Adobe® Flex® 4 Language Reference
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Language Elements 

This section provides syntax, usage information, and code samples for global functions and properties (those elements that do not belong to an ActionScript™ class); and for the constants, operators, statements, and keywords used in ActionScript™ and defined in the ECMAScript (ECMA-262) edition 4 draft language specification.

 Language ElementDescription
 Global ConstantsTop level or global constants are available in every script, and are visible to every Timeline and scope in your document.
 Global FunctionsTop level or global functions are available in any part of a SWF file where ActionScript is used, or in any user-defined class.
 OperatorsSymbolic operators are characters that specify how to combine, compare, or modify the values of an expression.
 Statements, Keywords & DirectivesStatements are language elements that perform or specify an action at runtime.
 Special TypesThe three special types are the untyped specifier (*), void, and Null.