Adobe Flex 3 Help

About the ASDoc tool

The ASDoc tool parses one or more ActionScript class definitions and MXML files, and generates API language reference documentation for all public and protected methods and properties, and for all [Bindable], [DefaultProperty], [Event], [Style], and [Effect] metadata tags.

You can specify a single class, multiple classes, an entire namespace, or a combination of these inputs as inputs to the ASDoc tool.

ASDoc generates its output as a directory structure of HTML files that matches the package structure of the input class files. Also, ASDoc generates an index of all public and protected methods and properties. To view the ASDoc output, you open the index.html file in the top-level directory of the output.

Invoking the ASDoc tool

To invoke ASDoc, invoke the asdoc utility from the bin directory of your Flex installation. For example, from the bin directory, enter the following command to create output for the Flex Button class:

asdoc -source-path C:\flex\frameworks\source 
    -doc-classes mx.controls.Button 
    -main-title "Flex API Documentation" 
    -window-title "Flex API Documentation" 
    -output flex-framework-asdoc

In this example, the source code for the Button class is in the directory C:\flex\frameworks\source\mx\controls. The output is written to C:\flex\bin\flex-framework-asdoc directory.

To view the output, open the file C:\flex\bin\flex-framework-asdoc\index.html. For more information on running the asdoc command, see Running the ASDoc tool.

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