Containers have methods for adding, retrieving, deleting and
iterating pages. Containers implement the
» SPL interfaces
RecursiveIterator and
Countable, meaning that a container can
be iterated using the SPL
RecursiveIteratorIterator class.
Creating containers
Zend_Navigation_Container is
abstract, and can not be instantiated directly. Use
Zend_Navigation if you want to
instantiate a container.
Zend_Navigation can be constructed
entirely empty, or take an array or a
Zend_Config object with pages to put in the
container. Each page in the given array/config will eventually be
passed to the addPage() method of the container class,
which means that each element in the array/config can be an array or
a config object, or a Zend_Navigation_Page
Example #1 Creating a container using an array
* Create a container from an array
* Each element in the array will be passed to
* Zend_Navigation_Page::factory() when constructing.
$container = new Zend_Navigation (array(
'label' => 'Page 1',
'id' => 'home-link',
'uri' => '/'
'label' => 'Zend',
'uri' => '',
'order' => 100
'label' => 'Page 2',
'controller' => 'page2',
'label' => 'Page 2.1',
'action' => 'page2_1',
'controller' => 'page2',
'class' => 'special-one',
'title' => 'This element has a special class',
'active' => true
'label' => 'Page 2.2',
'action' => 'page2_2',
'controller' => 'page2',
'class' => 'special-two',
'title' => 'This element has a special class too'
'label' => 'Page 2 with params',
'action' => 'index',
'controller' => 'page2',
// specify a param or two
'format' => 'json',
'foo' => 'bar'
'label' => 'Page 2 with params and a route',
'action' => 'index',
'controller' => 'page2',
// specify a route name and a param for the route
'route' => 'nav-route-example',
'format' => 'json'
'label' => 'Page 3',
'action' => 'index',
'controller' => 'index',
'module' => 'mymodule',
'reset_params' => false
'label' => 'Page 4',
'uri' => '#',
'label' => 'Page 4.1',
'uri' => '/page4',
'title' => 'Page 4 using uri',
'label' => 'Page 4.1.1',
'title' => 'Page 4 using mvc params',
'action' => 'index',
'controller' => 'page4',
// let's say this page is active
'active' => '1'
'label' => 'Page 0?',
'uri' => '/setting/the/order/option',
// setting order to -1 should make it appear first
'order' => -1
'label' => 'Page 5',
'uri' => '/',
// this page should not be visible
'visible' => false,
'label' => 'Page 5.1',
'uri' => '#',
'label' => 'Page 5.1.1',
'uri' => '#',
'label' => 'Page 5.1.2',
'uri' => '#',
// let's say this page is active
'active' => true
'label' => 'ACL page 1 (guest)',
'uri' => '#acl-guest',
'resource' => 'nav-guest',
'label' => 'ACL page 1.1 (foo)',
'uri' => '#acl-foo',
'resource' => 'nav-foo'
'label' => 'ACL page 1.2 (bar)',
'uri' => '#acl-bar',
'resource' => 'nav-bar'
'label' => 'ACL page 1.3 (baz)',
'uri' => '#acl-baz',
'resource' => 'nav-baz'
'label' => 'ACL page 1.4 (bat)',
'uri' => '#acl-bat',
'resource' => 'nav-bat'
'label' => 'ACL page 2 (member)',
'uri' => '#acl-member',
'resource' => 'nav-member'
'label' => 'ACL page 3 (admin',
'uri' => '#acl-admin',
'resource' => 'nav-admin',
'label' => 'ACL page 3.1 (nothing)',
'uri' => '#acl-nada'
'label' => 'Zend Framework',
'route' => 'zf-route'
Example #2 Creating a container using a config object
/* CONTENTS OF /path/to/navigation.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<label>Page 1</label>
<label>Page 1.1</label>
<label>Page 2</label>
<label>Page 2.1</label>
<label>Page 2.2</label>
<label>Page 2.2.1</label>
<label>Page 2.2.2</label>
<label>Page 2.3</label>
<label>Page 2.3.1</label>
<label>Page 2.3.2</label>
<label>Page 2.3.3</label>
<label>Page 3</label>
<label>Page 3.1</label>
<label>Page 3.2</label>
<label>Page 3.2.1</label>
<label>Page 3.2.2</label>
<label>Page 3.3</label>
<label>Page 3.3.1</label>
<label>Page 3.3.2</label>
$config = new Zend_Config_Xml('/path/to/navigation.xml', 'nav');
$container = new Zend_Navigation($config);
Adding pages
Adding pages to a container can be done with the methods
addPage(), addPages(), or
setPages(). See examples below for explanation.
Example #3 Adding pages to a container
// create container
$container = new Zend_Navigation();
// add page by giving a page instance
$container-> addPage(Zend_Navigation_Page:: factory(array(
'uri' => ''
// add page by giving an array
$container-> addPage(array(
'uri' => ''
// add page by giving a config object
$container-> addPage(new Zend_Config (array(
'uri' => ''
'label' => 'Save'
'action' => 'save',
'label' => 'Delete',
'action' => 'delete'
// add two pages
// remove existing pages and add the given pages
Removing pages
Removing pages can be done with removePage() or
removePages(). The first method accepts a an instance
of a page, or an integer. The integer corresponds to the
order a page has. The latter method will remove all
pages in the container.
Example #4 Removing pages from a container
$container = new Zend_Navigation (array(
'label' => 'Page 1',
'action' => 'page1'
'label' => 'Page 2',
'action' => 'page2',
'order' => 200
'label' => 'Page 3',
'action' => 'page3'
// remove page by implicit page order
$container->removePage(0); // removes Page 1
// remove page by instance
$page3 = $container->findOneByAction('Page 3');
$container->removePage($page3); // removes Page 3
// remove page by explicit page order
$container->removePage(200); // removes Page 2
// remove all pages
$container->removePages(); // removes all pages
Finding pages
Containers have finder methods for retrieving pages.
They are findOneBy($property, $value),
findAllBy($property, $value), and
findBy($property, $value, $all = false).
Those methods will recursively search the container for
pages matching the given $page->$property == $value .
The first method, findOneBy(), will return a
single page matching the property with the given value, or
NULL if it cannot be found. The second method will return
all pages with a property matching the given value. The third
method will call one of the two former methods depending on the
$all flag.
The finder methods can also be used magically by appending the
property name to findBy , findOneBy , or
findAllBy , e.g. findOneByLabel('Home') to
return the first matching page with label Home .
Other combinations are findByLabel(...),
findAllByController(...), etc. Finder
methods also work on custom properties, such as
Example #5 Finding pages in a container
$container = new Zend_Navigation (array(
'label' => 'Page 1',
'uri' => 'page-1',
'foo' => 'bar',
'label' => 'Page 1.1',
'uri' => 'page-1.1',
'foo' => 'bar',
'label' => 'Page 1.2',
'uri' => 'page-1.2',
'class' => 'my-class',
'type' => 'uri',
'label' => 'Page 1.3',
'uri' => 'page-1.3',
'action' => 'about'
'label' => 'Page 2',
'id' => 'page_2_and_3',
'class' => 'my-class',
'module' => 'page2',
'controller' => 'index',
'action' => 'page1'
'label' => 'Page 3',
'id' => 'page_2_and_3',
'module' => 'page3',
'controller' => 'index'
// The 'id' is not required to be unique, but be aware that
// having two pages with the same id will render the same id attribute
// in menus and breadcrumbs.
$found = $container->findBy('id',
'page_2_and_3'); // returns Page 2
$found = $container->findOneBy('id',
'page_2_and_3'); // returns Page 2
$found = $container->findBy('id',
true); // returns Page 2 and Page 3
$found = $container->findById('page_2_and_3'); // returns Page 2
$found = $container->findOneById('page_2_and_3'); // returns Page 2
$found = $container->findAllById('page_2_and_3'); // returns Page 2 and Page 3
// Find all matching CSS class my-class
$found = $container->findAllBy('class',
'my-class'); // returns Page 1.2 and Page 2
$found = $container->findAllByClass('my-class'); // returns Page 1.2 and Page 2
// Find first matching CSS class my-class
$found = $container->findOneByClass('my-class'); // returns Page 1.2
// Find all matching CSS class non-existant
$found = $container->findAllByClass('non-existant'); // returns array()
// Find first matching CSS class non-existant
$found = $container->findOneByClass('non-existant'); // returns null
// Find all pages with custom property 'foo' = 'bar'
$found = $container->findAllBy('foo', 'bar'); // returns Page 1 and Page 1.1
// To achieve the same magically, 'foo' must be in lowercase.
// This is because 'foo' is a custom property, and thus the
// property name is not normalized to 'Foo'
$found = $container->findAllByfoo('bar');
// Find all with controller = 'index'
$found = $container->findAllByController('index'); // returns Page 2 and Page 3
Iterating containers
Zend_Navigation_Container implements
RecursiveIteratorIterator, and can be
iterated using any Iterator class. To iterate
a container recursively, use the
RecursiveIteratorIterator class.
Example #6 Iterating a container
* Create a container from an array
$container = new Zend_Navigation (array(
'label' => 'Page 1',
'uri' => '#'
'label' => 'Page 2',
'uri' => '#',
'label' => 'Page 2.1',
'uri' => '#'
'label' => 'Page 2.2',
'uri' => '#'
'label' => 'Page 3',
'uri' => '#'
// Iterate flat using regular foreach:
// Output: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3
foreach ($container as $page) {
// Iterate recursively using RecursiveIteratorIterator
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
$container, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
// Output: Page 1, Page 2, Page 2.1, Page 2.2, Page 3
foreach ($it as $page) {
Other operations
The method hasPage(Zend_Navigation_Page $page) checks
if the container has the given page. The method hasPages()
checks if there are any pages in the container, and is equivalent
to count($container) > 1 .
The toArray() method converts the container and the
pages in it to an array. This can be useful for serializing and
Example #7 Converting a container to an array
$container = new Zend_Navigation (array(
'label' => 'Page 1',
'uri' => '#'
'label' => 'Page 2',
'uri' => '#',
'label' => 'Page 2.1',
'uri' => '#'
'label' => 'Page 2.2',
'uri' => '#'
/* Output:
array(2) {
[0]=> array(15) {
["label"]=> string(6) "Page 1"
["id"]=> NULL
["class"]=> NULL
["title"]=> NULL
["target"]=> NULL
["rel"]=> array(0) {
["rev"]=> array(0) {
["order"]=> NULL
["resource"]=> NULL
["privilege"]=> NULL
["active"]=> bool(false)
["visible"]=> bool(true)
["type"]=> string(23) "Zend_Navigation_Page_Uri"
["pages"]=> array(0) {
["uri"]=> string(1) "#"
[1]=> array(15) {
["label"]=> string(6) "Page 2"
["id"]=> NULL
["class"]=> NULL
["title"]=> NULL
["target"]=> NULL
["rel"]=> array(0) {
["rev"]=> array(0) {
["order"]=> NULL
["resource"]=> NULL
["privilege"]=> NULL
["active"]=> bool(false)
["visible"]=> bool(true)
["type"]=> string(23) "Zend_Navigation_Page_Uri"
["pages"]=> array(2) {
[0]=> array(15) {
["label"]=> string(8) "Page 2.1"
["id"]=> NULL
["class"]=> NULL
["title"]=> NULL
["target"]=> NULL
["rel"]=> array(0) {
["rev"]=> array(0) {
["order"]=> NULL
["resource"]=> NULL
["privilege"]=> NULL
["active"]=> bool(false)
["visible"]=> bool(true)
["type"]=> string(23) "Zend_Navigation_Page_Uri"
["pages"]=> array(0) {
["uri"]=> string(1) "#"
array(15) {
["label"]=> string(8) "Page 2.2"
["id"]=> NULL
["class"]=> NULL
["title"]=> NULL
["target"]=> NULL
["rel"]=> array(0) {
["rev"]=> array(0) {
["order"]=> NULL
["resource"]=> NULL
["privilege"]=> NULL
["active"]=> bool(false)
["visible"]=> bool(true)
["type"]=> string(23) "Zend_Navigation_Page_Uri"
["pages"]=> array(0) {
["uri"]=> string(1) "#"
["uri"]=> string(1) "#"