BitTorrent Sync


    "device_name": "neolao",
    "listening_port" : 0,                       // 0 - randomize port

       storage_path dir contains auxilliary app files
       if no storage_path field: .sync dir created in the directory 
       where binary is located.
       otherwise user-defined directory will be used 
    "storage_path" : "/home/neolao/.sync",

    // uncomment next line if you want to set location of pid file
    // "pid_file" : "/var/run/btsync/",

    "check_for_updates" : true,
    "use_upnp" : true,                              // use UPnP for port mapping

    "disk_low_priority": true,
    "folder_rescan_interval" : 1,

       limits in kB/s
       0 - no limit
    "download_limit" : 0,
    "upload_limit" : 0,

       remove "listen" field to disable WebUI
       remove "login" and "password" fields to disable credentials check
    "webui" :
        "listen" : "",
        "login" : "neolao",
        "password" : "myPassword"

       !!! if you set shared folders in config file WebUI will be DISABLED !!!
       shared directories specified in config file
       override the folders previously added from WebUI.
    "shared_folders" :
            // use --generate-secret in command line to create new secret
            // required fields
            "secret" : "my secret",
            "dir" : "/home/neolao/download/sync",

            // use relay server when direct connection fails
            "use_relay_server" : true,
            "use_tracker" : true, 
            "use_dht" : false,
            "search_lan" : false,

            // enable sync trash to store files deleted on remote devices
            "use_sync_trash" : true,

            // specify hosts to attempt connection without additional search     
            "known_hosts" :

    // Advanced preferences can be added to config file.
    // Info is available in BitTorrent Sync User Guide.


btsync --config /path/to/config