 Protectable A Protectable instance can run and throw an Error.
 Reflective Interface for basic reflection implementation.
 Test A Test can be run, with the results collected.
 TestListener Listener Interface for test progress.
 Assert Base class containing static assert methods.
 AssertionFailedError Error thrown if an assertion fails.
 EventfulTestCase A base class for test cases that are interested in event dispatching.
 ProtectedFinishTestCase Used to finish the TestCase (this should generally be the tearDown method)
 ProtectedMiddleTestCase Run the main part of the test, either the actual test or subsequent asynchronous callbacks.
 ProtectedStartTestCase Run the beginning of a test, usually the setUp method
 TestCase The Base Class for test cases.
 TestFailure A TestFailure collects a failed test together with the caught Error.
 TestResult A TestResult collects the results of an executing Test.
 TestSuite A TestSuite is a collection of tests.
 WarningTestCase A WarningTestCase is a framework generated test cased used to highlight to the test writer that there was a problem with their test.