangle | |
Copies all of rectangle data from the source Rectangle object into the calling Rectangle object. | |
copyFrom(sourceVector3D:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Copies all of vector data from the source Vector3D object into the calling Vector3D object. | |
copyImage() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Copy. | |
copyItemWithUID(item:Object) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Makes a deep copy of the object by calling the ObjectUtil.copy() method, and replaces the copy's uid property (if present) with a new value by calling the UIDUtil.createUID() method. | |
copyItemWithUID(item:Object) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Makes a deep copy of the object by calling the ObjectUtil.copy() method, and replaces the copy's uid property (if present) with a new value by calling the UIDUtil.createUID() method. | |
copyItemWithUID(item:Object) — method, class spark.components.List | |
Makes a deep copy of the object by calling the ObjectUtil.copy() method, and replaces the copy's uid property (if present) with a new value by calling the UIDUtil.createUID() method. | |
copyLayout() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Copy. | |
copyLetter() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Copy. | |
copyLetter(oldLetterID:String, — method, interface | |
Creates a copy of an existing letter. | |
copyList() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Copy. | |
CopyOperation — class, package flashx.textLayout.operations | |
The CopyOperation class encapsulates a copy operation. | |
CopyOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.operations.CopyOperation | |
Creates a CopyOperation object. | |
copyPage() — method, class ga.model.PanelManager | |
If the panel is allowed to repeat, this method creates a copy of a panel and adds it after the current panel. | |
copyPanelButton — Skin Part, class com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.StandardWrapperHost | |
The copy panel button skin part. The copy panel button skin part. | |
CopyPanelButton — class, package ga.controls | |
The CopyPanelButton class defines the Copy Panel Button component, which creates a new instance of a repeating panel from the current instance of the panel. | |
copyPixels(sourceBitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData, sourceRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, destPoint:flash.geom:Point, alphaBitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData, alphaPoint:flash.geom:Point, mergeAlpha:Boolean) — method, class flash.display.BitmapData | |
Provides a fast routine to perform pixel manipulation between images with no stretching, rotation, or color effects. | |
copyRawDataFrom(vector:Vector$Number, index:uint, transpose:Boolean) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Copies all of the vector data from the source vector object into the calling Matrix3D object. | |
copyRawDataTo(vector:Vector$Number, index:uint, transpose:Boolean) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Copies all of the matrix data from the calling Matrix3D object into the provided vector. | |
copyright — Property, interface | |
Returns the copyright for the Experience Server. | |
copyRowFrom(row:uint, vector3D:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix | |
Copies a Vector3D object into specific row of the calling Matrix object. | |
copyRowFrom(row:uint, vector3D:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Copies a Vector3D object into specific row of the calling Matrix3D object. | |
copyRowTo(row:uint, vector3D:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix | |
Copies specific row of the calling Matrix object into the Vector3D object. | |
copyRowTo(row:uint, vector3D:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
Copies specific row of the calling Matrix3D object into the Vector3D object. | |
copySection() — method, class ga.model.PanelManager | |
If the section is repeatable, this method copies a new section after the current section. | |
copySelectedItems(useDataField:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Makes a copy of the selected items in the order they were selected. | |
copySelectedItems(useDataField:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Copies the selected items in the order that they were selected. | |
copyText() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Copy. | |
copyTo(, overwrite:Boolean) — method, class flash.filesystem.File | |
Copies the file or directory at the location specified by this File object to the location specified by the newLocation parameter. | |
copyToAsync(, overwrite:Boolean) — method, class flash.filesystem.File | |
Begins copying the file or directory at the location specified by this File object to the location specified by the destination parameter. | |
copyToMatrix3D(dest:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix3D | |
coreStyles — Property, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Returns the coreStyles on this ContainerController. | |
coreStyles — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement | |
Returns the coreStyles on this FlowElement. | |
coreStyles — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Returns the coreStyles on this TextLayoutFormat. | |
cornerRadius — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutFirstButtonSkin | |
The raidus of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutLastButtonSkin | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutMiddleButtonSkin | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutNewTabButtonSkin | |
??? | |
cornerRadius — Property, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.tabLayout.skins.TabLayoutOptionMenuButtonSkin | |
The number of pixels in the radius to round the corner of the button. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Radius of component corners. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.containers.Panel | |
Radius of corners of the window frame. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar | |
Radius of component corners. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.controls.Button | |
Radius of component corners. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.controls.MenuBar | |
Radius of component corners. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.controls.ToolTip | |
Radius of component corners. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.controls.TextInput | |
Radius of component corners. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.controls.ComboBox | |
Radius of component corners. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Radius of component corners. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.controls.NumericStepper | |
Radius of component corners. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser | |
Radius of corners of the component. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.controls.LinkButton | |
Corner radius of the highlighted rectangle around a LinkButton. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Radius of component corners. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class mx.core.Container | |
Radius of component corners. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBase | |
The radius of the corners of this component. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class spark.components.supportClasses.DropDownListBase | |
The radius of the corners for this component. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class spark.components.BorderContainer | |
Radius of the curved corners of the border. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class spark.components.Spinner | |
The radius of the corners of this component. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class spark.components.TabBar | |
Defines the radius of the TabBar buttons' top-left and top-right corners for the default TabBarButton skin. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class spark.components.Panel | |
The radius of the corners for this component. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseNumericStepperSkin | |
cornerRadius — Style, class | |
The radius of the corners for this component. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButton | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMPopUp | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMToggleButton | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBar | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMVScrollBar | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMLightItemRenderer | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMDropDownList | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSwitch | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMProgressBar | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMCheckBox | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMComboBox | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTabBarButton | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMSplitActionButton | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMBreadCrumb | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMTitleWindow | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMButtonBarButton | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHScrollBar | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMHeaderBar | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMList | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Style, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMScroller | |
The radius of the corner. | |
cornerRadius — Property, class mx.geom.RoundedRectangle | |
The radius of each corner (in pixels). | |
cornerRadius — Property, class | |
Radius of the border corners. | |
cornerRadius — Property, class | |
Size of corner radii of button borders. | |
cornerRadius — Property, class | |
Corner radius for the Rect around a ToolTip. | |
correlation — Property, class | |
The original Message correlated with this acknowledgement. | |
correlationId — Property, class mx.messaging.messages.AsyncMessage | |
Provides access to the correlation id of the message. | |
cos(angleRadians:Number) — Static Method , class Math | |
Computes and returns the cosine of the specified angle in radians. | |
count(collection:mx.collections:ArrayCollection) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.CollectionFunc | |
Returns the number of elements (the size) of a collection. | |
count — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.InstanceCache | |
The number of items currently required in the cache. | |
count — Property, interface mx.core.IRepeater | |
The number of times this Repeater should execute. | |
count — Property, class mx.core.Repeater | |
The number of times this Repeater should execute. | |
count(... rest) — method, class | |
Calls a count method on the remote destination. | |
CountAggregator — class, package mx.olap.aggregators | |
The CountAggregator class implements the count aggregator. | |
counterIncrement — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.IListMarkerFormat | |
Controls incrementing the value of the counter. | |
counterIncrement — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListMarkerFormat | |
Controls incrementing the value of the counter. | |
counterReset — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.formats.IListMarkerFormat | |
Controls resetting the value of the counter. | |
counterReset — Property, class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListMarkerFormat | |
Controls resetting the value of the counter. | |
countOperation — Property, class | |
Name of an operation on the service taking the same parameters as this operation which returns the number of items in the query. | |
COUNT_OPERATION — Constant Static Property, class | |
This operation requests that a configured <count-method> be invoked on a remote destination. | |
country — Property, class mx.resources.Locale | |
The country code of this Locale instance. | |
countryName — Property, class | |
Returns the DN CountryName attribute. | |
cover — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.Portfolio | |
The Document reference to use as the cover page of the portfolio. | |
COVER — Constant Static Property, class spark.transitions.SlideViewTransitionMode | |
The new view slides in to cover the previous view. | |
CPU — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.NativeWindowRenderMode | |
A cpu mode window. | |
cpuArchitecture — Static Property, class flash.system.Capabilities | |
Specifies the current CPU architecture. | |
CQ_AUTO — Constant Static Property, class | |
Specifies to check for simple dependencies between any outstanding batches and the next batch to commit. | |
CQ_NOWAIT — Constant Static Property, class | |
Specifies to send the second batch immediately, not checking for dependencies. | |
CQ_ONE_AT_A_TIME — Constant Static Property, class | |
Specifies to wait for a previous batch to complete before committing a new batch. | |
create(mimeType:String, fileData:flash.utils:ByteArray) — Static Method , class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.preview.PreviewUIControlFactory | |
If mimeType has image return DefaultImagePreviewUIControl else if mimeType has text return DefaultTextPreviewUIControl. | |
create(propDesc:com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset:AssetPropertyDescriptor, basicSearch:Boolean, assetTypeDescriptor:com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset:AssetTypeDescriptor) — Static Method , class | |
If propDesc.optionList is not null then return ComboBoxSearchRenderer else return the search renderers based on property desriptor searchRenderer or propertyType. | |
create(parent:flash.system:ApplicationDomain, name:String) — method, interface com.adobe.gravity.framework.IApplicationDomainManager | |
Create an ApplicationDomain with the given parent. | |
create(dataInstance:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IDataInstance) — Static Method , class | |
Creates an individual data capture form item renderer based on the dataType. | |
create(... rest) — method, interface mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory | |
A factory method that requests an instance of a definition known to the module. | |
create(... rest) — method, class mx.managers.SystemManager | |
A factory method that requests an instance of a definition known to the module. | |
create(... rest) — method, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
This method is overridden in the autogenerated subclass. | |
create( — method, class | |
Begins the process of creating a new NetConnection and establishing the connection. | |
Create — Skin State, class | |
Create state of the AssetPropertiesEditor | |
Create — Skin State, class | |
Create state of the CategoryEditor | |
CREATE — Constant Static Property, class | |
Indicates that the connection is opened for updates, and a database file is created if the specified file doesn't exist. | |
createActionBarEffect() — method, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
Called by the default prepareForPlay() implementation, this method is responsible for creating the Spark effect played on the action bar when the transition starts. | |
createActionBarHideEffect() — method, class spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
Creates the effect to play when the ActionBar control is hidden. | |
createActionBarShowEffect() — method, class spark.components.ViewNavigator | |
Creates the effect to play when the ActionBar control appears. | |
CREATE_AND_SEQUENCE_OPERATION — Constant Static Property, class | |
This operation requests a create of the specified item from a remote destination. | |
createApprover( — method, class | |
Creates an instance of approver domain object based on approver value object. | |
createApprover( — method, interface | |
Creates an instance of approver domain object based on approver value object. | |
createApprover( — Static Method , class | |
Creates an instance of approver domain object based on approver value object. | |
createAsset(, — method, class | |
This method creates an instance of the asset domain object. | |
createAsset(, — Static Method , class | |
This method creates an instance of the asset domain object. | |
createAsset(, — method, interface | |
This method creates an instance of the asset domain object. | |
createAssetBtn — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the create new asset drop down list A skin part that defines the create new asset drop down list | |
createAssetBtn — Skin Part, class | |
A skin part that defines the create new Asset drop down list A skin part that defines the create new Asset drop down list | |
createAssetMenuDataProvider — Property, class | |
The Array containing all the asset names shown in the Create New asset dropdown. | |
createAssetMenuDataProvider — Property, class | |
The Array containing all the asset names shown in the Create New asset dropdown. | |
createAuditManager() — method, class | |
Returns an instance of audit manager domain object. | |
createAuditManager() — method, interface | |
Returns an instance of audit manager domain object. | |
createAuditManager() — Static Method , class | |
Returns an instance of audit manager domain object. | |
createAuthor( — method, class | |
Creates an instance of author domain object based on author value object. | |
createAuthor( — method, interface | |
Creates an instance of author domain object based on author value object. | |
createAuthor( — Static Method , class | |
Creates an instance of author domain object based on author value object. | |
createAutomationIDPart(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within this container. | |
createAutomationIDPart(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, class mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
createAutomationIDPart(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within this container. | |
createAutomationIDPart(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within this container. | |
createAutomationIDPart(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within this container. | |
createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, properties:Array) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject | |
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within this container. | |
createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, properties:Array) — method, class mx.automation.delegates.advancedDataGrid.AdvancedListBaseAutomationImpl | |
createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, properties:Array) — method, class mx.automation.delegates.charts.ChartBaseAutomationImpl | |
createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, properties:Array) — method, class mx.automation.delegates.containers.FormItemAutomationImpl | |
createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, properties:Array) — method, class mx.automation.delegates.controls.FlexNativeMenuAutomationImpl | |
createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, properties:Array) — method, class mx.automation.delegates.core.UIFTETextFieldAutomationImpl | |
createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, properties:Array) — method, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu | |
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within this container. | |
createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, properties:Array) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within this container. | |
createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, properties:Array) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Returns a set of properties that identify the child within this container. | |
createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties(child:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, properties:Array) — method, class spark.automation.delegates.components.SparkFormItemAutomationImpl | |
createBatch(itemsOrCollection:Array, cascadeCommit:Boolean, properties:Object) — method, class | |
Takes any changes specified by this operation, creates a new MessageBatch and puts that batch into the uncommittedBatches list. | |
createBlankPanel( — method, interface | |
Creates a new blank panel in the application. | |
createBlankView( — method, interface | |
Creates a new blank view in the application. | |
createBlankViewManager( — method, interface | |
Creates a new blank viewManager in the application. | |
createBorder() — method, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Creates the container's border skin if it is needed and does not already exist. | |
createBorder() — method, class mx.controls.TextInput | |
Creates the border for this component. | |
createBorder() — method, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Creates the border for this component. | |
createBorder() — method, class mx.core.Container | |
Creates the container's border skin if it is needed and does not already exist. | |
createBorder() — method, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Creates the border for this component. | |
createBox(scaleX:Number, scaleY:Number, rotation:Number, tx:Number, ty:Number) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix | |
Includes parameters for scaling, rotation, and translation. | |
createBulletedListButton — Skin Part, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
createCategory() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. | |
createCategory(name:String, type:uint) — method, interface | |
Create a new category. | |
createChildren() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.ScrollableArrowMenu | |
We override createChildren so we can instantiate our up and down buttons and add them as children. | |
createChildren() — method, class lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedList | |
Creates objects that are children of this ListBase; in this case, the listContent object that will hold all the item renderers. | |
createChildren() — method, class lc.procmgmt.ui.controls.EmbossedNavigator | |
Create child objects of the component. | |
createChildren() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartLabel | |
Create child objects of the component. | |
createChildren() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTip | |
Create child objects of the component. | |
createChildren() — method, class mx.charts.series.BarSeries | |
Create child objects of the component. | |
createChildren() — method, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries | |
Create child objects of the component. | |
createChildren() — method, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries | |
createChildren() — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader | |
Create child objects of the component. | |
createChildren() — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase | |
Create objects that are children of this ListBase, in this case the listContent object that will hold all the item renderers. | |
createChildren() — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Creates objects that are children of this ListBase; in this case, the listContent object that will hold all the item renderers. | |
createChildren() — method, class mx.core.ScrollControlBase | |
Creates objects that are children of this ScrollControlBase, which in this case are the border and mask. | |
createChildren() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Create child objects of the component. | |
createChildren() — method, class mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar | |
Creates the subcomponents of the display. | |
createChildren() — method, class mx.preloaders.SparkDownloadProgressBar | |
Creates the subcomponents of the display. | |
createChildren() — method, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Create content children, if the creationPolicy property is not equal to none. | |
createChildren() — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase | |
createChildren() — method, class | |
Create child objects of the component. | |
createChildren() — method, class xd.core.axm.enterprise.view.skins.AXMEnterpriseProgressSpinnerSkin | |
If the layout object has not been set yet, createChildren() assigns this container a default layout object, BasicLayout. | |
createColumnItemRenderer(c:mx.controls.dataGridClasses:DataGridColumn, forHeader:Boolean, data:Object) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridBase | |
Returns the item renderer for a column cell or for a column header. | |
createCommentManager() — method, class | |
Returns an instance of comment manager domain object. | |
createCommentManager() — method, interface | |
Returns an instance of comment manager domain object. | |
createCommentManager() — Static Method , class | |
Returns an instance of comment manager domain object. | |
createComponentFromDescriptor(descriptor:mx.core:ComponentDescriptor, recurse:Boolean) — method, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Given a single UIComponentDescriptor, create the corresponding component and add the component as a child of this container. | |
createComponentFromDescriptor(descriptor:mx.core:ComponentDescriptor, recurse:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.Container | |
Given a single UIComponentDescriptor, create the corresponding component and add the component as a child of this Container. | |
createComponentsFromDescriptors(recurse:Boolean) — method, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Iterate through the Array of childDescriptors, and call the createComponentFromDescriptor() method for each one. | |
createComponentsFromDescriptors(recurse:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.Container | |
Iterate through the Array of childDescriptors, and call the createComponentFromDescriptor() method for each one. | |
createCondition() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. | |
createConditionModuleInstance(, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, — method, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.DomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a condition module instance for the specified letter. | |
createConditionModuleInstance(, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, — method, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.IDomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a condition module instance for the specified letter. | |
createConsolidatedEffect() — method, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
Called by the default prepareForPlay() implementation, this method is responsible for creating the Spark effect played to transition the entire navigator, inclusive of the control bar content, when necessary. | |
createContextMenu() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController | |
Creates a context menu for the ContainerController. | |
createContextMenu() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Creates a ContextMenu for the TextContainerManager. | |
createCube(name:String) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPSchema | |
Creates an OLAP cube from the schema. | |
createCube(name:String) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPSchema | |
Creates an OLAP cube from the schema. | |
createCubeTexture(size:int, format:String, optimizeForRenderToTexture:Boolean) — method, class flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Creates a CubeTexture object. | |
createCursor() — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView | |
Returns a new instance of a view iterator over the items in this view. | |
createCursor() — method, interface mx.collections.ICollectionView | |
Creates a new IViewCursor that works with this view. | |
createCursor() — method, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView | |
Creates a new IViewCursor that works with this view. | |
created — Property, class coldfusion.service.PdfInfo | |
System-generated creation date of the PDF document. | |
created — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.content.File | |
Date when file is created. | |
created — Property, class | |
The time in UTC that this cached data was first created in the local store. | |
createdAt — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.participant.AbstractParticipant | |
Specifies the state of the review when this participant was added. | |
createdAt — Property, interface | |
The state of review when this participant was added | |
createdAt — Property, class | |
The state of review when this participant was added | |
createdAt — Property, class | |
This property is used to store the state of review when this participant was added. | |
createDataDictionary(dataDictionary:com.adobe.dct.transfer:DataDictionary, clientHandler:Function, errorHandler:Function) — method, interface com.adobe.dct.service.DataDictionaryRegistryService | |
Creates a data dictionary in a persistent store and returns the unique identifier of the stored data dictionary. | |
createDataDictionary() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. | |
CREATE_DATA_DICTIONARY — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.dct.event.DCTServiceEvent | |
The DCTServiceEvent.CREATE_DATA_DICTIONARY constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a createDataDictionary event. | |
createDataGroupContent() — method, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordionSegment | |
Sets up the item renderer and data provider. | |
createDataID(dataPointID:Number) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
Creates a unique id to represent the dataPoint for comparison purposes. | |
createDataModule(newModule:com.adobe.icc.vo:DataModule) — method, interface | |
Creats a new module and persists it. | |
createDate(year:int, month:int, day:int, hour:int, minute:int, second:int, millisecond:int) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc | |
Creates a date in the local timezone. | |
createDateItemList(datePart:String, itemIndex:int, itemCount:int) — method, class spark.components.DateSpinner | |
Create a list object for the specified date part. | |
createDateUTC(year:int, month:int, day:int, hour:int, minute:int, second:int, millisecond:int) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc | |
Creates a date in the UTC timezone. | |
CreatedAtType — class, package com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant | |
The CreatedAtType enumerator. | |
CreatedAtType — class, package | |
CreatedAtType Enum. | |
CreatedAtType() — Constructor, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.CreatedAtType | |
Provides values for the createdAt property of a participant. | |
CreatedAtType() — Constructor, class | |
The constructor for CreatedAtType class. | |
createdBy — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.content.File | |
The user ID of user who created file. | |
createdBy — Property, interface | |
Retrieves the <CreatedBy> element content from this XML node. | |
createdBy — Property, interface | |
Principal name for a user who created an entity. | |
createdBy — Property, interface | |
Principal name for a user who created an entity. | |
createdBy — Property, interface | |
Principal name for a user who created an entity. | |
createdBy — Property, class | |
Principal name for a user who created an entity. | |
createdBy — Property, class | |
Principal name for a user who created an entity. | |
createdBy — Property, class | |
Principal name for a user who created an entity. | |
createdBy — Property, class | |
Defines the createdBy filter. | |
_createdBy — Property, class | |
Principal name for a user who created an entity. | |
createdBy — Property, class | |
Principal name for a user who created an entity. | |
createdBy — Property, interface | |
Name of the user who created the template. | |
createdBy — Property, interface | |
Name of the person who created the document. | |
createdBy — Property, class | |
Name of the user who created the template. | |
createdBy — Property, class | |
Name of the person who created the document. | |
createdBy — Property, class | |
Gets the name of the creator of the document. | |
createdBy — Property, class | |
Name of the user who created the template. | |
createdBy — Property, class | |
Name of the user who created the template. | |
createdBy — Property, class | |
Name of the user who created the template. | |
createdBy — Property, class | |
Name of the creator of the template. | |
createdDate — Property, interface | |
Retrieves the <CreatedDate> element content from this XML node. | |
createDDInstanceFromXml(dataDictionaryName:String, xml:String, clientHandler:Function, errorHandler:Function) — method, interface com.adobe.dct.service.DataDictionaryUtilService | |
Creates the data dictionary instance(DDI)corresponding to a Data Dictionary using an input XML. | |
CREATE_DDINSTANCE_FROM_XML — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.dct.event.DCTServiceEvent | |
The DCTServiceEvent.CREATE_DDINSTANCE_FROM_XML constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a createDDInstanceFromXml event. | |
createDeferredContent() — method, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Performs the equivalent action of calling the createComponentsFromDescriptors(true) method for containers that implement the IDeferredContentOwner interface to support deferred instantiation. | |
createDeferredContent() — method, class mx.core.Container | |
Performs the equivalent action of calling the createComponentsFromDescriptors(true) method for containers that implement the IDeferredContentOwner interface to support deferred instantiation. | |
createDeferredContent() — method, interface mx.core.IDeferredContentOwner | |
Create the content for this component. | |
createDeferredContent() — method, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Create the content for this component. | |
createDirectory() — method, class flash.filesystem.File | |
Creates the specified directory and any necessary parent directories. | |
createDisplayObject() — method, interface spark.core.IGraphicElement | |
Creates a new DisplayObject where this IGraphicElement is drawn. | |
createDisplayObject() — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement | |
Creates a new DisplayObject where this IGraphicElement is drawn. | |
createdItems — Property, class | |
The items created since the change time. | |
createDiv(parent:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Creates a new DivElement that contains the entire range specified in the operationState at the lowest common parent element that contains both the start and end points of the range. | |
createDiv(parent:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Creates a new DivElement that contains the entire range specified in the operationState at the lowest common parent element that contains both the start and end points of the range. | |
CreateDivOperation — class, package flashx.textLayout.operations | |
The CreateDivOperation class encapsulates creating DivElement | |
CreateDivOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, parent:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.operations.CreateDivOperation | |
Creates an CreateDivOperation object. | |
createdOn — Property, interface | |
The date on which a template was created. | |
createdOn — Property, interface | |
The date on which the template was created. | |
createdOn — Property, interface | |
Date of creation of the document. | |
createdOn — Property, class | |
The date on which a template was created. | |
createdOn — Property, class | |
The date on which the template was created. | |
createdOn — Property, class | |
Date of creation of the document. | |
createdOn — Property, class | |
Gets the creation date of the document. | |
createdOn — Property, class | |
The date on which the template was created. | |
createdOn — Property, class | |
The date on which the template was created. | |
createDragIndicator(itemBeingDragged:mx.core:IUIComponent) — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop.DragAndDropGroup | |
Creates the drag proxy. | |
createDragIndicator() — method, class spark.components.List | |
Creates an instance of a class that is used to display the visuals of the dragged items during a drag and drop operation. | |
createDragProxy() — method, interface com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.ILayoutChild | |
Creates an displayable object (eg, Image) of the child suitable for use in a drag/drop operation as the drag proxy. | |
createDropIndicator() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.layouts.dragAndDrop.DragAndDropGroup | |
Creates the drop indicator (usually a bar). | |
createDropIndicator() — method, class spark.components.List | |
Creates and instance of the dropIndicator class that is used to display the visuals of the drop location during a drag and drop operation. | |
createDynamicPartInstance(partName:String) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
Create an instance of a dynamic skin part. | |
createEditManager(undoManager:flashx.undo:IUndoManager) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Create an edit manager to use for editing. | |
createElement(name:String) — method, class flash.xml.XMLDocument | |
Creates a new XMLNode object with the name specified in the parameter. | |
createElementRange(textFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, absoluteStart:int, absoluteEnd:int) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.edit.ElementRange | |
Creates an ElementRange object. | |
createErrorMessage() — method, class | |
Creates an ErrorMessage based on the ChannelFaultEvent by copying over the faultCode, faultString, faultDetail and rootCause to the new ErrorMessage. | |
createEvent(error:Error, errorSQL:String, sessionToken:coldfusion.air:SessionToken) — Static Method , class | |
Given an error, this function constructs and returns a SessionFaultEvent. | |
createEvent(fault:mx.rpc:Fault, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Static Method , class | |
Given a fault, this function constructs and returns a SyncFaultEvent. | |
createEvent(fault:mx.rpc:Fault, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Static Method , class | |
Given a fault, this function constructs and returns a ColdFusionServiceFaultEvent. | |
createEvent(obj:Object) — method, class mx.automation.AutomationEventDescriptor | |
Creates an event based on the class and type described in this descriptor. | |
createEvent( — Static Method , class | |
Creates a DataConflictEvent object from a Conflict object. | |
createEvent(fault:mx.rpc:Fault, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:ErrorMessage, obj:Object, id:Object, cacheResponse:Boolean) — Static Method , class | |
Creates a DataServiceFaultEvent object. | |
createEvent(result:Object, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage, cacheResponse:Boolean) — Static Method , class | |
Creates a DataServiceResultEvent object. | |
createEvent(type:String, channel:mx.messaging:Channel, reconnecting:Boolean, rejected:Boolean, connected:Boolean) — Static Method , class | |
Utility method to create a new ChannelEvent that doesn't bubble and is not cancelable. | |
createEvent(channel:mx.messaging:Channel, reconnecting:Boolean, code:String, level:String, description:String, rejected:Boolean, connected:Boolean) — Static Method , class | |
Utility method to create a new ChannelFaultEvent that doesn't bubble and is not cancelable. | |
createEvent(ack:mx.messaging.messages:AcknowledgeMessage, correlation:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Static Method , class | |
Utility method to create a new MessageAckEvent that doesn't bubble and is not cancelable. | |
createEvent(type:String, msg:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Static Method , class | |
Utility method to create a new MessageEvent that doesn't bubble and is not cancelable. | |
createEvent(msg:mx.messaging.messages:ErrorMessage) — Static Method , class | |
Utility method to create a new MessageFaultEvent that doesn't bubble and is not cancelable. | |
createEvent(fault:mx.rpc:Fault, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, msg:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Static Method , class | |
Given a Fault, this method constructs and returns a FaultEvent. | |
createEvent(header:Object, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — Static Method , class | |
Utility method to create a new HeaderEvent that doesn't bubble and is cancelable. | |
createEventFromMessageFault(, token:mx.rpc:AsyncToken) — Static Method , class | |
Given a MessageFaultEvent, this method constructs and returns a FaultEvent. | |
createExpression() — method, interface | |
Fires an asynchronous operation for creating this expression in the expression repository. | |
createExpression( — method, interface | |
Creates a new expression in the expression repository. | |
CREATE_EXPRESSION — Constant Static Property, class | |
Constant representing the type of the event dispatched when an expression is created. | |
createExtensionContext(extensionID:String, contextType:String) — Static Method , class flash.external.ExtensionContext | |
Creates an ExtensionContext instance for the given extension identifier and context type. | |
createFailedItemFunction — Property, class mx.collections.AsyncListView | |
A callback function used to create a substitute item when a request which had caused an ItemPendingError to be thrown, subsequently fails. | |
createFieldInstance( — method, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.DomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a field instance for the specified letter. | |
createFieldInstance( — method, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.IDomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a field instance for the specified letter. | |
createFilter(... rest) — method, interface com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundleContext | |
Create a filter object from the given filter objects. | |
createFilterMatchAny(... rest) — method, interface com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundleContext | |
Create a filter object from the given filter objects. | |
createFilterMatchInverse(filter:com.adobe.gravity.framework:IFilter) — method, interface com.adobe.gravity.framework.IBundleContext | |
Create a filter object that inverts the sense of provided filter (if the provided filter returns true, the returned filter would return false, and vice-versa). | |
createForm( — method, interface | |
Creates a new form template record | |
createFragmentLayout() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. | |
createFragmentLayout(fragmentLayout:com.adobe.icc.vo:FragmentLayout) — method, interface | |
Creates a new fragmentLayout template record | |
createFromId(moduleId:String) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleModel | |
Fetches a module by the given id and constructs the domain module object on top of it. | |
createFromModule(module:any) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleAssignmentModel | |
Constructs the domain object from a data module. | |
createFromVO(dataDictionaryVO:com.adobe.dct.transfer:DataDictionary) — Static Method , class com.adobe.dct.model.DEPDictionaryModel | |
Creates the domain object from the corresponding value object. | |
createFromVO(vo:com.adobe.dct.transfer:DataDictionaryInstance) — Static Method , class com.adobe.dct.model.DataDictionaryInstanceModel | |
Creates the domain object from the corresponding value object. | |
createFromVO(vo:com.adobe.dct.transfer:DataDictionaryElement, dataDictionaryName:String, type:String, collectionDepth:int) — Static Method , class com.adobe.dct.model.DataElementModel | |
Creates the domain object from the corresponding value object. | |
createFromVO( — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.CategoryModel | |
Creates the domain object from the corresponding value object. | |
createFromVO(conditionVO:com.adobe.icc.vo:ConditionalDataModule, fetchFromServer:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ConditionModel | |
Creates the domain object from the corresponding value object. | |
createFromVO(containerLayoutAssignmentVO:com.adobe.icc.vo:ContainerLayoutAssignment) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ContainerLayoutAssignmentModel | |
Creates the domain object from the corresponding value object. | |
createFromVO(dataModule:com.adobe.icc.vo:DataModule, fetchComplete:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.DataModelFactory | |
Creates a concrete domain object for the passed data module value object based upon the type of module passed. | |
createFromVO(fragmentLayoutVO:com.adobe.icc.vo:FragmentLayout, fetchFromServer:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FragmentLayoutModel | |
Creates the domain object from the corresponding value object. | |
createFromVO(imageVO:com.adobe.icc.vo:ImageModule, fetchFromServer:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ImageModel | |
Creates the domain object from the corresponding value object. | |
createFromVO(, fetchFromServer:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LayoutModel | |
Creates the domain object from the corresponding value object. | |
createFromVO(, fetchFromServer:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.LetterModel | |
Creates the domain object from the corresponding value object. | |
createFromVO(listVO:com.adobe.icc.vo:ListDataModule, fetchFromServer:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
Creates the domain object from the corresponding value object. | |
createFromVO(vo:com.adobe.icc.vo:ModuleAssignment) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ModuleAssignmentModel | |
Constructs the domain object from its value object counterpart. | |
createFromVO(vo:com.adobe.icc.vo:TargetAreaAssignment) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TargetAreaAssignmentModel | |
Constructs the domain object from its value object counterpart. | |
createFromVO(, fetchFromServer:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TextModel | |
Creates the domain object from the corresponding value object. | |
createFromVOAndPath(vo:com.adobe.icc.vo:TargetAreaAssignment, path:String) — Static Method , class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.TargetAreaAssignmentModel | |
Constructs the domain object from its value object counterpart. | |
createGradientBox(width:Number, height:Number, rotation:Number, tx:Number, ty:Number) — method, class flash.geom.Matrix | |
Creates the specific style of matrix expected by the beginGradientFill() and lineGradientStyle() methods of the Graphics class. | |
createGraphicsStroke(targetBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, targetOrigin:flash.geom:Point) — method, class | |
Generates a GraphicsStroke object representing this stroke. | |
createGraphicsStroke(targetBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, targetOrigin:flash.geom:Point) — method, interface | |
Generates a GraphicsStroke object representing this stroke. | |
createGraphicsStroke(targetBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, targetOrigin:flash.geom:Point) — method, class | |
Generates a GraphicsStroke object representing this stroke. | |
createHeaders(left:Number, top:Number) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Creates the column headers. | |
createHeaderSeparators(n:int, seperators:Array, headerLines:mx.core:UIComponent) — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Creates the header separators between column headers, and populates the separators Array with the separators created. | |
createID(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, relativeToParent:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Returns an id for the given object that can be used with the resolveID() method. | |
createIDPart(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, parent:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager | |
Returns an id part for the given object that can be used in the resolveIDPart() method. | |
createImage() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. | |
createImageModuleInstance(, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, — method, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.DomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a image module instance for the specified letter. | |
createImageModuleInstance(, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, — method, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.IDomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a image module instance for the specified letter. | |
createIndexBuffer(numIndices:int) — method, class flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Creates an IndexBuffer3D object. | |
createInFontContext(classObj:Class) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Creates a new object using a context based on the embedded font being used. | |
createInitiator( — method, class | |
Creates an instance of initiator domain object based on initiator value object. | |
createInitiator( — method, interface | |
Creates an instance of initiator domain object based on initiator value object. | |
createInitiator( — Static Method , class | |
Creates an instance of initiator domain object based on initiator value object. | |
createInModuleContext(moduleFactory:mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory, className:String) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Creates the object using a given moduleFactory. | |
createInstance(target:Object) — method, class mx.effects.Effect | |
Creates a single effect instance and initializes it. | |
createInstance(target:Object) — method, interface mx.effects.IEffect | |
Creates a single effect instance and initializes it. | |
createInstance() — method, class mx.states.AddChild | |
Creates the child instance from the factory. | |
createInstance() — method, class mx.states.AddItems | |
Creates the items instance from the factory. | |
createInstances(targets:Array) — method, class mx.effects.Effect | |
Takes an Array of target objects and invokes the createInstance() method on each target. | |
createInstances(targets:Array) — method, interface mx.effects.IEffect | |
Takes an Array of target objects and invokes the createInstance() method on each target. | |
createItem(item:Object) — method, class | |
Requests that the specified item be created in the remote store. | |
createItem(, item:Object) — method, class | |
This method is called by the RPCDataServiceAdapter when it needs to perform the createItem operation. | |
createItemEditor(colIndex:uint, rowIndex:uint) — method, class fl.controls.DataGrid | |
Uses the editor specified by the itemEditor property to create an item editor for the item renderer at the column and row index identified by the editedItemPosition property. | |
createItemEditor(colIndex:int, rowIndex:int) — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx | |
Creates the item editor for the item renderer at the editedItemPosition using the editor specified by the itemEditor property. | |
createItemEditor(colIndex:int, rowIndex:int) — method, class mx.controls.DataGrid | |
Creates the item editor for the item renderer at the editedItemPosition using the editor specified by the itemEditor property. | |
createItemEditor(colIndex:int, rowIndex:int) — method, class mx.controls.List | |
Creates the item editor for the item renderer at the editedItemPosition using the editor specified by the itemEditor property. | |
createItemRenderer(data:Object) — method, class mx.controls.List | |
Get the appropriate renderer, using the default renderer if none is specified. | |
createItemRenderer(data:Object) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase | |
Creates an item renderer given the data object. | |
createItemRenderer(data:Object) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.TileBase | |
Get the appropriate renderer, using the default renderer if none is specified. | |
createLabelDisplay() — method, class spark.components.LabelItemRenderer | |
Creates the labelDisplay component | |
createLayout() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. | |
createLayout(name:String) — method, interface | |
Creates a new layout in the application. | |
createLetter() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. | |
createLetter( — method, interface | |
Allows creating a new Letter template entry. | |
createLetterInstance(, ddi:com.adobe.dct.model:DataDictionaryInstanceModel, initialXmlData:XML, params:com.adobe.icc.util:Map) — method, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.DomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a letter instance. | |
createLetterInstance(, ddi:com.adobe.dct.model:DataDictionaryInstanceModel, initialXmlData:XML, params:com.adobe.icc.util:Map) — method, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.IDomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a letter instance. | |
createLink(linkUrl:String, target:String) — method, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditor | |
method for making a link our of the selected text | |
createList() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. | |
createList(parent:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Creates a new ListElement that contains the entire range specified in the operationState at the lowest common parent element that contains both the start and end points of the range. | |
createList(parent:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Creates a new ListElement that contains the entire range specified in the operationState at the lowest common parent element that contains both the start and end points of the range. | |
CREATE_LIST_CLICKED — Constant Static Property, class xd.core.axm.view.components.TextEditingConstants | |
createListMarkerFormat(initialValues:Object) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.formats.ListMarkerFormat | |
Creates a new ListMarkerFormat object. | |
createListModuleInstance(, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, — method, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.DomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a list module instance for the specified letter. | |
createListModuleInstance(, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, — method, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.IDomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a list module instance for the specified letter. | |
CreateListOperation — class, package flashx.textLayout.operations | |
The CreateListOperation class encapsulates creating list | |
CreateListOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, parent:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement, listFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.operations.CreateListOperation | |
Creates an CreateListOperation object. | |
createLoadTrait(, loader:org.osmf.traits:LoaderBase) — method, class | |
Subclasses can override this method to return a custom LoadTrait subclass. | |
createLockedRows(left:Number, top:Number, right:Number, bottom:Number) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Creates the locked rows, if necessary. | |
createMaskFunction — Property, class mx.effects.MaskEffect | |
Function called when the effect creates the mask. | |
createMaskFunction — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.MaskEffectInstance | |
Function called when the effect creates the mask. | |
createMediaElement( — method, class | |
Returns a MediaElement that can be created based on the specified MediaResourceBase. | |
createMenu(parent:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer, mdp:Object, showRoot:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.ScrollableArrowMenu | |
We have to override the static function createMenu so that we create a ScrollableMenu instead of a normal Menu. | |
createMenu(parent:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer, mdp:Object, showRoot:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.ScrollableMenu | |
We have to override the static function createMenu so that we create a ScrollableMenu instead of a normal Menu. | |
createMenu(parent:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer, mdp:Object, showRoot:Boolean) — Static Method , class mx.controls.Menu | |
Creates and returns an instance of the Menu class. | |
CREATE_MODAL_WINDOW_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class | |
Creates a modal window. | |
createModerator( — method, class | |
Creates an instance of moderator domain object based on moderator value object. | |
createModerator( — method, interface | |
Creates an instance of moderator domain object based on moderator value object. | |
createModerator( — Static Method , class | |
Creates an instance of moderator domain object based on moderator value object. | |
createModuleInstance(, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, ... rest) — method, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.DomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a generic module instance for the specified letter. | |
createModuleInstance(, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, ... rest) — method, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.IDomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a generic module instance for the specified letter. | |
createNavItem(label:String, icon:Class) — method, class mx.controls.NavBar | |
Creates the individual navigator items. | |
createNetConnection() — method, class | |
The factory function for creating a NetConnection. | |
createNetConnectionKey( — method, class | |
Generates a key to uniquely identify each connection. | |
createNetConnectionURLs(url:String, urlIncludesFMSApplicationInstance:Boolean) — method, class | |
Assembles a vector of URLs that should be used during the connection attempt. | |
createNetStream(, — method, class | |
The factory function for creating a NetStream. | |
createNetStreamSwitchManager(,, — method, class | |
The factory function for creating a NetStreamSwitchManagerBase. | |
createNumberedListButton — Skin Part, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMRichTextEditorControlBar | |
CREATE_OPERATION — Constant Static Property, class | |
Indicates a create operation. | |
CREATE_OPERATION — Constant Static Property, class | |
A create operation. | |
createParts(contentGroup:spark.components:Group, keepWithPrevious:Boolean) — method, class com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components.VariableGroupLayoutHost | |
create part corresponding to each area | |
createPendingItemFunction — Property, class mx.collections.AsyncListView | |
A callback function used to create a provisional item when the initial request causes an ItemPendingError to be thrown. | |
createPersistenceManager() — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.ViewNavigatorApplicationBase | |
Creates the persistence manager for the application. | |
createPopUp(parent:flash.display:DisplayObject, className:Class, modal:Boolean, childList:String, moduleFactory:mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory) — Static Method , class mx.managers.PopUpManager | |
Creates a top-level window and places it above other windows in the z-order. | |
createPreviewManager() — method, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory.IContentDomainFactory | |
Creates a PreviewManager, an implementation of IPreviewManager | |
createProcessManager() — method, class | |
Returns an instance of process manager domain object. | |
createProcessManager() — method, interface | |
Returns an instance of process manager domain object. | |
createProcessManager() — Static Method , class | |
Returns an instance of process manager domain object. | |
createProgram() — method, class flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Creates a Program3D object. | |
createProject(,, — method, class | |
This method creates an instance of the project domain object. | |
createProject(,, — Static Method , class | |
This method creates an instance of the project domain object. | |
createProject(,, — method, interface | |
This method creates an instance of the project domain object. | |
createProject( — method, interface | |
This function creates a project, based on the project value object passed as input. | |
createProject( — method, class | |
This function creates a project, based on the project value object passed as input. | |
createProjectFromTemplate(projectId:String) — method, interface | |
This function creates a new project using an existing project as a template. | |
createProjectFromTemplate(projectId:String) — method, class | |
This function creates a new project using an existing project as a template. | |
createProjectUsingSubProject( — method, class | |
This API returns a handle to the domain object for a project in the project tree. | |
createProjectUsingSubProject( — Static Method , class | |
This method returns a handle to the domain object for a specific project in the complete project tree. | |
createProjectUsingSubProject( — Static Method , class | |
This API returns a handle to the domain object for a specific project in a project tree. | |
createProjectUsingSubProject( — method, interface | |
This API returns a handle to the domain object for a project in the project tree. | |
createProjectUsingWorkItem( — method, class | |
This API returns the handle to domain object for a workitem in the project tree. | |
createProjectUsingWorkItem( — Static Method , class | |
This method returns a handle to a domain object for a specific workitem in the complete project tree. | |
createProjectUsingWorkItem( — Static Method , class | |
This API returns a handle to the domain object for a specific workitem in a project tree. | |
createProjectUsingWorkItem( — method, interface | |
This API returns the handle to domain object for a workitem in the project tree. | |
createReferenceOnParentDocument(parentDocument:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject) — method, interface mx.core.IDeferredInstantiationUIComponent | |
Creates an id reference to this IUIComponent object on its parent document object. | |
createReferenceOnParentDocument(parentDocument:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Creates an id reference to this IUIComponent object on its parent document object. | |
createReferenceOnParentDocument(parentDocument:mx.core:IFlexDisplayObject) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Creates an id reference to this IUIComponent object on its parent document object. | |
createRelationManager() — method, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory.ContentDomainFactory | |
Creates a RelationManager, an implementation of IRelationshipManager | |
createRelationManager() — method, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory.IContentDomainFactory | |
Creates a RelationManager, an implementation of IRelationshipManager | |
createRequestTimeoutErrorMessage() — method, class mx.messaging.MessageResponder | |
Constructs an ErrorMessage that can be passed to the associated MessageAgent's callbacks upon a request timeout. | |
createReturnObject() — method, class spark.components.View | |
Creates an object returned to the view navigator when this view is popped off the navigator's stack. | |
createReviewContext( — method, class | |
Creates an instance of review context domain object based on review context value object. | |
createReviewContext( — method, interface | |
Creates an instance of review context domain object based on review context value object. | |
createReviewContext( — Static Method , class | |
Creates an instance of review context domain object based on review context value object. | |
createReviewer( — method, class | |
Creates an instance of reviewer domain object based on reviewer value object. | |
createReviewer( — method, interface | |
Creates an instance of reviewer domain object based on reviewer value object. | |
createReviewer( — Static Method , class | |
Creates an instance of reviewer domain object based on reviewer value object. | |
createReviewTemplate( — method, class | |
Creates an instance of review template domain object based on review template value object. | |
createReviewTemplate( — method, interface | |
Creates an instance of review template domain object based on review template value object. | |
createReviewTemplate( — Static Method , class | |
Creates an instance of review template domain object based on review template value object. | |
createRootWindow(visible:Boolean, windowInitOptions:flash.display:NativeWindowInitOptions, scrollBarsVisible:Boolean, bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class flash.html.HTMLLoader | |
Creates a new NativeWindow object that contains an HTMLLoader object. | |
createSearchManager() — method, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory.ContentDomainFactory | |
Creates a SearchManager, an implementation of ISearchProvider | |
createSearchManager() — method, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory.IContentDomainFactory | |
Creates a SearchManager, an implementation of ISearchProvider | |
createSelectionManager() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager | |
Create a selection manager to use for selection. | |
createSelector(selectorName:String, styleManager:mx.styles:IStyleManager2) — Static Method , class mx.charts.styles.HaloDefaults | |
Creates a CSSStyleDeclaration object or returns an existing one. | |
createSocket() — method, class | |
Creates a SecureSocket object. | |
createSocket() — method, class | |
Creates a Socket object. | |
createSoftKeyboardEffect(yTo:Number, heightTo:Number) — method, class spark.components.SkinnablePopUpContainer | |
Called by the soft keyboard activate and deactive event handlers, this method is responsible for creating the Spark effect played on the pop-up. | |
createStage(stageType:String) — Static Method , class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.stage.StageFactory | |
Factory method that generates a stage object based on the StageType value. | |
createStage( — method, class | |
Creates an instance of stage domain object based on review stage value object. | |
createStage( — method, interface | |
Creates an instance of stage domain object based on review stage value object. | |
createStage( — Static Method , class | |
Creates an instance of stage domain object based on review stage value object. | |
createStageTemplate( — method, class | |
Creates an instance of stage template domain object based on stage template value object. | |
createStageTemplate( — method, interface | |
Creates an instance of stage template domain object based on stage template value object. | |
createStageTemplate( — Static Method , class | |
Creates an instance of stage template domain object based on stage template value object. | |
createStageTemplate(, overwrite:Boolean) — method, interface | |
This operation creates a new stage template in the system. | |
createStageTemplate(, overwrite:Boolean) — method, class | |
This operation creates a new stage template in the system. | |
createSubMenu() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.ScrollableArrowMenu | |
Creates a ScrollableArrowMenu used as a sub-menu. | |
createSubMenu() — method, class com.adobe.mosaic.sparklib.scrollableMenu.ScrollableMenu | |
Creates a new, empty, ScrollableMenu. | |
createSubParagraphGroup(parent:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Creates a new SubParagraphGroupElement that contains the entire range specified in the operationState at the lowest common parent element that contains both the start and end points of the range. | |
createSubParagraphGroup(parent:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat, operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Creates a new SubParagraphGroupElement that contains the entire range specified in the operationState at the lowest common parent element that contains both the start and end points of the range. | |
CreateSubParagraphGroupOperation — class, package flashx.textLayout.operations | |
The CreateSPGEOperation class encapsulates creating a SubPargraphGroupElement | |
CreateSubParagraphGroupOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, parent:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement, format:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.operations.CreateSubParagraphGroupOperation | |
Constructor. | |
createSupportingDocument( — method, class | |
Creates an instance of supporting document domain object based on supporting document value object. | |
createSupportingDocument( — method, interface | |
Creates an instance of supporting document domain object based on supporting document value object. | |
createSupportingDocument( — Static Method , class | |
Creates an instance of supporting document domain object based on supporting document value object. | |
createTabBarEffect() — method, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
Called by the default prepareForPlay() implementation, this method is responsible for creating the Spark effect played on the tab bar when the transition starts. | |
createTabBarHideEffect() — method, class spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Creates the effect to play when the TabBar control is hidden. | |
createTabBarShowEffect() — method, class spark.components.TabbedViewNavigator | |
Creates the effect to play when the TabBar control is shown. | |
createTargetInstance(, — method, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.DomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a target area instance for the specified letter. | |
createTargetInstance(, — method, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.IDomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a target area instance for the specified letter. | |
createTask(taskDetails:com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain:ITask) — method, interface | |
Creates and persists a new task on the server. | |
createTeamMember(,, — method, class | |
This method creates an instance of the team member domain object. | |
createTeamMember(,, — Static Method , class | |
This method creates an instance of the team member domain object. | |
createTeamMember(,, — method, interface | |
This method creates an instance of the team member domain object. | |
createTempDirectory() — Static Method , class flash.filesystem.File | |
Returns a reference to a new temporary directory. | |
createTempFile() — Static Method , class flash.filesystem.File | |
Returns a reference to a new temporary file. | |
createTestDataModule(moduleId:String) — method, interface | |
Creates a test version of the specified module. | |
createTestForm(formID:String) — method, interface | |
For creating a test version of a form template. | |
createTestFragmentLayout(fragmentLayoutID:String) — method, interface | |
For creating a test version of a fragmentLayout template. | |
createTestLetter(letterID:String) — method, interface | |
Allows creating a test version of a letter template entry. | |
createText() — method, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
Called internally when this handler is handling an action of type Create. | |
createTextLayoutFormat(format:flash.text:TextFormat) — Static Method , class fl.text.TLFTextField | |
createTextLayoutFormat(initialValues:Object) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.formats.TextLayoutFormat | |
Creates a new TextLayoutFormat object. | |
createTextLine(previousLine:flash.text.engine:TextLine, width:Number, lineOffset:Number, fitSomething:Boolean) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextBlock | |
Instructs the text block to create a line of text from its content, beginning at the point specified by the previousLine parameter and breaking at the point specified by the width parameter. | |
createTextLines(callback:Function) — method, class flashx.textLayout.factory.StringTextLineFactory | |
Creates TextLine objects using the text currently assigned to this factory object. | |
createTextLines(callback:Function, textFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow) — method, class flashx.textLayout.factory.TextFlowTextLineFactory | |
Creates TextLine objects from the specified text flow. | |
createTextModuleInstance(, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, — method, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.DomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a text module instance for the specified letter. | |
createTextModuleInstance(, vParentContainer:com.adobe.icc.dc.domain:IContainerInstance, — method, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.IDomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a text module instance for the specified letter. | |
createTextNode(text:String) — method, class flash.xml.XMLDocument | |
Creates a new XML text node with the specified text. | |
createTextScrap(range:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextRange) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.edit.TextScrap | |
Creates a TextScrap object from a range of text represented by a TextRange object. | |
createTexture(width:int, height:int, format:String, optimizeForRenderToTexture:Boolean) — method, class flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Creates a Texture object. | |
createTicks() — method, class | |
This function creates the ticks in the ruler, based on the ruler item renderer style. | |
createTime — Property, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.ITask | |
The date and time that the task was created. | |
createTime — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
The date and time that the task was created. | |
CREATETIME — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.filter.Property | |
The COMPLETETIME constant specifies the task property named createTime. | |
createToolTip(text:String, x:Number, y:Number, errorTipBorderStyle:String, context:mx.core:IUIComponent) — Static Method , class mx.managers.ToolTipManager | |
Creates an instance of the ToolTip class with the specified text and displays it at the specified location in stage coordinates. | |
createTween(listener:Object, startValue:Object, endValue:Object, duration:Number, minFps:Number) — method, class mx.effects.effectClasses.TweenEffectInstance | |
Creates a Tween instance, assigns it the start, end, and duration values. | |
createUID() — Static Method , class mx.utils.RPCUIDUtil | |
Generates a UID (unique identifier) based on ActionScript's pseudo-random number generator and the current time. | |
createUID() — Static Method , class mx.utils.UIDUtil | |
Generates a UID (unique identifier) based on ActionScript's pseudo-random number generator and the current time. | |
createUniqueName(object:Object) — Static Method , class mx.utils.NameUtil | |
Creates a unique name for any Object instance, such as "Button12", by combining the unqualified class name with an incrementing counter. | |
createUpdateEvent(, property:Object, — Static Method , class | |
Creates a new PropertyChangeEvent object from an existing PropertyChangeEvent object. | |
createUpdateEvent(source:Object, property:Object, oldValue:Object, newValue:Object) — Static Method , class | |
Returns a new PropertyChangeEvent of kind PropertyChangeEventKind.UPDATE with the specified properties. | |
createUser(principalName:String) — method, class | |
Creates an instance of user domain object. | |
createUser(principalName:String) — method, interface | |
Creates an instance of user domain object. | |
createUser(principalName:String) — Static Method , class | |
Creates an instance of user domain object. | |
createVariableInstance( — method, class com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.DomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a variable instance for the specified letter. | |
createVariableInstance( — method, interface com.adobe.icc.dc.domain.factory.IDomainInstanceFactory | |
The function used to create a variable instance for the specified letter. | |
createVersionManager() — method, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory.ContentDomainFactory | |
Creates a VersionManager, an implementation of IVersionManager | |
createVersionManager() — method, interface com.adobe.ep.ux.content.factory.IContentDomainFactory | |
Creates a VersionManager, an implementation of IVersionManager | |
createVertexBuffer(numVertices:int, data32PerVertex:int) — method, class flash.display3D.Context3D | |
Creates a VertexBuffer3D object. | |
createViewEffect() — method, class spark.transitions.ViewTransitionBase | |
Called by the default prepareForPlay() implementation, this method is responsible for creating the Spark effect played on the current and next view when the transition starts. | |
createWindow(windowCreateOptions:flash.html:HTMLWindowCreateOptions) — method, class flash.html.HTMLHost | |
The function called when JavaScript code in the HTMLLoader object calls the method. | |
createWorkItem(,, — method, class | |
This method creates an instance of the workitem domain object. | |
createWorkItem(,, — Static Method , class | |
This method creates an instance of the workitem domain object. | |
createWorkItem(,, — method, interface | |
This method creates an instance of the workitem domain object. | |
createWorkItemFromTemplate(workItemId:String) — method, interface | |
This function creates a workitem using an existing workitem as a template. | |
createWorkItemFromTemplate(workItemId:String) — method, class | |
This function creates a workitem using an existing workitem as a template. | |
createXMLDocument(str:String) — Static Method , class mx.utils.XMLUtil | |
Creates XML out of the specified string, ignoring whitespace. | |
creatingContentPane — Property, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Containers use an internal content pane to control scrolling. | |
creatingContentPane — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
Containers use an internal content pane to control scrolling. | |
creatingContentPane — Property, interface mx.core.IContainer | |
Containers use an internal content pane to control scrolling. | |
CREATION — Constant Static Property, class | |
The stage type for a creation stage. | |
creationCallback — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.InstanceCache | |
A callback invoked when new instances are created. | |
creationComplete( — method, class lc.procmgmt.formbridge.FormConnector | |
Specifies that the Flex application has completed creation and binds the required event listeners to events. | |
creationComplete( — method, class lc.procmgmt.formbridge.SwfConnector | |
Specifies that the application has completed creation and binds the required event listeners to events. | |
creationComplete — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched when the component has finished its construction, property processing, measuring, layout, and drawing. | |
creationComplete — Event, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Dispatched when the component has finished its construction. | |
creationComplete — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the factory has successfully created and connected a NetConnection. | |
CREATION_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a creationComplete event. | |
CREATION_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The NetConnectionFactoryEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a NetConnectionFactoryEvent when the the class has succeeded in establishing a connected NetConnection. | |
creationCompleteEffect — Effect, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Played when the component is created. | |
creationDate — Property, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.IAttachment | |
The date attachment was created. | |
creationDate — Property, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.event.AssetActionEvent | |
Date of the asset on which action should be taken. | |
creationDate — Property, class | |
Returns the creationDate associated with the application | |
creationDate — Property, class | |
Returns the creationDate associated with the catalog | |
creationDate — Property, interface | |
Returns the creationDate associated with the application to be loaded | |
creationDate — Property, interface | |
Returns the creationDate associated with the catalog to be loaded | |
creationDate — Property, interface | |
Date of creation of an entity. | |
creationDate — Property, interface | |
Date of creation of an entity. | |
creationDate — Property, interface | |
Date of creation of an entity. | |
creationDate — Property, class | |
Date of creation of an entity. | |
creationDate — Property, class | |
Date of creation of an entity. | |
creationDate — Property, class | |
Date of creation of an entity. | |
creationDate — Property, class | |
Defines the filter data for creation date. | |
_creationDate — Property, class | |
Creation date for an entity. | |
creationDate — Property, class | |
Date of creation of an entity. | |
creationDate — Property, class | |
The creation date of the file on the local disk. | |
creationDate — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentInfo | |
The creation date of the attachment. | |
creationDateColumn — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid | |
The DataGridColumn representing the Created column. | |
creationDateRange — Property, class | |
Defines the creation date range filter. | |
creationError — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the factory has failed to create and connect a NetConnection. | |
CREATION_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class | |
The NetConnectionFactoryEvent.CREATION_ERROR constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a NetConnectionFactoryEvent when the the class has failed at establishing a connected NetConnection. | |
creationIndex — Property, class mx.charts.Legend | |
Specifies the order to instantiate and draw the children of the container. | |
creationIndex — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
Specifies the order to instantiate and draw the children of the container. | |
creationPolicy — Property, class mx.charts.Legend | |
The child creation policy for this MX Container. | |
creationPolicy — Property, class mx.core.Container | |
The child creation policy for this MX Container. | |
creationPolicy — Property, interface mx.core.IDeferredContentOwner | |
Content creation policy for this component. | |
creationPolicy — Property, class mx.states.AddChild | |
The creation policy for this child. | |
creationPolicy — Property, class mx.states.AddItems | |
The creation policy for the items. | |
creationPolicy — Property, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer | |
Content creation policy for this component. | |
creationPolicy — Property, class spark.modules.ModuleLoader | |
Content creation policy for this component. | |
creationStage — Property, class | |
The creation stage associated with this component. | |
creationStage — Property, class | |
The creation stage associated with a component. | |
creationStage — Skin State, class | |
The skin state when a creation stage is associated with the component. | |
CreationStage — class, package | |
The host component for displaying information of a creation stage. | |
CreationStage() — Constructor, class | |
The constructor for CreationStage class. | |
creationStageView — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the CreationStage object that displays the details of a creation stage. A reference to the CreationStage object that displays the details of a creation stage. | |
creationTime — Property, class lc.procmgmt.ui.task.TaskInfoModel | |
The date and time the task was created. | |
creator — Property, class | |
Returns the creator associated with the application | |
creator — Property, class | |
Returns the creator associated with the catalog | |
creator — Property, interface | |
Returns the creator associated with the application to be loaded | |
creator — Property, interface | |
Returns the creator associated with the catalog to be loaded | |
creator — Property, class | |
The Macintosh creator type of the file, which is only used in Mac OS versions prior to Mac OS X. | |
creatorDisplayName — Property, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.IAttachment | |
The display name of the user who created the attachment. | |
creatorId — Property, interface com.adobe.ep.taskmanagement.domain.IAttachment | |
The unique identifier for the user who created the attachment or note. | |
creatorId — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentInfo | |
The unique identifier for the user who created the attachment or note. | |
creatorLabel — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the Label object that displays the name of an author. A reference to the Label object that displays the name of an author. | |
creatorName — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.AttachmentInfo | |
The display name of the user who created the attachment. | |
creatorTab — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the CreatorTab object that displays the creator details. A reference to the CreatorTab object that displays the creator details. | |
CreatorTab — class, package | |
The host component for creator tab of creation stage component. | |
CreatorTab() — Constructor, class | |
The constructor for CreatorTab class. | |
CREDENTIAL_CHALLENGE — Event, interface | |
The event is dispatched when authentication is required. | |
CREDENTIALS_CHARSET_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage | |
Header to specify which character set encoding was used while encoding login credentials. | |
CREDENTIALS_REQUIRED — Constant Static Property, class | |
A special value that specifies that credentials are required. | |
CreditCardValidator — class, package mx.validators | |
The CreditCardValidator class validates that a credit card number is the correct length, has the correct prefix, and passes the Luhn mod10 algorithm for the specified card type. | |
CreditCardValidator() — Constructor, class mx.validators.CreditCardValidator | |
Constructor. | |
CreditCardValidatorCardType — final class, package mx.validators | |
The CreditCardValidatorCardType class defines value constants for specifying the type of credit card to validate. | |
CRITICAL — Constant Static Property, class flash.desktop.NotificationType | |
Specifies that a notification alert is critical in nature and the user should attend to it promptly. | |
CrossFade — class, package spark.effects | |
The CrossFade effect performs a bitmap transition effect by running a crossfade between the first and second bitmaps. | |
CrossFade(target:Object) — Constructor, class spark.effects.CrossFade | |
Constructor. | |
CrossFadeViewTransition — class, package spark.transitions | |
The CrossFadeViewTransition class serves as a simple cross fade transition for views. | |
CrossFadeViewTransition() — Constructor, class spark.transitions.CrossFadeViewTransition | |
Constructor. | |
CrossItemRenderer — class, package mx.charts.renderers | |
A simple chart itemRenderer implementation that fills a cross in its assigned area. | |
CrossItemRenderer() — Constructor, class mx.charts.renderers.CrossItemRenderer | |
Constructor | |
crossJoin(input:mx.olap:IOLAPSet) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPSet | |
Returns a new IOLAPSet instance that contains a crossjoin of this IOLAPSet instance and input. | |
crossJoin(input:mx.olap:IOLAPSet) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPSet | |
Returns a new IOLAPSet instance that contains a crossjoin of this IOLAPSet instance and input. | |
crossProduct(a:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class flash.geom.Vector3D | |
Returns a new Vector3D object that is perpendicular (at a right angle) to the current Vector3D and another Vector3D object. | |
CRT — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.TextDisplayMode | |
Forces Flash Player to display grayscale anti-aliasing. | |
crxVersion — Property, class | |
Version of the form in repository | |
crxVersion — Property, class | |
Version of the letter in repository | |
crxVersion — Property, class com.adobe.dct.transfer.DataDictionary | |
The crx version of the data dictionary. | |
crxVersion — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.AssetModel | |
The crx version of the underlying value object. | |
crxVersion — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
Version of the container layout in repository | |
crxVersion — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.DataModule | |
Version of the data module in repository | |
crxVersion — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.Document | |
Version of the document in repository | |
CSMSettings — final class, package flash.text | |
The CSMSettings class contains properties for use with the TextRenderer.setAdvancedAntiAliasingTable() method to provide continuous stroke modulation (CSM). | |
CSMSettings(fontSize:Number, insideCutoff:Number, outsideCutoff:Number) — Constructor, class flash.text.CSMSettings | |
Creates a new CSMSettings object which stores stroke values for custom anti-aliasing settings. | |
CSSCondition — class, package mx.styles | |
Represents a condition for a CSSSelector which is used to match a subset of components based on a particular property. | |
CSSCondition(kind:String, value:String) — Constructor, class mx.styles.CSSCondition | |
Constructor. | |
CSSConditionKind — final class, package mx.styles | |
An enumeration of the kinds of CSSCondition. | |
CSSSelector — class, package mx.styles | |
Represents a selector node in a potential chain of selectors used to match CSS style declarations to components. | |
CSSSelector(subject:String, conditions:Array, ancestor:mx.styles:CSSSelector) — Constructor, class mx.styles.CSSSelector | |
Constructor. | |
CSSStyleDeclaration — class, package mx.styles | |
The CSSStyleDeclaration class represents a set of CSS style rules. | |
CSSStyleDeclaration(selector:Object, styleManager:mx.styles:IStyleManager2, autoRegisterWithStyleManager:Boolean) — Constructor, class mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration | |
Constructor. | |
ctrlKey — Property, class | |
On Windows or Linux, indicates whether the Ctrl key is active (true) or inactive (false). | |
ctrlKey — Property, class | |
On Windows and Linux, indicates whether the Ctrl key is active (true) or inactive (false); On Mac OS, indicates whether either the Ctrl key or the Command key is active. | |
ctrlKey — Property, class | |
On Windows or Linux, indicates whether the Ctrl key is active (true) or inactive (false). | |
ctrlKey — Property, class | |
On Windows or Linux, indicates whether the Ctrl key is active (true) or inactive (false). | |
ctrlKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the Ctrl key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
ctrlKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the Ctrl key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
ctrlKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the Ctrl key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
ctrlKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the Ctrl key was pressed. | |
ctrlKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the Ctrl key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
ctrlKey — Property, class | |
Indicates whether the Ctrl key was pressed at the time of the event, true, or not, false. | |
cube — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPDimension | |
The cube to which this dimension belongs. | |
cube — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPDimension | |
The cube to which this dimension belongs. | |
cubeArray — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPSchema | |
Lets you set the cubes of a schema by passing an Array of IOLAPCube instances. | |
cubeBuildingTimeInterval — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPCube | |
The time interval, in milliseconds, used by the timer of the refresh() method to iteratively build the cube. | |
CUBE_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The CubeEvent.CUBE_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a complete event. | |
CubeEvent — class, package | |
Event class used by OLAPCube to indicate its status. | |
CubeEvent(type:String) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
CUBE_PROGRESS — Constant Static Property, class | |
The CubeEvent.CUBE_PROGRESS constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a progress event. | |
cubes — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPSchema | |
All the cubes known by this schema, as a list of IOLAPCube instances. | |
cubes — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPSchema | |
All the cubes known by this schema, as a list of IOLAPCube instances. | |
CubeTexture — final class, package flash.display3D.textures | |
The CubeTexture class represents a cube texture uploaded to a rendering context. | |
Cubic — class, package fl.motion.easing | |
The Cubic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with ActionScript animation. | |
Cubic — class, package mx.effects.easing | |
The Cubic class defines three easing functions to implement motion with Flex effect classes. | |
cubicCurveTo(controlX1:Number, controlY1:Number, controlX2:Number, controlY2:Number, anchorX:Number, anchorY:Number) — method, class flash.display.Graphics | |
Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the current drawing position to the specified anchor point. | |
cubicCurveTo(controlX1:Number, controlY1:Number, controlX2:Number, controlY2:Number, anchorX:Number, anchorY:Number) — method, class flash.display.GraphicsPath | |
Adds a new "cubicCurveTo" command to the commands vector, and new coordinates to the data vector. | |
CUBIC_CURVE_TO — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.GraphicsPathCommand | |
Specifies a drawing command that draws a curve from the current drawing position to the x- and y-coordinates specified in the data vector, using two control points. | |
cuePoint — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a cue point is reached. | |
cuePoint — Event, class | |
Dispatched when a cue point is reached. | |
cuePoint — Event, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Dispatched when the value of a cue point's time property is equal to the current playhead location. | |
CuePoint — class, package org.osmf.metadata | |
The CuePoint class represents a cue point in the timeline of a media element. | |
CuePoint(type:String, time:Number, name:String, parameters:Object, duration:Number) — Constructor, class org.osmf.metadata.CuePoint | |
Constructor. | |
CUE_POINT — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a cuePoint event object. | |
CUE_POINT — Constant Static Property, class | |
The CuePointEvent.CUE_POINT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a cuePoint event. | |
CUE_POINT — Constant Static Property, class | |
The MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a cuePoint event. | |
CuePointEvent — class, package | |
The CuePointEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for cue point events dispatched by the VideoDisplay control. | |
CuePointEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, cuePointName:String, cuePointTime:Number, cuePointType:String) — Constructor, class | |
Constructor. | |
cuePointManager — Property, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
The instance of the CuePointManager class associated with the VideoPlayer control. | |
CuePointManager — class, package mx.controls.videoClasses | |
The CuePointManager class lets you use ActionScript code to manage the cue points associated with the VideoDisplay control. | |
CuePointManager(owner:mx.controls.videoClasses:VideoPlayer, id:uint) — Constructor, class mx.controls.videoClasses.CuePointManager | |
Constructor. | |
cuePointManagerClass — Property, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
Cue point manager to use. | |
cuePointName — Property, class | |
The name of the cue point that caused the event. | |
cuePoints — Property, class | |
An array that describes ActionScript cue points and disabled embedded FLV file cue points. | |
cuePoints — Property, class mx.controls.VideoDisplay | |
The Array of cue points associated with the control. | |
cuePointTime — Property, class | |
The time of the cue point that caused the event, in seconds. | |
cuePointType — Property, class | |
The string "actionscript". | |
CuePointType — final class, package | |
The CuePointType class provides constant values for the type property on the info object of a MetadataEvent instance of type CUE_POINT. | |
CuePointType — final class, package org.osmf.metadata | |
CuePointType is the enumeration of possible types of CuePoint objects. | |
culling — Property, class flash.display.GraphicsTrianglePath | |
Specifies whether to render triangles that face in a given direction. | |
CurrencyFormatter — final class, package flash.globalization | |
The CurrencyFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting and parsing of currency values. | |
CurrencyFormatter — class, package mx.formatters | |
The CurrencyFormatter class formats a valid number as a currency value. | |
CurrencyFormatter — class, package spark.formatters | |
The CurrencyFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting and parsing of currency values. | |
CurrencyFormatter(requestedLocaleIDName:String) — Constructor, class flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
Constructs a new CurrencyFormatter object to format numbers representing currency amounts according to the conventions of a given locale. | |
CurrencyFormatter() — Constructor, class mx.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
Constructor. | |
CurrencyFormatter() — Constructor, class spark.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
Constructs a new CurrencyFormatter object to format numbers representing currency amounts according to the conventions of a given locale. | |
currencyISOCode — Property, class flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
The three letter ISO 4217 currency code for the actual locale being used. | |
currencyISOCode — Property, class spark.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
The three letter ISO 4217 currency code for the actual locale being used (e.g. | |
currencyISOCode — Property, class spark.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
The three letter ISO 4217 currency code for the locale being used. | |
CurrencyParseResult — final class, package flash.globalization | |
A data structure that represents a currency amount and currency symbol or string that were extracted by parsing a currency value. | |
CurrencyParseResult(value:Number, symbol:String) — Constructor, class flash.globalization.CurrencyParseResult | |
Constructs a currency parse result object. | |
currencyString — Property, class flash.globalization.CurrencyParseResult | |
The portion of the input string that corresponds to the currency symbol or currency string. | |
currencyStringError — Property, class spark.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Error message when the currency symbol or currency ISO code is repeated or is in the incorrect location. | |
currencySymbol — Property, class flash.globalization.CurrencyFormatter | |
The currency symbol or string for the actual locale being used. | |
currencySymbol — Property, class mx.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
Character to use as a currency symbol for a formatted number. | |
currencySymbol — Property, class mx.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
The character String used to specify the currency symbol, such as "$", "R$", or "£". | |
currencySymbol — Property, class spark.formatters.CurrencyFormatter | |
The currency symbol or string for the actual locale being used. | |
currencySymbol — Property, class spark.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
The currency symbol or string for the locale being used. | |
currencySymbolError — Property, class mx.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Error message when the currency symbol, defined by currencySymbol, is in the wrong location. | |
CurrencyValidator — class, package mx.validators | |
The CurrencyValidator class ensures that a String represents a valid currency expression. | |
CurrencyValidator — class, package spark.validators | |
The CurrencyValidator class ensures that a String represents a valid currency amount according to the conventions of a locale. | |
CurrencyValidator() — Constructor, class mx.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Constructor. | |
CurrencyValidator() — Constructor, class spark.validators.CurrencyValidator | |
Constructs a new CurrencyValidator object to validate numbers representing currency amounts according to the conventions of a given locale. | |
CurrencyValidatorAlignSymbol — final class, package mx.validators | |
The CurrencyValidatorAlignSymbol class defines value constants for specifying currency symbol alignment. | |
current — Property, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor | |
Provides access the object at the location in the source collection referenced by this cursor. | |
current — Property, interface mx.collections.IViewCursor | |
Provides access the object at the location in the source collection referenced by this cursor. | |
CURRENT — Static Property, class mx.collections.CursorBookmark | |
A bookmark representing the current item for the IViewCursor in an ICollectionView. | |
CURRENT — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.ApplicationDomainTarget | |
The application domain of the current module factory. | |
currentAction — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.CategoryHandler | |
The action that the handler is currently executing. | |
currentAction — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ConditionHandler | |
The action that the handler is currently executing. | |
currentAction — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.DataDictionaryHandler | |
The action that the handler is currently executing. | |
currentAction — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.FragmentLayoutHandler | |
The action that the handler is currently executing. | |
currentAction — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ImageHandler | |
The action that the handler is currently executing. | |
currentAction — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LayoutHandler | |
The action that the handler is currently executing. | |
currentAction — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.LetterHandler | |
The action that the handler is currently executing. | |
currentAction — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.ListHandler | |
The action that the handler is currently executing. | |
currentAction — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.handlers.TextHandler | |
The action that the handler is currently executing. | |
currentAlternativeAudioStreamIndex — Property, class | |
The index of the alternative audio stream currently in use. | |
currentAssignment — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.Task | |
The current assignment for the task. | |
currentAssignmentId — Property, class lc.procmgmt.domain.Assignment | |
The identifier for the current assignment. | |
currentAttemptIndex — Property, class fl.rsl.RSLInfo | |
Returns the index of the URL currently attempting to download. | |
currentBatch — Property, class | |
The current batch of changes waiting to be committed to the server when you autoCommit=false. | |
currentBytesPerSecond — Property, class | |
Specifies the rate at which the NetStream buffer is filled in bytes per second. | |
currentChannel — Property, class mx.messaging.ChannelSet | |
Returns the current Channel for the ChannelSet. | |
currentChild — Property, class org.osmf.elements.SerialElement | |
The currently active child of this SerialElement. | |
currentChild — Property, class | |
The new currentChild of the SerialElement. | |
CURRENT_CHILD_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The SerialElementEvent.CURRENT_CHILD_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a currentChildChange event. | |
currentColNum — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Contains the index of the column for which a renderer is currently being created. | |
currentContext — Static Property, class com.adobe.gravity.context.BundleContext | |
The IBundleContext for the current bundle (the bundle containing the code accessing this property). | |
currentCount — Property, class flash.utils.Timer | |
The total number of times the timer has fired since it started at zero. | |
currentCSSState — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
The state to be used when matching CSS pseudo-selectors. | |
currentCSSState — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent | |
The state to be used when matching CSS pseudo-selectors. | |
currentCursorID — Static Property, class mx.managers.CursorManager | |
ID of the current custom cursor, or NO_CURSOR if the system cursor is showing. | |
currentCursorXOffset — Static Property, class mx.managers.CursorManager | |
The x offset of the custom cursor, in pixels, relative to the mouse pointer. | |
currentCursorYOffset — Static Property, class mx.managers.CursorManager | |
The y offset of the custom cursor, in pixels, relative to the mouse pointer. | |
currentDepth — Property, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionViewCursor | |
Contains the depth of the node at the location in the source collection referenced by this cursor. | |
currentDepth — Property, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionViewCursor | |
Contains the depth of the node at the location in the source collection referenced by this cursor. | |
currentDirectory — Property, class | |
The directory that should be used to resolve any relative paths in the arguments array. | |
currentDomain — Static Property, class flash.system.ApplicationDomain | |
Gets the current application domain in which your code is executing. | |
currentDomain — Static Property, class flash.system.SecurityDomain | |
Gets the current security domain. | |
currentDynamicStreamIndex — Property, class | |
The index of the dynamic stream currently rendering. | |
currentFPS — Property, class | |
The rate at which the camera is capturing data, in frames per second. | |
currentFPS — Property, class | |
The number of frames per second being displayed. | |
currentFPS — Property, class org.osmf.elements.LightweightVideoElement | |
The number of frames per second being displayed. | |
currentFrame — Property, class flash.display.MovieClip | |
Specifies the number of the frame in which the playhead is located in the timeline of the MovieClip instance. | |
currentFrameLabel — Property, class flash.display.MovieClip | |
The label at the current frame in the timeline of the MovieClip instance. | |
currentImageIndex — Property, class com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.controller.PromoImage | |
The resource number, as a 0-based index into <resources>, that the PromoImage is currently set to show. | |
currentIndex — Property, interface mx.core.IRepeater | |
The index of the item in the dataProvider currently being processed while this Repeater is executing. | |
currentIndex — Property, class mx.core.Repeater | |
The index of the item in the dataProvider currently being processed while this Repeater is executing. | |
currentIndex — Property, class | |
The current stream index. | |
currentIndex — Property, class | |
Returns the current stream index that is rendering on the client. | |
currentIndex — Property, class org.osmf.traits.AlternativeAudioTrait | |
Obtains a 0-based index identifying the current audio stream, or -1 if no stream is selected. | |
currentIndex — Property, class org.osmf.traits.DynamicStreamTrait | |
The index of the current dynamic stream. | |
currentItem — Property, interface com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideNavigation | |
currentItem is the GuideNode that represents the currently selected item on the current panel in the Guide. | |
currentItem — Property, interface mx.core.IRepeater | |
The item in the dataProvider currently being processed while this Repeater is executing. | |
currentItem — Property, class mx.core.Repeater | |
The item in the dataProvider currently being processed while this Repeater is executing. | |
currentItemTop — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Contains the top position of the renderer that is currently being created. | |
currentLabel — Property, class flash.display.MovieClip | |
The current label in which the playhead is located in the timeline of the MovieClip instance. | |
currentLabels — Property, class flash.display.MovieClip | |
Returns an array of FrameLabel objects from the current scene. | |
currentLinkageEditor — Property, class | |
The instance of BaseLinkageAssignmentEditor opened for editing the curently being worked upon data element's linkage. | |
currentPage — Property, class com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
The current page which implements the IPanel interface. | |
currentPage — Property, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
The current page which implements the IPanel interface. | |
currentPage — Property, class ga.controls.Wrapper | |
The current page which implements the IPanel interface. | |
currentPage — Property, class ga.model.PanelManager | |
[bindable] The currently selected panel. | |
currentPageHeight — Property, class mx.printing.PrintAdvancedDataGrid | |
The height that the PrintAdvancedDataGrid would be if the sizeToPage property is true, meaning that the PrintAdvancedDataGrid displays only completely viewable rows and displays no partial rows. | |
currentPageHeight — Property, class mx.printing.PrintDataGrid | |
The height of PrintDataGrid that would be, if sizeToPage property is true and PrintDataGrid displays only completely viewable rows and no partial rows. | |
currentPageHeight — Property, class mx.printing.PrintOLAPDataGrid | |
The height that the PrintOLAPDataGrid would be if the sizeToPage property is true, meaning that the PrintOLAPDataGrid displays only completely viewable rows and displays no partial rows. | |
currentPageIndex — Property, class ga.model.PanelManager | |
The index of the current page | |
currentPanel — Property, interface com.adobe.guides.control.IGuideNavigation | |
currentPanel is the GuideNode that represents the currently selected panel in the Guide. | |
currentPanel — Property, interface com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components.IHeaderComponent | |
Current panel being displayed to the user. | |
currentPanel — Property, class com.adobe.guides.spark.headers.components.StandardHeader | |
Current panel being displayed to the user. | |
currentPanel — Property, class com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
The current panel. | |
currentPanel — Property, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
The current panel. | |
currentPanel — Property, class ga.controls.Wrapper | |
The current panel. | |
currentPanelItem — Property, class com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
The current panel item that has focus. | |
currentPanelItem — Property, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
The current panel item that has focus. | |
currentPanelItem — Property, class ga.controls.Wrapper | |
The current panel item that has focus. | |
_currentRenderer — Property, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
The currently selected renderer | |
currentRenderer — Property, class xd.core.axm.view.components.AXMAccordion | |
currentRenderer | |
currentRevision — Property, interface | |
A Boolean value to decide whether this is the current revision of the review or not. | |
currentRevision — Property, class | |
A Boolean value to decide whether this is the current revision of the review or not. | |
currentRevision — Property, class | |
A Boolean flag to indicate whether this is the current revision or not. | |
currentRowHeight — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
The height, in pixels, of the current row. | |
currentRowNum — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase | |
Contains the index of the row for which a renderer is currently being created. | |
currentScene — Property, class flash.display.MovieClip | |
The current scene in which the playhead is located in the timeline of the MovieClip instance. | |
currentSection — Property, class com.adobe.guides.spark.wrappers.components.WrapperHostBase | |
The current section. | |
currentSection — Property, interface ga.controls.IWrapperHost | |
The current section. | |
currentSection — Property, class ga.controls.Wrapper | |
The current section. | |
currentSelection — Property, class | |
This property refers to the currently selected item on the Gantt chart | |
currentSelection — Property, class | |
This property refers to the currently selected GanttItem. | |
currentSelectionFormat — Property, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager | |
The current SelectionFormat object. | |
currentSelectionFormat — Property, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager | |
The current SelectionFormat object. | |
currentStage — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies the current stage of the review. | |
currentStage — Property, interface | |
Stage number in progress for this review (starts with 1). | |
currentStage — Property, class | |
Stage number in progress for this review (starts with 1). | |
currentStage — Property, class | |
The stage selected in the Gantt chart. | |
currentStage — Property, class | |
The stage associated with the component. | |
currentStage — Property, class | |
Stage number this review is currently in (starts with 1). | |
currentStageName — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.Review | |
Specifies the name of the current stage. | |
currentStageName — Property, class | |
The name of the current stage. | |
currentStageNumber — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.Review | |
Specifies the number of the current stage. | |
currentStageRadioButton — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the RadioButton object to select whether a reviewer can view comments made by others within the same stage or not. A reference to the RadioButton object to select whether a reviewer can view comments made by others within the same stage or not. | |
currentState — Property, class air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
The internal state of the updater. | |
currentState — Property, class mx.charts.ChartItem | |
Defines the appearance of the ChartItem. | |
currentState — Property, interface mx.core.IStateClient | |
The current view state. | |
currentState — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
The current view state of the component. | |
currentState — Property, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
The current state of this component. | |
currentStateChange — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched after the view state has changed. | |
currentStateChange — Event, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Dispatched after the view state has changed. | |
CURRENT_STATE_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The StateChangeEvent.CURRENT_STATE_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event that is dispatched when the view state has changed. | |
currentStateChanging — Event, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Dispatched after the currentState property changes, but before the view state changes. | |
currentStateChanging — Event, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip | |
Dispatched after the currentState property changes, but before the view state changes. | |
CURRENT_STATE_CHANGING — Constant Static Property, class | |
The StateChangeEvent.CURRENT_STATE_CHANGING constant defines the value of the type property of the event that is dispatched when the view state is about to change. | |
currentTarget — Property, class | |
The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. | |
currentTarget — Static Property, class mx.managers.ToolTipManager | |
The UIComponent that is currently displaying a ToolTip, or null if none is. | |
currentThumbSkin — Property, class | |
Specifies the current DisplayObject that should be shown | |
currentTime — Property, class | |
Current time of the playhead in seconds. | |
currentTime — Property, class org.osmf.traits.TimeTrait | |
The current time of the media, in seconds. | |
currentTime — Property, class spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Current time of the playhead, measured in seconds, since the video starting playing. | |
currentTime — Property, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Current time of the playhead, measured in seconds, since the video starting playing. | |
currentTimeChange — Event, class | |
Dispatched when the currentTime property of the media has changed. | |
currentTimeChange — Event, class spark.components.VideoDisplay | |
Dispatched when the currentTime property of the MediaPlayer has changed. | |
currentTimeChange — Event, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
Dispatched when the currentTime property of the MediaPlayer has changed. | |
CURRENT_TIME_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The TimeEvent.CURRENT_TIME_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a currentTimeChange event. | |
currentTimeChangeEnd(oldCurrentTime:Number) — method, class org.osmf.traits.TimeTrait | |
Called just after the currentTime property has changed. | |
currentTimeChangeStart(newCurrentTime:Number) — method, class org.osmf.traits.TimeTrait | |
Called immediately before the currentTime property is changed. | |
currentTimeDisplay — Skin Part, class spark.components.VideoPlayer | |
An optional skin part to display the current value of codecurrentTime. An optional skin part to display the current value of codecurrentTime. | |
currentTimeDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.spark.VideoPlayerSkin | |
An optional skin part to display the current value of codecurrentTime. | |
currentTimeDisplay — Property, class spark.skins.wireframe.VideoPlayerSkin | |
An optional skin part to display the current value of codecurrentTime. | |
currentTimeUpdateInterval — Property, class | |
Interval between the dispatch of change events for the current time in milliseconds. | |
currentToolTip — Static Property, class mx.managers.ToolTipManager | |
The ToolTip object that is currently visible, or null if none is shown. | |
currentUser — Property, interface | |
Current logged in user. | |
currentUser — Property, interface | |
Current logged in user instance. | |
currentUser — Property, class | |
Current logged in user instance. | |
currentUserServiceDestination — Property, class | |
The Data Services Remoting destination name used to fetch details about the user after the user has authenticated successfully with the server. | |
CURRENT_USER_SERVICE_RO — Constant Static Property, class | |
Specifies the remote object name for the Current User Service. | |
currentValue — Property, class spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
An Object containing the calculated values as of the current frame of the Animation. | |
currentVersion — Property, class air.update.ApplicationUpdater | |
The current version of the application. | |
currentVersion — Property, class air.update.ApplicationUpdaterUI | |
The current version of the application. | |
currentVersion — Property, interface | |
Current version of the item. | |
CURRENT_VERSION — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.TextLayoutVersion | |
The current released version of the Text Layout Framework, encoded as a uint. | |
CURRENT_VERSION — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.FlexVersion | |
The current released version of the Flex SDK, encoded as a uint. | |
cursor — Static Property, class flash.ui.Mouse | |
The name of the native cursor. | |
cursor — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement | |
Each ChartElement carries a cursor associated with their dataProvider for their own internal use. | |
CursorBookmark — class, package mx.collections | |
Encapsulates the positional aspects of a cursor in an ICollectionView. | |
CursorBookmark(value:Object) — Constructor, class mx.collections.CursorBookmark | |
Creates a new instance of a bookmark with the specified value. | |
cursorChildren — Property, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager | |
An list of the custom cursors being parented by this ISystemManager. | |
cursorChildren — Property, class mx.managers.SystemManager | |
An list of the custom cursors being parented by this ISystemManager. | |
cursorChildren — Property, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager | |
An list of the custom cursors being parented by this ISystemManager. | |
CursorError — class, package mx.collections.errors | |
This error is thrown by a collection Cursor. | |
CursorError(message:String) — Constructor, class mx.collections.errors.CursorError | |
Constructor. | |
CURSOR_MANAGEMENT — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.EventPriority | |
The CursorManager has handlers for mouse events which must be executed before other mouse event handlers, so they have a high priority. | |
cursorManager — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent | |
Gets the CursorManager that controls the cursor for this component and its peers. | |
CursorManager — class, package mx.managers | |
The CursorManager class controls a prioritized list of cursors, where the cursor with the highest priority is currently visible. | |
CursorManagerPriority — final class, package mx.managers | |
The CursorManagerPriority class defines the constant values for the priority argument to the CursorManager.setCursor() method. | |
CURSOR_MANAGER_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class | |
Communication between CursorManagers use this request type. | |
cursorUpdate — Event, interface mx.collections.IViewCursor | |
Dispatched whenever the cursor position is updated. | |
CURSOR_UPDATE — Constant Static Property, class | |
The FlexEvent.CURSOR_UPDATE constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a cursorUpdate event. | |
curveTo(controlX:Number, controlY:Number, anchorX:Number, anchorY:Number) — method, class flash.display.Graphics | |
Draws a quadratic Bezier curve using the current line style from the current drawing position to (anchorX, anchorY) and using the control point that (controlX, controlY) specifies. | |
curveTo(controlX:Number, controlY:Number, anchorX:Number, anchorY:Number) — method, class flash.display.GraphicsPath | |
Adds a new "curveTo" command to the commands vector and new coordinates to the data vector. | |
curveTo(controlX:any, controlY:any, anchorX:any, anchorY:any) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianDataCanvas | |
Draws a curve using the current line style from the current drawing position to (anchorX, anchorY) and using the control point that (controlX, controlY) specifies. | |
curveTo(controlAngle:any, controlRadial:any, anchorAngle:any, anchorRadial:any) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarDataCanvas | |
Draws a curve using the current line style from the current drawing position to (anchorX, anchorY) and using the control point that (controlX, controlY) specifies. | |
CURVE_TO — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.GraphicsPathCommand | |
Specifies a drawing command that draws a curve from the current drawing position to the x- and y-coordinates specified in the data vector, using one control point. | |
custom — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.ListModel | |
The custom property of the underlying value object. | |
custom — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.ListDataModule | |
Specifies a custom bullet when the list style is STYLE_BULLETED and its type is TYPE_BULLET_CUSTOM. | |
custom — Skin State, class | |
The skin state when the task delivery medium is a custom task type. | |
CUSTOM — Constant Static Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.constant.TaskTypes | |
Specifies that tasks are assigned using user-defined processes. | |
CUSTOM — Constant Static Property, class | |
This value specifies that the tasks are assigned via user-defined processes. | |
CUSTOM — Constant Static Property, class flash.globalization.DateTimeStyle | |
Specifies that a custom pattern string is used to specify the date or time style. | |
CustomAction — class, package com.adobe.icc.vo | |
The class representing the additional extended action defined by solution to show up on Extensible toolbar of the Editors and the Create Correspondence UI. | |
CustomAction() — Constructor, class com.adobe.icc.vo.CustomAction | |
Constructor | |
customActions — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.ModelExtension | |
The customActionList property of the underlying value object. | |
CustomActions — final class, package adobe.utils | |
The methods of the CustomActions class allow a SWF file playing in the Flash authoring tool to manage any custom actions that are registered with the authoring tool. | |
customAssignTaskProcess — Property, class | |
List of processes that can be used to assign task in a review workflow. | |
customAssignTaskProcess — Property, interface | |
List of processes that can be used to assign task in a review workflow. | |
CustomAttribute — class, package com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model | |
Represents a custom attribute associated with a review. | |
CustomAttribute() — Constructor, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.CustomAttribute | |
Constructor. | |
customAttributeGroup — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for custom attribute group. The skin part for custom attribute group. | |
customAttributeKey — Property, interface | |
Custom Attribute Key | |
customAttributeLabel — Property, interface | |
Custom Attribute Label | |
customAttributes — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewContext | |
Specifies a list of custom attributes. | |
customAttributes — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewSearchFilter | |
Specifies a map of custom attributes. | |
customAttributes — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.ReviewTemplateReference | |
Specifies a list of custom attributes. | |
customAttributes — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.rca.model.TemplateSearchFilter | |
Specifies a map of custom attributes. | |
customAttributes — Property, interface | |
List of custom attributes. | |
customAttributes — Property, class | |
List of custom attributes. | |
customAttributes — Property, class | |
List of custom attributes. | |
customAttributes — Property, class | |
Map of custom attributes. | |
customAttributes — Property, class | |
Map of custom attributes. | |
customAttributesList — Property, class | |
A list of the custom attributes. | |
customAttributesMap — Property, class | |
List of custom attributes. | |
customAttributeValue — Property, interface | |
Custom Attribute Value | |
CustomAttributeVO — class, package | |
Represents the custom attributes associated with a review or a review template. | |
CustomAttributeVO() — Constructor, class | |
The constructor for CustomAttributeVO class. | |
CustomEase — class, package fl.motion | |
The CustomEase class is used to modify specific properties of the easing behavior of a motion tween as the tween progresses over time. | |
CustomEase(xml:XML) — Constructor, class fl.motion.CustomEase | |
Constructor for CustomEase instances. | |
customFilter — Property, class mx.effects.Effect | |
Specifies a custom filter object, of type EffectTargetFilter, used by the effect to determine the targets on which to play the effect. | |
customFilter — Property, interface mx.effects.IEffect | |
Specifies a custom filter object, of type EffectTargetFilter, used by the effect to determine the targets on which to play the effect. | |
customHeaderColor — Property, class lc.procmgmt.ui.attachments.AttachmentHeaderBase | |
The header color for attachments. | |
customItemRenderer — Property, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.asset.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Fully qualified class name of custom Item renderer for dispaying this property in SRV. | |
customItemRenderer — Property, class com.adobe.livecycle.assetmanager.client.model.AssetPropertyDescriptor | |
Specifies the fully qualified class name of a custom item renderer for displaying this property in the Search Results Viewer. | |
customItemRenderer — Skin Part, class | |
The skin part for the custom item renderer for displaying custom attributes. The skin part for the custom item renderer for displaying custom attributes. | |
customItems — Property, class flash.ui.ContextMenu | |
An array of ContextMenuItem objects. | |
customizable — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.Table | |
The flag indicating if the table is customizable. | |
customizedLayout — Property, class com.adobe.icc.vo.ContainerLayout | |
Flag indicating whether the layout can be customized or not | |
customizeSeries(seriesGlyph:mx.charts.chartClasses:Series, i:uint) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase | |
Applies per-series customization and formatting to the series of the chart. | |
customizeSeries(g:mx.charts.chartClasses:IChartElement, i:uint) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries | |
Applies any customization to a sub-series when building the stacking behavior. | |
customizeSeries(glyph:mx.charts.chartClasses:IChartElement, i:uint) — method, class mx.charts.series.ColumnSet | |
Applies any customization to a sub-series when building the stacking behavior. | |
customListModel — Property, class | |
The instance of ListModel which represent the List item on which the custom style is being applied. | |
customProcess — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the ProcessComponent object that displays the details of a custom process. This is displayed in case of custom task type only. A reference to the ProcessComponent object that displays the details of a custom process. | |
customProcessButtonLabel — Property, class | |
The text for custom process button label | |
customProcessInstructions — Skin Part, class | |
A reference to the Label object that displays the custom process instructions. A reference to the Label object that displays the custom process instructions. | |
customProcessInstructionsText — Property, class | |
The text for custom process instructions. | |
CUSTOM_RECORD — Constant Static Property, class | |
refer recordCustomAutomationEvent in IAutomationManager for the usage of this constant | |
CUSTOM_SELECTED_ITEM — Constant Static Property, class spark.components.ComboBox | |
Static constant representing the value of the selectedIndex property when the user enters a value into the prompt area, and the value is committed. | |
cut() — method, class flash.desktop.NativeApplication | |
Invokes an internal cut command on the focused display object. | |
cut — Event, class flash.display.InteractiveObject | |
Dispatched when the user activates the platform-specific accelerator key combination for a cut operation or selects 'Cut' from the text context menu. | |
cut — Property, class flash.ui.ContextMenuClipboardItems | |
Enables or disables the 'Cut' item on the clipboard menu. | |
CUT — Constant Static Property, class | |
Defines the value of the type property of a cut event object. | |
CutOperation — class, package flashx.textLayout.operations | |
The CutOperation class encapsulates a cut operation. | |
CutOperation(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState, scrapToCut:flashx.textLayout.edit:TextScrap) — Constructor, class flashx.textLayout.operations.CutOperation | |
Creates a CutOperation object. | |
cutPoints — Property, class com.adobe.ep.ux.content.model.relation.RelationParameters | |
specify the level upto which objects are to be fetched and the properties that need to be fetched. | |
cutPoints — Property, class | |
Specify the level up to which objects are to be fetched and the properties are to be fetched. | |
cutsomizedLayout — Property, class com.adobe.icc.editors.model.FragmentLayoutModel | |
The tables of the underlying value object. | |
cutTextScrap(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager | |
Deletes the selected area and returns the deleted area in a TextScrap object. | |
cutTextScrap(operationState:flashx.textLayout.edit:SelectionState) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.IEditManager | |
Deletes the selected area and returns the deleted area in a TextScrap object. | |
CW — Constant Static Property, class fl.motion.RotateDirection | |
Ensures that the object rotates clockwise during a tween to match the rotation of the object in the following keyframe. | |
cycleFraction — Property, class spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
The current fraction elapsed in the animation, after easing has been applied. | |
cycleTime — Property, class spark.effects.animation.Animation | |
The current millisecond position in the current cycle animation. | |
Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Mon Nov 28 2011, 07:43 AM -08:00